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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 15, 2024 9:00am-9:31am CEST

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the, the, this is the w news buy from the land. joe biden calls on americans to cool. they have political templates. politics, never be a little battle. god forbid, can we change the way as president condemns violets after his arrival suffice an assassination attempt. english is donald trump. well trump arrives in milwaukee. the republican national convention equals for unity politics. go on with the republican national convention or think today at spanish football fans are ecstatic . as the team is crowned champions with
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a to one window bring glen to the euro 2024 final even by the the i've been for the will and welcome donald trump is returning to politics. after having narrowly escaped death in a shooting at a campaign valley over the weekend, before us president is in milwaukee wisconscin for the republican national convention. way he said to be declared the policies presidential candidate is supporters of being, gathering outside the venue to welcome him. trump is coal for unity, but said that he'll remain defiant if the eye is investigating the assassination attempt as potential domestic terrorism, but has yet to identify a motive. president joe biden has held the televised address, judging americans to cool down their rhetoric and to resolve their issues at the ballot box were the attempted assassination on donald trump. there is no place in
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america, this kind of violence for any violence ever period or exceptions. we can't allow this files to be normalized. you know, the political record of this country has gotten very heated. it's time to cool down . we all have responsibility to do that. yes, we have deeply felt strong disagreements, estates, and the selection are normally high. i showed it many times, that's a choice of the selection we making, the selection is going to shape the future of america and the world for decades to come. i believe that all my so i know that millions of my fellow americans believe as well. and some have a different view as to the direction or countries your disagreement is inevitable in american democracy. it's part of human nature. politics must never be a little battle from a god from good. can we feel as republican party delegates gathering milwaukee for
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the convention? many of them are convinced that the failed assassination attempt as boosted donald trump's chances of winning the presidential election. the double use as poll spoke to some trump supporters who believed the former president as a most stronger than ever the atmosphere this time is different from former years. there is a palpable sense of insecurity and the attempted. assassination of donald trump and its consequences are dominating the conversation. they've tried to put him in jail and that didn't work. so now somebody tries to take his life, and i feel like that he is going to come back stronger than ever. this was not just an attack on the political person, a political party, it was an attack on an american, as you can see from the attempt, that he still thought about the people 1st. he's a wonderful man, he's a faith family and freedom president. and that's what we need right now in our
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country. thank god. trump turned his head to the right time and direction of the holy spirit. and the bullet missed and just raised the more i predict truffle when california new york and every state. i can't imagine each state wouldn't vote against him at this point. i think god is in control, and i think he's gonna watch over us. so i'm not really worried about it, but otherwise i wouldn't be here today. this is the reno red delegates from all states gather to select their candidate and also celebrate the many. it is a bit of a car, a nation spic tackle in this republic that takes pride and freeing itself from the crown. the debate over whether he will be able to secure enough votes is over and there is no doubt that donald trump will deliver his acceptance speech on thursday . on the stage right here, behind me called the towing office speeds will significantly influence how his supporters react to the attempted assassination with composure or anger.
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so me onto kind of move is director of the aspen institute, germany here us thing. thank you. and by then, what sort of campaign tone will the republicans set today? so 1st of all, this attempted as an assistant nation on trans comes at a time where the political debates are already very she touched as we also heard in biden's speech yesterday. the tone is, has been fuse um for a month, and this is a deeply, deeply divided society. so for both campaigns, the 5 and campaign and also the trump campaign, it is now really important to find the right tone, to calm down the situation and to prevent that they will be more violence on the ground. so who heard that clearly and by them speech uh yesterday,
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but from as well. cool off uh for unity. so in the part of the convention which uh today starts for the republicans. i would expect that at some, but also be more presidential and well again, call for calmness. but at the same time, i would expect that some of the republicans web already fuel some of the conspiracy theories will continue doing so into i would also expect that chunks the fuel, some of the narrative which he had pushed forward over the last month. and but it appeared as strong as strong candidates as he already did in all those pictures which are currently going around the rob and after the attempt attempted assassination. so it doesn't sound like you waste politics is expected to become any comma in the coming days. and i think that it's going to be very difficult for both kids to calm down. um, i expect that that's uh,
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the conspiracy the way of switching we are currently seeing them being spread that, that it is going to continue. and so given, given the deep divide ends of society, it would be almost, i would say not easy to expect that the country really now varies around the flake and unites. we have to consider that for decades. there is a deep you divides between for west of and conservative between left and right of the spectrum, but also to graphically between 4 and which and this division goes so deep that people from one can perceive the people of the other. not as people who have a different opinion, but who are really almost the enemy and to expect that's um this can be overcome within just a few days. i think that would be very naive. so what would be best if both present?
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well, the former president at the current president came together and asked to gather from the communists and understanding and the society. i'm giving the campaign i can see this. okay, how would you say the us is dealing with the shock of what happened over the weekend? this so what biden is currently doing and he did so and to speech says, i guess today he is asking for calmness and he is. he has also already asked for 2 investigations. first, the end of as an investigation of the secuity gaps in the campaign rally. and he also promised to look into the secuity for the republican convention to make sure that this is really a sufficient to secure our, to, to be secure for uh for um the candidates at trump. and i think this is pretty much all he can do at the current stage. he also said that he would put
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a stop to some of the campaign s, which are very aggressive towards fund. but it is going to be a damper for, for the campaign. but as a present, what he really needs, you know, is not campaign, but to provide the stability for, for his country and with allies on the us right now, how stable is it's political system? would you say? i think it has shown also over the last 4 years that the united states is very stable to despise everything. what is going on? i mean, we have been closely following the court cases against, from but at the other hand, over the last 3 years, and the, the, by an administration was able to bring through congress 7 really big legislations on infrastructure, on investment inflation reduction act. so the government inc um was very strong
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over the last 3 years. and we see that also in the test has ended relationship with the relations ship improved mess of the over the last 3 years. and we saw that specifically in the case of how to counter rush's invasion of ukraine. so although everybody certainly is probably looking united states and there's also very, i think, um, the governing as going to be and continues to be stable. some upsides have, i'm solely on. i committed the director of the aspen institute, germany. thank you. let's take a look now at some of the other stories making use around the world. the comp on has killed at least 9 people and wounded thousands in the somali capital market issue. the explosion occurred outside of busy cafe, where football fans were watching the your 2024 final state media blame the attack on the is limits militant group, bouncer. bob, at least 4 people were injured in centrally as well. when
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a car rammed into commuters waiting outside a bus stop. police shot dead the suspect that attack a one victim is in critical condition while to others was seriously injured. and us fitness guru and media style. richard simmons is died, age 76, assembly and instructor rose to fame with his own tale of weight loss, championing exercise, and clean eating. he was found unresponsive in his home by his housekeeper, police are treating it as a natural death, a pulse of opened in milan. this election president polk academy is one of the expected to back another sweeping victory. he's been lead us since the end of the country is 1994 genocide in the most recent election could not be one nearly 199 percent of the vote, but not without controversy. while the country has made economic advancements, rights groups have long accused. the rolanda government of stifling political opposition of correspond, it might have moved out,
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has been monitoring the run up to the polls and she's bought this report from the got a gun. he is what many people think off when they think of rwanda and martin cleans developed and say it's capital. the government has worked hard to sell this image. we've been mostly successful in the most important things that we wanted to get done. which means security and safety for london's bringing back home refugees of uniting london's justice and progress and delivering to hundreds run up to date is better off than it's ever been. ronda has grown economically reduced maternal mortality and improved health care. it has also become a major conference and towards destination. but that's not enough, especially when 60 percent of london still live below the poverty line. says a position need to fix why and copy of a they data so much of and that they do that to the to get it. we have
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a beautiful building, glen, this is sweets, button development is most of that development is they indicate to the people and that's what have appropriate for modernization among the kids on the 5 use that has all kinds of them to provide to him in other countries outside the to get, he would have to have a who's we need to, who do we need that explicit? do we need to or tie we need to, or split that says there's many syncs that to have to shift between a and b or it has been a fee, is critique of president pool come down there for decades and was punished for speaking up. she was imprisoned for ages were challenging the government narrative of the 1994 genocide, the targeted the tootsie minority and killed about 800000 people. you good. the size of the, the institution is alondo. the government. of course, the order of labor to be the enemy of the coffee, like you may spend the
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a to using the present order because it has keep the size of the parts of the government. so this is why i ask that they have to understand that we need the oldest democracy in our country to have a sustained a bit of development. we need to, to have a lead. that is what i could account about before the citizen government has been praised for bringing separately to, to xander and the 30 years since the dentist was know. the rights groups have criticize the country is human rights record, and foods, disappearances, arbitrary detention, extra 2 additional cleanings and georgia, a routine. the government denies this a problem. we did, we did not assessing if people were a country of law. we're country, the values life. that is the biggest lesson that we learn from the genocide o job is to take care of. one of these. people are free to say whatever they want. the country rang 144 out of 180 in the world press freedom index. 14
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members of freaked wine, you'll be or is a position party and 3, john list behind bars several more waiting trial. do you think it will be a free and fair election to? yes it, it's elizabeth. it's widely expected that poor guy man will win this election with more than 90 percent of the vote. as he has done in previous polls. that's caused by particularly to speak. the journalist moses got he thanks for being with us. why does the president remain so unchallenged in his role? thank you for the yeah. partly, um he remains until then because of even his party has not been providing um uh is easily constantly reminded them to, to, from someone who uh took over from me. but even these cuts he has not managed to,
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to, to phone to that person. uh, even recently she reminded them that the have to work on getting a replacement for him, but also internally um they haven't been uh for me to move challenges to, to, to put them in the elections. uh let me because uh, of so many reasons. one of them being that the fact that um leads the political parties have been weak, the update you on any political parties, but the rival party. but that would be rival political parties. dev into being organized enough or strong enough to to fund it for me to both charlie and yeah. uh so we see that the current um uh, challenges of cuz i mean uh the ones that, that, that stood against to me last time. and last and he won by a landslide, which is highly expected to happen again,
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the 1990 percent and the bus. and several prominent critics were also bought from the rice. it yeah, yeah. that, that does, this will be in there. i think the, the national election commission rule them out that they need it to disqualify to them that they couldn't come up. but in this country, they had a number of factors that went against them. some had had some, like the henri that i had subbed the time and it was image book, and i those did not present that day. the right product is i that i needed for for presidential candidate to spend. so the way i wrote it out, uh yeah. and, and so did do that hasn't been a big challenge. it is. so in the election given in the car on to that when we hear a result of 90 percent commie coaching, 99 percent of the vote,
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that doesn't come across as being very credible when it comes to gret, democratic related elections. romando is also now rated free in the latest freedom in the world report by the freedom house. can you give us examples of the lack of freedoms in your country as well up each run that i attended the sum of the complain rallies and the tongue believable, the turn of the people through those company and relatives especially for cause. i mean, it was uncomfortable. uh, yeah. did the issue of freedoms uh, could be that some people have been, um it'd be, is it done via food to excellence, to come out and, and then and express their opinions. some of course we've had the issues of, of some of the, the youtube i also have been imprisoned for
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a full amount of reasons. but the on the contain riley, you could see one and um, uh, youtube its, it's even difficult to give a shit with a run and generally come to these rallies. yeah. but but, but um, most of them really show the show the uh, the general appreciations to, to, to the president for i, he has brought to the country thought he has a good many of them. of course i still uh, uh, traumatized and i need a boat. what happened in the, in the bus. we, jim's, so this thing, something different on the generally uh, uh, behind the president. uh, a lot of it is, is, is really genuine. but you cancelled out to the fact that some of them uh uh, allegedly uh uh you know what you good bye bye. but by way what they expect from me
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because yes. so do them over the last 2 years that uh progress kind of be yes. okay . it doesn't sound like an easy situation. most is guy. he didn't get to golly, thank you very much for joining us here on the w's 16th. thank you for having it was a night of trial for spanish football fans here in bowl in spain. a once again, european champions with a to one when over england in the finals of the year 2024000 something big stadium . williams. with spain ahead and a 47 minutes comma equalized. franklin midway through the 2nd hop setting up a nail biting finish. but spain financed in the dying minutes the game as because you're sort of made it to one hot break for england victory the spend so how will the always be remembered?
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with games in 10 cities, they would logistical challenges. germany's train service didn't deliver, but the national 11th did a good jump of at least making it to the quarter finals. see hundreds of thousands of football fans have flocked to germany in recent weeks, converting slaves of cities into impromptu dance course. goods when they're always in a good mood, they're always down to the bar. the germans have made quite the impression is who's been loving it and the people are so friendly having a great time. not everyone's been so nice to us. yeah. it's been great. the consumption of inordinate volumes of german beer helped to keep the party afloat on the way to help us to be of help. so people are fantastic. even if the weather didn't always play alone, great, that must be a crack. whether the tournament also highlighted diversity within germany, offering a chance for those with the american roots to celebrate. 1 we talk is,
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you know, how it's germany, not his, but expressions of nationalism did reach dark depths during the tournament. turkish defender immediately tell me about celebrated a goal with the ultra nationalist greenville symbol the suspension by you 8, but didn't stop thousands of turkish fans from mimicking m. later. euro 2024. it didn't just boost nationalism. it shattered german national. and this german efficiency is very disappointing. delayed and over crowded trains, and lensky lions for stadiums brought frustration to the festivities. we've been to the every woke up since 90. i went to control and this has been the was pulling them uncomfortable realization for a long time. no, i can remember. it wasn't just trains failing to reach their destinations. some of the biggest teams in the tournament like belgium croatia, italy in portugal failed to impress some stars fizzled. well, new ones were born despite the german national team being supported by spinning the
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quarters coach. you'll be a non judgment side put inspiring football and one over the nation with fans backing their team with an exuberance not seen any years. the i'm interested to so is just a small part of life, but it's very meaningful to many since he didn't because we've managed to bring people together. he mentioned. so i, in, in euro 2024 will be a fond memory for many germans, ended supplied them with plenty of hope for their foot following future as bullets for putting down your bus, the loan was being out and about enjoying the games. what did you make of spain? well, i think span of course absorbed 10 been it was really a case of the best side in the tournament. getting to the final and winning, i mean span they'd be the holders, they'd be the host, they be the home team, they be, they want a group of death. so really they didn't have it easy and they made it look easy and
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not just the fact that they won, but how they won. i mean, they play an exciting brand of attacking football that everyone loves to watch all the hallmarks of a span tied very good in possession, but they can also be direct getting the ball out why to those winners that we've talked about over and over throughout the tournament mika williams, let me in your mouth. i mean, they scored so many goals. this tournament. 15 goals, that's more than any side in the years, has had they have every score. they're the most successful european nation. now they won 4 times. so a lot of credit, obviously, to de la fuente for the team has created the style of play that they play, and obviously they did deserve to win. so what were your highlights from the tournament? oh there's, there's so many highlights of this tournament. i think um, of, aside from spain, of course, we saw a lot of lets a mid level teams. maybe it was out that top quality playing some really courageous football. and they give us a really fantastic and exciting matches. they weren't afraid to go at teams and
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really try to get wins. teams like austria, switzerland, turkey, very exciting. obviously, george, i'm their 1st every tournament, the fans for me were a really big highlight as well. of course, so many fans came to germany. we saw on the report, the netherlands fans, the marches. they had all of them jumping to the left and to the right of the noise in the stadium when turkey played, of course, cuz it was like a home tournament for them. that was incredible. and i think what was great for me as well is that we saw so many different fans from so many different walks of life . it didn't matter. men, women, religion, race, young old, everybody coming together to support football. and i think, you know, there's so much negative going on in the world right now, and it feels like everything is trying to divide and rip people apart and to see so many people come together despite everything and have a little bit of positivity. i think that really shows the power that sport has, and i think it's beautiful. it's actually would it be an amazing having that she's such as population here, of course. but uh also what about the marks that the germans of the german team
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i've left on this tournament? so i think obviously there were some big shoes to fill because a lot of people talked about 2006 in the summer fairytale. and of course, it would be impossible to totally copy that, but i think the tournament was an overwhelming success. i mean, in terms of, you know, safety and security. i didn't see any incidents that were very few. wherever i went, it was always very peaceful. i mean, of course, the trains, if you live in germany, we knew it. i was going to be a problem coming into the tournament. nothing you can do about that. of course, the fans a big highlight. there was so many fans here. and i think obviously the german national team, we saw some great football. and one of the most exciting matches for fans was probably the one that broke germans hearts again, spain, when they went out. and of course, this is a very good german side, and it would have been seen as a failure in the past to crash out, but they didn't crash out. so there's a lot positive for this german side, moving forward dungeons to learn to thank you very much. i a and
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a reminder of the top story by following for you this now to abide and has cold on americans to cool. they have political templates to televise the dress that you as president condemned pilots and said he wished donald trump well one day off that his bible survived an assassination. so for now, by the
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meet hope now we're a one of the stars of x equals couple bosh soft ground wrestling in kampala. fighting like you've never seen it before. if somebody crazy and the best part is the women seem to be leading the bad. the
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citizens 7 to say no the we were taught to, they're not even human really there. we call them targets or silhouettes. this video changed the world. it says us tote is killing civilians in the wrong oftentimes thing it's, julia sons became a wanted man. is being accused of journalism. 14 years later, we can expound it is fine. the gym is done during the traces, the stories of a soldier under survivor, off the attack. they speak to each other for the 1st time, forgive me, but the slowest. don't think that i carry any resentment or grudge in my heart to see the captivating story about this struggle for forgiveness and truth
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guardians of trees. julian, his sons, and the dog, secrets of war, starts to lie. 27 on d. w. is tradition, a relic of the past or something that we still need today? now i wouldn't say i'm fully traditional, but the values that ingrained in me, like respecting my elders, helping others or even speaking my mother tongue she had at all. we have so many ways of preserving culture and on this week. so we will explore exactly that. welcome to the 77 percent. the show for us because majority under 35, i am your host, okay to english. another here is what we have for you today. in our street debate, ugandans discuss whether tradition is outdated or not.


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