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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 15, 2024 7:00pm-7:16pm CEST

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is dw news lie from the donald trump wins of victory and his legal documents case in florida. they'll take center stage of the republican national convention after surviving on the assassination attempt. and he'll be formally declared the parties. presidential candidates, also on the program. placing kenya arrest amount over a series of gruesome, this officials say the suspected serial killer has been admitted to killing a 42 women in the last 2 years.
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the control guy will welcome to the program. a judge in florida has dismissed one of donald trump's legal cases. you've been accused of, excuse me, legally holding onto classic 5 documents after leaving the office. the judge is through the case out saying the lead prosecutor had been appointed unlawfully and did not have authority to bring the case. it's another major legal victory for the former president as he thinks a return to the white house. a lot corresponds and benjamin alvaros group. i can to talk us through this. so welcome benjamin i. so he joins us and benjamin jones from the republican national convention in mill. okay. welcome. ben took us through the judge's decision so definitely a very important development. we have judge cannon at points and 5 for my president, donald trump. and as you just sat a she said that this is special counsel,
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had no authority to bring the case in. the test plays. donald trump had over to truth social. his is social media platform, he walk in this decision. that's something that we've also heard from a trump support has that he's at a very good decision. and of course the timing is very interesting because this is ruling a comes only a few hours before this republican national convention. this rena here in milwaukee is if finally, if building up, we have delegates, we have trump supporters also. we just had some of them downstairs shouting, fight, fight, fight, kind of, it's our thing. that was also a what for my president and donald trump said a few days ago, a during a this is this, the nation attempt that happened. a lot of news coming out from the us of, of the last a 48 hours is, were waiting also for, for my president. donald trump is already here in milwaukee, yolanda on sunday afternoon. and ease of course known for it being unscripted for being a all 4 and providing there's not a schedule it for this
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a national convention yet we're not quite sure. but of course, with getting it this media report say from news mess and also from fox news that donald trump will announce his pick for vice president later today. so tell us more about what we can expect to hear from him of the there he already sat a during a several interview that he's given over the last couple of days that he changed his speech and will be a different speech. always a spoke about being a unifying in convention here, but of course the signal and the messages that we're getting from him after this decision a by the judge earlier today, point to track a very different tone. there's a lot of course, a lot of rumors who that person might be wasting pictures already of a one of his possible v p. it takes the center from ohio leaving his a place with the secret service protection. that's also something that we're seeing
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here on the side. there's a lot of protection. there's a perimeter that was set up by a secret service of coal, especially after the us as a nation, attend and pennsylvania a few days ago, heightened security everywhere. also access to get to these arena. there will be a lot of speeches here today is delegates of filling up a base place. but that will of cool something that will overshadow a the said republican national convention here in milwaukee. and of course many a wondering what that would mean also for the the, the a campaign of donald trump. it's not quite clear if you will speak, that we will assume that he will do when announcing the spice. a president, this vp, peg. it does have caused a lot of thinking with that person and might be by. yeah, so that does a really nice pulling up, so we're waiting for more information to come in later today. thanks for that. so benjamin alvarado screw the republican national convention in new it will just be, i still trying to identify the motive for assess the evenings attack on donald
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trump. campaign valley in pennsylvania is around for the latest developments in a country that gun violence has become a fixture of life. these particular gunshots still act more loudly than usual. the moment the bullets stopped, the conspiracy theories began flying. the, you know, to the listeners and they're going to do whatever they can to get rid of trump. and so this, so do they try? and so we're here to learn whether or not that much that's not going to happen. in a case of political unity, folks, 5 or presidents, joe biden cooled and americans to dial down the rhetoric. there's no place in america, this kind of violence for any violence ever period to exceptions. we can't allow this violence to be normalized. you know,
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the political record of this country has gotten very heated time to cool down 2 days after the shooting many questions remain. how could an armed attack a gets within shooting range of the former president? did the secret service ignore early warning? some of the audience and what was the motive? clear of a picture of the shooters emerging, but some information is conflicting. he was a member of a local gun club and a registered member of the republican party that he also donated to democratic cause. as in the past, police believe the weapon he used to shoot to trump belongs to his father and was purchased the degree. the officials all set sounds like they described as a suspicious device in the shoot. this vehicle has been decided by bomb technicians with bad supporters. of the former president have been housing gatherings around
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the country outside trump tower, new york crowds phones to shows that support from trump is now in milwaukee attending the republican national convention outside the venue, his supporters held a vigil. trump himself said he wants to use this historic commitment to bring the country together, ramifications of the assassination attempt, and not yet fully known budget as most of the testing that new raise, the stakes for this is election dramatically. so he's look at some most doors making news around the world. coaches and government held areas of syria have read the electric a new parliament. so it's a full such a collection since this task for civil war, 13 years ago, a position groups of labor with both the foss parliament has the real power within
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the country's presidential system. pakistan's government has an unstable ban. ex prime minister in rand comes up political politics and file treason charges against him. is con, as it has already been in jail for almost a year. so far as of august, he supports spike crossing down or his plenty possibly not to rwanda which has been voting for presidents with a veteran data polk, a gummy expected to secure another victory. holes were open for the presidential and parliamentary elections was to kick ami faced the same 2 opponents as in his last election. his most vocal critics have been bought from running a correspondent money. a lot of reports from the rwandan capital k got the economy is what many people think off when they think of rwanda and more than themes develop and say, as capital, the government has worked hard to sell this image. we've been mostly successful in the most important things that we wanted to get done,
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which means security and safety for london's bringing back home refugees of uniting london's justice and progress and delivering to hundreds run up to date is better off than it's ever been. ronda has grown economically reduced maternal mortality and improved health care. it has also become a major conference and tourist destination. but that's not enough, especially when 60 percent of london still live below the poverty line. so so position need to fix why and happy with the data. so much of a ment. i agree that to the to got it. we have a beautiful building clean. this is sweets, bottom development is most of that development is the indicate to be able to people . and that's what you have appropriate for my invitation among the kids on that 5 use that has all kinds of for me to provide, to have in other countries outside the, to get a, would have to have a who's we need to go to a need that explicit, do we need to or tie we need to us,
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but that's just this menacing stuff to have to shift speak to and be right. has been a fee is critique of president pool cook on there for decades was punished for speaking up. she was imprisoned for ages were challenging the government narrative of the 1994 genocide, the targeted the tootsie minority and killed about 800000 people. are you good? the size of the, the institution adelanto from the government of quasi or a label to be the enemy of the kaci. like to me, i spend the a to using the present order because it has good the size of the party. so if the government, so this is why i ask that they have to understand that we need to also democracy in our country to have us to spend a bit of development. we need to, to have a lead. that is what our account about before the citizen government has been praised for bringing simply to to xander and the 30 here since the agenda. so was know,
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well the rights groups have criticize the country is human rights record in fools, disappearances, arbitrary detention extra traditional killings. and torture, i wrote to the government denies this a problem. we did, we did not assessing it. people were a country of law. we're country, the values life. that is the biggest lesson that we learn from the genocide o job is to take care of what these people are free to see whenever they want. the country rings 144 out of 180 in the world. press freedom index. 14 members of victoria and you'll be of as a position party and 3 john list behind bars several more waiting trial. do you think it will be a free and fair election? yes, it's all, it's elizabeth. it's widely expected that pool cook, i'm a will win this election with more than 90 percent of the vote, as he has done. and previous polls are the can you where police are the rest of the
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man? so what to be behind a series of groups and this, the dismembered bodies of several victims are found in a garbage dump. official site, they suspected serial killer has admitted magic dozens of women. the police have been scouring this site and i, roby over the weekend. used as a dumping ground for bodies. crowds gathered, watching in horror as investigators pulled out one bag after the other. all containing body parts of the women killed. now they say they have the suspect in custody. from the look of things, he does crystallize thing that we are dealing with cdls to a circle, positive serial killer, who us no prospect for human life. according to police,
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the suspect has confessed to killing thousands of women including his own life. the suspect from 1st off fluids to under this post for the 2 female bodies of a dumping site. its own my dad between 20 to 2. and you sent us last date. 11th over july, 2024. just a 100 meters away from the dump where the bodies were found. the suspects homes were investigators set the found. i'm a chevy, plastic bags. and the personal belongings of suspected victims. crisis and kenya, which has one of the highest rates of fantasized in africa with an average of 47 women losing their lives every week. spain's victorious
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national football team has arrived in mid dredge with the european championship trophy. that'll be welcomed home by hundreds of thousands of funds following that to one when of england and the final the team. so that's a new tournament. restful by winning all 7 of the matches black penalties and became the 1st country to win the euros for the full time. the crowds have been to the eyes in paris to watch the olympic torch relay in the run up to the games. the torch is already past some of the best, no non box, including the eiffel town, the off to trim at the moon on the roof nightclub dunces greeted the torch for the cab county, and then be called in flight and will be late to during the opening ceremony on july, the 26. it is reminded that top story of this i'll judge has dismissed the case against former us president donald trump like yours and humans in the lead, holding onto classified documents, leaving office the dead set. the lead prosecutor was unborn sleep pointed and did
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not after necessary. you'll forcing me to bring a blackstone dw, apply to a asks why. it's so difficult to recycle electric vehicles, battery steps. next, i'll be back until after the this video change the world. it shows us soldiers killing civilians in the rock. optics, hosting it's julia, songs became a wanted man. 14 years nature the we can expound it is fine and the street the general is traces the stories of a soldier under civilians are off the attack. they speak to each other for the 1st time in your heart to forgive me. but the follies don't think that i carry any
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resentment or a grudge in my heart towards


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