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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 15, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm CEST

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the, the, this is dw news life from the donald trump wins of victory in his legal documents case in florida. they'll take center stage at the republican national convention after surviving assassination attempts. and he'll be formally declared the parties . presidential candidates, ultimately the program rwanda's bachelor and president polk can call me it looks like he's heading for another time in the office. votes of being counted in elections in which he's close. he's rivals what bob from standing on the spanish football team arrives back from home. so to avoid a welcome, after an audience with the king, it'll be a street party in mid trip to celebrate the euro. 20 full victory over
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the and she'll get, he'll welcome to the program. a judge in florida has dismissed one of donald trump's legal cases. mr. trump had been accused of illegally holding on to classified documents after leaving office. the judge through the case out saying the lead prosecutor had been appointed unlawfully and did not have authority to bring the case. it's another major legal victory for the former president. as the 6 i returned to the white house lot correspondent benjamin alvaros group. a can talk us through this. the joins us from the republican national convention in milwaukee, where the former president is, will receive his parties full nomination to become that presidential candidate. welcome ben tokens through the judge's decision. this is her excuse, of course for donald trump, this federal court appointed by that form of president said that the special
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counsel had no authority to bring this case in. in the 1st place. it was something it has of course, a lot of implications. very good. and useful the trump campaign that already reacted not just the former president, but many of us allies. and that's something that donald trump will also set untruth . the social, his social media platform, what he called, which on seeing the old, the, which one should is stop now. and of course the timing for the city comes only a few hours before the republican national convention is now already under way. here in milwaukee is very good news. it for donald trump in his company. and this, of course, coming after he survived that attempt on his life at the we can. so what can we expect to hear from him back at the r and c. that was also a minute of silence, also for the victims off of that shooting of the assistant nation attempt against the phone, the president. and he said that he would change the speech that he was supposed to be this because a lot of expectations. donald trump is not known a for
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a person who likes to show where it is next lose a will lead him there on me to report to prefer the news. my son fox news, and he will today also and now and say speak for vice president. we are expecting a donald trump, who is already here in milwaukee, yolanda to year on sunday afternoon with many of his support is already he a gathering and this reading and but of course, the timing is not yet a know, but we know that many of his supporters are also waiting eagerly waiting to hear this a rena, it for former president, donald trump, to approach it to gave also a very expect it a speech off to the assassination attempt in pennsylvania. that you mention that to benjamin benjamin alvaros group of the republican national convention in bone. ok, as well as to be i still trying to identify the motive for saturday evenings attack of donald trump campaign rally in pennsylvania is around up the
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latest developments in a country that gun violence has become a fixture of life. these particular gunshots still act more loudly than usual. the moment the bullet stopped, the conspiracy theories began flying to the listeners. and they're gonna do whatever they can to get rid of trump. and so that's what do they try. and so we're here to learn are the best, are going to happen in a case of political unity folks. rival presidents, joe biden cooled and americans to dial down the rhetoric. there's no place in america, this kind of violence for any violence ever period or exceptions. we can't allow this violence to be normalized. you know, the political record of this country has gotten very heated. it's time to cool down
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. 2 days after the shooting many questions remain. how could an armed attacker gets within shooting range of the former president? did the secret service ignore early warnings from the audience? and what was the motive clear of a picture of the shooters emerging, but some information is conflicting. he was a member of a local gun club and a registered member of the republican party that he also donated to democratic cause. as in the past, police believe the weapon he used to shoot to trump belongs to his father and was purchased illegally. the officials all set sounds like they described as a suspicious device in the shoot. this vehicle has been decided by bomb technicians with bad supporters. of the former presidents have been housing gatherings around the country outside trump tower, new york crowds phones to show that i support that
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cool. trump is now in milwaukee attending the republican national convention outside the venue, his supporters, how the video trump, himself, has said he wants to use this historic moment to bring the country together. ramifications of the assassination attempt and not yet fully knows. but it has most definitely raised the stakes for this year's election dramatically. well, professor cynthia and miller address is director of the extremism research center at the american university in washington. as to whether she sees a link between hated political rhetoric and violent action. i do actually think that the political rhetoric in this country is connected to violent outcomes. however, what i would say is, i think the problem is just as just as big a,
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my ordinary people as it is among political leads even after the shooting among people. i know very well on social media, i would hear, you know, see things like you report you so, or you know, basically indicating this is a deserved attack. and i think that's really dangerous and risky when you have the ordinary people, ordinary citizens on the ground, just supporting and calling for political violence. and we're in a dangerous situation. and the statistics on this end are very bad in terms of large numbers of americans. 20 percent in recent full i saw being willing to support sort of islands or thinking that that's a necessary tactics to achieve their outcomes. ok, so is it getting worse? because a quick google reveals an uncomfortable number of attempted shootings and stoppings of us politicians. and this time is over the last few years. so yes,
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i think it's getting worse here. and of course also overseas. i mean we have seen attempted assassinations or political assassinations in germany in the u. k. in recent years and we've had these kid, nothing spots in the us against it. and governors as well as you know, january 6th, a type of event and then and then tons of stress is the talk on nancy percy's home and other. so this definitely is getting worse, it's definitely an escalating type of situation. but we've also seen this before and in the political assassinations of the 19 sixty's, the attempt on a ronald reagan's life and 1981. we're reverting sort of to an era in which political assassinations and threats against elected officials, are seen as a legitimate tactics by violent actors. so even though in this case, it should be clear, we still don't know the motive. and so remember that ronald reagan attack was, you know, someone who wanted to impress a movie star, you know, we don't actually know for sure what the motive was in this case. however, the outcome is still quite risky in terms of escalations of political violence.
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professor fitz cynthia, cynthia miller, a address from the american university in washington. now to rwanda, we have voted counseling and problem entry. present presidential elections is underway. the veteran data polk economy is set to secure a 4th tongue. critics accused him of cracking down on the opposition is most vocal opponents were actually bound from running against him. corresponding to mario mullis sent this report. the economy is what many people think off when they think of rhonda and more than clean develop and say it's capital. the government has worked hard to sell this image. we've been mostly successful in the most important things that we wanted to get done. which means security and safety for london's bringing back home refugees of uniting london's justice and progress
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and delivering to hundreds run up to date is better off than it's ever been. ronda has grown economically reduced maternal mortality and improved health care. it has also become a major conference and tourist destination, but that's not enough, especially when 60 percent of london still live below the poverty line. so so positionally to fix, why and happy with the data. so given that they do that to the, to got it, we have a beautiful building, glen, this is sweets bought to develop them. it is most of that development is they indicate to the people and that's what have appropriate for modernization among the kids. on the 5 use that there's all kinds of them to provide to him in other countries outside the to getting with the heavy woods. we need to go to a need that explicit. do we need to or tie we need to us, but that's this, this menacing step to have to shift victoria and be right. has been a fee is critique of president pool come down there for decades. was punished for
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speaking up. she was imprisoned for ages were challenging the government narrative of the 1994 genocide, the targeted the tootsie minority, and killed about 800000 people. you good the size of the, the institution adelanto for the government of quasi or a label to be the enemy of the kaci. like to me, i spend the a to using the present order because it has get the size of the party. so if the government, so this is why us could they have to understand that we need to also democracy in our country to have is to spend a bit of development. we need to, to have a lead. that is what our account about before the citizen government has been praised for bringing simply to, to xander and the 30 years since the agenda. so was know, well the rights groups have criticize the countries for human rights record info's disappearances, arbitrary detention extra traditional killings. and torture over to the government
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denies. that's the problem we did. we did not assessing it. people were a country of was a small country that find his life. that is the biggest, less than that we learn from the genocide o job is to take care of what these people are free to say. whatever they want. the country rang 144 out of 180 in the world. press freedom index. 14 members of victoria and you'll be of as a position potty and 3 john list behind bars several more waiting trial. do you think it will be a free and fair election? yes it all. it's elizabeth. it's widely expected that pul, cuz i'm a will win this election with more than 90 percent of the vote is he has done and previous polls. let's get more of my correspondence, phoenix ring, and a welcome felix 90 percent of the vote. is president economic that's popular was has effectively gotten rid of the opposition as president obama
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is popular at home because he's, he's, he's widely credited with bringing peace forth genocide. and he's also credited with bringing development in lots of rwanda and building off infrastructure such as hospitals, androids, however, he's also hated and you called me for stifling any voice of defense. i a, the, by the political class a that by the media or by activities. for instance, in this particular election age candidates had actually expressed the will to, to participate in the election. 6 of them one knocked out by the national electronic commission. and most of them were being knocked out on at the very flimsy grounds and organizations like schuman, unless the international authority has,
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has condemned at that particular act of looking at that would be open is for president. could that be so easy? if that's popular is he not sell example? he's actually using all all the space that he has to ensure that he doesn't have opposition. the latest freedom in the world report by the freedom house rights rolanda as not free. how is this lack of freedom evidence inside the life they lack of judicial independence in the case of the people who wanted to be bored, dean, they were blocked by their quotes. they've a lot of media freedom. a lot of media houses in rhonda sing to the tune of the government there is to attend the list. so that's why i addressed that and detained last year. according to report as an outboard, as really um, a web, it's a web based jello at least was also arrested and that he was killed in an
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accident last yes, there's also a one i you to buy who intends to into on was also puts for today and for 15 years for silencing the government's not, i'd say on the general side. so a lot of this particular car does have been put aside or keels just because they do not follow the narrative of the government. okay, so that's why i think it makes felix bring in. i wrote the russian rocket to tackle new kinds of logic. childrens hospital destroyed most of the complex killing at least 2 people in injuring dozens more strike last week. also put sick children in great danger and interrupted vital treatments. nobody's max and have visited the hospital in came and spoke with medical staff trying to keep the wards running through many of the children's hospital. it was a symbol of safety until until the russian attack
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doctor co cobra was performing a surgery on a young girl. when shrapnel and glass came flying. after making sure his patient was safe and tending to his own bones, he joined the search for survivors. he takes us to the impact site, so we're giving the business the building where the children were on dialysis. the blast turned to much of the hospital into a ruin for watching the topic. so we will see the results of this lisa. let me show due to bother you. thank you for that because there are so many children who needed help, not us who could not interrupt the treatment and who needed very specialized treatment . what their wallet do, just but city in general, you can know of the hospitals can provide the care the now hospital as provided and
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not the goal was to be they came to the more than 600 children have to be moved a difficult task, especially in a health care system strained by war some patients will be treated abroad. other hospitals have opened up to patients for most money. among them this hospital on the other side of the city. it was in the process of opening up a new one college department. then 50 new patients arrived in one go like 11 year old lot who was diagnosed with leukemia. half a year ago, she been receiving chemotherapy at the hospital. when the attack happened. he was there for a checkup, along with his mom. from the doctor, i will remember my child's reaction to this event for a long time. when everything was fooling when everything was exploding,
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it was absolutely terrible for food, the siren sounded everywhere. then the far alone rang. it was very scary of lot and other children were transferred to here the same day. you should receive a bone marrow transplant in the next few days. yeah. so the control, i don't cry, i didn't get upset. that's also my family's think so the no one is worried and for the sake of the other children. and i believe that there's no need to be upset, even if everything is bad and nice. something can still get back to you, even though marshal stuff across, across the whole meat over. she's here with her daughter anastasio, who's recovering from a bone marrow transplant and has down syndrome and a related heart condition as she was supposed to stay in a sterile environment for the mother is worried about the impact of the attack. so
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oh sure. thank god they would know fragments, nothing to be, but the pressure rise ation itself. smoke dust. this is what the child inhales, and it's very home for, for the because it can cause steps to send a child in this condition. it was very risky. the doctors are now keeping a close eye on these patients. they say quick decisions and the help of volunteers on the day of the attack meant they were able to manage the situation with outs. folding behind on their schedule time off the launch. they were a lot of people in our committee. i said guys, if you want to do a good deed, follow me. and at 8 o'clock in the evening, we already had resumed the entire treatment process. at 10, i was already making the final round of patients. the russian attack on off my the truck, the nation to its core. but even now for continues in the departments that have
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survived. and the state has promised to rebuild it entirely to treat children in the states as an eye doctor at all committed to children's hospital in cuba, which as you saw, was bombed last week, a welcome to dw, talk to, well, where were you when the attack happened? last we had all the name i was in examination, you reach him the on the. ringback and what went through your mind? sorry, what fun i'm but when you had the explosions, you got it. you or? yeah, you know, you don't have time for the minds of mom and because you're just doing your ordinary walk and you realize that probably something good happened because it was the air on our uh, but uh and i hear it slow is that that's the default. the don't,
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but i never think that it's possible that our cost to go, we will drop. so at the moment of her dog, i just see a flash an awful sound and is this moment you're just saying, oh my god, what happened to my colleagues and patients was next to me. uh so uh, is it the moment it was this. okay. i, i can say truly is, but it's really a virus girl, but you don't have any time for emotion. you need to pick up yourself, and i'm thinking about the adverb. i do for the next to you, right? so and, and is it a plan for this when a bomb explodes do deal, we'll have various places to go and things to do a uh, so a be have shelter where old patients ago during the alert. but we can in steps are judy region itself, a bone marrow transplantation of the dentist, a self 3 friends,
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especially oncology patient. that's why they say the card though. so we have our protocol, but we should do a full of the air a lot. but we don't have a car protocol that bump, or i could scan a death problem hospital via a know what to do, step by step. but you never expect the discount happens to the hospital. this why and you cannot predict how much it will be to make how much, uh, and how seriously it can be, because it's got to be a part of our good can bear, i could or can be a bomb and did scan fold down the indifferent plastic to have a huge hospital and it's different and we're seeing it on the small at the moment. this might be a terrible, uh, already obvious. sure, to dubois mission for do and the school getting should cause. but not like even the bomb up or down the hospital. you need to go to the diary doris. the said you
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wanted to know is that moment everybody did by themselves decide what they should do, crossly. it's your need to realize it's all your patient and all your stuff you there in the safety place, but then you need to go to the emergency room because to 0. but everybody gives it easier. they'll be in the queue in the next next, 2nd, right. and the 3rd place where you can be useful, you can go to hell, but i'd be the domain to and discharge the students. thank you so much for talking with us through that. we wish you well, thanks for joining us adults. uh that's it listed here from off with a children's hospital in keith each other, victoria scottish football team has arrived back in madrid with the european championship trophy. he was received by king for the b 6 and his family before
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joining funds in the capital by hundreds of thousands gathered to welcome them home . following that to one went over england, and on the same set, a new tournament rankled on with an o 7 of the matches without penalties. it also became the 1st country to win the euros for the full time to get more from the cold. reese in madrid. welcome. nicole. the champions back in town. how of people sort of racing? well, as you can see here, behind me all the same, i celebrated because everybody is waiting for the bus. this is going to pass here behind me in a matter of minutes or hours. we don't know it right now because there is a delay and everybody is super happy. that team is coming to celebrate that victory . and this is now the most successful male football team. in europe 4 times a champion that makes super champion really followed by germany. it has to say as
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a german baby and people up to a very long night when people happen that gathering across, alongside the streets. this is a few kilometers from the bottom to the top where the bus will go by. and they're really in a cheerful mood, very proud. they're very proud and it's coming home for spain. and we're actually really just hanging in here to, to wait and see the team that's set to be stopping by on the route. we hope they stop here, of course, but we cannot tell at the moment very exciting. and that is the wrong bus, to be honest, that's most of us. but that's just the public spending didn't style. that's what i meant as favorites. but they what else happened matches what made this team stand up to about the rest? that's right. they want all 7 matches, and if i may add 15 goals, they stroke 15 goals. that's also a historic record that didn't have penalties. so this is really um, very,
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very unique. and i think this is just a very young, energetic team and it has a really good traina. everybody's talking about this is trina here, and he's also going to be on the bus lose the la quinta. so i think it's just just taking, you know, really he's taking the time the dedication to bring them to where he wants to get them. and he's also been actually playing in the smaller league. so for him is probably quite a try them to come here as the champion. he has made them. maybe the bus is coming . i don't know. and i think that's quite the trick and also they don't put on a show. it's not like send them a hollywood football. they just play straight. we saw it yesterday during the game . they just went out. it's really and i think that's the attitude they have the fresh that young, desperate it's actually called the goal, reese in which it that's it. you up to date, so more well using something now and just to me it was close up,
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examines the influence of social media during the reason. simple and easy. it was because t good. i think that's next to the
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over half a 1000000 dead in the g. great warranty, c o, p s, fueled and intensified by social media. what role to facebook's algorithms play in the spiral of violence? does the company put prostate over human lives? facebook africa close out the next. on d w. the i hope not. we're a want us the stars of x feet, voters,
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couple bosh soft ground wrestling in kampala. fighting like you've never seen it before. if somebody crazy on the best spot is the women seem to be needing the fax listed in 272 things. first, on the dream of resolution in 1979, the hated dictate is the most that was forced out of nicaragua. the people hoped for sarah's society and received international solidarity. i imagined tweet would change the world and for 1000 republicans had to help with reconstruction. but the end
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the dream of revolution does july 20th on d, w. that's a dry war. was one of the bloodiest conflicts and recent history. facebook has been accused time and time again. i've spoken ethnic tensions, and ethiopia sorts of media had a lot of thoughts. like why miss calling for him about us? that's why it was one of the that throws us west. we have seen in the last few to get the on slot of violence claims, the lives of half a 1000000 people.


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