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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 13, 2024 11:00pm-11:16pm CEST

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the, the, you're watching the w news live from the alien, hundreds of civilians dead and injured in that is riley attack on a humanitarian sign in gaza. the how most ron health authority says medical fees, facilities arrival. well, these ramsey is a targeted to militant commodities. also coming up russia's is the us decision to station long range missiles in germany. could main european capitals become military targets will ask a defense expert whether that threat should be taken seriously. and the river stay in the state to play a starring role in the powers olympics, but will the water quality be good enough for the swimming events?
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bruncess sports minutes? it takes a deep to find out for her. so the welcome to the program on jared, read and is riley attack on the humanitarian sign in the gaza strip, has killed thousands of people and injured hundreds more is wrong series that was targeting to how much commanders, including military chief mohammed, if you use rouses, was one of the plan is of the october 7 terrorist attacks. it's not clear with the he was among the victims, but israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu has restated his pledge to track down every homeless leader. the homeless run health ministry and gaza says at least 90 people were killed in the strike, which happened during the camp for displaced palestinians in the city of con eunice . the the,
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the moment is really missiles hit the, the of the smoldering. and this is my wasi displacement comp designated safe to lot sort of model had the i was displaced 12 times. this was meant to be the safest barrier in con eunice, of the busiest area. again, my name is an elderly people, the women and children. now all civilians applaud. next with any model have had any luck in the home. i was sitting in my tent when the dance around me and this building where he and miss re apply. we started running and i got out of the tent and ran into the street and thought of the bombing was relentless on the whole street was full of bodies that we started running. these documentarian areas designates and yahoo talks about in the other one documented terry area. so safe
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area seems to want to continue on a month ago. the is really all me say they were targeting to have mass come on to to they play more hiding among civilians. one of the targets was mohammed dave is ro believes he was one of the most minds of the october 7th, terra attacks. how much official denying the claims by d as rainy, military accusing of intention, the targeting civilians via tech come out of my la c is the latest in a series of israeli strikes on areas in gauze where displaced palestinians sheltering and journalist by league sledging until a v you've told us more about what he's roused. prime minister benjamin netanyahu has decided about the strike. yes. so the confirm that this drink happened and the talking to the strike was the how much the if and his the do be as well. uh, one of the senior managers in uh,
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san eunice uh and the central parts of the gaza strip. uh, nothing else. didn't say that the or did is confirmed whether he was killed or not, but uh, he said that the drum will actually, uh, go after every single uh, mazda leader. and specifically speaking of oklahoma, dave dave, who has been assembled in the the bose city in the mines, in general, but uh, specifically in home. awesome, though with all of his knowledge and all of his uh, capability, then now we can say that the best attack is did successfully kill him. but this would be the most significant that make sense of the beginning of this war to let's talk a little bit more about mohammed if israel has been off to him for quite a while now for quite a while. now tell us who he is and why is he so important? yes, so, but it has been said that he actually survived the number of us as
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a nation of tim. so before 5 or 6 times, some people didn't say 7 types of services that the time. so there's a start to us as an 8 them. he had the love of course history with that is really military and has been the map of the defects to at least the cheese. the military chief of the v, as the deal of assembly gave the most um, editor wayne. and that's why his runs after him. it's not only about the door 7th, but that obviously was one of the masterminds. but most of the future purposes, when we talk about the mazda is possible strategic rehabilitation, and they wouldn't have played a key element there. so now again, if he was actually killed and this is a huge slap for him as we can go this way. the late just quickly, if you don't mind sci fi talks are still taking place and costs are on page of what's making yahoo had to say about that. well, 1st of all,
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we got to update the, the inside will travelling to doha, this week again. so it'd be easy. startups are continuing to have they have to be somewhere worried that this attack could actually lead to some of the solvent timing of the thoughts. but the estimation in israel that there could be that the co let just, you know, and the only thing that's where a few days there will be no negotiation, but that will not eventually affect video confusion. so we're, we're continuing of watching that. okay, journalist. but like flooding, thank you so much for your reporting. thank. it's as well, not the news. now russia say is it stationing us long range missiles here in germany could mean that european capital cities become military targets. the bind in administration announced the deployment from 2026 at a nachos summit in washington earlier this week. now the agreement agreement includes the tomahawk s m 6 and hospice. to make me solve the weapons on nuclear
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capable and have a range of moving 3000 kilometers the waste and jim and golf from inside the developments of cement, a commitment tonight. so and european defense and it would be the 1st time that you asked me solve the stationed on gym in territory since the end of the cold war. but military analysts marine a mirror on from kings college in london, told me that many questions remain unanswered. road it is very interesting because um, 1st of all, for us as a tomahawk, missiles are actually need the missiles. um, so that, that's part of the one where will they be fired from in the worst case scenario. the 2nd issue is that we're seeing that europe essentially is under the us protection umbrella. and so that means if from 4th, when the elections in november, will these missiles essentially be stationed in order to, to deter russia. and the,
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as a question is, in which scenario exactly would these missiles be deployed? if it comes to an escalation was russia, would it mean that these missiles would just protect germany, or is it a protection save for the baltic country? so there are quite a lot of questions when it comes to the decision to stations those missiles. let's flush that out a little bit and tell us, what are these weapons capable of exactly a well, essentially, the fear for is so from a hawk, obviously can carry nuclear warheads. but it has been said that they will not carry any nuclear warheads. so from russia's perspective, the problem is that they could eventually reach mosque out and what moscow things is that they will go in and try to destroy, come to force targets. so strategic decision making centers, which is of course,
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the problem for russia. because if you ask for to launch in an intercontinental ballistic missiles from the united states, and then they would take about 20 minutes to reach russia. these missiles will take about 5 minutes to reach the designated targets, making it more difficult for the russians to interest them. so i think that's the key point that the, the difference in time to get to the target and making it more difficult to intercept. i see now, roches, there's european countries are essentially putting themselves at risk if they accept deployments of these missiles. how seriously suited this threat be taken? well i, i think that russia have to come back in on the diplomatic level with some sort of statement. because right now the russians are thinking of how to respond to this. because the united states and that nato countries race to speak.
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so, is russia going to raise the stakes? or is russia trying uh, will be trying to stay on the same level? and so while roughly is thinking now, should we relocate our decision making centers auto for each of these missiles? should we ramp up our air defenses? should we send any missiles to the whole to rebels or to countries like venezuela or maybe cuba? so while they are formulating this response, they have to show some sort of strength and their willingness to respond. the problem here is that these are, you asked missiles, so the russians will have to take it off with the united states and not necessarily with europe. so i think it's me a rhetoric now while the russians are trying to actually think of what would be the best way to respond to this was great to get your insights. thank you so much for explaining that to us. that was maureen american military analyst at kings college
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in london. thank you for having me. so let's take a look now at some of the world news headlines to russian war shapes have arrived in the southern chinese city of long as young for joint naval drills. the 2 governments say the exercises will strengthen the strategic partnership with the nations are criticized badging for supporting raso and it's war and ukraine. president red chip type or the one says turkeys military have has almost completed its operations against cody's finances in syria and iraq. turkey has begun, cooperating with the rocky forces against militants in the region, but one has also suggested he may seek to restore diplomatic ties with the syrian president, bashar assad. 6 therapist and best selling author ruth waste time. it has died at the age of $96.00. the german bowl and the doctor. bruce became a media stop through have frank and humorous discussions of 6 intimacy on radio tv
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engine books. and hundreds of demonstrators of match the powers to owner, ukrainian athletes who died fighting russia. monce organizers say around 450 top athletes from ukraine have been killed. and since the invasion demonstrate is denounced, the inclusion of russian and belarus and isolates in the upcoming olympics and the powers of the big beginning just down to 2 weeks. as you might imagine, preparations are in the final stages and the reverse sand will play a starring role national teams will sail down the waterway during the opening ceremony. on july 26 and swimming events are scheduled to take place in the river, but it's still not clear whether the water quality will be good enough for the us. after an initial sleep, the taking the plunge into the sand. the fray sports minister wants to show the
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water is clean enough to stay swimming events during the olympics. it's hard to describe one's emotions on this. we've dreamed about it and waited for unless it's something we've worked on collectively for years isn't quite getting the the set and we'll be swimming pool by using assume that it's going to be in swimming in the river was banned a century ago because of pollution. since then, many politicians have promised to make this and feed for swimming again. the story does have spent one and a half 1000000000 euros upgrading the capital sewerage and still water systems. but for reasons have their doubts. so i'm not of selling into i haven't seen any of this fixed. i don't know what kind of testing they're doing or how they're cleaning it up. but if this is the results they're getting, that's great. i hope nobody gets any skin doesn't use during the olympics. i'm sorry to say that, but you know, um, but yeah, if they're doing that and they're getting some kind of, you know,
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measurable results, investment tests with it. it's great that people will come to paris and eventually swim in the sun. but i don't think it's a very responsible plan. that's just my opinion. but if people can swimming it without any health issues. yeah, you can, maybe i'll change my mind silence to nothing. not even pretty much i do. yes. okay, i'm going to open the latest measurements suggest the water quality has indeed improved. but the games organizers have a plan b. if the sand is still not safe, the open water events will take place in the stadium just outside the capital. is a quick reminder of the top story we're following for you and this riley attack on a humanitarian sign and gaza has killed thousands of injured hundreds of civilians . is ralph susie targeted to how much combined dissing was striking up to date here on dw, this warranty? don't think, comment on social media to us. the w news coming up next is all the technology show
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