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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 14, 2024 9:00am-9:16am CEST

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the, the, you're watching the dr. news, lar from bullet and donald trump, somebody and a patent assassination attempt. take a look. what happened former us president comes on to fire at a campaign rally. he's enjoyed with says he's fine. this inspected show to has been killed. and residential by and condemned to show tank, calling it's fixed and saying that is not clear for this kind of violence in america. the white house says he has spoken to trump the
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never such as well. thank you for joining us. former president donald trump has been wounded and what the s b, i's calling an assassination attempt. trump was addressing the campaign dryly in pennsylvania when the shots were fired. as take a look at what happened, you can hear shots bringing out the bed and security for us and those shouting at the bottom. a president took it down to dollars to the confirm that the course was clear that brought a deep drum back up to his feet to the movies. so when he did this, freezing, it's supposed to be a shouting the word fights. and that involved the so just curious form of support as you can see. and now the secret service has said they have queued the suspected shooter. yes we are is identifying him as a 20 year old man from pennsylvania are. and those images of donald trump being capital way, of course, making quite the rounds. all 9
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a statement on the term social media platform to social. he thank the united states secret service for the rapid response. trumpet said, i was short with the bullet, the po see up with auto smart idea. i knew immediately that something was wrong. i heard a whizzing sound shots and immediately fast the bullet dripping to the skin, much bleeding took place. so i realized then what was happening and for more on that story, i'm now joined for the job you corresponded to know, do my own and washington dc. she has been following this developing story for us to know. we now know that the have you said more details about the shooter? what can you tell us? yes. mission. now german media laws of course prevent us from releasing the name of the still suspected gunmen, but we know that he's 20 years old. he's from bethel park that is a suburb in western pennsylvania,
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that's about an hour away from butler pennsylvania, which is of course, where this riley took place. he is a registered republican thoughts have no prior criminal record. now he wasn't, he didn't have any id on him at the time that he was killed by a counter sniper. but he was identified using biometric data and, and dna records. now the f, b, i and it statement did not offer much more in the way of detail. rather it reminded the public again that this is an active investigation. and that if anyone in the public knows anything or seen anything, then they should come forward. now that so he has been identified, of course, so the investigation is quickly zeroing in on what his motive may might have been. and no one from on the investigative side has said anything yet in that regard. but there are a few open questions like whether he might have been working with anyone else. was this a lone wolf attack, or there are more threats emanating more perceived threats emanating from this
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attack. so they're all open questions at the moment, but for the but for this particular moment they have now released. and then there's going to be a lot of questions about this incidents, of course, of the security lapse. we had eye witnesses seeing that they could see the shadow on the rooftop that they were pointing to him, but security for us and that did not react. have they given any indication of pull, explaining how they could allow this to happen or what the next steps may be of the indians. so at a briefing earlier where f b, i representatives were present that they were asked to how this could have happened to how the shooter could have gotten that close. they were also asked about that. um, that incident, you mentioned where some spectators of the rally or trying to get the attention of law enforcement because they saw some suspicious activity on the roof. now the f. b,
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i representatives did not say much on that. they said that they were investigating at the time several suspicious occurrences. they did not say what that is, but they did say that. so these were questions that were best preserved for the secret service. the secret service, of course, being the ones responsible for securing that to a campaign event and doing all the suites and potentially securing that roof where that shooter was thought to have exercised this attack on donald trump. but secret service was not present at that briefing, and the saw my to be answering questions later and vital a lot of pressure on all security services. but on the sound of either being tight lipped about it, i want to go on to the political reaction. now it's not stay with us. we know the president biden spoke to and also the varieties. so let's take a listen to what do you have to say? there's no place in america. there's kind of while it's 6,
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it's $612.00. the reason why we have to night this country cannot allow for this to be happening. we cannot be like this. we cannot condones. the bottom line is the right trump rally rally that he should have. an intellect can be conducted peacefully without any problem. with the idea, the idea that this political violence or violence in america like this is system, part of it is not appropriate. we, everybody, everybody must, can get everybody. i mean, those are some strong empathetic woods from the president who has otherwise sticking on quiet and a breeze of doing with donald trump. so does this indicate a potential of softening of the campaign of the democrats, the image. so before i answer that, like i saw, it just occurs to me that in the last days everyone has been very preoccupied with this matter of jo biden's age. and whether he would have the stamina or whether he would be able to survive even 4 more years. in the white house,
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and this incident today has told us that anything can happen at any time. donald trump was nearly killed today at a rally. but in terms of your question about the softening of, of his attacks on donald trump. this is clearly the strategy that joe biden has decided to adopt for a now his campaign is clearly decided. it is not an appropriate center to take to a top trump as such, they have also pulled their campaign ads off the air. now it's just a real contrast from just a few days ago when i was at a bite in raleigh, where he really did go on the offensive. he called trump on hand. she reminded his supporters there at that rally that trump is a convicted felon. but the, this is not a message that is deemed to be appropriate at, at this particular time. and what so joe biden is thinking clearly trying to do at the moment is not steer the part to really bring the temperature down. and what is a very volatile situation?
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but we are looking at some dramatic pictures of president trump, the letter we buy security services personnel. and it's definitely looks like it could be quite a defining image for the campaign. but as we have people across the us, reacting to the supply them to attempt on donald trump's life as well as the sticker, listen to what they had to say. i was really surprised. john didn't like it. you know, i'm not really a big fan of donald trump was like the fact that, you know, our ex president the world we live in. like we've gone back to 1916. i remember as a kid playing the playground, the saw maybe i was 5 or 6. you would hope that
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i mean already believable shouldn't really hurt somebody. they're saying they're not a fan of problem, but they do think that this was important. but i do want to ask you for the reaction from the fans of tom, for his support to as we had done something laid out this thing, fight fight. what can we expect as the reaction to that goal or any did you know and you have to ask yourself when he says that or what does he actually mean a fight? watch fi to him? and i think a silver reading of this might be that perhaps it's not a call to action. perhaps it's a show of strength and defiance and a vulnerable moment. but of course, so it only takes one supporter to take it as a call of action. and there is no saying what anyone might be inclined to do, but you make this a very good points there. that what donald trump says,
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what his messaging looks like from here on will be very important in terms of what he tell us. his supporters to do and how he tells us supporters to behave are already starting to see from more official republic and quarters more in some very messages around how perhaps joe biden orchestrated this attempt on donald trump's life. of course, this is a completely baseless claim. we've seen conspiracy theories on social media and spread like wildfire, saying that this was a on a plan orchestrated by the shadow we left. now, of course, so these are the ongoing investigations agencies are investigating. the bi to trump supporters are also notoriously suspicious of institutions. so you can imagine them questioning the investigation every step of the way. so i would just like to go back to this point what donald trump decides to communicate. what he's such as an example for his supporters will be in the next days. definitely. and those are some
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pricing, an incentive you comments that to you just to pointed out and as a going to be because the people reacting on the streets audio and $1.00 of them also said the democracy is already on the press. if, as we know how divisive the scam being has been, what can we expect from the on the road forward? you said that it depends on what the drum says. but how do we, how can we expect different quarters to react? no, i know there are some who want to perhaps see this as a positive opportunity that this attack on trunk could be a wake up call. that it could be a way to return society to a more civilized form of discourse. because as we heard from those voices that saw that we aired earlier, nobody thought this was good. nobody thought this was a good thing to happen in america. and you did have to,
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we saw from the tweets and messages and statements. so from both sides of the aisle saying, there is no room for political violence in the society. donald trump should be able to have a peaceful valley whenever he wants. but again, how the message is managed, especially from the side of donald trump, will be very important. it, will it be a temperature at lowering message? will it be a message to unite as a country to perhaps off return that civilized discourse again, or will it be a message of vengeance? an anger and suspicion, and an already very, very divided country. i fear that so it's a go the 2nd way rather than the 1st but of course, so there is always room to help. temperature learning is the whole thing, dw, should not do mental and wash in washington dc. thank you so much for staying on top of that for and now reactions to the shooting are coming in from
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around the world with leaders expressing condemnation and offering sympathy. we know that the u. k prime minister q dom a has responded to what he called shocking scenes saying political violence in any form has no place in our societies and my thoughts. so with the victims of this attack. now, we also know the french press under model of my crawl has described this incident as a tragedy for our democracy is from ukraine. preston. below to me is the lensky has issued a statement telling of his release that trump is now safe and wishing that america emerges from the from this. we also know that you and secretary general antonia good tablets has condemned what he calls an act of political violence. and he has wished donald trump a speedy recovery. and that i, that brings us to close up our coverage for right now. but we do want to give you a quick reminder of this stop story form for us then donald trump has been injured
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and what the f. b, i is calling an assassination attempt. a gunman fired sorts of trump campaign. round egan, pennsylvania, a charging sphere. the kid of the suspected shooter and that a member of the crowd is that the president joe biden has condemned the shooting. calling. it's sick. he said, cold, there is no police in america for that kind of violence. and now the white house has said he has spoken to trump the don't forget you can always continue for the coverage of this brick new story and a lot more on the doing the news apps. just download our app from who be played or from the app store. that'll give you access to all the latest news from around the world as well as push notifications for breaking news like would be a competing right now. and lots of analysis and background for my call despondency around the globe as well as the flex are. and as
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far as the w, as in, you'll see in the us and here in berlin will keep you up to date on this preaching story, which continues to develop in the coming hours. and on our website, as i mentioned, and the best rate up to date i'm number such as faults. thank you for being with us . the this video changed the world. it shows us soldiers killing civilians in the rock more often posting. it's julia songs became a wanted man. 14 years later, we can expound it is fine, the gentlest john doomed traces the stories of a soldier under the volunteer of the attack. they speak to each other for the 1st time in your heart to forgive me. but that the follies don't think that i carry any resentment or a grudge in my heart towards a captivating story about this struggle for forgiveness. and.


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