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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 16, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm CEST

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the the, this is the deadline, use my sons by the donald trump makes his 1st public appearance since the attempt on his life. the former us presidents appear that the republican national convention in milwaukee for the vantage in the names ohio status of j. the vance, as he's running may also on the program and to give them and protests return to can use the streets. despite the present roots of funding almost isn't tied cabinet. we'll bring the villages from nairobi. pakistan's government steps up the pressure on child form of 5 minutes to him or on his page that i pause united faces of them despite his widespread popularity, the
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unfolding. welcome to the program. donald trump is macy's 1st public appearance since being wounded in an assassination attempt of the weekend phone with us president strode us at the republican national convention in milwaukee with his b advantage down against form. and he confirmed him as a presidential candidate for november's election. mister trump's pick for vice president is 39 year old ohio is tennis a. j the vance. once a vocal and vicious critic off the former president, he's now loyal ally young kind of is magic and in touch with the real lives of working closely to that's the image that j. d. events successfully betrays a $39.00 his hall. donald trump's age representing the younger generation. he is the embodiment of the american dream. from a pool, working class background,
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ohio. he became a marine, lo graduate from yale. unlike to a successful venture capitalist in silicon valley, his best selling book hillbilly allergy highlights the struggles of white working class americans in post industrial cities using his own story. he was abandoned by his father was a child, his mother, an abusive herb, and not 8. it was his grandmother who believed in him. the story was turned into a netflix film. but i know i could have done a better thing. you've got to decide. you want to be sure i'm only hoping vans is appealed to working class votes as well. when in the industrial midwest, battleground states, the 2 have developed a strong ripple. but it wasn't always that way. in 2016 months like into into americas hitler and said he would never be
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a trump plot. he liked to embrace trumpets him wholeheartedly. and when he run for the senate in 2022, the former president endorsed him on a paid with him on the campaign trail. trump says he likes the way funds performs in the media, where he's an outspoken, defend, or if the former president obama believes trumps 2020 election defeat to joe biden was not fed. he decided on from unfairly vilified. they said, well, you know, it wasn't january 6, the constitutional prices, and i shook my head. my said no, no, january the 6, donald trump trying to challenge in election to constitutional means that is the opposite of the constitutional prices. the to agree on trade, immigration um, foreign policy on ukraine. they want us to do more. is the best way to help you create, i think, from european perspective as for your europe to become more self sufficient. vladimir putin is, of course, in the geopolitical backyard of europe. the united states, as
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a focus this morning stage is simply can't be expected to foot a disproportionate share of the burden. following his meet you already rise. j d events is now hoping to become america's next vice president washington bureau chief in his pole is at the convention in milwaukee and told me more about the tennis events. yeah, you know, i mean, he kind of amplifies to take off the president. trump, himself, he doesn't say anything different from him. maybe just sometimes him a little bit of a harder telling me just heard him talking at the municipal, the munich security conference is temporary. very. he said that europe has to kind of a shoulder more of the burden that of course, ukraine. russia is so close to other european countries and t my a j. d. events is convinced that the united states should rather focus on being ready to defend themselves against the increasingly aggression address of
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a china. so he basically says, what trump has been saying since he was the president in the united states. so this is not really new, but again to teach us amplifies donald trump's geo political policies, which also is america. first. it is paul or clayton allen is the policy analyst at the razor group think turnkey joins us from washington. welcome to d, w. let's start with your thoughts on j. d. francis donald trump's pick for vice president. the 1st things grabbing me and i think that it is really now that works . vance is notable because of everyone that could have been chosen to become vice president. he is the most, i illogically, somewhere to trump, he's half from sage, but he's 100 percent. trump's ideological views on protectionism trade, the us as role and global security arrangements and everything else besides with this big advances, almost by default trumps here. apparently he's going to be the standard bear for
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trump's particular political ideology. after trump exits the stage, and does he bring anything to that from comparing beyond being a trump mini me? life, what describe isn't it describing disability? he's about the same size and strong, but he absolutely does bring something to this campaign. he is useful where trump is seen as a little bit older, although more vibrant to bind. vance is also protect, potentially popular with some crucial swing state, but especially in the upper midwest. that said, i don't think vince was from a campaign perspective. maybe the most advantageous pick of trump was only focused on what maximizes to share about what maximizes as appeal to modern swindlers. i think you would have chosen some of the more likely to hailey, though of course it was an impossible choice because they're so far apart just about on everything. on how to set a vance account for his dramatic towed around him from banks a never trump uh who described donald trump is america's hitler. to be coming,
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he's running late. so i think that there's 2 factors that play here, united. so you can make an argument that this was truly a political conversion on business part that he has become, you know, sort of a line with, with trump values with the sell it the only a conver can bring adulterated on a convert can bring, i think there's also an element here, those opportunities. vance recognizes that the fastest way to the top of the party is by allowing himself but the most important figure within the part. you also recognizes that trump is made. the vehicle that delivers is particular set of political goals. most of the of so these combination of both true believes as well as a little bit maybe a lot of opportunities and advances and position. let's talk about the a look at this from your perspective. does a trump, vance whitehouse give your pain, lead has more to fear than just the prospect of return of mr. trump as president. i don't know that this exacerbates the fears that european leader should have in
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the immediate term. i think the trump was always set to turn the us as role in data into a much more transactional one, for instance, trunk was always going to steer away from additional aid for new credit against backing distort piece on keeps terms approach. i think the advanced choice, if anything, should drive home for your players. this is a girl shift in american conservative ideology and politics. vans is going to keep trumps positions a live long after trump is sort of out of office in 2028. right. and so this, this is how we should see this is a, this is a vance. this is positions as your site to become his. he's there kind of business . trump isn't, uh for the next 10 years. i think that's true and i will say it just to kathy that on this bench is a position to be trumps airfare, presuming that their relationship doesn't fall apart. remember from kind of goes relationship with my pets that fall apart from has close relationships with a number of other policy makers, many of those of crashing firm. so yes,
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the answer is very well positioned, a gone trump's role, assuming the 2 of them continue to get along in 4 years. i know we're speculating, but, and we know a donald trump a stands and we know it van stands on the issue of ukraine. but this is, this is likely if, if it goes trumps, why do you see him taking the house with him? because i'm wondering how far out on the land, the united that mr. trump will be as compared to congress. so congress is not a model. i think that of trump lenses, you know, more likely than not that he also takes the house a good day at the top of the ticket. is a good day down ballot for republicans running for house seats in the congress. the house republicans are more skeptical of the trade center republicans, and i would point out that house opposition to you credit aid was i think it's in some way situational. it was a rejection of president buying as much as it was a reduction of the granite. so there's still
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a large continue to the republican party that supported us, continuing to, to a ukraine, north carolina. but of course, the guy in the white house, the guy at the top of the ticket, doesn't want to do it. that really puts a damper on what the us williams provide. so a quick what then about what the european leaders and institutions like nice. so in the you doing to try and a trump proof themselves. are sure, i think there's 2 major factors here and they're both somewhat effective. you know, the ukraine contact group has been moved from us leadership to native leadership that moves a lot of responsibility for the day to day reactions between ukrainian this western military partners over to data and by extension 2 americans, european allies. there's also this long term financing permission that the g 7 and even nations are working to lead. that ensures that there's at least on continuity of financial assistance through the coming years. both of those don't go all the way to addressing the potential vacuum that you mentioned of us to increase the good to cuz you're thank you for guiding through
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a guiding us through that. so clearly clayton allen from the new razor group in washington. thank you. thank you. we assessed the nation that time. so again, i'm gonna jump to the weekends as problems as the bait of a hate speech and political culture in the united states about that spring in human rights lawyer and professor susan spanish. she's a faculty associate, be buckland, kline center for internet and society called university. she's also a director of the dangerous speech project. so welcome to the w professor. we've seen over the they the is your society and probably because becoming increasingly polarized and political a debate ever, sheila is it's inevitable that turns into violence. no, there are effective ways of diminishing how convincing hate speech or what we call dangerous speech is dangerous speeches. any form of
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human expression that diminishes normal barriers against violence. in other words, it makes it more likely that people will condone or commit violence. so that's very powerful force, unfortunately on people, but it's also possible to undermine it, to counteract it. okay, no, it's not inevitable. it, it is unfortunately powerful, but here in the real world, regardless of the, the calls from both sides for everyone to calm down, it's hard to see how you reverse calls in a country that values free speech so highly that is true except for the very important point which is that a criminal law the means by which many other countries tried to control speech isn't very effective at doing that. by the time you prosecute someone do some general. so they have already spoken extensively,
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that there are lots of examples in europe. let's say in the netherlands, the politicians here builders was repeatedly prosecuted for heat speech and his party only gained more seats after jesus repeatedly convicted. so in the united states we control speech as you know, not, not by means of law so much as i, um, social norms. um, unfortunately, in the last few years, we have seen those norms shift dramatically in favor of a violent inciting speech. and particularly in this electoral campaign, it has been proliferating an alarmingly, and then there's been another spike of it in the wake of the assassination. okay. as long as hide from you that that's really alarming. but that does seem to be arguing against your point, that it's, that is inevitable,
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but this gets worse because a size these nodes are moving in, in, in a, in a terrible direction. and it does look like it's going to get worse. and if there is no practicable way of telling him out around or is that wrong as well? i think there were 2 questions. one is, will it lead to violence and the others will it get worse? because there are, unfortunately lots of forces pushing in the direction of both of those. but there are also some people pushing back. not enough, not enough i'm. i'm keenly hoping as a researcher and also frankly as an american on that this assassination attempt will startle some people enough so that they will begin to take responsibility for this kind of discourse and stop spreading. so went to urgent. it's clearly urgent. so where is the line in a, in a democratic competition?
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politicians are often deployed, kosh was to position that opponents as a bad choice for vote, as well as a line between legitimate, strong language and opinion, and a tendency of rhetoric. that's a, that's a key question. of course you can draw one single line, you can't make a list of words that are ok on one side list of words that are too strong on the other depends on context. and that's and especially difficult line to draw during an election. since, for example, one member of congress said since the assassination attempt on former president trump, the democratic leaders have been fueling ludicrous hysteria. this is represented steve scully's that donald trump winning would be the end of democracy. well, uh uh, democratic politicians, as in saying that, um, i think in many cases because they believe it and they think it is an important
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thing to say politically. it also does, of course riled up on their supporters. so it seems very important to exercise freedom of as of speech to make political points, but then also for leaders and influential people to say violence is unacceptable. this is, by the way, what president biden said after the assassination violence is unacceptable. we make decisions at the ballot box, not with a gun. unfortunately, when president biden said this isn't what we do in america. he was wrong. we had a long, terrible, uh, familiarity with political assassination and our attempted assassination. but we must, we, and particularly influential people, united states must denounce that good to because there thank you so much for joining us. professor susan bench from harvard university most welcome us.
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at least one person has been killed in fresh anti government, protesting kenya police 5 t, a gas that dozens of demonstrations in the capital. and i wrote, the nationwide protest broke out a month ago against proposed tax increases and rest is continued even after president a router withdrew the legislation. on 5, most of his cabinet corresponding feelings were ring in nairobi told me so what's been happening is that protest as well back to this traits to day in nasal b and adjusted in thousands. police, you, it's t a gust, kindly size and sound fads live rounds for this past of a peaceful protest of what's happened for the better part of the video was there. i knew about those between the police and the protest eyes and the protest. i just kept telling the police, we are peaceful, we do not need you to use accessing force side. does it to me, the police of knowledge that they're doing to get things done that needs to just be
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saved me as one of the gentler listing that causal kenya was going about how job she was short on the leg by the police, by that protest of violets to remain on the streets and all these new protests free legs or these, the original protests which continued despite the present withdrawing the tax increases that spots last month, the rest. a man, no visa, last new protests, the protest that's begun on the 18th of june have continued what happened the 1st 2 weeks of protest or electrical peace for then on the 25th of june when hell broke loose and a number of people died, hundreds of people who are inside the protest as took a small break to one the dead and as it grew, and now they've come back but sky, they're saying that the same with all and they wouldn't be going off the streets because they regroup, and they are strong. but that hasn't been any new as talk to this particular
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protest. it's a just a continuation on the board room again, 5 weeks ago. so the president weaver drew, those proposed tax increases that seemed to at spock, these protests last month, bob's gone. so what did the protest as well now the protest as one's good government, as the protest, as one account ability in the country to protest as once the president, to deal with corruption and the protest as i say, your problem is, does the jobs when you are competing for presidency, we are not seeing those jobs, the protest. i also want the cost of living to go down and that protest as $1.00 the police just thought they'd be try the iris abduction and. b have a single different test. that's why the protest as well. so once the government to respect the rule of law and i did. yeah. to what is in the can constitution. ok, thanks. that's felix felix and the ring in nairobi. let's take a look at some old stores making news around the world. this,
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these 21 people have been killed in a bus crashing to rid of the vehicle, a bit of a 200 meter cliff, heading from lima to the ending region of a coach. you, engine, people have been taking a hospice level and rescue teams that working to recover the other victims. dozens of ultra orthodox jews have blocked the highway in israel, or the military funds to recruit seminary students from next week. is who being called recently issued a land lock, routing ordering, young really just meant to begin in listing for success. and they were previously in sense of how much room, how so. so i would say in gaza, says fresh is ray, the strikes have killed that dozens of people in this in central gaza. officials also say strikes the weekend, killed close to a 100 public fitness children, and it makes shift company on eunice. israel says the latest the tax target to the leadership of how mass which carried out jumped over 7 tire attacks. they should be will. the next report contained some traffic images more than 9 months into the
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will this new laptop and israel's bombing campaign in gauze on business. the optimal for, for strike a news, a rod which hosts one of the territories most crowded refugee camps. yeah, the loving brother, but don't me and my other sister was saying the amount of that prayers, when suddenly bombs fell on us. there was nothing happening. they told me. your brother's children died in hospital. oh abdullah, my brother. good seeing you. oh yes. it is really military said that over the previous 24 hours, it's f. o struck quite approximately 40 tara targets in garza including sniping, post. how may i ask the military structures and buildings, recht with explosives? is that legal sites? the victims here where civilians, i live a whole, okay, whole family died,
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the mother, the father and the 2 children. and also must go to work in the civil administration and it was can you, can you speak to them? and then, i mean, it's not the 1st strike in news i write on sunday is riley will planes it to you when run school that that was used to show to displace palestinians. it was the 5th out of 6 schools to be filmed in 9 days. the can so display people have also come under is riley fire. at the weekend, the palestinian health ministry said to move in 90. people were killed and hundreds more injured in guns us to clips safe thing out of my y z. as israel try to eliminate to top her mask amount, if it was one of the deadliest dramatic since the beginning of the war in the us, the state department had this to say about it. they do have the right to target
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militants of they justify, i'm talking goes to really know that. so i'll just say we, we do. uh but no, of course it does not justify any attacks on civilians. we don't want to see any attacks on civilians. we don't want to see any civilian debt, so but civilian deaths, they with doctors at the nearby nessa hospital, said they were over whelmed, with bodies and injured people. after the striking i y z and account backed by the u. n. agency for palestine, refugee, we saw toddlers, they were double amputees, children, paralyzed and unable to receive treatment. one mother, i talked to told me that, um, she was told me drop a because it would be safe there. and then she was told to move to milwaukee because of the state there. and unfortunately for her, for, and her family that was not true. israel maintains but tell her wrist. so hiding and civilian struct is in areas and that it takes steps to minimize civilian casualties. rates and scenes from guides,
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us moves and hospitals suggest otherwise. well, he's really ministry declined dw is request for an interview. so i just understand why the government has announced plans to bomb the political policy of the full, the prime minister embryonic tom titan. mister cons pci potty received illegal. foreign funding is cons also accused of inciting arising. he's been in jail for many a year and he's bought from standing in elections. things only seem to get worse for one of focused on the most popular politicians. in john con, the g liter is facing a relentless effort to keep him out of sight and delete this move. the government has decided to bad his b, b i party. in the month you look at the to visit with the in lines of all that, everything was the vehicle, then could it be federal government? if we'll move to ben p t r, and he can stop at the donnie. the announcement comes days of to buckets on sports
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who are in favor of and we're on han and his fun to do hon faces more than 100 for gifts. if he said that always particularly more to be at his feet the i bought the claims could be a blue, could track down on its candidates and supported in the done up to february election. hundreds of btn members, austin. indeed, many of them have been accused. the vandalizing state admitted to installations of to hug was sick last year. but despite the crack down in guns con, spot, the one the most seats in the 2024, the election he's been appears to have mastic, public support. how, why did they, will they be the p t i is you know, how do we often with him run car, do the distance up. all right. and we are with him, how much can i have it on how this government has done so many illegal things? or kinds, different console, how many accusations will be made to gain? so how many restrictions?
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how many cases god willing, the people are standing up with and maybe he get relief in oregon con was after death. brad ministers in the board of lou confidence in 2022. it is widely perceived that he fell out. the fif would be boxed on sponsor for the military. the on forces have directly to leave the country for nearly half of its existence since its creation. in 1947, many, c, hon came to fall within 28 days with the backing of submitted to. but after he was forced out, he has been able to mobilize the masses against the many, please do in politics. it's an issue that involves deeply entrenched emotions. and any move to be ponder, be from public, is expected to excess, to beat the political done more that has consumed the country for the past 2 years . and without your up to date. so we'll, we'll be using the top of the,
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our next on dw eco africa. it looks at how farm is adapting to climate change making food production, people sustain probably the, [000:00:00;00]
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the eco, african volume, mental comes of age. the superstition in gone of many people believes that the weather is influenced by spirit. now specially trained to use for gains on working with indigenous communities to challenge traditional relief. for the local africa. next on d w which is in the human names,
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thomas have to find the producer to using discount remains of melts with places to construct. also special services, while also testing in the water saving cultivation met india in ceci minutes on d w. the think the oh, just twice. think ahead or with outside the box on your but always remember to sing for yourself. we off josiah was incredibly low. this is very to
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providing you with free information. these are we made for mind the the climate, all the east changing and there is much we can do to help ourselves a fellow creatures on the environment. welcome to equal africa. i and son, drug of homes that we know what you write to income, pull out uganda, we're almost taking the cheap around the world. we view this week. that's right, sandra in the quest for sustainable practices. we'll had as far as some remote in


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