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tv   The Enemy Within  Deutsche Welle  July 14, 2024 9:15pm-10:01pm CEST

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as a condemnation of political violence in all shapes and forms to do otherwise would be to play directly into republican messaging as was undermined. democrats long standing message of opposing any sort of political violence where the machine was quite an island from the rice and group in washington, dc. quite and thank you very much for your insights. today is a reminder of our top story that way. following for you, us presidential i bought and says he's ordered as a sweet and start investigation into the shooting of donald trump. speaking at the white house by and said he'd had a sort of a good conversation with trump. following the incident in pennsylvania. more on g w dot com. thanks for watching the as the
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washington d. c. january 6th, 2021. a frenzied mob. march is on the us capitol. many military veterans were among them. these actually are bringing c veterans and bolts of usage. and i know for a lot of them, their hearts are in some ways in the right place. we just don't live in the same world of truth. many had served overseas at risk, their lives for their country. now they were prepared to use violence to prevent joe biden from becoming president. all of us men, women, people who have served are not old people. children everyone becomes more violent and the aftermath of warfare with the attack on the capital. a major turning point in american history. anybody who says that this can happen in a worst way, either they're ignorant or they're part of the problem. how could something like this happened in the birthplace of modern democracy?
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i've often asked myself, how did i end up on one side of that door in my fellow veterans who raised their same right hand and took the same oath that i took. how did they end up on the other side? that door the so i'm january 6th. i had told all the members of my staff not to come in to the office. i heard reports of berkeley boys and proud boys and others feeling flights to come into the capital i think is a lot of us watched things and sold on the 6th. and then i've looked at a lot of the footage since you see things we recognize as veterans, you can actually see if you look at the militia groups, cdls, creepers,
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3 percent of the proud ways they're organized. they're behaving tactically, they understand that the dynamics of a crowd and their maneuvering to exploit that mass of bodies. you know, so you see organized line of motion numbers with shields ready to go ready to exploit a breach, pushing the crowd in certain directions. the mob broke through into the capital, evacuated leadership evacuated the floor, but they had forgot that there were about 2000 members. up in the gallery. the floor of the house was evacuated, but there was no safe evacuation route, evidently from the the gallery who were trapped, there was no way out. this was the most shocking moments of my life. i made the decision to call my wife and let her know that i love her and tell the kids that i loved them the everything. this was the kind of experience that i expected as
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a us marine, a rock, but could never even imagine happening as the united states congressman in washington dc. you know, many people seeing the pictures they had barred the door to the gallery, they were banging on that door and breaking the glass to that. after the violence was over one police officer and for demonstrators were dead. 150 officers injured in the right. 4 of the officers on duty that day later committed suicide. the among those charged because of the riot were a disproportionately high number of us military veterans. a fact that is deeply unsettled, americans and late their social divisions. the for some,
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like michael washington, it's even comprehensible. he's a veteran himself and he knows what it's like to lose a loved one in a military conflict. and my son, michael, was killed in action in afghanistan in june 14th, 2008. and when you join the military, there's a lot, a lot of competing ideas of why you show up and, and for most of what, there's a, there's a large amount of patriotism. you never lose focus and never lose sight. but, you know, i'm here in this country, maybe to give them a better chance to experience what we have in america. or it's not perfect. the my son dies doing got enough data stand only for us to, to lose that site here, the veterans who squared that over to protect and defend the constitution of the united states against all enemies,
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foreign and domestic of all americans. they should understand how dangerous an unpatriotic this insurrection was. they were trying to over throw democratic election results. they shouted for the hanging of our own vice president. that's a coup, attempt watching the interaction happen, and we're going to call it that because that's what it was. and watching veterans participate being at the vanguard of that interaction. it just was mind boggling. but i don't, i don't have a really good answer for flight. why veterans would do that the as to buddy a minus and hey man, can you get me some m o m a ok in front of me. he said, yeah, and i've heard that there's a drug dealer down the corner. he's actually sleeping ammunition. now instead of
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drugs so lots of man munition from the drug doing or eric braden lives in a remote part of texas. the us army veterans says the attack on the capitol was justified. he wasn't there himself, but here on his ranch, he makes his feelings about the us clear the people look at these is guns, rifles and his hand guns so forth. you know, there's, there's a lot of folks that see something that causes violence. they see something that's dangerous and shouldn't be allowed in society and so forth. what they don't realize is that this is what gave us our freedom. this is what one our independence, this is what protects us from, from attack. it's not just our god given right. you know, to defend ourselves. it's our constitutional right. but it's also,
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it's just right. you know, when, when you think about it, this rifle will never hurt or harm anybody unless something that comes up against it. another us army veteran is christopher goldsmith. his life was also shaped by military service, but he sees the us very differently. spend my whole life wanting joint military. there's a photo right behind me of me when i was probably like 5 years old, wearing camouflage, had to tow with or dog tags. feel like most kids that i grew up with went through a phase of wanting be a copper firefighter, and or me ma'am, right. i never drew out of that. and when i was 16 years old, september 11th, happened. and it kind of put a different spin on that desire to serve and went to go out and find bad guys and find justice. so this, when i was 18 years old in basic training, it's the standard photo that you take before you know what anything on the uniform
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means. i mean, this is ignorance is bliss right here. that's. that's what this photo is. a year later, christopher was deployed to iraq that became this unofficial. on the ground intelligence reporter may, 15th, 2005 we got called to respond to a body that was found in the trash don't outside slaughter city. when we got there, we realized that it wasn't a body, it was a bunch of bodies, and i never experienced anything like it. and now as i was taking photos, close of photos of these faces with victims of murder and torture, i was looking at their wounds and looking at the packaging tape that was wrapped around her eyes and imagining that her, that they felt. and every time i snap a picture, one of those faces freezes and the way that it froze on the screen,
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it froze my head. but that was just a day of deployment. i had 6 and a half months, 7 months left of a rack to deal with it. i went in as 11 bravo to the army squared fairly high. so i went to airborne school, which was going to be my next step of training for special forces. and during that time i ended up getting injured really badly. when i came home, i had spent my entire adult life up to that point, you know, either training for combat or income that it was hard for me to think of anything positive in any way. whether it's for myself or for my country or for democracy or for the world, i couldn't help but base my lease and my feelings on my experiences,
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all of which had been terrifically negative. when most come out of the military, they're coming out to a world that they no longer understand. you really get lost in that life when you're in the military. and then what happens is you have the colorado read the and ship all the good things that you have in the military. and then when you come out, you kinda have society that's on discipline incapable and just downright ugly. you know, august 2019 far right. and left wing n t for groups clashed in portland, oregon. among them was randy, ireland, a veteran and high ranking member of the far right, proud bois on air force better. what we're going through right now is, is a war on the us constitution. biggest reason why i joined, therefore, as myself, you know, is to get back to my country from my country. i think a lot of the timing chain from my upbringing, you know, the family that i grew up in the and i'm very proud to be in america. very tired.
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what america stood for, what it represented around the world. very patriotic. and i think a lot of those things that would flash today, members of the proud boys and people thought multiple times, a mayor had wheeler just sent out a statement late today saying this past weekend quote, put innocent lives that breast proud boys were founded in new york city in 2016. the government of canada officially classifies them as a terrorist organization where western silver would that essentially means is that were the biggest cheerleaders for western values, western culture, small government, maximum freedom, maximum liberty, pro 1st amendment pro, 2nd amendment, or finally entrepreneur generating housewife, were not moving jurisdiction in any way, shape or form. the fact of the matter is you have good guys in this world, you're a bad guy. specialists. and the only way to stand up to the bad guys is to fight. the group made international headlines after our presidential election debate in
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2020. what do you want to call and give me a name? give me the product. that's what i like me to conduct route process on right problem. i was stand back and stand by. when i saw the president of the united states telling an extremist environment organization stand by. it was a shilling moment. that was at shilling moment for me. it wasn't any different than a prisoner of the united states sending gold card or stunning. i says, look, i have a thought election stand by. let me tell you what you need to do. then we get a lot of notoriety. actual, of course we did, but at the very same time it it's, it's not pictures or races. it's not which is where white supremacist. if we think about what the militant right and white power movement looks like today, there are many of these groups. the specifics can change from group to group, but the overall intent is the same. the coming idea of what you said, we had power. we should have power. power is being taken away from us. and by any means necessary, we can get it registered as a socialist group, you know,
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southern national surgery of all types of groups with all types of freed. but ultimately we're all being united because we all believe in the same thing, which is ultimately the white people have a right to exist and whether the we is a white, we with the we as an anti government, we 0 intertwined. more laws. people worse because right now we're being be in the future. nobody knows me that it should've been a long time ago. personally. a lot of people think that, you know, these are nickel is we shouldn't worry about them. unfortunately, we said the same thing about that she had just prior to the events of $911.00. by the time we decided to go after them, it was a little bit too late, as well as the proud voice. other far right extreme is groups include the oath keepers and 3 percenters. many of their followers are former police and military personnel. i would like to think that we would draw the attention of people that
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are from the military, with the military background. and i think it is, it would be true and like the 3 percent it is already all cheaper. the one thread that kind of combines all of our groups is the us constitution. our respect for the noon and i signed up to defend this country. i was essentially joining the 3 percent or is already those 7 listening is the exact oath of a 3 percent of the in atlanta, i met up with 3 percent as of some of the other brothers out there. and everybody
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was upset about the election. you know, i mean, basically we're looking at a criminal that has become our president. illegitimate. joe biden has already alarmed this is done is already on this country. and we know for a family is a criminal family situation. we're in a situation of treat the punishment for treat in america, you have the right to be and you have the right to have the most pathetic views of the world. i don't have to agree with you. you don't have to agree with me, but that's a right protected by the 1st amendment. i think when we talk about the vonage extremist to groups, what time we're talking about individuals that go beyond the narrative to violence. people who are planning to attack the us government because it's an evil empire. people who are trying to, you know, killed jewish or kill immigrants or stick to black people just based on the race or
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on their religion. when you move away from the narrative, as ugly as it narrow to this, to carry out violence based on that narrative to the quote, individuals to carry out violence based on the narrative, then you're fine at extras that you're frankly a terrorist. january 6. now, a militia group had a stashes of guns on the outskirts of dc, ready to go on that fateful day during the insurrection. that's just one of the alarming allegations from the justice department today after the fed charge, the leader at stewart rhodes and several members of the right wing group, the oath keepers with the dishes conspiracy. stewart rhodes is a former us army parent trooper with a law degree from yale. in 2009, he founded the old keepers. the extremist organization recruits many of its members from among law enforcement officials, active soldiers and veterans. the group quickly evolved into an armed militia,
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seeking to over throw the government the capital attack. in january 2021 wasn't the 1st time roads had mobilized his force of around 35000 followers. some of them heavily armed in september 2020 protests broke out in louisville, kentucky, a black one and brianna taylor had been shot dead at her home by the police. and the initial trial of the incident led to the acquittal of the officers involved roads and the old keeper's joined local militia groups and louisville to take action against the protesters. louisville to protect the show station, and also the punish across the street. also a private residence we can predict chaos and simply stupid
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my main message as you're ready to prepare yourselves and our communities for what we see common for i think it's got too many. brainwashed, americans have been brainwashed by comments. pressure for teachers that age your own country or what do you do? so it's your own country to reach you by close extensions you believe in our country. so 3, the almost like through a foreign country doing a stability operation against insurance. it does appear these necessities, which of course has got another one but civil tired cash market. so i'm not surprised that extremist organizations try to recruit veterans for the credibility that we bring. but also for our commitment. and that commitment takes a lot of forms injections or people in our society to in many ways are set. i will
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do whatever is necessary to preserve whatever reason to preserve the baseline values and the baseline existence of my society up to it, including finals. that's been so kind of been doing a whole career, you know, doing here and setting that states instead of a weird feeling. i have to talk to you from our tardy and abroad stock picture david, all the way we'll call you back in. just go ahead to face. i came home and visit my mommy. pressure was just taking a shower. she compound or in the morning it's pointing to be about the term 2nd airplane gets that level. well, 3 weeks later is getting much arch. our group was the 2nd group, the inner afghanistan. now it's so enticing. i mean, i got, you get to fight again. you know, it's, um, you know, you're trained in certain things. you know, you can see the battlefield better. if you believe the countries under attack, you have a certain set of skills that maybe you were trained. trained with that you can,
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you know, help the group around you, right? you're a force multiplier, the guys everybody's read out, get eyes open and get a good parameter. when i was 21 in severely damage from a war that i had been lied into and that my friends were dying for when a guy like stuart roads comes along with a deal law degree and they see the eye patch. they don't know the, he shot himself the range, but they assume he's a combat wounded fat and says like hate, you can support and defend the constitution, the united states standing with us and just, you know, repeats the words of the, to the 2nd amendment that, that's all it took for me to be like, okay, you know,
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you've got to pedigree, you've got the background to why should i challenge that? i have no basis in experience or education to challenge the . yeah, the state street van. the challenge with having veterans directly involved is to, for the 1st, is that they bring a certain expertise they might bring in organizational skills or military skills that can make a movement more dangerous to format. let's go. the 2nd thing that's disturbing, however, is particularly in our society, veterans have legitimacy. they have a particular place of respect. and when we see veterans involved in something, it gives some component of legitimacy to that cause
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i've not been a part of any militia beforehand, but once they opened up and said that they were doing, i'll just be eliminated. you know, i've seen my city on fire. i was just like, i've had enough reached out to my local militia. i've been with them ever since a yes or that when you're vulnerable and you're looking for family. cuz that's what the people you serve with. are they look like they could be family? they look like they can provide you that sense of purpose, that mission lottery that you had in the military that you became dependent on that became the center of your identity. they could give that back to you and he tells you to fight. you have no reason to question them because he's giving purpose and he's given your mission. you see the those papers are preparing for
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potential violence around the election day? yeah, yeah, we got people across the country making plans for us too many of us are too many veterans for small to many for it. and that's one thing. i'm not a big fan of the warranty or the bottom of a rise. what they did give us is a massive pool, huge fuel combat veterans, and about 95 percent of them are on the preserve side for all the comes out of the constitution. so it's not gonna play out very well. there's the media and the curtain pushing everybody out. you. this is usually a half cock plans. the guys who go early, the people you really have to worry about are the people you don't even know exist until you're 2 years in the consulate. so tactically, patients, and they're watching you and i still and absolutely stunned people don't see how awful january 6 was. and what is the indicator that is, and how it's escalating. and anybody who says that this can happen in a worst way, either they're ignorant or they're part of the problem.
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people shouldn't look at the instruction at the capitol as we should pay attention to the pattern that got us there. americans use re already provides one example of an extremely successful terrorist organization. the ku klux klan. and although it started as a veteran social organization, it's very quickly pivoted to extra legal violence. targeted african americans, which included night writings, lynchings, serial rate, serial murder. all of these things were designed to create terror in african american communities to control labor pools, to control local politics and to keep african americans from the polls. the one, the main parts of the jim crow error was something that we would think of today as the elections of verse. and we would see in states like georgia,
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where they refuse to see 33 state legislatures. we saw in states like louisiana where they refused to seat a duly elected united states senator in north carolina, where they help to over throw black leadership in wilmington, in 1870. the us constitution was amended to give all male citizens to the right to vote. but many african americans were still held back from voting, including by force the clan manage to keep african americans from voting for a 100 years. that is astonishing political success. and it happened because the kline was politically powerful, really well connected largely in the democratic party, not just in the south, and was able to establish itself as a counter power. that would stop the emergence of new voters and whether those patients were blacks or indeed catholics who they didn't see as genuinely american
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the . this is the plan that reached a membership of some 4000000 people and 10 percent of the state of indiana. they were parading and public on the national mall in washington dc. it comes to a, had a $9024.00 democratic party, has a convention in madison square garden. and a ku klux klan decides that it's going to stop the democratic party from condemning client violence. and they pretty much take over the party and make sure that it is running on their agenda. now, do you want the optimistic story for years later, the democratic party changes to on the pessimistic story. the major political party gets co opted and taken over by a violent instruction is terrorist movement. the clans influence on the democratic party of the time soon ended. but 100 years later, there are still attempts to prevent free and fair elections for all citizens. irig
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my election, you cases we're gonna try you and we're going to we're talking about 50 and 60 year old ladies that are just the just been work in elections their whole life or respected leaders on, on both sides that are being inundated with some of the worst types of threats that you can imagine you and your family will be killed very slowly. the death arrest came by text to trisha ross, or a wife of georgia secretary of state. as the truck attacked him incessantly for standing by the election results in georgia, he said the enemy of the people. intimidation is a form of border suppression and goes hand in hand with, with the elections version, both in our history. and today they're trying to rigging an election. we can lift that out, but i hope you're all going to be po watches, more than just the entire poll watching program for the trump campaign was called army for trump. we need every able bodied man woman to join the army for trumps
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election security operation. the underlying narrative, the messages that will flush were one that we need to go protect and stop fraud from coming into our elections. it was a very militaristic campaign army for trump enlisted the support of groups like true the vote, which had large numbers of veterans and its ranks. a dozen veterans were sworn to support and defend the constitution. my brothers and i were willing to share our blood on the battlefield to protect the belief of the rocky people so they can vote . so i'm asking you as americans take involvement, it is about the idea of the military service entitles you to talk about protecting . the constitution is a real problem because it gives a level of justification that these groups do not deserve and have another. and if you have any information about valid harvesting in your state, go to through the voters gold through the vote dock and fork. and i sure i'm sure a lot of people in this audience or planning. if there's always this underlying
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belief that people are trying to games the system and an unfair way, then regardless of the intent of the people that are brought into that system, that default will always be there to, to police that. so then we know that that's going to have a disproportionate impact on community, the color groups to come down here. these areas, really for this is where the process, okay. you know, those areas, this was pointing out. there is no allegations on duty sort of motor fraud or snag is taking place there and 2020 at all. the only thing that's now is that black and brown people both have a leech and nose. they are just like the rest of the us. harris county has seen a sharp fall in the proportion of residents that are white 50 years ago. why it's made up around 80 percent of the us population. but according to a 2015 census forecast, they could be
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a minority by 2044. the demographic change of the united states away from being a white majority country towards a multi racial nation and a multi cultural nation is what moves it from. simply a ha, my community is becoming multiracial and our politics will change because of this to we have to stop this because if people can vote and exercise their rights, the white majority will be imperiled after the 2020 election republicans in georgia and several other states passed laws to restrict boating access we can get to the same place through bureaucratic violence as someone would say, as we can get to through actual violence and intimidation. and when you marry those 2, then you are in a unique era of suppression and anti democratic efforts. the
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hard line republicans and roberts bill missouri came together in the summer of 2021 to show support for their candidate for the us senate, the having to our great seasonal cost is milton marx's grooves floor that is still holy spirit in jesus name joyce, patriots have watched as your toronto governments have separated you from your churches, from your souls, from your boss, fairly white from your bare ways from your business days. but now, buying back is that's what we do. the
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i have generally, here's the next 3 years. that's why we need people. i heard the, the bill on the front lines and the day after the election he said, you know, got some serious look into this, ron, and what did you hear from the main stream media over and over again? they said, oh, that's just crazy. you can't do that. you can't say that there's that in front of us and why i'm the only person in this race from missouri went down to the front lines in arizona, myself, the eric right. and it's a highly decorated former navy seal. the road scholar,
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a former democrat, he wrote several best selling books after he left the military strength and compassion is a book of photographs and says from 8 different countries where i did international humanitarian work and documentary photography. he also co founded an influential non profit veterans group called the mission continues. in 2016, he was elected governor of missouri, but resigned to 2 years later, amid fundraising and sex scandals, and 2021. to begin his campaign for the us senate to serve in the united states military. i took the constitution against all enemies. the
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let's be we have a fight on our hands for this country. and we're here to let the main stream media know and let the last know and the establishment now and let the rhinos know that we're going to win a world change the wow. there's a padre of rack and afghanistan era veterans who were trained in the leap military units who went to elite schools all the way to know better in over the last few years have seen trumps rise to power. and rather than be disgusted by it, because it goes against all of our values, they don't live by those values. the
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credit, the liberals everywhere, they understand when they're like, they understand when they're fueling hatred. i said all the time, right, i think the election was stolen from trump and technology companies would not let us talk about the fact that joe biden is, it is the leader of the world's biggest crime family. and they recognize that they need to do it in order to achieve our part of the problem for the young veteran to is that some of these manipulative voices are a former high ranking military leaders. so when you hear somebody who held sway over you, when you're in uniform, know they're out and they're still commanding that respect, that has just such a strong purpose truck one he won the as he want, he won the popular vote. he won the popular the electoral college vote. oh,
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you know, friends, fluid character, he something special that's comes a little bit from the commodity of a be a military person. i can look at flint, and i can see that he's, he's got some really, really deep love for this country and respect for it. and he does respect is of, i am not a conspiracy theorist. i base my life on facts and judgment. and what i believe is right for this country, for this country period plan has been exposing truth left and right. and that's what makes them one of the most dangerous men in america. michael flane is a former 3 star general in the us army. his specialty was military recognizance. the soldiers, he commanded were highly successful in putting down insurgencies gimme a rock enough to understand of the president at the time rock obama appointed him director of the defense intelligence agency in the summer of 2021.
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3 years later, former democrats and become an ardent trump supporter ultimately called for the rest of trump's rivals. hillary clinton's right? yes. that's right, walter. out in january 2017. he became national security adviser to president trump . but just over 3 weeks later, trump fired him for allegedly concealing his ties to russia. flint initially made a deal with prosecutors, and then when the case against him was still pending, he was pardoned by trump at the end of 2020. ready shortly before the president left office, the disgraced former general michael flint convicted felon. use his general blankets. his 1st name was facebook front. his facebook name is jen flint on telegram. he's general flint. he's using his rank as part of his identity, of any use adopted the radical fascist politics of maga,
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of cuba, non, wherever you go, one, we go, the less america to bills. and so as a leader for an insurgency against the people's united states, as country as a way, the way that over the future. you can take, you know, during capabilities and you can place them in those states and basically rerun an election. and each of the state clearly is military experience. influence has some people to give him legitimacy that he might not otherwise have a symbol moraine. i want to know why, what happened in miramar can't happen here. no reason. i mean, it is, you should have no reason that endorsement of an armed crew was not the only time. the former military intelligence officer had questioned his government's legitimacy . the, as you learn the ability to lead, whether it's military or not,
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you've learned the ability to get people to do stuff. and that's just what he's doing. we are in a comfortable moment in the history of the united states of america. we're finding one's face for college and nothing can resist the provides this military experience, this religious experience to invoke this kind of feeling of a higher purpose. this country is individuals with the individual liberties and individual rights. and you have, you do to start assuming risk for your neighborhoods in your communities, in your towns. you have to get involved. general funds, ultimate plan is to undermine democracy. is to get his digital soldiers to radicalize the rest of the republican base. if lynn can convince his followers to push enough good people out of government, they'll beat us into submission. i don't want guys like disgraced former general
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michael slim. to be deciding who's an american, who's not general lindsey, you believe the violence on january 6th was justified? because they're moving is about excluding others. it's not about the will of the people. it's about suppressing opposition. it's about power general. but do you believe in the peaceful transition of power and united states of america? this is how countries full part part of my experience as a veteran and as somebody's workers, ref g, as in the human rights work, i know what happens when the center cannot hold in a society falls apart and know what happens when your ethnic identity or you're in group out group membership becomes a life and death issue. and when neighbors start killing each other, i've seen it. and whatever your twitter bravado about the next civil war is, nobody wants to see that united, the red, the hell i went to my son's race,
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like it made me angry that my son sacrificed almost felt like it was in vain. now i re focus. i had to take a look at it. i have to do a lot of soul searching to understand that that's not the case. and this light is not over. it's far from over. it may never be on, but the, his sacrifice is not in vain. the the
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business. what's new? we'll tell you the story. we have a getting a visa is more difficult than finding gold plus the 2 year course and for the present in the stories and issues that are being discussed across the country. news africa. in 30 minutes on the w, the
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not just another day. so much is happening all at once. we take time to understand this is the day an in depth look, it's karen who use events, analyzed by experts and critical thinking is. this is with the weekdays on d, w, growing up in the rates. you think the palestinians ever known, we don't expect much living with a bare minimum without civil rights and with no cost. this is not a good environment. yeah, no, no, my children and favorite shadow starts oldest good. on the w the, the
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you watching data we can use live from building donald trump defiant, following a shooting of the campaign rally. the former president says gable will not win and calls on america just i united. take a look what happened. trump was wounded in walk the f. b i describes as an attempt to assess the nation. the secret service killed the south. trump now to advance to travel to milwaukee for the republican national convention. and president joined by then coles, the shooting seats. and what is the full secure? he reviewed he does around the world, join him in condemning the.


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