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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 15, 2024 2:00pm-2:15pm CEST

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the, the you want to you to be in is going to live from for lynn. joe biden tells on americans to pull their tempers us. presidents condemns political violence after his republican rival, donald trump survives, and assassination attempts over the weekend. meanwhile, trump arrives in milwaukee for the republican national convention opening later today. he is called for unity. now all eyes on what he will tell supporters. they're also on our show. spanish football fans a static as their team is crowns, champions with a to one when over england to to euro 2024 final year. timberland the
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i'm glad. richardson. thank you so much for joining us. after being shot as a campaign raleigh. over the weekend, donald trump is in milwaukee wisconscin for the republican national convention, where he said to be declared the parties. presidential candidate is supporters have been gathering outside the venue to welcome him the f. b. i. as investigating the assassination attempt as a potential act of terrorism, but has yet to identify a motive. meanwhile, president joe biden has held a tele visor, dress urging americans to cool down their rhetoric and to resolve their issues at the ballot box or the attempted assassination on donald trump. there's no place in america, this kind of violence for any violence ever period or exceptions. we can't allow this violence to be normalized as you know, the political record of this country has gotten very heated. it's time to cool down
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. we all have responsibility to do that. yes, we have deeply felt strong disagreements, estates, and the selection are normally high. i said it many times, that's a choice of the selection we making, the selection is going to shape the future of america and the world for decades to come. i believe that all my so i know that millions of my fellow americans believe as well. and some have a different view as the direction or countries your disagreement is inevitable in american democracy. it's part of human nature. politics must never be a little battle from a god from good. can we feel in his 1st interview since being shot? trump said his upcoming speech at the republican national convention would be about unity. i asked boris for money, professor of politics at bard college, berlin. whether he was surprised to hear that coming from the former president, i mean, generally speaking, it is quite surprising if we're looking at the last couple of months and we're
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looking at the, the recession then to kind of speeches that we've heard about. and it needs to meet as the enemy, etc. that does come as a surprise. on the other hand, um it is true that trump kinda window selection with his voter base alone. she needs to convert some moderate voters, moderate republicans to support him. and i think it and strategically speaking best makes a lot of sense to shift to this. so what this opening previous for him is basically to be able to the stage of self as somebody who is trying to reconcile the nation. and that's, that can be a strict looking at the attempt on his life over the weekend political violence and the u. s. has been on the rise in recent years. i'm just wondering, in your view how you think we've reached this point in american politics. there's a tendency to say things are on the rise, and it is true that of course, we have to divide since the american electorate between the parties. on the other
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hand, if we zoom out and think about the longer traditional political traditions in the us, we do see that as soon as the nations have to almost from the very difficult part of american politics. i mean, the 1st estimation of the tech goes all the way back to advert jackson. there's 4 presidents that have actually been assessing aided, many more the tests that have been attacked. so there, there is a longstanding tradition in american politics. of course, this comes with a particular moment where democracy is really at risk of so it brings extra potential for disruption. and let's take a look at this present moment. i'm wondering if you could put this in perspective for us. like, how would you say the kind of political violence that we're seeing in the u. s. compares to what we've seen increasing in europe and, and what is unique specifically about the situation in the us. so i mean, the term pollute research listing use many times maybe too often,
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but it is true that it by part a system that is or the most like that in the us. the consultation is even more polarized and i think it is in some german or some european cortex web, where we have other of course we do have vitamin populism. we have put a resolution, but it translates a very different ways in these, these other political unexpected world systems and part of systems. what do we also have in the us is very, very flexible, becoming legislation. it's very easy to, to obtain a gum, which is not in europe. and i think best that has been a major defense in terms of the way to political buy them some extra play dollars. no, i can t arise. and i guess a cultural historian would maybe be the right person to ask for this s t rising, the specifics of american political culture. there certainly is this idea of the same self made man and individualization that might prompt this kind of an attack, but obviously this is a lot of speculation. now trump supporters have been claiming that the attempt on
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his life over the weekend hasn't boosted his chances of winning the presidency. what do you think has it i forgot to move it to like a crystal glass uh before the interview. uh so who knows, but for sure, for sure she does play into his courts. so i think one thing that it does is that it supports the narrative of political victim. i mean, it can boost this narrative, which i think is a very strong narrative to be, was no trust in political culture, but also in pop culture of being this person who wins against all. and i think it does that uh for the, for the trump candidacy. what it also does and the way that this is being spoken about already is um it creates a certain mist of invisibility and maybe even of a divine providence that's uh the trump wasn't shots even though it was very close that she might be the chosen candidate and so i think for the event of the cobalt,
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for example, this could be a strong argument to both of those folders. well, thank you so much for joining us today with your insights that as far as a format with bard college for lynch. thank you. how we can bring you up to speed now with some other world, new stories at this hour. russia and china have started drawing to military drills in the pacific. as the 2 contract countries continues to strengthen ties, beijing's as the exercises do not target a particular nation. nato allies recently called china a decisive in april or of russia's war and ukraine. rescue teams in the fall have recovered 11 bodies after a landslide swept to bosses into a river. on friday, the bodies were found at different points along the river banks. some 50 people were aboard when the buses were hips for wanda is our roading to elect a president with encumbrance. paul cook on a widely expected to secure another victory. he's been leading the country for 30
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years of voting for again at 7 am. local time after pulls open for both presidential and parliamentary elections. government facing the same 2 opponents, he went up against in the last election. after his most vocal critics were barred from running the ballot count as such a start as soon as poles close after and expected 8 hours of voting. and our correspondent mario was that has this report from the rwandan capital. golly, the economy is what many people think off when they think of rwanda and mode in clean developed and say it's capital. the government has worked hard to sell this image. we've been mostly successful in the most important things that we wanted to get done. which means security and safety for london's bringing back home refugees of uniting london's justice and progress and delivering to hundreds run up to date is better off than it's ever been. ronda has grown economically reduced maternal
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mortality and improved health care. it has also become a major conference and tourist destination, but that's not enough, especially when 60 percent of london still live below the poverty line. says a position need to fix why and be with state data so much of a met. they do that to the, to got it. we have a beautiful day to day and glen, this is 3, it's about to develop them into some of that development is they indicate to be able to people and that's what have appropriate for me. i didn't nutrition among the kids on the 5 use that there's all kinds of them to provide to him in other countries outside the to get a would have to have a who's we need to who do a need that inclusive do we need to or tie we need to or so, but that's this, this menacing stuff to have to shift speak to and got the right. has been a fee is critique of president pool come down there for decades was punished for speaking up. she was imprisoned for ages were challenging the government narrative
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of the 1994 genocide, the targeted the tootsie minority and killed about 800000 people. you get the size of the, the institution adelanto, the government of course, the order of labor to be the enemy of the coffee. like you may spend a to using the present order because it has get the size of the parts of the government. so this is why i ask that they have to understand that too. we need the oldest democracy in our country to have a system, the bit of development. we need to to have a lead. that is what i could account about before the citizen government has been praised for bringing separately to, to xander and the 30 years since the dentist was no. all the rights groups have criticized the countries of human rights record in full disappearances, arbitrary detention extra traditional claims and georgia, a routine. the government denies this a problem. we did,
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we did not assessing if people were a country of low country that find his life. that is the biggest lesson that we learn from the genocide o job is to take care of. one of these. people are free to say whatever they want. the country rings 144 out of 180 in the world. press freedom index. 14 members of x, y, and you'll be or is a position party and 3, john list behind bars several more waiting trial. do you think it will be a free and fair election? yes it all. it's elizabeth. it is widely expected that poor guy man will win this election with more than 90 percent of the vote, as he has done in previous poles. sports news now. well, it was a night of trial for spanish football fans here in berlin. spain are once again, you are paying champions with a to one when over england,
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and the final of euro 2024. i further stolen big stadium. high to heartbreak for england, and victory for the spanish of the end of the month. long tournaments are correspondent nicole reese as in madrid. i asked her how the night unfolded there. well, well, waking up to a football hand over here because it's a very slow monday, but yesterday night was mad. so many people attended the celebrations at the see bell is square in the center after their team one. and i must say, obviously spain is now the most successful team in europe. they've brought it to him while they're going to bring it home really on the full time. so this is the full victory during the year. a couple of this team and people were really over the moon, although i have to say watching the game, it was pretty clear that they were very determined to win the game took place mostly in that part of the page where england was defending its goal. they didn't
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really have a chance to go to the other side to score most of like many, many goals. they don't who scored one. right. and it's also, there's also another historic records, spain manage to score 15 goals during this year, a cops. so there's plenty of reasons to celebrate and i think spaniards as they like you know, night out anyway, it's going to be last night again tonight in madrid. so no football hangover on a monday stopping the celebrations from going on later today this evening. well this evening the team is going to arrive here in madrid today, a gonna have a route. they have to go on the bus and they have to meet and greet the funds and people that the probably going to meet the king of spain. king philip and also the president federal sanchez and then they can take this one box in the crowds. they're going to head through the center on that bus. probably lots of people cheering for them and then at the end they should get off that bus at
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a see but this square that with as a potty with the jays and everything you really need. so i think they're going to be welcomed um the way they should be, as the most successful team here in europe for now, followed by germany by the way. so they should really enjoy this moment, especially since it's also pretty young team. one of the players your mile, for example, is only 17 years turn 17 during this past week. so he was one of the guys who also brought this team so far during just send me final. so i think spanish is going to be over the moon again. and then everybody is going to head into the holiday season . well, thank you so much for bringing this up as be there. that is a nicole res for us and the madrid, spain. and before we go, a quick reminder of our top story at this hour. joe biden has called on americans to pull their political tempers and a television draft of the us present, condemned violence, and said he wished to donald trump well, a day after his arrival survived. an assassination attempt at the task brings you
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up to date. don't forget there's on our website at www dot com. i'm clear. richardson, thank you so much for watching. the, the the is, it is someplace power and key. more people than ever on the move world wide and such are based on life. i suggested in cardboard. that's on the left side of the image and find out about bailey story info, migraines.


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