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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 16, 2024 7:00pm-7:15pm CEST

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the the, this is the, the, the new is of life from the donald trump makes his 1st public appearance since the attempt on his life. the former us president appears at the republican national convention in milwaukee. the foundation in a name's ohio senate said j. d events as his running mate. also on the program. and to government protests, return to kenya springs despite the president, brutal firing almost isn't tied. cabinets will bring the ladies from nairobi, pakistan's government steps of the pressure on child form, a prime minister and run comp. explain to you, i pause you not facings of time despite is widespread. the
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and so go ahead, welcome to the program for me us president donald trump has made his 1st public appearance since being wounded, an assassination attempt of the weekend. he strode arts at the republican national convention in milwaukee. it is in bondage. delegates, formerly confirmed him as a presidential candidate for november's election. mister jumps picked for vice president is 39 year old ohio, send us a j d events. once a vocal and vicious critic off before the president, he's now a loyal ally. young kind of is magic and in touch with the real lives of working close voltage. that's the image that j. d. events successfully betrays a $39.00 his hall. donald trump age representing the younger generation. he is the embodiment of the american dream. from a full working class background in ohio,
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he became a marine, a little graduate from yale. unlike to a successful venture capitalist and silicon valley, his best selling book hillbilly allergy highlights the struggles of white working class americans in post industrial cities using his own story. he was abandoned by his father was a child, his mother, an abusive herb, and not 8. it was his grandmother who believed in him. the story was turned into a netflix film. it happened. i know i could have done better that you got to decide. you want to be sure i'm only hoping vans is appealed to working class votes as well. when in the industrial midwest, battleground states, the 2 have developed a strong ripple. but it wasn't always that way. in 2016 months like into into
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americas hitler and said he would never be a trump. plus he liked to embrace trumpets him wholeheartedly. and when he run for the senate in 2022, the full, the president endorsed him on appeared with him on the campaign trail. trump says he likes the way funds performs in the media, where he's an outspoken, defend, or if the former president obama believes trumps 2020 election defeat to joe biden was not fed. he decided on trump unfairly vilified. they said, well, you know, wasn't january 6, the constitutional prices, and i shook my head. my said no, no, no, january the 6, donald trump trying to challenge an election to a constitutional means that is the opposite of the constitutional prizes. the to agree on trade, immigration um, foreign policy on ukraine. they want us to do more. is the best way to help you create, i think, from european perspective as for your, you're up to become more self sufficient. vladimir putin is, of course, in the geo political back yard of europe, the united states,
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as it focuses more on east asia, simply can't be expected to foot a disproportionate share of the burden. following his meet your rise, j defense is now hoping to become america's next vice president. well, that washington bureau chief in his pole is the republican national convention in milwaukee. and she told me more about the tennis advances world view and he's likely priorities in a trump administration. yeah, you know, i mean, he kind of amplifies to take off the president. trump, himself, he doesn't say anything different from him. maybe just sometimes him a little bit of a harder told me just heard him talking at the municipal, the munich security conference is temporary. very. he said that europe has to kind of a shoulder more of the burden that of course, ukraine. russia is so close to other european countries and t my a j. d. events is convinced that the united states should rather
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a focus on being ready to defend themselves. against the increasingly aggression address of a china. so he basically says what trump has been saying since he was the president in the united states. so this is not really new, but again to teach us amplifies donald trump's geo political policies, which also is america. first, i want to move that in, milwaukee is overwhelmed. us celebrating the formal nominations of mr. trump and mr . events, or is the assassination of time still hanging over things? well, it was interesting. the moment donald trump announced his v. p. pick a people were really happy, they think it's great, especially the younger republicans here. they think it's great to have a younger man in such a high a position. and of course, also compared to joe biden basting physical energy the base,
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and this will make it even more likely that donald trump will win a back the white house. of course, a b s a base to attempt on donald trump is also really very presence here. and it was a quite impressive housing mood changed when donald trump entered this a read uh last night with is taped. your people are very emotional. um and uh, to those to whom we were able to speak. they kind of all come together even closer behind donald trump. they see in him a hero who is willing to risk his life to fight for their interests. and the several german lawmakers have actually made the journey over there to milwaukee. how of value reacting to the news as of, of events as mr. trump's pick? yeah, right, that's actually interesting. it's not only german law makers is lawmakers from all
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around the road from all around europe because they do not want to make the same mistake as they did last time. they do not want to be not free pad ones. donald trump is back in the or might be back in the white house. this is a big event of networking and i had the chance to speak to you and spawn usa law maker from the conservative german party said it was. and he basically agrees with donald trump and jade events on the take that you're a has to do more and that europe has to get ready. and also germany has to good ready to put more money in their defense industry. and of course, also have to really produce more munition on european soil because it's much more likely with a donald but the president donald trump, back in the white house that the united states won't support ukraine as they are doing under president joe. by that time cure units that wants to be, are safe in his poll,
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i think it's probably kind of natural convention not to kenya when at least one person has been killed in fresh anti government. protests police 5 p. a gas that dozens of demonstrators in the capital nairobi nationwide protest broke out a month ago against proposed tax increases on rest, has continued even after president russo withdrew the legislation and 5, most of his cabinet correspondent in nairobi. a phoenix moving told me more. so what's been happening is that protest as well back to the streets to day in nasal b and adjusts and towers. police u. s. t a gas kindly size and sound fired, lived for dollars for this part of a peaceful protest of what's happened for the better part to evade there was there running bottles between the police and the protest eyes and the protest. i was kept sending the police. we are peaceful, we do not need you to use accessing 4th side. does it to me,
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the police of knowledge that they're doing to get things done. let me suggest this evening as one of the gentle listing the causal kenya was going about how job. but she was short on the leg by the police, by the protest of a violets to remain on the streets. and all these new protests free leg story. these the original protests which continued despite the present withdrawing the tax increases that spots last month on rest. nope, visa, last new protests, the protest that the gun on the 18th of june have continued. what happened the 1st 2 weeks of protest or elective the piece for then on the 25th of june when hell broke loose and a number of people died, hundreds of people who are inside the protest as took a small break to one the dead. and as a group, and now they've come back, but now they're saying that the same at all and they wouldn't be going off the streets because they regroup. and this troll got by there hasn't been any new as
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talk to this particular protest. it's a just a continuation on the board room again, 5 weeks ago. so the president weaver drew, those proposed tax increases that seemed to at spock. these protests last month. that's gone. so what did the protest as well now, for the protest as one's good government, as the protest as one's account ability in their country to protest as once the president to deal with corruption and the protest as i say, your problem is, does the jobs when you are competing for president c we, i'm not seeing those jobs, the protest. i also want the cost of living to go down and that protest as $1.00 to the police to stop there be try the iris abduction and. b have a single different test. that's why the protest as well as one the government to respect the rule of law. and i do. yeah. to what is in the can no constitution. ok thanks that's felix. felix and the rainbow in my room will take
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a look at the most doors making headlines around the walls. and it will stay in, can you with a quote, says ordered the man accused of murdering and dismembering $42.00 women to be held in jail for 30 days while police investigate the dismembered bodies of several victims were found to the carpet stump at the weekends. case has prompted, shock, an outrage across the country. 6 people have been killed in thousands more wounded in a shooting and a she, i to months in a man's capital mascot that include for pakistani nashville was an indian and a police officer. a police shot dead the 3 gunman. the incident happened on the 8th of a religious commemoration. 6 people have been found dead and then luxury hotel than the ty comfortable, bangkok, 5 minutes to set that time. we said has visited the sea, the victims of police to be, to visit these americans. and for fear that means nationals, police suspect they were foisy. so now the government of pakistan has announced
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plans to bind the political party of the former prime minister in right of con, claiming that mister jones pci pots that you received, illegal foreign funding is console. so accused of inciting writing. he's been in jail for nearly a year. i just bought from standing in the elections. things only seem to get worse for one of focused on the most popular politicians. in john con. the g liter is facing of resent this effort to keep him out of sight and delete this move. the government has decided to bad. his b, b i party. in the month you're looking at the few visited with the 2 in lines of all that. everything was the vehicle then going to be federal government. if we'll move to ben p t r said he can solve the problem. be the donnie. the announcement comes days of to buckets on sports, who are in favor of him. ron hahn on his phone to do it. hon faces more than 100 for the gift this. he said that always particularly motivated his p d. i bought the claims it is
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a boutique track down on its candidates and supported ended on up to february election. hundreds of btn members, us to indeed many of them have been accused vandalizing state admitted to installations. off the hog was listed last year. but despite the crack down and guns con, spot, the one the most seats in the 2024, the election, he's been appears to have gnostics, public support. how, why did they, will they be the p t? i used to know how do we often with him run car, do the distance up, all right. and we have with him, how much can i have it on how this government has done so many illegal things against him and con, how many accusations that be made to gain. so how many restrictions, how many cases, god willing, the people are standing up with and may he get relief? in oregon con was after death. brian ministers in the board of lou confidence in 2022 inches wide. we perceive that he fell out. the 5th would be boxed on sponsor
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for the military. the armed forces have directly to leave the country for nearly half of its existence since its creation in 1947. many, c, hon, came to fall within $28.00 days with the fact and custom entity. but after he was forced out, he has been able to mobilize them, nothing against the military student in politics. it's an issue that involves deeply entrenched emotions. and any move to keep honda will be from booklet is expected to excess a beat the but i think i've done more that has been seen the country for the past 2 years. is reminded our top story this our donald trump has named ohio centers. the defense us is running my phone november's presidential election and as it was made of the republican national convention jumped the 1st appearance since the attempt on his line. i'm next on the w a prison. this looked at how you are of
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defense industry is attempting to reduce c o 2 emissions. i'll be back to the day, the eclipse, someone else to the cd highlights of selected for you. you every week. a new a box subscribe. now. not just another day. so much is happening all at once. we take time to understand this is the day an in depth look at the current use events analyzed by experts. and critical thing here is this is the weekdays on dw.


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