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tv   Business Beyond  Deutsche Welle  July 14, 2024 5:15pm-5:31pm CEST

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cross, thank you for your analysis. well, the leaders have condemned the attack and express their sympathy. un secretary general, antonio quoterush labeled is an active political violence. wishing donald trump a speedy recovery. british prime minister keeps thomas a political balance in any form, has no place in societies. ukraine's president plugged mister landscape, spoke of his relief. the trump is now safe saying he hopes america, emoji is stronger summer, and that is a job. and it depends on the life of donald strongly was like to have with the crime that can only be condemned and which demonstrates how serious but challenges to democracy are globally. and those are and violence in any form in any way or most. absolutely not prevailing. you be absolute and nipple in those out to or yeah, i'm confident that america will rise to the challenge with mr. trump. a speedy recovery strength and supports to those affected him who seemed to bust our stuff. so i made every evil intention to fail. he and of that for the reactions now from
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russia alcaraz one of the re, but shadow is based in the lobby and capital rica, as dw is not allowed to report from us here. in russia is the attack on don't our trump is being used for propaganda purposes to pick the size of the usa in general and to the us to part of your grade is avoiding prostate and particularly for an office book. so when, when body is a horrible condemned to the attacks on president, would it be a tradition of u. s. domestic politics that's just sent us bullet patients of was frightening hatreds towards the opponents, countries and entire nations. instead of supporting ukraine, the us, they should invest money in domestic security, russian for an office box woman sat in moscow. well, what are those keys we had to is a german lawmaker for the christian democrats and is on the foreign affairs committee. i asked him about his reaction to the shooting as well. thank you, man. well, this a tech is to become them. however, we should be very aware that the us societies quite pull arise and the problem
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is now harvesting what he has seated the last years he has now the polar ice society. and it will be very difficult. so this a pain to bring this american society to go, i just think i can just saw it in there. is it fair to say that having polarized society leads to something like this political violence or an attempt on the phone, the president's life? i don't know whether it's fair, it's true, and that's a pity. and he is also the origin of the results he has caused what, what's the basis on if, if you're saying this is the truth, what, what evidence do you have to make that connection? i just came back from the united states. well, for example,
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the hudson institute was very concerned about the rise to us society and that the trump is even more trump then trump himself, so that we have a competition amongst those. she was the more challenging of positions, then trumpets and on the other side, the triangle. chris also very concerned about the split society. us workers have only trustees leave a year. there's german workers have 30 days, so they are working for the website and the security of europe. and it is really a challenge for us society to bind to be bound together. and on the other side is trump was polarizing with condemning for an or for an migration who's condemning a bite and, and so on. so we have to be very aware that somebody must be found who's trying to gather us society off the presidential election. okay, we'll get to that in a moment. first,
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you just go back from the us. you mentioned how concerning his political violence in the west. then i believe it's very concerning due to the fact that millions of people have hundreds of millions of lessons. and we have to really convince the american congress, the house that they work on more, a stronger rule that the lawmakers contain the, you know, for the formation of smaller offices, united money, all the things you could want to something good come of this. i mean, when we talk about the republicans, we're talking about a policy that is against gun control. yeah, i say this is the results of the proliferation and the willingness to grow for rate small us enough to contain them. for the last the dictates, see something there's also being arise and political attacks in germany here. you were attacked while campaigning recently. briefly what happened exactly while i was
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attacked on the look for your market to this place where i tried to convince a lotus to vote a to go to the european parliamentary elections and i was hit on thrown to the soil . nevertheless, i keep a, i'm going to proliferate my arguments for a cohesive society and for an engaged society. security needs engagement. so it hasn't made you think twice about what you say, way you say how you say it. no, i'm really concerned about this assigned to cohesion in germany, but to withdraws is the more mitigating voices i was drawing them directly to the voices of become here even louder. therefore, we must be really uh, the decent and also a step fast and defending our freedom of speech and defending the society of
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cohesion against these wild people. how do we do that in being present and being colored and hiding away in approaching the people and listening. we need to be careful. listen, those 2, those who are concerned and try to split our society so we have to confront them with our presence. that's been great listening to the hold of ice case of at a member of the german problem and thank you for being here on the w of some of the stories now making use around the world. german police say a shooter has killed 2 people before turning the gun on himself in the south. western state of bonham brittenback the attack occurred in the village if i stopped logging and to others was seriously injured. french president, the memo my call has led the annual by steve de military ceremony in paris. and of the parade has been voted to merge with the olympic torch relay before the games,
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which begins in 2 weeks and passed us to act to china. dougherty has died aged 53. she was a breakout star, the night these tv show beverly hills 90 to one. 0 and the it's here, it's top daunting paneled publicly with breast cancer for many years and was an advocate for awareness and research. and i thought, you know, israel says it has killed one of the homeless commanders it targeted in an attack on a humanitarian zone and gaza on saturday. he was run 1st on mamma, commander of the units brigades of the militant group homeless, which carried out the october 7th terror attacks. bahamas run garza health. harding says that these 90 palestinians were killed and hundreds more, injected the use by the strikes. many of the casualties were sheltering in a designated safe. so in the hot eunice go to henderson is from the un agency for palestinian refugees and gaza unrest. it was at nasa hospital with casualties. but take it. can you describe the scenes you saw were at the hospital yesterday?
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i mean, very simply, it was a scene of chaos sing of despair and a scene of not having enough aid for everyone that needs that master hospital was just re constituted, not long ago after an operation. and con eunice of the hospital. this 38 emergency ballads and they already had 40 patients before the incident happened. so they were very quickly overwhelmed. almost another 150 patients showed up at the hospital. and as i said, it was just very chaotic. i thought parents was trying to find children, children who didn't have parents and it was very moving but not necessarily in a good way. what we saw the hospital yesterday was the clean up blood the water because they didn't have disinfectant. so just a very difficult, very difficult time for everyone and described to us who these patients who were being forwarded the patients that i saw were very much uh,
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what looked like innocent civilians are a lot of children. i saw children as young as 2 years old and, you know, really up to 1718 years old. i saw the children that were about where to tease. i saw the 2 year old child i saw, they didn't know where the parents were grandmother of founder. and 2 girls i met were paralyzed. i met one family and talked to the mother. 3 of her children were impacted by what had happened. one was paralyzed, a one was killed and one had no injuries at all. but everybody had very much same thing to say they went somewhere they thought to be safe. and unfortunately for them they were not in the way taken somewhere where it sounds like they can't be given proper treatment. that's correct. i mean, i think that what they're basically doing is basic when management and basic pain management, their doctors there have the technical capacity to do more,
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including things like spinal fusion and, and other things to try to mitigate the effects on back injuries. but what they don't have is the equipment, they don't have the prosthetics and they don't have enough to really of everything . as i said, they're missing disinfectant of fuel shortages have been prevalent across cancer. and even though we prioritized hospitals, unfortunately there's not always enough fuel to go around. so it was also very one . um, as i said, the whole thing was very difficult and you know, talking to the doctors, they find it very frustrating because they've trained be able to provide care for people like this. one of the sort of incidents happen. and it's there people, in many cases and their families are their extended families, but because of the circumstances that they find themselves and they're unable to provide the care that we would expect. and we're talking about a dire situation here at these hospitals. how, how long can this one keep operating in a very basic situation that it's operating on the i mean,
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i think it will keep working as long as they can, as long as they have any supplies to try to treat people. um they were trying to expand the bed capacity last night by setting can so outside of the parking lot of just so everybody can have a bad. i mentioned the limited capacity in the emergency room and you saw people are patients really everywhere and everywhere on the benches on anything they can be laid on some on the floor. so the doctors are doing their very best to try to make it work. they were close to being overwhelmed, but they will continue to do everything they can to provide care for the people that come there, as well as the other hospitals that are operating in johnson. and the other thing i wanted to ask you was the tally at the moment of health officials and gaza say of the 38500 people have died in this war. how well they actually managing to put a number on that. i mean, i think it's not particularly scientific and
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a macro level. i think they do know everybody that has lost their lives. all the details of or the women or the children man ages is much harder together. and in many cases, under apartment building around uh, it was separate from an attack or been bomb or collateral damage and there's people still trapped inside. so they go based on who they think is inside and they do try to verify as we move forward. but i think at the macro level, the numbers are close on, but at the micro level, granular look trying to figure it out. i'm not sure if you know the one thing i would say that is needed desperately engaged as a ceasefire. results on the return of the hostages are risk for people in gaza and it's actually going to begin rebuilding their lives. thank you very much for the insights and was caught addison they're good to have you on the show. again. thank you. a quick reminder of the story of the following for you this out for you as
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president, donald trump is being wounded in a shooting at a campaign rally in pennsylvania is pulling us and assess the nation attempt. and joe biden has called a shooting 6, and it says there's no place in america for that kind of fun. i forget you can always get the www news on the go download our app from google play or from the app store that will give you the latest news from around the world as well as push notifications. frank frank findings as well. and that brings you up to date, so i'll be back again next hour with more international use, otherwise go to my way. so i think they'll come in the latest. and i'm a visual artist living in working in johannesburg. and this is
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my city, the parts metropolis you young creates, are separating their wings here and finding freedom we join lady told me to find out right on d w y. easy, crazy from standing on the far. ready means the world to me everything for one of only 20 female rappers in our country and listen to her story. the re max may be the 16 wait a minute if i only the silver you know, understand you can have a st. i just like the vice president. do you have any news on
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instagram? no. follow up the latest calling and i'm a visual artist living and working in johannesburg. and this is my city, the, [000:00:00;00] the nelson mondale. i lived in this, the largest city in south africa. but your honest book is now home to a thriving and died. ok. wow. look at


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