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tv   Transforming Business  Deutsche Welle  July 17, 2024 5:15am-5:31am CEST

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is it the tract, or this all electric infantry escort vehicle or hybrid transmissions? what will be the future check in the next generation of combat vehicles? it's a necessity rather than the admission to be able to move away from fossil fuels. one thing is clear, this is not their top military priority for the german, for despair or the us army. we take a critical look at the technology that could still make it work. the battle tanks are real gas guzzlers. the levered to weighs more than 60 tons and consumes up to $530.00 leaders of diesel per 100 kilometers. the us abrams m one, a one tank runs on kerosene and consumers up to $700.00 leaders per 100 kilometers
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. the development times for military vehicles are very long delivered to took about 9 years. its successor is currently being developed as part of a franco german project and will be in service by 2040 at the earliest the systems that will power european chains and the 2nd half of this century are being decided today. but how can military vehicles be made? climate neutral? is going electric. the solution we are at the euro. satcher read 2024 in arms fair in paris. purely electric powered vehicles are rarity. here . this is arduous arches as 4 wheel drive and can transport 200 kilograms of cargo through rough terrain. for example, ammunition or wounded soldiers. otters can be charged inductively and is fully charged again in one hour. the battery lasts for 4 hours at full throttle.
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the french arms company, our crews. he's also showing a similar prototype. the trailer can transport 700 kilograms of cargo, such as a canon. it travels without the driver as a robotic vehicle, according to the manufacturer, it take 6 hours to charge. however, the vehicle also has a combustion engine on board, which increases its range. manufacturers are skeptical about all electric vehicles . all electric is unthinkable for a simple reason if you want the same range from a 25 ton vehicle using battery long, so you'd have to carry 15 tons of batteries. so you can imagine the v collect the cars home is adding another 15 tons to the vehicle to get the same range for that. so think about a minute to do. we use a couple of them, get the license to be delivered by industry, a medium or, and heavy vehicles in the icon and the light fees of the sector funds and electricity case in time using a battery and use in principle,
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entirely conceivable. get forced elbow. costs and ping thought conducts research into the energy supply of the german armed forces for the german ministry of defense, among others in the eyes to meet the hon just now when they come like it with the hybridization of medium vehicles or even heavy vehicles. as i don't see any new technology on the horizon, things know, lucas kind of take the look. nevertheless, the hybrid system is still being considered for heavy vehicles. general dynamics published images of a prototype with a hybrid engine in 2022. the abrams ex, this tank from ryan metallic is the basis for it development contract with the u. s . army. together with partners, the groups us subsidiary is developing a potential successor to the bradley fighting vehicles. it is powered by this hybrid transmission, which is integrated with a $220.00 kilowatt electric motor,
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excess power from the combustion engine is converted into electricity and stored in a battery. there is no plan to charge the future tank via a socket. the miles high blood capability, it gives us the beauty of wind, what we call torque blending, to blend and utilize both the mechanical transmission at the same time we're using the electric fields making so you can reduce the amount of mechanical force required by already from the electric side, so you can reduce your fuel consumption by, by blending volt electric motor capability with the mechanical transmission capability to move to be a problem. we can reduce fuel consumption by up to 50 percent on certain engine does have all the german company rank is presenting a new hybrid transmission concept with an integrated 300 kilowatt electric motor. the transmission is designed for vehicles waiting 50 to 70 tons to
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the categories you indeed carbon i zation. i things the next steps the armies will go now is hybrid. so that's the trend was seeing the world wide among the major players. however, combustion engines are still the main source of power even with the hybrid concept . so how can these engines run in a climate neutral way? this offer a vehicle at the euro? satcher reactions fair is climate neutral? it's not the car that's new, but the fuel, the prototype runs on synthetic fuel a so called if you it's a i, as, as, as an experienced driver, i was a bit biased, but in the end, i realized that this engine burns, if you will, more efficiently than normal diesel one also is in other words, my vehicle is the level most brightly more responsive. but we're just the synthetic fuel come from. we are in frankfurt, i'm mike in the hooks industrial park. this is where the startup company in narrow
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tech is building a pilot planned for a fuse. the plant receives carbon dioxide from an onside bio gas plant by have these pipes. the hydrogen also comes from on site. it's obtained is a byproduct of a process using electricity. if the electricity comes from renewable sources, then the hydrogen is also great. the synthetic fuel will soon be produced in these $320.00 foot containers. in the 1st step, carbon dioxide and hydrogen are fed into a reverse shift to reactor. they are synthesis, gas known as sing, gas, a mixture of carbon monoxide, hydrogen and water, is produced at high temperatures and under pressure. after the water has been separated, the synthesis gas is fed into official. it's called reactor the,
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the beer, the gases react with catalyst, deformed liquid hydro gardens. this substance flows into a cool container where water, gas, and other 100 carbons are separated. different hydrocarbons with different chain links are produced, the solid waxes and liquid oils these hydrocarbons can be further processed. the chemically inter paints and varnishes, pink centers, fuels, and solvents. in reality, the reverse shifts reactor looks like this. hydrogen and carbon dioxide flow into the reactor on the left and the synthesis gas comes out on the right. so actually this is a heat exchanger and become a correct altogether,
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very complex, very complex and a very unique technology. we have the fisher truck for reactors, are located on the other side of the container plant. the company is investing 30000000 euros in the plant of which 8000000 euro is our subsidies. the production facility is expected to produce a maximum of $2500.00 tons of e fuels per year. according to the founder, the demand is there. we are currently actually investigating with the partner how the future applications of our, if you've sent us lawns, could look like. and how old our technology could contribute to helping the defense sector also to achieving that climate goals and the future. back to the arms faren powers, the german company. volume baton is exhibiting a container from its partner in narrow tech. the container is part of a concept for a war ready fuel supply system. shane, eviction, head of high in baton hydrogen. develop the concept
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the military itself is to produce synthetic fuel, decentralized and distributed across all european nato countries, from renewable energy, water, and carbon dioxide that they chose buying that tools off the market. and is assuming that it's um, also in, in war time, that supply will work and the supply chains with what we see this as a luxury and ukraine. the consequences has told us that this kind of luxury is critical of more times because relying on those supply chains is good to go. and hence, looking into technology that is available today that is ready to scale. this the other opportunities. so no opening up to become wall ready for large scale design of the homeland defense of the homeland using some subjects
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use kind of a child is now looking for a customer to order the prototype system and test it in a military environment. you fuse could therefore be available in just a few years time in the more distant future, however, hydrogen could also be used to power military vehicles, truck manufacturers such as dime the trunk are currently testing these types of systems. they rely on fuel cells that produce electricity. the vehicle is powered by electric motors. here's how the fuel cell works. hydrogen is fed into one side of a cell divided by a membrane. oxygen is faded into the other side of the oxygen slips through the membrane, and this process releases electrical energy. the molecules then combined to form water up kind of a big boat. there are no moving parties and there is no noise pollution in the gulf
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of acoustic. so i don't have any government housing for them just because of fuel cell like this runs at low temperatures and by when at 18120 degrees depending on what kind of system i half you have. and i only have one and everything on the back of the exhaust the height of in the event of war. the vehicles would therefore be more difficult to locate. logistically, any change to the existing system is a challenge. it's about having the energy available where it's needed, and that is not easy with hydrogen. the energy density compared to hydrocarbons and the complexity in the tank and logistics systems. so huge. that's from our perspective, we'll never see this and broad scale implementation because it just makes logistics come more complex. the insured the only way for military land vehicles to quickly become climate neutral history. you synthetic fuels. however,
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nato has not get agreed on the specifications for such a fuel. manufacturers therefore, do not yet know how they need to adapt their combustion engines. nevertheless, the german military needs to be climate neutral by 204520 mind you. every thing has to be converted like 2045. if the design, huntsville newman is a senior expert on climate policy at the foot tall institute. the commitment fee, there is no clear commitment of the whole. yes, we only buy and order vehicles that are capable of running on climate neutral fuel 100 by 2045. remember, otherwise that's money out the window. so once it's just, it goes christmas in the skin. european defense companies must also be climate neutral by 2050 at the latest, under the u climate law. this explicitly includes the products they sell,
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the so called scope 3 emissions scope. so they, we will probably achieve towards the close. that's a 2050 then some industries because of the fact of having to trial and test and not compromise. a. deborah alan is chair of the climate task force of the european space in defense industries association. i think recognizing the longevity of defense thoughtfulness that they're not the ration to 3040 as it's been parent change that anything that's being designed now is taking this into account. i'm planning for that so you will transition the path to climate neutral military land vehicles is not yet 100 percent clear. if it's not possible to convert all vehicles in such a way that no greenhouse gases are released. the only way forward may be to compensation projects such as reforestation. what are your thoughts on this topic?
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the the the limit, all the ease changing and then we use much we can do to help ourselves a fellow creatures on the environment. welcome to eco africa. i m son, drug of homes, the 3 nobody you write to income for that you've done to. we almost took him to cheap around the world. we view basic. that's right, sandra, a request for sustainable practices will had as far as some remote in the mountains . but one report at the time i'm chris of looms illegals, nigeria.


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