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tv   Shift  Deutsche Welle  July 14, 2024 11:15am-11:31am CEST

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globally sinusitis, and violence in any farm and anywhere most absolutely not prevailing new depths aluminum nipple in those out to or yeah, i'm confident that america will rise to the challenge by which mr. trump a speedy recovery strength and supports to those affected him. can we seem to post our stuff cycle make every evil intention and fail, he and they've got more on the your pin perspective on this attempted assassination of this a bad at the attempted assassination. joining us now correspondence, matthew moore, in berlin, me salary and pettus and jack paddic in process. let me stop with you, matthew. tell us about the political reactions here in germany. yeah, we've been getting quite a lot of reaction this morning. the show and mostly it must be said on twitter or x . the chancellor, electrolytes i'm, we did and he called the attack despicable. we said such that so violent threats and democracy, the foreign minister and a bad bulk as also the voice or condemnation of the,
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the incident saying it had deeply shocked her. and she said, violets must never become a means of political conflict. and that's basically the message that we're getting from senior politicians that they're shocked and they're uphold. and they think that political violence should never be the answer. and it's interesting that the leader of the opposition features match said that there's, he thinks that it will for the poison. this campaign is how he described the attack . and so a mix with the of, of voices that have been given the reaction to this incident. this morning and of course here in so many there are concerns about violence against politicians too. but let me go over to lisa in paris. is that what a french politician staffing while french president law call has said that this was a tragedy to our democracies. we also had from the fall like national riley, which is president john and all that are saying that violence was the poison was a poison to democracy and former presidential candidate marine the pen. say that
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based was a dramatic symbol of divine and started from the mining democracy. now this comes to the backdrop of francis national holiday plus the day that you celebrated at over the course of this week and hit and fonts across the country. with 130000 police unsecure to personal, deployed across the country. the interior minister announced that a person might not had been arrested in orlando and west and phones, and that person was believed to have it to have been planning a violent attack during the vines this weekend. so the country is on edge. also looking ahead to the olympic summer games that will be happening here in about 2 weeks times time with again tens of thousands of police officers and security personal deployed during the events each day prompt is on edge. and obviously there's a top brings back painful memories of tara task that has been on numerous occasions
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happening here and funds of the past decade. so concerns along the other on both sides of the political spectrum as well as about security in georgia. of like you said lisa, but i want to bring jack in now in brussels. is that been a will for show you reaction that echo is what freed, holding from palace and bowling here. yeah. it really has been accurate in what must do. and what liza has been saying we had from the european commission president us of on july and saying that she's deeply so the political violence has no place in democracy. and she also st condolences to be an innocent victim. that was shocked as part of the incident in the united states, the outgoing presidents of the european kind of social michelle's, at the political violence is absolutely unacceptable in democracy. strongly condemn the attack and interesting the, the statement from the farm policy chief of the european union. also i'm going joseph barrow. he said,
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once again we're witnessing unacceptable. acts of violence against political represent representative. so a similar sort of message has to be seen across the capitals of the european union here in the institution of heads as well. and what about the reaction for politicians who are closer to trump perhaps? so yeah, i mean, this is the interesting part of this. we've had a number of different reactions from leaders and politicians in your opinion and indeed your it, for instance, the hon. gary and prime minister big to all by. and he tweeted or used acts to say my thoughts and prayers are with trump in these dog hours georgia maloney, vitale, and prime minister. she released the statement which they said that she hoops the next few months of the life will come, pain, will see dialogue and responsibility prevail over violence and hatred. nigel farrell is the british politician that was very prominent at the same time in
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2016. as when donald trump won the presidency due to his campaign to pull the united kingdom of the european union, he released the statement saying the narrative of hatred against his friend from is was responsible for this. and he said that the media is on the left. i'm definitely and politicians are responsible for it and they, he hopes that they are happy with themselves. a very strong statement from nigel fires in the united kingdom at people that feel close to donald trump, i think would say that they feel that attack is not only a and a title on him, but also an attack on the values that they themselves also support thank you for that. matthew moore in berlin. the salary in paris and jack patrick in brussels to that set back to the scene in pennsylvania for a moment. and here from the report or from the associated press news agency who witnessed the attack. and donald trump and capture the iconic image behind me. evan
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bucetti has spent is competing the former us president and gave his account of what happened at the rally. so today i was photographing for president trump uh at a campaign rally here in the butler, pennsylvania. i was friends on stage, directly from the stage, it was a normal rally and you know, i've done it hundreds of times and i over my left shoulder, i heard several, several pops and i knew immediately it was done fire. so i looked at the stage and i saw the secret service agents rushing to, uh, president trump. uh, from that moment i, i ran to the stage and i started photographing with the agents on top of them. and then off to my right, i saw a secret service counter. salt team arrives and then i ran to the other side of the stage and they picked president trump up. and then as she was walking down the ramp t shirt, just popping to the crowd waving me,
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i didn't know that she had blood coming down the space. as you can see in the photos, the agents took them down the ramp and they put them into an s you be. and again, as he was doing into the sep, he also started pumping his fist ago. i'm not sure how long it was from beginning to end, but um, you know, in my mind it was, it all happened really fast. at the moment, i heard the shots being fired. i knew that this was a moment american history that had to be document. i mean, it's our, our job is journalist to do this work, a dramatic description, dad, and let's get some analysis on it from stormy on a committee. now. she's a director of the aspen institute in germany, a us american pink tank. some of the above come to d w. we know that this is a device of presidential campaign to say the least, and we have the forwarded to unless they're describing what he calls and i conic moment in the history of the us. how do you expect the shooting to impact the costs of this election? well, 1st of all, this terrible incident happened in a sedation in which, uh,
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the united states already so deeply as dividers um and the situation is already very tense. so one of the big big risks right now is uh, as we also heard from the other reporters, is that the situation gets even more heated and that they will be more violence um, on the streets and other campaign, wendy's and lots of depend on how it from is going to handle the situation and as we saw in the pictures right now, when just after the shooting and 2 ways to assist. and he said 5 to find, i just cannot see that he would try to calm down the situation. come down as voters, but rather that he will utilize this incident to further mobilize his photos just as it is that he has also done around january 6. although this would be the moment for the country to come together. this would be the most common for trying
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to invite him to stand up together on the stage and call against violence and call to come see to come together. but i'm afraid that this is probably not going to happen. you know, that's interesting what you say about the country needing to come together, both the democrats and the republicans, but they left might not actually play out. but given the seeming advantage that you pointed out, that this may bring to trump. how can we expect the democrats to respond to now, what can that political strategy be? so this is a difficult situation. um, so by that because he is not just running in the campaign, i mean, as, as uh, the next president. but he is also currently the president, and as a president, he needs to be president phil and his job is to come down the situation to x. so it's a coincidence and to call on everybody not to be violent and called against political violence, that's his job. to do it the same time it's, it's
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a difficulty for his campaign because he's on a so much stress already after his uh, to the debates with tom and which he didn't have so well that a lot of calls on him to step down in the campaign so what he would actually currently need to do is go after his component in an aggressive and open way, but this is not the situation in which he can do this. so he already pulled down campaign ads, and she is not complaining currency. and there's a president that is what he needs to do to converse ration. but for his campaign, that's a tricky thing to do. absolutely, so a complex political situation here, but we also want to take a look at the security situation in the us read all about the history of gun violence in that country. that's in the 3 seat us questions about the situation that i think that the dividing lines are pretty clear in the conservatives can. there's a clear belief that the carrier,
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it's an ownership of guns is a, is a right of every american into on the more progressive side, they have been close to a very long time for a more strict and type gun. and it's just placing or at least more that to space in which we'd use as the risk of guns being in, in the wrong hands. and i think on both sides of the eyes. so to say um on these 2 cans, the incident bend is just going to strengthen the positions and views which people already have and then to also be viewed or the witness after the school shootings in the past. so in the more conservative can people feel that the answer is not a restriction of ownership of guns, but rather to strengthen the secuity, maybe even given teachers guns. and on the progressive side it will strengthen the voices of those. so say we really need to do something about gun violence, but i think what happens though is that they might be much more secure,
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much more measures of security for the next campaign rallies. i think that would probably, since we look at that security concept for the target kind of business starts tomorrow and around uh, november 5th and 6th. and the days after the election there will be a lot of thoughts into more, more sound security concepts. i think that is definitely going to happen in on a briefly off q that you folks and so on. so atlantic relations, how can sort of join up what political stability in the us right now? so i think you will is very concerned and we also heard that in the statements of your journalist from the different campuses and you of the united states is just such an important ally and find out for you a and also for germany. specifically, both any phenomena, terms, but also in political terms and looking at what is happening on our continent with wash estimates. i to you up for devices in question and for against ukraine. the
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transatlantic partnership is more important than ever. so a politically stable and found and reliable, and predictive the part that is that what you look really, what the you really needs right now. so in other pulitzer, since i'm worried, looking come across the atlantic. absolutely stormy on a committee, my director of the aspen institute in germany. thank you so much for that analysis . thank you so much for having the the sort of you have time for could by of the
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the we can use the story behind the news. we're rolling about unbiased information. all 3 nights. the is tradition, a relic of the past or something that we still need today. now i wouldn't say i'm fully traditional, but the values that ingrained in these, like respecting my elders helping others or even speaking my mother tongue she had at all. we have so many ways of preserving culture and on this week. so we will explore exactly that. welcome to the 77 percent. the show for africa's majority under 35. i annual host. okay. didn't question of here is what we have for you today. in our street debate, ugandans discuss.


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