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tv   Eco Africa  Deutsche Welle  July 15, 2024 12:30pm-1:00pm CEST

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to get their house from there. and david shuttle stops august 3rd on d. w. the the one with all the east changing and there is much we can do to help ourselves a fellow creatures on the environment. welcome to eco africa. i am son, drug of homes, a 3 nobody, right to income. pull out uganda. we're almost taking the cheap around the world we view base week. that's right. sandra in the quest for sustainable practices will had as far as some remote in the mountains. but one reports at the time, i am chris of loans, illegals nigeria. this week, we will take
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a look at the pipeline a i to, to come back to po change in kenya, keeping up adver forestry. traditions. 10 indians mountain is region and honoring a judge in a wide life called in uganda. while we're getting started and gone. uh, we have superstitions a bound in the countryside. some people believe that's bad. behavioral influences, the weather. and that's only about peace in the spirit, gods will cease, improve. now these believes and the beast and science, which is why a team of young people is looking to transform altitudes. they all want the same thing to do something about climate change. the disaster use for day it is challenging. traditions in their community of non gary because the dry seasons are lasting longer and the harvest are getting smaller. yeah,
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you. the rainmaker however still relies on own rituals. then the 2 bedrooms yakima . we're keeping the tradition of our forefathers in whenever there is a drought, we need to perform sacrifices to our ancestors. that's what they were doing to get abundant food and rain. go see, and if you don't perform these rise, it won't rain properly. we agenda, which i've done before, she is due to human induced climate change weather extremes, are also becoming noticeably stronger here in northeastern. gone up. the normal rainy seasons are failing to occur replaced by sand storms or torrential downpours in the non neary community. more and more farmers have planted their fields right up to the banks of the river, where the land is more for tile. but during the heavy rains, the river overflows its banks and crops are often lost. this is why the youth brigade marks out the river bank areas that are not to be planted. the young people are volunteers who have been trained by the national disaster management
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organization or not know for short. and then when we play, the kid has a have a form of this group, so it will to, to, to our chief and the others. and that's important to us. so to see what the f, what was to do so that if i didn't reduce, how would we see then this? yeah, well, how to weigh mazda a limited wheel from that event. so that you went off, i'm clearly over at the funding would reduce growing crops to close to the river, but has negative consequences for the environment. scientists more wendy, if i'm close to what top would use the size of the what top would it begins to reduce then also the machines takes place that you have the position of sealants can do that. the bait was that what, what do you see reduces it means that the amount of him but we have the 1250 gel
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model for him for you hopping on area. rainfall is also affected by ramping deforestation. when harvests fail, the sale of firewood and charcoal is the only alternative source of income. then the villagers cut down even more trim, a vicious cycle. because the fewer the trees, the less it rains. the volunteers, if we're getting discussed all these issues with the villagers, most players a recurring theme. people set them during the dry season to make it easier to hunt game video. and the 1st one we did go and then the minor outbreak. literally we go to put it out and investigate the car for you. and it said that if someone deliberately sent the fire, the person who's done that before the elders. and finally getting that i'm oh, i keeping a good environment. they just the best way to enjoy your life. see all the stuff like you the campaigners raise awareness among villagers. not that yeah,
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i know we are prepared for that and we've been getting fewer reins and recent years and instance severe storms that destroyer homes. that's why i believe the young people, if they tell us to plant trees instead of cutting them down, it's better than our own practices store. so my island ushio is proud that his messages are being heard of the villagers used to regularly cut down trees here. the landscape was bare until they started re for us thing 3 years ago as the villagers now only take individual branches for firewood. instead of cutting down the whole 3, the youth brigade receive support from both national and international sponsors. together with the villagers, they were able to plant 5 more hectares of acacia trees near the guys. yeah, fuck land. as we started doing mount phone, cutting it today's full file file if i would and also a brand new chuckle. so we, we, we brand that this guys, yeah. for the next 3 years or 3 years coming. ok,
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they're gonna get files out for for find out for the local organizations. project managers regularly visit down your a to find out how things are going. they also give tips on how the villagers can protect themselves from storms or floods, such as plant more indigenous trees to create when breaks. after 3 years, the program manager makes an initial assessment. we believe that this is an important strategy and initiating that should be adopted by ada access. one community at the time we come on each climate change. it's all about the efforts together that will show that out environment is safe for us and for see which eisen generations. this also includes regularly collecting plastic that would otherwise be blown around by the wind. such use brigades now exist, and 5 communities in northeastern. gonna 20 volunteers are always active. they're taking the many small steps together with a villagers to at least counter act. anthropogenic climate change on
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a local level. young people are both compacting long killed superstitions, but they are also are the full frontal preserving patients. physicians, let's go to the priest and forest around in some remote villages. in ne, in india, our region with a sizable tribal population on indigenous communities. beth, what in danger of losing the diversity of the food systems due to high demand for just some groups, but young people from a slow food n g o helping to revise the strength. oh, uh yeah, mm hm. like buying them your. yeah, i've seen the key some by that ancient cause these folk song describes the close borne between humanity and nature. richard zondaway belongs to the 50 or so
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families who live here in the mountains of cheat f one g in ne india as make on yesterday. my the song asks me to forget, like the wind plants growing among the flower beds, saw so so to me by the name he couldn't control him. can you come all these are garlic, joy, which we eat about in ship land. this is why i did. and then we have bonded pals which we cultivate for buying for them. come not the we're going to nail fuck during the month of september and the half of get ready to have it. so when i and because of it by not provide on the edge of a lot like you open when you're new, so i don't how many to hack? and we, and johnny's home village of nobody else is remote, and anyone who wants to visit has to escape 2 and a half 1000 steps. the inhabitants here are an indigenous people. through the
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traditional real life, they make an important contribution to biodiversity. 3 quarters of migalia as far as that. so people here go their crops among the wide trees and shrubs. cindy, agro ecologist, go out the dog, good works for the ne, slow food, an agro biodiversity society, or the next task for shocked. the n g o wants to preserve, but he didn't traditional god duration nutritional practices. so if we look at the, with the indigenous communities, half manage the food system, you will see a component of diversity where you will see there is in the system in the of the system. those must be cropping where a variety of corrupt, see if we do uh, to a mapping exercises, we have found that a community have about more than $202.00 foot loans. just a few years ago. there was more diversity according to service, finding this fast,
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but slash and burn florida is cleared and i'm increasingly heavy. the info is have both, they can be sold on the soil in the 90 ninety's, the lucas on most of non co started calculating bluegrass to own living. it's useful lives to feed, to make boot and fuel. but this mono culture has severely degraded the soil. nobody so football buddies to where he got caught up when able to walk me who is a highly competitive blonde and we have gone to lunch with the other crop just because the damage has to crop. and finally got home by the window as we thought getting to the allotted because of the most and lot one graphic. let me know model by as market price is for bluegrass rules, thomas calculated more and more of it to the detriment of biodiversity in the region. most foss has launched programs to revise what's being lost and now
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supports more than $130.00 villages in northeastern india. with the help of the ancient knowledge from the region. agriculture in the mountain for it is becoming more sustainable for future generations. so long set a cool love living in how many we've nature, knowing all about gone. so trees like those indigenous communities we have just seen this is knowledge the more than city dwellers how to often last or never not. but if possible to find what plants even edible ones in the biggest cities as well and next report shows coming wide from the bridges copy tony london, he's a didn't get beat basic and you're at the talent homeless senate tree park in east london. an unexpected trend this flourishing scattered around the graves of many edible wild clouds and
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had a treasure trains of some natural ingredients. anyone keen to explore to none a growing number of people attending courses? the item of a is to add to people's knowledge. so most people have done some think, but maybe just 8 and wild goldlick, but they want to learn more. so they want to learn how to identify plants more confidently. they won't say the recipe ideas, and they want to experience a range of while problems in a guided will. but so got you guys can in greenway, tell us the msc depends on the as far as getting calls about the edible plants here, including a flowering concord, honesty, the tastes much like must. it is also wild strawberries and wild rocket as well as nettles and buckboard. we count them enough forage and toes that very probably popular. and i guess the reason such an interest is as a result of the recent pandemic with a lot more people spending time in pox. thinking about problems wondering what they
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can do with them. and it's created an interesting for which in which is linked to a growing interest in self sufficiency. the united nations estimate 66 percent of people will live in urban areas by 2050, locally sourced food can help based food security, the costs of trucks, people of all ages. it wasn't above the st. present april if a have because we do a little gardening and we've spoken about it before wanting to like be able to eat foods that we can just go so. so i thought it was a good that empowers you, but it also makes you feel your really positive nature and you can use nature but wisely. you know, i think this thing about the rules for jamie is really important. so to be re spiteful, to be respectful of the plans and what you pay. green spaces also play a critical role in built up areas. foraging tools can help raise awareness of their
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importance and the need to conserve them. so i way fostering for diversity as well as say to new pods and punch in new things. we want to see the full range of all plants here that we can foster and encourage both to up. we can now what you've done that is getting tough. we porches trough because onto wildlife products smugglers with a live senses, ivory, possession, and other convictions. i think it's possible to try wildlife claims husbands as the police in complex and judge law disc. i'm assuming you is these weeks equal here, all the less sold them way trying to roam free in uganda was to buy purchases in 1983 these huge, but they'll say i need more couldn't live to be 45 years old, but to yeah,
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it was hunted out of existence by people wanting to sell its own illegally. vicki less rarely fish justice gladys come a send you from us because 1st space show what less quote wants to change or that a non law who is a victim in the wildlife. guess it does not have a son's report that's wrong. so slip has been okay then to them even when said the survivors, they don't have a chance to report them. have a chance to follow up on that case. then i have a chance to appear in court to tell the story, to show us the pain, like where a human being is a victim. since you can just wide lift court was established in 2017 and come by the judge come as such as dispense justice in more than 1000 cases below. and that goes on then will come. a sudden is determined to help cub illegal wildlife trade.
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i realize how much depletion going on the law says the are all they all i keep getting up and they get to know all these a big role. those additional fees have, but i really have to play to save nature, not for me today, but all those who come off to me then will come a sudden is determined to help cub illegal wildlife trade about 11 percent. so if you've been to the territory even legally protected, quote sufficient areas encroach him on the natural resources humming or killing any of the any most is punishable by elizabeth tuff and in recent years. but it's not always enough between 20212022. your almost 3000 documented cases even in the funds that's been using these kind of p s,
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the buffers the he pause. and when you look at the people who use is this p as some of them consider all of these p as a distance of thought that for them it does. and for you, you will, you can't even, it's literally the distance of 5 meters. and these are old people, it will have been in the poaching activities. that item title mind was arrested after killing a buffalo with a spear such case is used to fix delays and every legal assistant and really resulting steve sentences. but white like crimes now gets special attention incumbents and use court in atlanta, my case in 2022, sent a repeat offender of a very trafficky life in prison. the judgment was white and welcomed by cloud solutions. we started to see some professors on the bank
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picking the city yesterday because now it is a special court who are bringing the suspects from photos the country. and so we started to get thinking that that incentive is people who wants to commit to play when they, you know, that once you commit to this claim, you wouldn't be taken to come by. that is a special court. and you kind of be given a hash punishment. so i think to me that towards the very good thing, it kinda said you've seen was that some suspects presented to harcourt to best time to the importance of consolidation and predicting endangered species. so beyond types, judicial really just found it and then proceeds, organization to educate communities, especially the young generation use the. 6 the little ones can be groomed to be the future when sufficient is most who can solve the environment. mitchell took care of the most of the we i labor and take care of. and if we left them for example, and we didn't care to catch them. yeah, and they kind of as well,
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become the official for $0.10 to close sufficient if thoughts then no more than such a way try nose in uganda, judge, come, i said you hopes as a countries was soon sent to the right. so if i knew most when dealing with pushing and trafficking, van creatures like the sold on like trade, no. me once again live long lives in freedom. what unimpressive woman i am so proud that we have such a quotes here in uganda. but as important as these walk ease, it won't be even better to prevent poaching in the foss, please. the 1st step is to know exactly which species room all for us. and that's what a group of young people in kenya is trying to do. they use moving technology and even artificial intelligence to account undetermined spacious wildlife conservation . 3.0 somewhere. oh good. you is looking for the it's
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the own utilities, spokane, yes. national museums heads to the field because usual tools, bye, know, kill us, a finely tuned in, and lots of patients. so white, proud grubbing chat. see it's a space can have it color. yeah. but somehow it's not just here for and work in the woods. is helping to collect the data for the forest, since he looks for species that can help identify threats to the eco system. today, he hopes to find a bit cold hutch allowed to cool. so buds like those uh for us to dependent because they knew rely on indigenous for assistance for the food and breeding and foraging areas. so when we lose pieces like the hot collab store, cool,
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we know that the for us health is in decline and may be, will indicate that we need to do something about that in terms of maybe reduce into fietta around. so plant more indigenous fruiting trees in the area, but this data collection method takes a long time, spectacled weaver, i'm not scrolling sure. and when it comes to deciphering bedclothes, even professionals make mistakes. luckily, a local university has developed a device that can help researchers like somewhere else. ok, so this is an acoustic sense. i'm at 2 different looked on this into for the defense and efficient diligence. all right, for i would do data collection with the goal of 20000 ecosystems using so if you have a follow up on any do tags the by chance. mm hm. summer is excited about this invention
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. he believes it can help him in this work of even being out here for a couple of hours now. almost 4 hours and not being able to see the bed itself and can show you how important uh, uh, acoustic monitoring, such as these, these devices. and how important they are to ecological studies, because it's not every single time you go to the field that you get a chance to see a study subject. actually having acoustic monitoring programs like these that uh, remove the human aspect. can maybe give us a better picture of what the ecosystem looks like without too many interference machine learning powers. the technology, as well as most official intelligence, recorded audio is converted into visualize data, which has been analyzed and used to teach the system to recognize bedclothes and
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other caustic macros. the recorded and processed audio data from the field health researches and ecology is job conclusions of what to for his health. this data can be very useful when it comes to environmental decision making when it comes to equal systems such as far as uh, beds. uh, good indicator of the forest health. when we are getting list submitted from those areas that i've seen declined in reporting rate of this for a specific species. we are able to see that although maybe the forest might not be completely destroyed, we have seen a decline in that equal system health of that area that could probably leads to find that destruction. this can help to launch you for station projects in areas damaged by human activity. like here in campbell county's key any
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d street more than 30000 indigenous trees were planted in a happy to do credit by chuckle, production, and of the cultural encroachments. the cheese, i'm when you touch and tricked overtime, but manual monitoring is time consuming. so these scientists chooses a special to in a power to this and we've got to dream it is of trees. and it is possible from 2 images to sort of acquired the depth of the points on the scene, you know, just know how far the points, uh, how to the out of the ground, the inside thing. so it gives us sort of a, it's 3 dimensional understanding of the scene in front of the coming of citrix machine learning based software. the vision medical image is tree height width in the future. the data collected can then be used to project the amount of coupling
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that can be stored, but a growing patch or forest, just like the designs with a bio acoustic microphone, the code for subjects of to ease open source. so other researches across africa and beyond can freely adapted to help keep it consistently intact. you learn something new every day. fascinating techniques with these we in today's show. i hope you enjoyed it. as most i saw you days. i have chris that lives in lagos, nigeria. thank you, please. and thank you, all of you of us with joining us. don't forget to head to an equal offer. go online thoughts, vince boys firing stories. and if you want to share with us, please do drop us a line at eco out dw to come see all again next week i and some drug of homes that we know do with a good buy from complex right here, you get the, the
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persecuted, the trade and cost them by the world. grosinger women in fact, good as the for years they have been oppressed and living in abject poverty in the largest refugee camp on the planet. so bu us see minutes on the w. finally, is this the solution to global energy or not?
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using the international metal project eater is a massive hijacks. it could be exploring the possibilities and risk of nuclear fusion. the dream of invoice clean energy in 75 minutes on d w the each. my story of the people who planned me built a case of deadlines. i am not to dom depends the secret listen closely and i will tell you about those who built me up. and then
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i am not saddam depending. i have mocked my cities days for centuries, and accompanied my country through its finest until the day nearly furnished the ice do not to them the petty stunts. july 18th, on dw, the
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you're watching the, the unit was coming to live from berlin. joe biden calls on americans to pull their tempers. the west president condemns of political violence after his republican rival. donald trump survives on a sasa nation attempt over the weekend. the wild trump arrives in milwaukee for the republican national convention opening later today. he has called for unity all eyes now on what he will tell supporters. they're also coming up on our show today for one to ins. vote and election is expected to see incumbent president's pulse because on a sale to victory.


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