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tv   Sports Life  Deutsche Welle  July 14, 2024 10:15pm-10:31pm CEST

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the number of reactions from the heads of the european union's institutions, including your commission, president, a sort of underlying saying that she's deeply solved by the incidents that took place in the united states. and she also asked her to simulate statements. it's about of the, i'm going you kind of so president, show me so both of them saying that political acts of violence have no place in a democracy. it's simply that they are unacceptable in russia is the attack on don't know, trump is being used for propaganda purposes to pick the size of the usa in general and to the support of ukraine is a boy against russia in particular for an office book. so when, when body is a horrible condemned to the attacks on president, would it be a tradition of you as domestic politics as you sent? your explanations was spreading hatreds towards the opponents, countries and entire nations. instead of supporting ukraine, the usa should invest money in domestic security, russian for an office box woman sat in moscow. shortly off of the news of this
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assassination attends on the phone with us present. donald trump, we have statements from the time when he's president lighting, who said that his thoughts impressed with donald trump. he added that political violence of any form is never except since, you know, of democracies. this is a sentiment is really been shared by leaders across the stage and with the japanese prime minister streaming okesha to saying that we must stand firm against any form of violence. the challenges of democracies against similar sentiments occurred by the president of south korea. you talk y'all, he described this assassination attempt as a hideous act. interesting people say hardwood from badging. a capital of course, with weight shipped from had many tens. norman's during his administration, the foreign ministry engaging saying the chinese, the, the shooting ping, as expressed is conducting, says to donald trump as james change the ending correspondence, the end caisen island east with the rise of groups, the think tank and washington,
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i asked him earlier way that he thought us democracy was now on to 3. i don't believe democracy is under threat. no, i think this is rather a symptom of a long running issue and you asked which is that basically the us is that the only major democracy that has a high degree of distrust among his own viruses. it's very difficult for you to, for the restaurant collection is not disputed or not. so there's some degree of skepticism by at least a portion of the electric. i'm sure i think that this is also an addict of the increasing political polarization of division that we see in our country. i don't think that the suggest that democracy itself is at risk, but rather this is the most egregious and most obvious symptom of a long running issue of increasing correlation. are you talking about distrust and polarization? do you think this through seeing on the back of that is going to change how politics in the us is done? i don't believe this will change your politics studies thing. i think that this forces on each side maybe a little bit further into his own board,
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but we saw republicans and democrats alike. speaker johnson and president bind, does come out to condemn violence is sort of in every form. however, we've also seen comments that from j. d vance in terms got that reiterate something's been more aggressive than to visit measure night messaging that we've seen and recently. so i think unfortunately this pushes huge size further into its own sort of partners in court, rather than bringing a moment of unity in our political environment. trump himself reacted. i guess within seconds of this happening, he raised his face in a signal of defiance and strength. that's of course, really going around around the world. how do you think this quote impacts the upcoming election? with the images for president tra, raising his fist framed by an american flag over him, secret service agents trying to protect him. bloodied from this attack is going to be the defining image of the selection that will be the image that is played ad nauseum. when you discussed the 2024 election,
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what the effect of this was attacked was was to strengthen trump's position. she leads by and most polling is going to be very difficult for president binding to make a ground as this removes or notifies democrats and major attack or chris trump, which is the he was a threat to democracy. trunk can now claim very legitimately that the threat to democracy, the threat to our way of governance comes from both sides. some people like you, i guess, believe that it will benefit trump but cool americans, perhaps fear a possible vengeful president and possible violence and choose not to vote for him because of that you don't think that that's the reaction that you're going to see. i think the present troops approaches his claims of uh, you know, threats of retribution gets his political allies were place long before this attack . i think if that was a few, that was going to motivate their behavior is already motivated. so i don't know that this changes the background. dynamic thinking solidifies trumps. for long space. maybe the on the not obvious outcome of this attack is also strange.
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president binds position in his party. the attack over shows actually notifies any calls from with the democratic party and bind to step down. so if anything, i think the business that this attack, it'd be effective, strengthening, sort of binds position as the democratic nominee, but also trump strips and the overall race. speaking of president biden, he has called the unity. he suspended his campaign. what do you think we can expect from democrats in the upcoming days and weeks? i think for president biden, you're seeing exactly what we'd expect it. whether or not this attack occurs, present by the spacing increasingly, uh, sort of widespread calls move. democrats of want him to withdraw. he survives those . he's built enough of a coalition to push back against them. we expected that he would probably go dark during the republican national convention this week. this really reinforces it by and not being in the spotlight really helps his efforts to try it, sort of build up or repair is internal position and the party from other democrats
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. i think the only thing you can expect is universal condemnation of political violence and all shapes and forms to do otherwise would be to play directly into republican messaging as was to undermine different press, longstanding message of composing, any sort of political violence where the machine was quite an island from the rice and group in washington dc. quite and thank you very much for your insights today. and i'd like to welcome andrew giuliani, a conservative political commentator who served as a special assistant to former us president donald trump. welcome to use a moments of to being sauce for my president. trump raised his fist in a sign of defiance and strength. i'm interested. what's the significance it to you of that? just you to do. so the american people that even though he been shot, even though he had been knocked down, he wanted to get up. your cell secret service will wait. you want to get his shoes
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because he wanted to show the american people that he could walk off. and i think when he told the of the crowd and he told the american people to read the fight, i think that message came through loud and clear. we need to fight for our constitutional republic to fight for our freedoms. on november 5th, at the ballot box, that's what i heard when i saw that. and i also saw somebody that was resolute. they had incredible leadership to be able to do that. and somebody who, let's be honest here the angels were on his side yesterday. one more millimeter to the right, and this is a, a very different conversation that you and i are having right now. i wanna ask you more about this cold to 5. you say that it was a clear and strong message, but it could also be seen as possibly a coal to violence. do you think it was? absolutely not. i think it was a call to fight for our constitutional republic to fight for a limited democracy. and by the way,
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i think joe biden should be facing questions about why he said that donald trump should be in the target just a few short days ago. i can tell you if the roles were reversed as we have seen on this. uh, president trump had said that about joe biden, and god forbid somebody, a taken a shot and his job. i've been married garland right now, we'd be looking at figuring out ways to charge donald so with treason. so i hope the job, i'm mistaken questions about why he said that donald j trump should be in the target because to me that seems like insight and considering everything that i've seen or read over the last 3 and a half years to so you, you say that but donald trump himself has been use, spoke he still contentions with divisive statements, tweets insults, violent language, which have arguably only growing more extreme and confrontational. many argue he's a danger to democracy and that he incisive the capital ride on january the 6th, which is facing various charges around can you really stand by what you just sit?
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i believe president trump said we want our voice to be heard or january 6th peacefully and peach tree optically. but for some reason everybody seems to take that out of context. and she's actually talking about that. and they seem to set up basically leave blocking for joe by the democratic party on the so uh to me, i want fear news coverage on all this. i think sadly, what we see so much in the united states of america in other places is they seem to show dogs in his worst flight. and they seem to actually protect from the fact that joe buy has done nothing but go up after historical opponents take a look and see bear and take a look at peter navarro. take a look at rudy giuliani and take a look at donald trump. you have it by and just department is gone and targeted them is political owners. and when it comes to, let's say eric holder and hunter by the right to people that have been helping kids and just like she been peter tomorrow, or do you see that appear in florida? thrown in jail? nothing for cold or nothing for hunter by them. so you're telling me we're equal
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justice under lawyers and all of this, but just by the side, by the, by the end himself has called for unity. he has said that he has the telephoned with the donald gardens. the do you acknowledge the he said that your, that donald talk should be in the target a couple of days ago. i do knowledge that sir, leaders around the world have said that political violence is a threat to us democracy give the over the last day. so i'm interested, i'm interested to ask you, do you believe democracy in your country to be on to threaten your way to say we can't even have an honest conversation if you can't actually acknowledge what jo, by them said, just 5 days ago, she said the donald trump should be in the target and you're not even acknowledged that. how can you not have an honest conversation if you can't even know what the current president united states set against, is the main opponent,
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the leading contender for, for president. can you acknowledge the job? i said that that's out there. that sounds really understand what he said. 400 to the time i'm going to have to say good bye to you. that was andrew juliani, a former assist no problem. donald trump, thank god, a little to be nice. thank you. let's take a look now at some of the stories making headlines today, german police say a suicide is killed. 2 people before tuning the gun on himself in the southwestern state or fight and foot. and but the attack occurred in the village of outage stopped loudly into others were seriously injured. french president t manuel my crone has let the annual bus still die. latrice, there are many in power as part of the parade has been altered to merge with the olympic torch, reside before the games which begin in paris. in 2 weeks time, syrian start media report that is riley strikes around the capital of damascus of killed one pro, a government fighter. and we did the 3 of those things. riley army says the
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targeted military infrastructure in response to 2 drawings launched from syria of israel says it has killed one of the how must command is that he targeted in an attack under humanitarians are and in gaza. on saturday he was roscoe solemn. come on to of the han eunice brigade of the militant group homeless, which carried out the october 7th terror attacks. the homeless run, garza health authority says at least 90 palestinians were also killed and hundreds more injured in the is riley strikes. many of the casualties where sheltering in a designated sites darn near hundreds. scroll down to send from the u. n. agency for palestinian refugees in garzo under i was at nasa hospital way casualties with tank it. i mean very simply, it was a scene of chaos. a sing of despair and a scene of not having enough a for everyone that needs it all nicer hospital was just re constituted not long
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ago after an operation. and con eunice of the hospital, this 38 emergency balances and they already had 40 patients before the incident happened. so they were very quickly overwhelmed. almost another 150 patients showed up at the hospital. and as i said, it was just very chaotic on top. parent was trying to find children, children who didn't have parents, and it was very moving, but not necessarily in a good way what we saw at the hospital yesterday. we were trying to clean up blood with water because they didn't have disinfectant. so just a very difficult, very difficult time for everyone that was got on this and from under the and you're up to date here on the top with you, please do visit our website dw dot com. thanks for watching the, the new will tell you. happy that we are back to
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the story. we have a getting a visa is more difficult than finding gold hosted to use the dream force and for the future in the stories and issues that are being discussed across the country. news african next on d w. how healthy all the coast of researches from switzerland, one to find out with us, official intelligence, they scanned the carl release off the coast and processed the data invalid barge. the results a 3 d model studies 6th street tomorrow today in 60 minutes on d. w. the untold story for
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details. it's going to be find it here. repos every weekend on d w. this is dw news advocate coming up on the program. roland are prepared for elections, but will they change anything? president kick i made faces limited opposition as he seeks of force, presidential time, but rights groups continue to voice concerns about rolanda as political climate plus the image that's causing us the in camera room. president poll b as door to the in the spotlights. i made the countries n t l g b t last prescription for survival. how nigeria is economic timeline is a.


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