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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 16, 2024 6:00am-6:16am CEST

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the, the, this is dw news live from berlin. donald trump makes his 1st appearance since the attempt on his life. trump shows up the up at the republican national convention as the name says, choice for vice president, ohio sen jay. the vans is the man, the former president has chosen as his running mate, also coming up police and can you arrest a man over a series of crews and murders? officials say the suspected serial killer has admitted to being involved in the depths of 42 women and the last 2 years and a rapturous welcome for spain's victorious national football team. fans turn out in the hundreds of thousands of madrid to celebrate the, to the one when over england,
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sundays, euro 2024 final the i'm in ease of welcome to the program. former us president donald trump has made his 1st public appearance since the assassination attempt against him on saturday. trump walked into the republican national convention to rapture, as applause with his ear that was injured in the shooting covered with a white bandage. convention has completed the formalities of nominating trump as the presidential candidates trump is also chosen, his brother is running, made for november's general election of ohio sen, ged fans as trumps, picked for vice presidential candidates. the 39 year old former silicon valley venture capitalist had been a critic of the former president, but has since become a loyal ally. do you know these washington bureau chief,
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is that the republican convention and you got the reaction from a to advances nomination as stolen from so many nation as the presidential candidate on the 1st day of the republican national convention, plus, expected, this hopeless wasn't the question. he would pick for vice president. the excitement from the delegates was strong when they learned it would be j d v. i think it's amazing. i like them a lot. i think he's very smart. i think he's got a wide range of popularity and i think it will attract a lot of people that may be traveling younger. that may be trump would have had a hard time with it. so i think it's wonderful with is was upbringing that he had in the appalachian mountains regardless of just it. he is the common man that became wash, you know, went to washington rather than he was not a product of washington. that's why, like i say it's or advance is
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a man. i think it's perfect for the role. we need someone with you in vigor in the republican party such as myself. and i'm glad that donald j. trump has decided to take a young senator and make him his v p. i have nothing but great hopes for him as our vice president. i personally liked the santas or mario rubio, but what i care is that trump gets re elected. there is more younger conservatives now and there is ever been there is, you know, people are rejecting the work liberal ideology at levels. he never seems so i think having a younger person to represent that group is the best thing that can ever happen. well, i mean j events, let's face it, he's a lot like donald trump. maybe he's a logical successor. go tell me, would be 78 years old if even spec the white house, this would keep dirty bins, just a heart beat away from the presidency. so many people around the world, this scenario raises concerns as vans,
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is strongly against supporting ukraine who poses foreign age and takes a tough stance on iraq concerns. many of the members of the policy don't share because he's yeah, he's conservative. he's got a come from the family. the way he started from the bottom is worked his way up to the top. he's got young children, so you understand the value that american me today. do you know these, janelle do, malone has more on from his 1st appearance since the attempt on his life? indeed, he walked in to the r n. c on day one with that big white bandage on his right ear. we've learned that he has lost part of that year in the assassination attempt. he did not speak, though he did not take the stage. he simply sat are stored in the crowd and let the chairs and the admiral lation wash over him from his supporters. but we know that
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the assassination attempt is still very much fresh on the minds of the supporters, and we know that because amid the cries of, we love trump. we also heard them say, fight fight fight. famously, the words that donald trump said in that scene where he raised his fist after the assassination attempt with his face bloodied and turned to his crowds, the crowd of supporters. so this tells us that fight fight fight has to become a campaign slogan. right up there with make america great again. and trouble is also side by side for the 1st time with the man he chose is running, made a center j. the vance. and what can you tell us about him? senator a. j. d. vance. freshman sen from ohio. he is 39 years old and he was a never drunk for in 2016 who is clearly had a change of heart. he's known to hold very conservative views among them on abortion access. but he's also very much in america 1st kind of guy in terms of
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being unwilling to support taught further aid to ukraine. so too many of uh, too many observers, ged vance really does seem to represent the new generation of ma, got a break away from old school established republicanism. and it's clearly an interesting choice that donald trump has made. it does seem to be part of the appeal. i think if van was advanced and the running it would bring down the average age of candidates by about 20 years or something like that. that must be part of trumps calculation here. indeed it is. um yeah. and, but i also, i also think just as an aside that uh, the reason to use had to pick a new vp in the 1st place is that if you recall, uh his uh, old running made to him like pen. so you can't really count on like pants anymore ever since january 6 when trump supporters are called from like pens to behind. so
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he clearly had to pick someone else's time around. and he did pick, got someone who is younger and uh, even a younger than his, his, uh, his who, who his opponent would become le harris. he's a full time years younger than her. but also worth noting that he has other things going for him in terms of law, in terms of the vice presidency. he is, he's from ohio, that is a battle ground state. he's a thought to be vital for getting those are russ felt thoughts and uh yes, as you pointed out, he does represent a younger generation. he also has access to the silicon valley donor base at a time where the trump campaign really, really can use funds. so all of those factors spoke in his favor and i guess that is why donald trump chose them to be as running. they do, you know, do alone in washington for dw, thank you. danielle crease is an associate professor at the school of media at the
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university of north carolina. i asked him what message drums picking j. d advanced as his running mate could send about his campaign. i think probably what this suggests is trump is looking for a young, political fire brand. one kennedy, who very much has been aligned with trumps overall message. whether that's on immigration or stolen 2020 election. judy vance is proven a ton again to be a very reliable surrogate defender of the president in congress. there were certainly many other choices that were less extreme. there are many republicans, for instance, who looked at the 2020 election and said trump last mitt romney is a great example. you know, the person who ran strongest against trump, nikki haley is another great example of somebody who, i think would be a clear,
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a voice of moderation within the republican party. that we need to embrace democratic norms that we need to get back to a free and fair elections, which every courtney united states that said that that we have and, and we need to be able to continue to not demonize our product. and all of which i think the selection of j d bands sort of rejects, which is the voice of more democratic moderation and the pardon and let's take a look now at some of the other stories making headlines around the world. the folders in government, how the areas of syria have been electing a new parliament. the 4th such a election since the start of the civil war, 13 years ago, opposition groups have labeled the vote a far as the problem that has little real power within syria's presidential system . pakistan's government has announced that will been ex prime minister and run cons political party and filed trees and charges against them. mister con has already
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been in jail for almost a year. authorities have angered his supporters by cracking down on his p t. i. parties, russia and china have started joint military drills and the pacific as they continue to strengthen ties. aging, said the in the exercise, do not target any particular country. nato allies recently describe china as a, the size of a naval or russia's war and ukraine. police and 10, you have a rest of the man thought to be behind the series of gruesome murders. the dismember bodies of several victims were found in a garbage dump. officials say the suspected serial killer has admitted murdering dozens of women. the police have been scouring this site, and i, roby over the weekend. used as a dumping ground for bodies. crowds gathered, watching in horror as investigators pulled out one back after the other,
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all containing body parts of the women killed. now they say they have the suspect in custody from the look of things he does crystallize thing that we are dealing with a city or to a circle, positive serial killer for us, no respect for human life. according to police, the suspect has confessed to killing thousands of women, including his own life. the suspects confused fluids to under the dispos, for the true female bodies of a dumping site. on monday, between 20 to 2 and they sent us last day. 11th
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over july, 2024, just a 100 meters away from the dump where the bodies were found. the suspects homes were investigators set the found. i'm a chevy, plastic bags, and the personal belongings of suspected victims. crisis and kenya, which has one of the highest rates of fantasize in africa with an average of 47 women losing their lives every week. spain has been celebrating a victory at soccer's europe and championships. the winners of the competition arrived back in the capital, madrid, with the trophy into a welcome from tens of thousands of ecstatic fans. another sleepless night in the spanish capital. a culmination of a busy day full of joy and pride of the excitement was already in
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the air just as it seems, play types down in mad reeds airport. and it says, you know, they go not did not. we have such a good see when people we had to do a full time 17 out to 7th it the 7 matches. 7 winds up, give it back to the study as the players just ground. the kings of european football were 1st welcomed by the royal family then by the leader of the government one be the one i think the most relevant thing we have seen throughout this tournament is the team spirit that this team has the thank you for being the way you are or circle. thank you for giving the best version of spain. and finally they appeared on the streets of men's read, greeted by thousands of ecstatic fans. some of them already looking forward to an
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even bright future. we have a home, yes, but it's been a special day. the best celebration possible. it's unforgetable. all these people. this of the past, the team is fantastic. i've been 2 years will be back here with the will come after a record breaking performance spring and now the only mens team to win the tournament for times. and here's a reminder of the top story we're following for you. donald trump has made his 1st public appearance since the assassination attempt on him appeared at the republican national convention on the day he named ohio sen janie vans as his running made for november's presidential election. the that's all for now. don't forget you can always get more on our website. that's d w dot com also follows on social media or handle. there is at dw news. i'm on
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a and e says from me and the rest of the team here. thanks for watching and stay with us. the shannon ball thinking sharing decide things. this award winning offer is available world wide for every language that has never been sent to to go. good love vines this together present to it's a beautiful feeling that.


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