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tv   Sports Life  Deutsche Welle  July 15, 2024 5:15am-5:31am CEST

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its poker charged. the 3rd stage when in this use tore us all of all our headlines for now we'll be back soon with more. the meantime, check us out online dot com. we're also on youtube or the dw news channel. obviously if there's, if it's watching the each tells my story of the people who planned me build dedicated van lines to me. i am not too dumb. depending on the online made in the centuries they billed me, they created something i had to watch as i was destroyed. i have months my city's days, full centuries and accompanied my country. until the day i
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nearly vanished stuff to lie, 18 o d w the the olympics. good thing my, my dream is to climb and the live to perform on the big stage in climate such events, you need more time, more effort and there's more money involved. you know, i don't come from a rich family when i have this street, i need to achieve something and sports a source of money, but big own dreams. depo manage and then trying to qualify for the olympics with no help from sponsors, but plenty of support from his cunning community the
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i missed what people. my name is people from bangalore and i'm a full time professional climate plannings. i started climbing 12 years ago. my dream is to qualify for the olympics and put india on the international climbing mounting data nash is one of the biggest names in the indian timing. see last season he broke full national records and there's no rang 87 in the world. the highest edit for an indian in speech climbing. but most tomorrow meeting is not well known in india, in my country sport, and mostly means crickets in the sports. and that's a good because it is in the so these are very limited. here in climbing is only slowly developing, so wherever i can use disability, i tried to work on lowering my time. lower my data is currently training for the
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regionals fee, timing competition. i've got people here he needs to come 1st to enter the national room. if he gets a top 3 finish that he can compete in the international meet scheduled as an them to qualify us. so he still has a long way to go a little bit a little bit to perform on the big stage and events like that. you need more time, more effort, and there's more money involved. money is the main problem, even if you're among the best in india, the climbing association and the sides have only limited infrastructure and competition. so 2 of the law sponsors hesitate to invest in pros like deep because climbing has yet to take off on the go on our look at the so it's limited resources, they will suffice an uphill struggle against social and suddenly expectations
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a spin scan, but it's hard to explain to my parents what it is i do for smoking and what the sport involves. and they wonder why i'm doing it. and whether i can achieve anything in other tomorrow because it's on the, the, when a lot of my family has often pressure to me to give it up to integrate thing. there's nothing for me to gain from sports video. you're afraid my career will suffer, but, and i won't be able to earn much from the on learn a little bit. and so that's what i've told them. okay, don't worry about it my but one day i'll earn money and be in a better position or the position i live in. usually netflix, strongly rare in india for parents to allow their kids to pursue a career in sports. it's frustrating and more frustrating them yet because only the risk can do them. the more special cases like me, it's very hard because i don't know that especially play skids amongst all people
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in india and loved face forcing heroes and millions of indian children take up sports. but by the time during the teens business drop out rates, and lack of proper coaching or a comprehensive supposing curriculum, under disregard for sports as a viable career option on the main reasons behind the exodus. but there was no stopping deep. the, despite cheering tremendous potential on the agents, the case deeper and his team struggled to raise funds, plays international competitions. the only way to qualify for the index bus emits these financial challenges. a beacon of hogan matched the signing community rally to support please note competition asian qualify in jakarta. they connected and sunrise more than 2400 years. within 24 hours,
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his sons had the face and he did not disappoint finishing 15 among the best time is in asia, the trying not any for him, but for the entire climbing community in india. being sponsored by your friends and follow is also means pressure not to let them down well the, the natural passion for climbing the whole idea of being sponsored by the community was not able to make the i have a mentor who i've been climbing with since i was a boy in his name is caught up saying my climbing skills and performance is world cups. i think he encouraged me to try for the olympics. he reached out to the indian climate community to posted a message about me wanting to compete at the olympic. and so they took months, i started from there and a lot of people came forward to help out. the kid wasn't out when they, when they're part of the local she,
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i looked at them that really inspired is that the indian climbing community expect and want to support the growth young. but they know if i reach the olympics on, the sport will naturally develop here. the government will surely help to build better facility as a bit. you would have a lot of young people taking sports clothing further. heights links, sports, blaming on the one of those. but until then, depot has to rely on his community who not only supposed him financially, but also provide motivation and training assistance. and some to you can leave it at is finding and asked me to, especially if it's equally and add to find the community that supports them. that's so much passion, pain, and they know that this one person can need, can cooler thoughts and he doesn't find it doesn't happen. every school. i don't
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feel that is big. such a big community was passionate and it says that that has been by themselves. all the items to the in bush and bush, but that takes 30 seconds to break in the hallowed walls of accounting jim. deeper funds more than just a training ground. he finds his family and disabilities system that understands unique struggles. he faces together they said triumphs and show that defeats creating bones that transcends the competition. the right know, the regional speed coming competition is approaching time for some final strength
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training and of course mental preparation. the hello and welcome to the south, georgia sport climbing called. but disappeared in bangalore, where we got to find out what progress all of the national ground that's happening later on this month. the timing is the most dynamic and impressive to works of the sports and then pick discipline bus. it's not the sole focus here 1st to be asked to know each other. so it's like a big family reunion. the community among itself as a huge support for the food makes it like
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a home game for him. i'm. i'm going to get other and sports climbing is not well known in india, and that's why people have come here to support me. i know they do. yeah. go, i think i'm ready for the competition. i'll try my best smart thing in the crowd will be cheering for me to window somewhere to mark. but let's see what happened on a and other than the people who was the national record of 5.887. and in the past year he has broken the national debt of it. totally other said, he broke the national debt. good to 6.59 from 6.59. he went to 5.98 from price point 98 to 5.9. folks, and most recently at the agent qualify as he got a 5.887, that insane sp timing might look straightforward enough. you have to scale the 15, made simple as quickly as possible. the varies is always the same,
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so the athletes can prepare. climb is like deep who have practice this pump. so often that muscle memory takes over on competition day. that was really that is the data invited to the final. now it's just about focusing, going through all the movement sequences over and over again. so all eyes, all eyes on the blue right now. as the space plan by the way, everybody's been watching us again. and then handing the control to his body and muscles i know the
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the thing is people's competition to want everybody part. the data is made to the next national competition. one more step to the olympics, thanks to his passion on the power of his community. his success ensures the communities investment in him is rewarded. the small budding updates or getting involved in climbing because of him. one more decent performance at the nationals and a couple of weeks and the dream will edge one step closer. it steeple makes it to the olympics. then susie, as it is going to be much bigger, but for now, i'm not anything, not in my training, starts again from tomorrow. the journey doesn't stop here. i'm now focusing on the
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bigger competitions. i have lined up and focus on starting my preparations. talk more about the schools, the winning, the say never giving us the most exciting thoughts, stories about people's passions. every weekend on dw life here, fuzzy into poly church. bizarre.
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it has existed for almost $600.00 a year with a labyrinth of shop windows mouth and color, the ties into the fascinating world of holly to machine with us next on d. w. persecuted, betrayed and forgotten by the world. ruth ginger women in bond gladish the for years they had been oppressed and living in abject poverty in the largest refuge account, a noble. i'm in 45 minutes on d. w. as he's got any issues or thoughts say what?
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the a miraculous recovery, how a 100 year flood in germany changed the lives of 2 wine makers. a city unto itself, one makes is symbols ran bizarre, a must see and deliciously medicinal what effect of licorice have. and how is it made these stories and more coming up on your own macs the .


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