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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 14, 2024 10:00pm-10:15pm CEST

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the, the, you're watching data we can use live from bullying. donald trump defiance following a shooting of the campaign rally the form of presidents as cable will not win and calls on america just i united again, look what happened. trump was wounded in well cspi describes as an attempt to assess the nation. the secret service killed the south trump now to advance to travel to milwaukee for the republican national convention. and president joined by then close the shooting 6. and what is the full secure? he reviewed 3, does around the world, join him in condemning the
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welcome to the program. i'm jared read. donald trump has issued a defiant coal for america to remain united, often surviving a shooting that accounting pain riley the f. b. i is calling the incident in pennsylvania and attempted assassination. the secret service killed the 20 year old suspect at the st. you as president joe biden has ordered a full security review. trump says he'll now travel on to milwaukee for the republican national convention. and you know that this is the moment former us president donald trump was shot at a rally in pennsylvania. take a look what happens of a bullet breezes his right ear secret service agents. the former shield around him
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rises the he shoots site site, his supporters, the floor being taken to safety. the f b. i says it was an assassination attempt. a spectator was shot in the head and died instantly, according to an eye witness. to other people were hit and are in critical condition . trump later posted this message on his social media platform. it was god alone who prevented the unthinkable from happening. we will see or not, but instead remain resilient in our face and defiant in the face of wickedness. our love goes out to the other victims and their families. a witness told bbc news that he saw the suspect and informed law enforcement moments before
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he pulled the trigger. we noticed the guy crawling army, you know, they're throwing up the roof of the building beside us. 5050 feet away from us. so we're standing there. you know, we're pointing, we're pointing out the guy growing up the roof and he had a gun. right. he had a rifle. right. we could clearly see what the rifle. absolutely. we're pointing out them. the police are down there running around on the ground where like a man this guy on the roof with a rifle in the police or like hall work, you know, like like any know what's going on. you know, we're like a raise you and what we can see it from right here. we see him. there is he's calling this and next thing, you know, i'm like, i'm thinking of myself. i'm like, why is trump still speaking? why have they not pulled him up? the stage i'm standing there, poignant at him for, you know, 2 or 3 minutes secret service was looking at us from the top of the barn. i'm
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pointing at that roof. just stand there like this. and next thing, you know, by transferring out, authorities killed the suspect 20 year old thomas matthew. see he was a registered republican from pennsylvania. the secret service is under pressure to explain what led to this major security breach. trump was targeted just days before he will be confirmed as the republican presidential dominy and election year that was already turbulent. has now taken a dark turn in america with us presidential bite and has ordered a full investigation into the shooting. speaking of the white house a short time ago to bide and appealed for america to you. nice. last night i spoke with phone trump. i'm sincerely grateful that he's doing well recovery.
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we had a short record conversation, joe, on our keeping him and his family and our prayers. we also extend our deepest condolences and the family, the victim who was killed. he was a father who was protecting his family from the bullets are being fired. he lost his wife. god love are also playing for the full recovery of those who were injured or grateful to the secret service agents and other law enforcement agencies who and individuals who risk their lives literally for a nation. as i said last night, there is no place in america for this kind of violence or any violence for that matter. the assassination attempt is contrary to everything, we stand for us as a nation, everything. it's not who we are as a nation and it's not america. and we cannot allow this to happen. unity is the most elusive goal of all, but nothing is important. and that right now,
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unity will debate and will disagree stock. that's not going to change. but it's going to, we're going to not lose sight of fact who we are as americans look, vice present harris. my. we're just break to the situation room by my homeland security, including the director of the f. b. i sector homeland security, the attorney general, the director of the secret service, homeland security advisor and national security advisor. and we're going to continue to be the f b. i is legally this investigation which is still in it's early stages. we don't yet have any information about the motor of an issue. we know who we is. i urge everyone, everyone, please don't make assumptions about his motive or is affiliations. but the f. b, i do their job and our partner agencies do their job. i'm instructed that this investigation be thorough and swift, and the investigators will have every resource they need to get this done. look at
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this investigation continues. here's what we're going to do 1st. mr. trump is a former president. you're nominated. republican party already receives a heightened level of security and i've been consistent in my direction of the secret service to provide me with every resource capability and protective measure necessary to ensure is continued safety. second, i've directed the head of the secret service to review all security measures for all security measures for the republican national convention, which is scheduled to start tomorrow. in 3rd, direct and independent review and national security. yesterday's rally to assess exactly what happened to share the results of that independent review with the american people as well. and finally, me speaking more about this tonight is greater land from the oval office. we must unite as one nation. we must unite as one nation to demonstrate who we are. and so
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may god bless you all and may god protect our troops. thank you very much. us presidential replied in de, well, earlier i spoke with dw correspondence, different simons who was outside the white house. he told me that security forces are on file is now, let me say the following. it is really imperative to understand that all the local, state and federal agencies, security and safety agencies from the f b i, georgia, department of homeland security and so on. secret service they are knowing the high year already and elevated security policy. you can see it actually here, right? the army. we wouldn't be able to be way down there at the white house and do this here for you talk to you, but we are pushed back and source, pushed back now across the lafayette park here. and that is just the middle thing. but this is implementation of a different safety and security posture, which is already here implemented and which will be of course, implemented to milwaukee. you will see that in the next couple of days,
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lots of lots of police, lots of secret service, lots of prevention and monitoring behind the scenes and visible to anybody who is there and to viewers on tv. and that's where we are right now in america. the president has to come out to make sure that everybody stays kind of home and that anybody who is involved in campaigning for one or the other party is cooling down. the language are less animosity less hates if you will, in what you say against the other person, be a political contender, but do not be enemies. different simons, they will. donald trump is heading to milwaukee in wisconsin for the republican national convention. our washington bureau, chase, in this pole is a the scale and the present biting, of course, tried to do the same thing. what you tried to do last night, immediately off to the news broke that uh, president. trump was
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a shot at here. we talked to many republican borders and also the delegates who are here a to nominate president, a former president. trump is the presidential candidate. and they of course say that they don't trust to buy it. and many of them go even further saying that he and his wife house is behind the attendant, attempted as the nation saying that because he biden wouldn't have any other chance to beads. donald trump therefore they kind of hired this shooter. i'm of course, just quoting those republicans we talked to, but i tell you many, many things like that here in milwaukee. certainly some conspiracy theories going around in this. there is a lot of scrutiny on how the shooting on trunk could have happened. i'm interested . can you just give us a sense of the security situation where you are at the convention today? yeah, is the stuff on just uh sides uh,
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what is going on in washington dc is obviously also happening here. i mean, this is the 1st convention i'm covering for dw, and security is always high, of course, because there's always a presidential candidate and other high end lawmakers. but this time you have a feeling there is something else going on. we talk to security folks here on the streets are all very, very nice, but of course the always taking extra level of measurement. also, you know, we are here in the convention center where the delegates will gather a tomorrow for a couple of days. and then to elect, finally donald trump, you'll hear some music probably there some sound checks going on and it was also extra hard to get in here. unix extra pauses to be allowed to, to get into this building. now in this donald trump is called the unity and resilience off to the shooting. now you personally have covered trump for quite
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some years. what do you make of this statement? well, i think um, he knows exactly what he's doing. he knows that there's a time to destination, give some really some kind of leverage. if i can say that on to you, a choice to be even more presidential. but he sometimes does. he tries to tell the world to kind of convince the americans that she is the opposite of spreading hades, that she's really able to take the white house to go back into the white house because he wants to unity. so he will definitely do everything to present themselves as very presidential and being able to fulfill the task of a president for the coming years. that was the w. washington bureau chief unit poll from the republican national convention in milwaukee. that gets underway on monday . eunice, thank you for that. so let's get more now from now correspondence around the world,
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beginning with matthew mall here in building reactions have been pouring in across the political spectrum here in germany. a mix of concern and condemnation and shock for the victims. and for the closest ally, the united states, german chancellor, schultz said it was a despicable act which donald trump speedy recovery. his finance minister and the leader of the liberal party here in germany said his consent for american democracy was growing. and the whole, this would be a moment for democrats to reflect on what we have in common, the head of the opposition conservatives feature matches a man who could well in the future, be working with a future president, trump. and he called the images horrible and said the incident would only for the fuel. the poison in the campaign, like germany, is no stranger to political violence and incidents like this with the raising it here and say i was a grim remainder of the need to maintain several discourse back and a number of fractions to the attack in the us. here in front president, in my,
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my call quoted, a tragedy to our democracies filed right lead to jordan. but dallas set that volumes was the toys and to democracies. and all this comes to the back door of a front. so racing is national holiday bus today with about 130000 security personal deployed across the country for us is also looking ahead to the olympic summer. gaines spelt, will be happening here in about 2 weeks time. and during which tens of thousands of security personal will be deployed to protect the olympic competitions each day. process anti terror large is already on its highest level. and this attack in the us has revived painful memories in a country that was hit several times by voluntarily tax. over the past decade, us here in brussels, we've had a number of reactions from the heads of the european union's institutions, including your commission, president,
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a sort of underlying saying that she's been pretty solid by the incident that took place in the united states. and she also asked her to simulate statements. it's about the v i going you kind of so president shaw, i'm a show both of them saying that political ice and violence have no place in a democracy. it's simply that they are unacceptable in the russia is the attack on donald trump is being used for propaganda purposes to create the size of the usa in general and to the u. s. the part of your brain is avoiding structure in particular, for an office books when, when money is a horrible condemned to get a tax on president. would it be a tradition of you as domestic politics as you sent us, politicians was spreading hatreds towards the opponents. countries and entire nations instead of supporting ukraine, the usa should invest money in domestic security, russian for an office box, one sets.


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