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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 17, 2024 8:00am-8:15am CEST

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the, the, this is the, the way you can use life from berlin. donald trump's last primary bible falls into line. donald trump has my strong endorsement, harris charles fuller, republican challenge of nikki haley says you don't always have to agree with him. the trumpets advance tickets, sites that sites on november. and the scramble frances, are the 6 people found dated a bank called co tell the police a traces of cyanide were found, and they bought the
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i've been visible in welcome. donald trump's full of republican rivals have lined up to heat praise on the u. s. presidential hopeful of the 2nd day of their convention to milwaukee. among them. format, south carolina governor nikki haley used her speech to endorse trumps whitehouse. come back. even calling on americans to disagree with him on certain issues to vote for trump. another night of jubilation in milwaukee supporters here as donald trump appears with his running mate, j the vans. but they're not. the only stars of the evening transform arrivals are also in the spotlight. just months ago, they were attacking human campaign trail. but tonight, they're here in the show of support. donald trump has my strong endorsement. harris told me
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us and best to directv you in. in south carolina governor nikki haley was the last candidate to pull out from the race. she then called trump and the leg to bill and then feed for offers. but changed her mind in may, saying she would vote for him. if we have 4 more years of buy or a single day of, here's our country, we badly worse off for the sake of our nation. we have to go with donald trump, florida to govern the wrong desantis was seen as one of trump strong goose challengers before he dropped off and attacking the former president. he also offered to useful support
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his basement and less than donald trump. back to the white house, the inducements continued to flow from stage the convention. second, they intended to show the republican party is unity behind donald trump enjoyed co and trust with a democratic party, wrecked by doubts about their choice of our service. members, i'd like to bring in a tony and political commentator ethan bannon, in los angeles, just how much republican unity would you say there is as well, i think for those who still continue to be part of the republican party, they are part of the trump party now, and they have definitely pulled together under donald trump. he has made sure that anybody that who speaks against him gets a cast out from the party. and that's why there are many formal republicans who are
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busy fighting against his re election, including his own vice president, my parents who is announced that he will not vote for donald. trump totally observe this at the convention. describe trump is different than usual. what are they getting out? do you think of and i think that there is definitely a push to try and rehabilitate donald trump before the election. he has of course not follow through with the few words of unity that he talked about after the attempt on his life. but the rhetoric that has come out of the convention has been one that is highly diverse, is congressional leaders and senators have made her risk comments about democrats and said that there really is no unity outside of the republican party. at a time that american unity is so important. where do you think the trump campaign will
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go from here? well, i think that they'll continue to pound on the handful of messages that they are all in full agreement. john, they're going to attack about the border of which of course, donald trump sent the message out, not to support the what was a bi partisan border reform bill that present by and passed through an executive order, but they're gonna focus on the border. they're going to focus on the idea of oil as being the primary energy source through the 21st century. and the idea that immigration is bad for america is what they proclaim. and we'll see how badly that affects inflation. should these be success? and what are you hearing from republicans and democrats about j events is trumps. chosen for a running make? well, that's actually interesting. that was the one area where there wasn't unity really heading into this convention. there were
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a lot of people that wanted to see marco rubio, the governor of north dakota. we're top choices as well for his v p pack. there were people, specifically, there are reports of, of the billionaire donor class types who asked that judy vance, not the is the pick, but now that he's is pick, everybody's going to circle around that. the democrats are quite excited about janie vance because he has been highly vocal in the past. and i can't even, i believe on dw, use the words that j. d. vance use previously to describe donald trump when he was an anti trump or. and furthermore, he has is very much against things like do worse, should a woman or a man choose to leave the fan wages? not in support of that. yeah, he's running made of a person who's on his 3rd marriage. so the democrats see a lot of opportunity to attack the vance, but it's going to be very interesting. the country is very much divided and will
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see because truly topics like europe, nato and ukraine are the subjects, the ged vance is a classic 19 thirties, isolationist. that harkens back to that era that i think didn't turn out very well for europe or the united states or the rest of the world. i don't know. very interesting stuff, ethan bam, and thank you very much for timing. thanks man. or let's take a look at some other story is making use. now. us presenter biden has cold for a bad and on the type of guns used in the attempted assassination of his political bible. the investigation is continuing into the attack of donald trump campaign. molly and pennsylvania speaking in las vegas spite and also renewed his appeal to cool down the toner of american politics. the, as lennox state has claimed responsibility for a shooting at a shooting i small skin of mine's capital must got in which 9 people died. within 24 wounded,
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recumbent were also killed dozens of ultra orthodox dues of the highway and his way of protesting against military plans to recruit religious students from next week. the supreme court was simply issued a landmark moving to begin there, and they said to me is rarely ami. it was previously it's, and 6 people have been found dead in a luxury hotel than the ty, capital bank, comp, police. they say they found traces of cyanide in the tea cups. officials believe the victims had been dead for around 24 hours. investigators believe one of the 6 step was responsible. they're also trying to trace a 7th person thought to be part of the hotel booking, who was unaccounted for these mysterious depths of sharks. the country prompting the ty, prime minister to visit the seed himself as investigates as tried to work out what happens here with b is the incident could hit thailand's lucrative tourism industry.
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little thought because he was i from looking at the crime scene. there was no sign of a struggle all damaged property. was the people waiting for an autopsy to confirm? 86 o. come on. but the working hypothesis is that then just it's something that killed them. by default, police say the victims were found in a single valley on the 5th floor with the grand hyatt to everyone hotel on tuesday . but it booked rooms at the 7 names when they arrived over the weekend with some staying on a different floor. and it was a may to may decrease some discovery when the residence of the room failed to leave on time and have them check when the 5th floor room was supposed to check out today to the 7th floor room was supposed to check out yesterday. and the land, but she called the hotel was able to contact them when they tried to contact the
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groups guide so they could get payment for the room. you want to contact them. courtney jaden. look on the 7th person. we must find the copy. we have to find out if the 7th person exists and if they don't want it and why. how many, many people are like the victims, 3 men and 3 women have all been identified as bit to me. 2 of whom have jo, american nationality, us state department says it's a way of the report, the debts. and it's monitoring the case. ukrainian no thought he'd say the number of children, abducted by russia since the start of the full scale invasion in 2022. now stanza building 19000, few have successfully made it back home. dw special correspondent abraham, went to ukraine to speak to one of those who did of the steps on a path to recovery. every day,
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16 year old vladimir makes the 20 minute walk from his village home in southern new cream to this sports field. exercising helped him cope. so they gave me official thoughts, give me confidence that they would never drink. i call a smoke. so i live a healthy life style. it gives me self confidence. for example, if someone insults ago, i could stand up for her. when the war broke out, the lot of me here was attending a boarding school nearby. his mother passed away and his father was unable to take care of him. he tells me he, along with his little brother, 13 other students and the school director for reading to be evacuated. but their town soon fell to the russians, and it was them who came for the children instead. yeah, and i think i was not only afraid from his brother, i was afraid for all the children. i was frightened in that suddenly there might be selling the end to basement when we were hiding would collapse on us. i was afraid
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for everyone by us. initially, russian forces holding them, kept them in the building. but when they found out the school director was planning to escape with the children, the group was moved 1st to occupied ukrainian territory. and that too was study camp in russia. the bullet them, but with some children who were pro russian and didn't want to return to ukraine. i was friends with some who wanted to return to you. great, but i, you know, using the, there's a, have sent me a lot of here and the other children completely disappeared because uncle was very sick made and it's not that one full and we didn't know where they were or what had happened to them them. but then i only heard some rumors that someone had seen the somewhere. so, but there was no accurate information. it's been a lot to me to dollars. a year later,
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roman was contacted by the ukranian volunteer group saying that his nephews had been rescued along with the other children and had been taken to be seen georgia. the details of that rescue we're told have to be kept secret, as the group hopes to do it again. for some of the other children still in russian captivity. some of them are super slow, so they were standing right next to me. i could touch them. so after such a long time, i can finally see them again, doesn't sullivan this because i, i can't describe how i felt that it either my soulmate was my soul mates. so when and lazy and music give us started doing it now they are not as cheerful as they used to be. they become a little more withdrawn. they still have the fear from when they were sitting in the basement when they were taken out of ukraine by the russians. and the trace of this remained on their souls, they as thoughtfully then to see the forcible deportation of children like vladimir
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and his brother is the potential were crime that could even qualify as genocide. russian officials claim they are rescuing ukrainian children from orange come to the international criminal court in the hague. has however, issued an arrest warrant for russian. president putin in connection with the abductions for now, lot of mere wants to put this behind taylor and hope the future will be better and which is but next i want to become a to guide and see the world. but that is or something like that. x go to say if i don't, why they, for someone see if you have a for him reporting that a reminder of the top story by following for you donald trump sold the republican opponents of endorsed his re election bids, the republican party as being with me a message of unity behind the trump beds. tickets on the day, 2 of the pod conventions. coming up, the business takes a look at the top and footprint of your defense industry,
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i think as well. then i'll see you next. our quick more. we'll use headline se with the come have a piece of this out tv highlights you every week in your inbox, subscribe. now. why do humming does not get drunk? why do gravitational waves squeeze out bodies? how much do we need to put a pond print to help find beyond says get lost on dw science and i'll take talk 10 of.


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