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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 15, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm CEST

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the the, this is dw news lie from van, and donald trump, formerly nominated, is us republican presidential candidates. mr. trump, a name's ohio, send us a j d button se vice presidential running mate vote will take center stage of the republican national convention in milwaukee. also on the program, police in kenya, arrest amount of a series of gruesome this officials say they suspected serial killer has admitted involvements in the depths of 42 women in the last 2 years. brand dispatcher and president paul can call me and looks to be having for his full time in the office. folks of being counted in the election thing, which is the closest rivals banned from stun and the rupture as welcome
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to spain's victorious national football team funds to announcing that hundreds of thousands in mid trade to celebrate the 21 went over england in sundays, euro 2025 the and so the welcome to the program. federal trump has been confirmed as the republican party is no meaningful november's presidential election. and he's chosen ohio, send us a j. b funds to be he's running mates. the 39 year old foremost silicon valley venture capitalist had speaking with critic of the former president's list since become a model ally is the trump made the announcement on his true social platform. as the republican national convention got underway in wisconsin, described mister vance as best suited to assume the position of vice president of
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north carolina. straight to our washington bureau chief and his pulse and with the republican national convention. welcome in this. so when medicine on the, the secret, all of us who i'm not the americans who is the senate, the j. d events. edwards, 1st of all, really interesting that to you now, and you don't remember now since the 1st 2 social, there's a social media platform. it was kind of underwhelming, someone expect adults on himself coming on stage. maybe this is peak, but no, he put it out there on a troop social, but it was interesting to see the people here surrounding. i said, really, really, i love this. think about the senators from ohio is very conservative. when it comes to boston whites, he's one of the strongest opponents, for example, for ukraine age. and of course, he's one who was very critical of a strong pete said he didn't devote 5 in 2016, even a call to him
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a monster and said that use america simpler but know being off of his job, the obviously changed his mind. so why did trump choose him? the why do you know he's young? he's very tough to kind of represent something that's kind of a bad cough so we can be off to the destination. that was the reason why i don't know what the
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the mike bend over backwards also here when both of them are on the stage to industry w. washington bureau chief in his pulse, the very noisy republican national convention. let's go from julius fund a lot. who is a political strategist and communications that expert welcome to the w. so now we know donald trump's, the selection full of vice president, if they get it is j d vans. what does that tell us about donald trump's future plans? i think it is gonna be
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a shift to the right and i think this is important. it is continues to shift away from the sort of old republic on the chance of language alliance. this is a shift towards a rule america j. do vance as been someone who's been pushing the american agenda items all lower. she written a best center book just when he criticized donald trump in 2016, the origin american, one of your stamp voting issues. the conservative maple way to fly over states. we've often talked about and so putting him in the beach, nissan, i think your signal, donald trump, is going to continue to have some background. first agenda is going to move away from sort of a chance of planning. i do. okay. so that's the latest news. the big news, the cost across the last day or so i was the assassination attempt. i'm how has that affected the trump campaign? i think on numerous levels. one,
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it's the number one story that everyone was talking about. now, which i think to in terms of security, this is going to alter the way of the campaign. there's going to be wrong, weren't seeing help sides here outside of the problem and kept dimensions of secret service every one of our dogs to lose on bicycles, helicopters in the air, there's no stone left, i'm turn so i think this is going to continue throughout this entire post also can take the next 4 weeks or 4 months actually, so that i think crowds are going to be smaller, more contained. so i think that alters the race as well. but on top of that, i think donald trump now has become these trump rental the way he's positioning himself, also planning to position himself during this convention, at least from what we've heard from him. and this campaign is sort of taking the, a largest deputy said that he has ripped up his entire convention space that previously had been planning on tearing into jo bye. but now sort of wants to present himself as does unifier and cheap, which i think is
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a very smart strategy. does via talk all the bite and campaigns. it's, it's, it's hard to, to, to go for someone who was, who was effectively become a button and a site. no one ever said exactly what you're saying. the buying campaign planned to go on the offensive this week. of course, the attacking donald trump for extreme positions will just hurt that of course, the by and campaign for the state and st. j. the bands is extreme. and i think you can make that argument, especially when you take a look at what j. b dancer said about the prison in signing this act of violence, which i think is somewhat taken out of context. but um, i think the job i get pan has to figure out how they get back on the fence. ready a kid sort of job their own message, because right now everyone's talking about trump, the assassination of course, now about the republican convention. take the place right beyond. you mentioned ukraine. if donald trump does become president the native leaders, of course i'm worried about his stance on ukraine. tell us more about the status of francis uh a position on this issue. you well, let me just practice this by saying,
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senator, this has been all over the place and all over all types of issues. you said that donald trump was completely unqualified. you've never vote for him. now, of course, he's becoming his vice president. so let's see and wait, what center to advance will actually say once he's officially nominated bibles conventions, but i think she's been clear on one thing that she believes that america, money tax payer money should be spent in america and not some warehouse across the globe over in europe, he is, of course the one that has been pushing that journal novel shipping, doing more to pay for the more you crate. if that's something that we're focused on, but that no more american tax dollar payer dollars should be thrown to your credit or defense will such a simple country? does the attack on donald trump? just thinking about the bottom campaign? how does that silence the arguments within the bi and campaign about whether or not
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the president should continue his bid? yes, i think if there's a it's, it's clear just following along best way for joe biden has benefited from what has happened the last 48 hours. why? because that issue has sort of temp down. i think nobody knows what's going to happen in the future. but i think we can all of expect that there is a likely chance to present i'm going to go up in the next week or 2. and so i think a lot of people are sort of tapping down the notion that joe biden should be replaced. still, i wonder, straight from an analysis perspective, i'll can joe by the current state, come back on all since can get back on office without sort of altering the fundamental dynamics of the race by replacing himself and opening up to wait for a new cannon. good. so to, as ever, that's very clear, political strategist, julia found de la, finding so much thanks so much on and the problem is with some of the sound
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quality, then we'll take a look at some old stories making news around the world. now, voters in government health areas of syria have been electing new paul events and so forth, such a election since the stocks and the civil war. 13 years ago, a position groups have labeled the folks of fox the problem and tested little real power. and within serious presidential system, august hands, government has announced a little band form, a prime minister in round concept political party and filed for using charges against and mr. com has already been in jail for almost a year. oh, sorry, it's a so i'm good. he's suppose by cracking down on his p t. i pump to rescue teams in the full half because at 11 bodies after a landslide swept 2 buses into a river, the victims were found along the river banks. some 50 people were traveling on the buses and the vehicles were hit. russia and china have stopped to join the military
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drills in the pacific us the 2 continues to strengthen ties. beijing says the exercises do not talk into any particular nation. and nato allies recently called the chime, a decisive enabler of russia's war in ukraine academy lab police of arrested a man. so what to be behind a series of gruesome, this is the dismember bodies of several victims are found in the garbage dump. officials say the suspected serial killer. i submitted monitoring doesn't simply mean police have been scouring the site and i, roby over the weekend. used as a dumping ground for bodies. crowds gathered, watching in horror as investigators pulled out one bag after the other. all containing body parts of the women killed. now they say they have the suspect in custody. from the look of things,
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stages crystallizing that we are dealing with a city or to a circle, positive suited to for us no respect for human life. according to police, the suspect has confessed to killing thousands of women, including his own life. the suspects confused, fluid, keen under the dispos, for the 2 female bodies of a dumping site on monday, between 20 to 2 and they sent us the last day. 11th over july, 2024, just a 100 meters away from the dump where the bodies were found. the suspects homes were investigators that they found, i'm a chevy, plastic bags,
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and the personal belongings of suspected victims. the crisis in kenya, which has one of the highest rates of fantasize in africa with an average of 47 women losing their lives every week. attaching has begun in runs in parliamentary and presidential elections, batch and date of polk, a gummy looks likely to secure a full time. critics accuse him of cracking down on the off position. he's most vocal critics were a bottom from running against and the w correspondent, marian the ripples guntee is what many people think off when they think of rhonda and martin cleans developed and say it's capital. the government has worked hard to sell this image. we've been mostly successful in the most important things that we wanted to get done, which means security and safety for london's bringing back home refugees of uniting
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london's justice and progress and delivering to hundreds. rhonda today is better off than it's ever been. ronda has grown economically reduced maternal mortality and improved health care. it has also become a major conference and tourist destination. but that's not enough, especially when 60 percent of london still live below the poverty line. says a position, need to fix, why and be with they data so much of a met. they do that to the to got it. we have a beautiful building, glen, this is sweets bought to develop them into some of that development is they indicate to be able to people and that's what have appropriate for modernization among the kids under 5 use that there's all kinds of over to him. in other countries outside the to getting with the heavy woods. we need to who do we need that inclusive? do we need to or tie we need to was put that says this menacing stuff to have to
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shift victoria and be right. has been a fee is critique of president pool come down there for decades. was punished for speaking of she wasn't prisoned for ages, were challenging the government narrative of the 1994 genocide, the targeted the tootsie minority, and killed about 800000 people. you get the size of the, the institution adelanto, the government of course, the order of labor to be the enemy of the coffee. like you may spend the a to using the present order because it has to get the size of the party. so for the government, so this is why as could they have to understand that we need to also democracy in our country to have a system that bit of development. we need to to have a lead. that is what i could account about before the citizen government has been praised for bringing simply to design to and the 30 years since the tennessee i was know, well the rights groups have criticize the country as human rights record in fools,
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disappearances, arbitrary detention extra traditional killings and torture, a routine. the government denies this a problem. we did, we did not assessing that people were a country of law. we're country that find his life. that is the biggest lesson that we learn from the genocide o job is to take care of what these people are free to see whenever they want. the country rings 144 out of 180 in the world. press freedom index. 14 members of victoria and you'll be of as a position party and 3 john list behind bars several more waiting trial. do you think it will be a free and fair election? yes it all. it's elizabeth. it's widely expected that poor guy man will win this election with more than 90 percent of the vote. as he has done in previous polls. russian rock is attack on new trains. the launch is the hospital last week
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destroyed most of the complex kid and at least 2 people and injuring dozens more. the struggles they've put sick children in greater danger, interrupted vital treatments. the deputies max and the visited the hospital in key events, spoke with medical staff trying to keep the wards running to many of the children's hospital. it was a symbol of safety until until the russian attack dr. clark, i was performing a surgery on a young girl when shrapnel and glass came flying. after making sure his patient was safe and tending to his own was, he joined the search for survivors. he takes us to the impact site. so we're giving the devil a newton on the the blast turn to much of the hospital into
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a ruin for watching the thought that so we will see the results of this lisa, i'm sure do you bought that? you thank you for that because there are so many children who needed help that us who could not interrupt the treatment and who needed very specialized treatment. what their wallet do is this particular in general, you can know other hospitals can provide the care. the now hospital as provided or not, the goal was to be they came within the, the, to the more than 600 children have to be moved a difficult task, especially in a health care system strain by war. some patients will be treated abroad. other hospitals have opened up to patients for most money among them this hospital on the other side of the city. it wasn't the process of opening up
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a new oncology department. then 50 new patients arrived in one go like 11 year old lot who was diagnosed with leukemia a half a year ago. she been receiving chemotherapy at the hospital. when the attack happened, he was there for a checkup, along with his mom. from the doctor, i will remember my child's reaction to this event for a long time when everything was fooling, when everything was exploding, it was absolutely terrible for me to the sirens sounded everywhere. then the far alone rang and it was very scary of lot. and the other children were transferred to you the same day you should receive a bone marrow transplant and the next few days. yeah. so i'm in control. i don't cry, i didn't get upset. that's all. so my family thinks it and no one is worried. and for the sake of the other children, and i believe there's no need to be upset, even if everything is bad and nice,
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something can still get back to the city even though one of the show stuff across across the whole meet over. she's here with her daughter, anastasio was recovering from a bone marrow transplant and has down syndrome and a related heart condition. she was suppose to stay in a sterile environment for the mother is worried about the impact of the attack. oh sure thing go it. they would know fragments, nothing to be, but the pressure rise ation itself. smoke dust. this is what the child inhales and it's very home for, for because it can cause steps to send a child in this condition. it was very risky. the doctors are now keeping a close eye on these patients. they say quick decisions and the help of volunteers on the day of the attack meant they were able to manage the situation with outs, folding behind on their schedule, the time off the launch. they were
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a lot of people in all committees. i said guys, if you want to do a good deed, follow me. and at 8 o'clock in the evening, we already had resume to the entire treatment process. at 10, i was already making the final round of patients the russian attack on off my the truck, the nation to its core. but even now, work continues in the departments that have survived. and the state has promised to rebuild it entirely. to treat children in gauze as a high master on health administrators. as sundays is rarely attack on an un done school. a use of the shelter for this place, people is killed, more than a dozen people. bombing savvy to bottom was already one of the deadliest weeks of his right. the arrow assaults on the territory. since october 7 attacks. just minutes of the children were playing on the ground. people were having lunch
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and i think. but then exclusions and destruction is, charlie strikes left many that and dozens injured. we came into the classroom and i saw people carrying my sister's body. she'd been hit in the head and was dead. my younger sister was lying on the ground. my mother was also dead. they were all lying dead. the residency to squee what's considered a feed center is dry. the military claims the site was used as a beast for hamas fight. the attack is strongly forces. it saves numerous steps with the can to limit the risk of harming civilians on the ground. these explanations make little difference to fatigue from the loss of loved ones. displacement and destruction is evident. where is the world?
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my hands are paralyzed. i can't move them. oh god, have mercy on us, designate a safe soon for us, and then keep the fighting away from us. why is this our fault? was? no, it was the 5th attack just over to be defeat the gods of school with you as a shelter by displaced palestinians. the un fees more than 80 percent of the schools and on the 12th universities in gaza, has been destroyed since the stock of the war class has gone big place for students. and as the warranty to have the oil life and or dreams feed father, we spain's victoria, as national football team has arrived back in madrid with your opinion. the championship trophy hundreds of thousands of funds gathered in the spanish capital
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to welcome them home. following that to one went over england in sundays find the teams that the new toilet ratcliffe by winning all 7 of that matches. it also became the 1st country to win the yours for the full time as to how will the owner's be remembered? what was games in 10 states is that what logistical challenges with german who's trained service of them, criticized french poor performance and the national level, anybody to the quotes or fines. hundreds of thousands of football fans have flocked to germany and recent weeks converting slaves of cities into impromptu dance course . goods, when they're always in a good mood, they're always down to bar. the germans have made quite the impression as host often loving it and not the people were so friendly, having a great time. not everyone's been so nice to us. yeah. it's been great. the consumption of inordinate volumes of german beer helped to keep the party afloat on
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the way to help us to be of help. some people are fantastic, even if the weather didn't always play alone. great atmosphere cracked with the tournament, also highlighted diversity within germany, offering a chance for those with the american roots to celebrate health. we talk is, you know, how many nights but expressions of nationalism did reach dark depths during the tournament. turkish defender immediately tell me about celebrated a goal with the ultra nationalist pretty well simple suspension by you 8th, i didn't stop thousands of turkish fans from mimicking m liter euro 20. 24 didn't just boost nationalism. it shattered german national. and this german efficiency is very disappointing. delayed and over crowded trains, and lensky lions for stadiums. brock frustration to the festivities. we've been to, i mean, every wilcox is 90. i went to kentucky and this has been the was tournament in
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terms of organization for a long time. no, i can remember. it wasn't just trains failing to reach their destinations. some of the biggest teams in the tournament like belgium croatia, italy in portugal failed to impress some stars fizzled while new ones were born. the despite the german national team being supported by speaking in the quarter's coach, you'll be a non goodman side, put inspiring football and one over the nation with fans backing their team with an exuberance not seen any years i'm interested in. okay, so it's just a small part of life, but it's very meaningful to many feet and it was, we've managed to bring people together of the mention. so i, in, in euro 2024. it will be a fond memory for many germans, ended supplied them with plenty of hope for their football in future. just as reminder of our top story at this, the us republican party has formerly nominated donald trump as its candidates for
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one november's presidential election. and mr. trump has chosen of hives tennis at j . d funds to be each running mates. 39 year old has been a photo critic of the form of presidents, but has since become a loyal servant. now i stick with this, i'll be back in just a moment to take you to take you behind the headlines of the day, including taking a look at j. d. that's who is this box who has gone from enemy to ally? that's in just a moment. indeed, the
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of january 2021. the attack on the united states capital thousands of people took pods and among them. some of these manipulative voices are a former high ranking military leaders, winded us, veterans tended backs on democracy. and what does this mean for the upcoming index? the enemy, within in 45 minutes on d w. the
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wish i could've done more to save, you just click away, find the best document on you to really see the world as he's never seen it before. the drive now to dw talking entry, growing up in a refugee there's a palestinian exhibit known, we try not to expect much living with them anymore. this is not a good environment. not for me, not for my children. without civil rights and with no prospect. but what can we do? carry on and some last day, a nice the nice you get there hoping for
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a miracle in baby shuttle stops august 3rd on d. w. the startled trump has had the unlucky couple of days. literally dodging of boys as a rally in the state of pennsylvania. and then hearing today's news of the floor, the judge has dismissed the criminal case against him on the charges of mishandling top secret documents and its being west, sped that surviving the assassination attempt and pleading heroically on tv screens and newspaper front pages. while surrounded by sooty, dense tongue blast, a secret service agents is worth a 1000 pictures of present by looking old. i'm calling for com. i'm feel go invalid and this is the day. thank.


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