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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 14, 2024 3:00pm-3:15pm CEST

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the, the, this is dw use life from bell in donald trump survives, and a power to assess the nation attempt. take a look what happens. the former us president comes out of the corner at a campaign. riley is wounded, but says he's fine. the suspect the children has been killed. president joe biden calls the shooting sake saying there's no place for this kind of violence in america. leaders around the world joined him in condemning the attack and football mania takes over the land and span square up to watch the euro. 2024 file with
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spain and english, battling it out for the truck. the i'm ben fizzle and welcome forming us president donald trump has been wounded in what the f b a is cooling an assassination attempt. he was on the campaign, trailed in the town of bumper pennsylvania, addressing a crowd at an open air. riley and gunshot sprang out. the secret service says they should open fire from the roof of a nearby building. the suspects was less than a 150 meters from the stage on which a trump was speaking. yeah, the i is leading the investigation into the incident. let's have a closer look at how things unfolded. and you know that this is the moment former us president donald trump was shot at a rally in pennsylvania. take a look what happens of a bullet breezes his right ear secret service agents. the former shield around him
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rises the shoes, saint saint, his supporters before being taken to safety the f. b, i says it was an assassination attempt. a spectator was shot in the head and died instantly, according to an eye witness. to other people were hit and are in critical condition . after the shooting, trump posted this on his social media platform. i was shot with a bullet that peers the upper part of my right ear. i knew immediately that something was wrong. i heard a whizzing sound shots and immediately felt the bullet ripping through the skin.
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much bleeding took place. so i realized then what was happening. a witness told bbc news that he saw the suspect and informed law enforcement moments before he pulled the trigger. we noticed the guy crawling army, you know, bear throwing up the roof of the building beside us. 5050 feet away from us. so we're standing there. you know, we're pointing, we're pointing out the guy crowing up the roof and he had a gun right. he had a rifle. right. we could clearly see. and with the rifle. absolutely. we're pointing out them. the police are down there running around on the ground where like a man, this guy on the roof with a rifle in the police are like hall work. you know? like like any know what's going on. you know, we're like a raise you and what we can see it from right here. we see him. there is he's calling. and next thing you know, i'm like, i'm thinking myself, i'm like,
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was trump still speaking? why have they not pulled him up the stage? i'm standing there pointing at him for, you know, 2 or 3 minutes secret service was looking at us from the top of the barn. i'm pointing at that roof. just standard or like this. and next thing, you know, by transferring out, authorities killed the suspect 20 year old thomas matthew. see he was a registered republican from pennsylvania. the secret service is under pressure to explain what led to this major security breach. trump was targeted just days before he will be confirmed as the republican presidential dominey and election year that was already turbulent, has now taken a dark turn in america from all that speak to out the w corresponding step on simon's in washington 7. how has trump react accessible this
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young man uh, just moments ago, the president posted another statement on his own social media platform, truth social. and in this statement, he, 1st of all expressions from don't exist to the person who was killed in this. what happened yesterday in the assassination attempt on him? he also things god for saving his life, and he appeals to the united states to all americans to stand united. let me just quote, just a 2nd here from what he posted. this is a quote, donald trump just a few minutes ago. thank you to everyone for us thoughts and prayers yesterday. as it was god alone who prevented the unthinkable from happening, we will see and not he goes on again to say how much he lost this country. how sorry is for the loss of life during his rally. and he says then that the, in this moment quote again,
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more important than ever is that we stand united and show our true character as america. so this is the latest statement from donald trump this morning on the social media platform. and this is where we stand directly from him. now, what is happening tomorrow today or tomorrow, officially, then, milwaukee. and how this will be all portrayed is a completely different a question and probably totally different answer. the f b i is searching the suit, his house. what more can you tell us on that front? i can tell you that the house is actually search by the f b i. you know that b has to be, i is taking the lead in a multi agency investigation on what is officially branded as and declared as, as a nation attempt. and with that political violence against a donald trump, the former president, the 20 year old lift, about 35 to 40 miles south of where the campaign rally was. butler, pennsylvania,
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in a town called baffled, registered republican as we sat in the peas. and besides that, we don't know much more as of now this will change the f b i again takes the lead in this investigation and that is not extraordinary. this is normal, this is supposed to be like this. the secret service is now stepping back, but of course the secret service has to and this makes it interesting because it will become part of this investigation by the f b. i will have to answer some question on how this was actually possible that a um, a man or an individual with the, with, along with the rifle is able to set up position on the, on the roof outside the campaign. so close to the campaign. stop in butler, pennsylvania. what kind of implications could this incident now have on trump campaign? that's very interesting question. very good question because he is, i think this will and has, of course already changed the context of what ever will happen from now on this
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presidential race. every campaign this year of presidential elections in the united states, political violence, s as a nation of the times are back in everybody's mind in everybody's mouth right now. the last s, as i should tell we had, was ronald reagan, you know, and it was in the eighty's. of course, there were the sixty's with john f kennedy or robert if kerry and so on. but it was dr. martin luther king of but the thing is that this is back and that this country is at this point obviously is absolutely mind boggling, but it is also changing the context. it is also changing the narrative for the campaigns, of course, because you can bet that donald trump and the trump campaign will use this incident, which he survived luckily, but uh, to portray him as strong and decisive as the leader to come versus biden
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as weak and wary aside and disturbing and shocking day corresponded. 7 simons of motion to pour us. so let's now from some other i have witnesses to the shooting. there it sounded like there are fireworks. and everybody kind of hesitated. like what's happening before trump like swatted a z or you can see that he actually had that in he dropped in. that's when everybody had the initial reaction to draw it to the ground. and it was just, it was just like people were just on top of each other like she was getting, she was getting very light on, on top of her. and so it was crazy. oh, i heard the shocks are attractive to begin with. somebody over there, we screen shot shot. so i made my way over. i said, i'm in merger department physician. let me help you. guy. his phone around was jam
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between the benches near the head shot here in lots of blood. and let's see you now from us president joe biden, who's condemned to the a powered assassination attempts against trump. there's no place in america this kind of while it's 6. it's 6. it's one of the reason why we have tonight this country cannot allow for this to be happening. we cannot be like this. we cannot condone this. the bottom line is the re, trump rally is a reality that he should have an intellect can be conducted peacefully without any problem. with the idea, the idea that this political violence or violence in america like this is just some part of it, just not appropriate. everybody, everybody must keep getting everybody and reactions to the shooting and coming in from around the world leaders expressing condemnation and offering sympathy. un secretary general, antonio good terrorist has condemned what he called an act of political violence.
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but his prime minister kissed dom are responded to what he called shocking scene, saying political balance in any form has no place in our society's. and you claims president, florida, is a lensky issuing a statement. speaking of his relief, the trump is now se summer, and there's a job in attempt on the life of donald strongly was like to share with the crime that can only be condemned. and which demonstrates how serious but challenges to democracy on globally fine. and those are and violence in any farm and anywhere most, absolutely not prevailing. they have so little nipple in those out to or yeah, i'm confident that america will rise to the challenge by which mr. trump a speedy recovery strength and supports to those affected him to seem to bust our stuff like weight and it's got more of a european perspective. joining us correspondence, matthew, more about it and lisa louis in paris and jetpack and brussels. let's start with matthew. tell me about the reactions here in germany as well as you'd imagine this
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being widespread condemnation, expressions of shaw can, can sam from across the political state. so let me give you a flavor about the chancellor german chancellor. all the shots i issued a statement which, which is where you said that the incident was despicable. and he said that such acts of violence basically are a threat to democracy. he wished donald trump a speedy recovery. he said, my thoughts are also with the people who are affected in this attack. it's been followed up by the statement by the 5 minutes to another in a bad bulk. she said that in these dark hours for american democracy, her thoughts were with the victims. at the liberal leader of the liberal party, the finance minister christian let not issued a statement as well, where he said something interesting. he said that his consent for american democracy was growing. and he said, hopefully there's got to by elizabeth, draw attention to all democrats have in common um, the head of the opposition contempt, as a mind who may,
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in the future well be working alongside of future president donald trump said that this will only for the fuel the poison in the campaign. so a lot of statements coming in from across the political statement at the spectrum and basically condemning this attack and basically expressing concern for the future of american democracy over 2 past leads of what a french politician say. well, we have heart, a number of reactions at present amount of coal has come out to say this was a tragedy for democracy and that the french people are responding with us, sharing the feelings of shock and indignation. either politicians have spoken and treated or published as rates on, on x, saying that they were also very shocked, expressing this sort of data to saying that the hearts were getting out to the u. s . a. meanwhile, fonts has been celebrating its national holiday bus da here in paris with the military, perry,
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and celebrations going on over the course of the week comes across from the government has been protecting these events with about 132000 security personal that has been deployed over across funds this weekend, and obviously the country is also looking ahead to the olympic summer games that will be happening here in paris, but also in other places across the front in just about 2 weeks time. the government has said that a would deploy tens of thousands of security personnel as young the link the competitions to secure them. and you know, from us and to tar large has been on it's highest alert for a number of months now. and this attack in either yes, has a revived, painful memories in a country which has been hit by several violent attacks over the past decade. think of these and losely jack, the reactions coming out of the process. so yeah,
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interestingly we've had similar statements to what we've already had from the you institutional heads, the european commission president, us of on the lions agencies deeply saw the you kind of so president, i've going saw me. so saying, put political violence is absolutely unacceptable in a democracy. but i think the most interesting reaction from across the european union came from robot feet. and so the slovak of prime minister, who himself was shot during campaigning ahead of the european parliament selections in the middle of may. he was shots a couple of times. and he has reduced the statement to say that this script is as through a photocopier the if the attacker in the united states could read slovak, it would have been the same kind of attack that happened on him as on donald trump . so there is a kind of clear memory of a recent attack on a european leader as well, and that sort of that goes well the european a foreign policy chief, joseph burrell tweeted.


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