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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 17, 2024 10:00am-10:31am CEST

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the, the, this is the w use live from the land. a you with presidential hopefuls last prime revival falls into line. donald trump has my strong endorsement, harry fuller, republican challenge, and nicky harvey says you don't always have to agree with him. the trump dance ticket sets its science on november, also coming up the desperate search for safety for civilians and gaza. as israel searches for the homeless months, the mind body october 7th, terror attacks and assembled frances of, of 6 people found dead in
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a bank of hotel room. police like traces of cyanide, were found at the see the welcome bank visible. and donald trump's fuller republican bibles have lined up to heat praise on the u. s. presidential hopeful that the 2nd day of their convention in milwaukee among them for the south carolina governor nikki haley who used to have speech to endorse a white house come back. even calling on americans who disagree with him on certain issues to folk trump. another night of jubilation. milwaukee supporters tier. as donald trump appears with his running mate, j. d. then. but they're not the only stars that the evening trump form arrivals are also in the spot like just months ago. they were attacking him on the campaign
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trail. but to night, they're here in a show of support. donald trump has my strong endorsement harry humor us ambassador to the u. n. n. south carolina governor nikki haley was the last candidate to pull out of the race. she had called trump on electable and unfit for office, but changed her tune in may, saying she would vote for him if we have 4 more years, advice, or a single day of, here's our country. we badly worse off. for the sake of our nation, we have to go with donald trump. here to governor rhonda santas was seen as one of trumps of the strongest challengers before he dropped out of the race. last and attacking the former president,
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he also offered his full support to his basement and less than donald trump. back to the white house has to be rooted endorsements continue to flow. the conventions, 2nd day, was intended to show the republican parties, unity behind donald trump, and draw a contrast with the democratic party, racked by doubts about its choice, was the call. when i asked political commentator ethan bannon, how much republican unity it really is as well. i think for those who still continue to be part of the republican party, they are part of the trump party now, and they have definitely pulled together under donald trump. he has made sure that anybody that who speaks against him gets cast out from the party. and that's why there are many formal republicans who are busy fighting against his re election,
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including his own vice president, my parents who is announced that he will not vote for donald trump. i'm totally up service at the convention. describe trouble is different than usual. what are they getting at the thick? so i think that there is definitely a push to try and rehabilitate donald trump before the election. he has of course not follow through with the few words of unity that he talked about after the attempt on his life. but the rhetoric that has come out of the convention has been one that is highly diverse, is congressional leaders and senators have made her risk comments about democrats and said that there really is no unity outside of the republican party. at a time that american unity is so important. where do you think the trump campaign will
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go from here? well, i think that they'll continue to pound on the handful of messages that they are all in full agreement. john, they're going to attack about the border of which of course, donald trump sent the message out, not to support the what was a bi partisan border reform bill that present by and passed through an executive order. but they are going to focus on the border. they're going to focus on the idea of oil as being the primary energy source through the 21st century. and the idea that immigration is bad for america is what they proclaim. and we'll see how badly that affects inflation. should they be successful? and what are you hearing from republicans and democrats about j events is trumps. chosen for a running night? well that's actually interesting. that was the one area where there wasn't unity
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really heading into this convention. there were a lot of people that wanted to see marco rubio. the governor of north dakota were top choices as well for his vp pick. there were people, specifically, there are reports of, of the billionaire donor class types who asked that judy vance, not the is the pick. but now that he does pick, everybody is going to circle around that. the democrats are quite excited about judy vance because he has been highly vocal in the past. and i can't even, i believe on dw, use the words that j. d vance use previously to describe donald trump when he was an anti trump or. and furthermore, he has is very much against things like to force um, should a woman or a man choose to leave to stay home wages? not in support of that. yeah, he's running made him a person who's on his 3rd marriage. so the democrats see a lot of opportunity to attack judy vance, but it's going to be very interesting. the country is very much divided and we'll
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see because truly topics like europe, nato and ukraine are the subjects, the ged vance is a classic 19 thirties, isolationist. that harkens back to that era that i think didn't turn out very well for europe or the united states or the rest of the world. no. not at all. very interesting stuff. ethan ban and thank you very much for timing. thanks been. okay, let's take a look at some of the other stories making news. us presidents or biden has cold for a band on the type of gun used in the attempted assassination of his political. 5 old investigation is continuing into the attack on donald trump. at a campaign valley in pennsylvania, speaking in las vegas bite and also been you'd his appeal to cool down the tongue of american politics. this is already is, and bangladesh arranging all universities to close up to 6 people died in student protests to demonstrate as one to an end, to a quote, a system that advocates about
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a 3rd of government jobs to relatives of veterans and for in the countries 1971 war of independence. critics say the system is discriminatory, and appointments should be notified. islamic states has claimed responsibility for shooting and if she liked most in their minds capital months got in which 9 people died. within 24 wounded. this re gunmen were also killed. the homeless found hills so far he says these way the strikes have killed thousands of people in central guys over the past 24 hours. that follow strikes over the weekend, the causing those already say killed billy, a 100 palestinians sheltering it and make shift kept the hun units. israel's is the latest attacks targeted the leadership of hom, us, which carried out the october 7th terror attacks. a warning 12 use the following report contains images that may, that you may find disturbing more than 9 months into the will
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this new laptop and israel's foaming campaign in gauze on business. the optimal if, if a strike a news, a rock which hosts one of the territories most crowded refugee camps. yeah. the fleming brother, but me and my other sister was saying, i'm not good at prayers. when suddenly bombs fell on us. there was nothing happening. they told me your brother's children died in hospital. oh abdullah, my brother. yes, yes. yes. he is really military said that over the previous 24 hours. it's f o struck quite approximately 40 tara targets in garza including sniping, coasts, how masks, military structures and buildings. recht with explosives is that legal sites, the victims here where civilians. i remember a whole whole family died, the mother, the father, and the 2 children. and also my son who worked in the civil administration and it
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was, can you, can you speak to them and then it's not the 1st strike in news i write on sunday is rarely will planes hit to you when run school that that was used to show to displace palestinians, it was the 5th out of 6 schools to be filmed in 9 days. the cam so displays people have also come under is riley fire. at the weekend, the palestinian health ministry said to move in 90, people were killed and hundreds more injured in guns us declared safe saying, oh my why z? as israel try to eliminate to top her mask amount is it was one of the deadliest dramatic since the beginning of the war. in the us, the state department had this to say about it. they do have the right to target militants of they justify, i'm talking goes to really know that. so i'll just say we, we do that. uh but no,
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of course it does not justify any attacks on civilians. we don't want to see any attacks on civilians. we don't want to see any civilian debt so that civilian deaths, they with doctors at the nearby nessa hospital, said they were a whelmed with bodies and injured people. after the striking i y z and accounts backed by the u. n. agency for palestine, refugee, we saw toddlers were double amputees, children, paralyzed and unable to receive treatment. one mother i talked to told me that, um, she was told me drop a because it would be safe there. and then she was told to move to the velocity because of the state there. and unfortunately for her, for, and her family that was not true. israel maintains but temeris, so hiding and civilian instruct is an areas and that it takes steps to minimize civilian casualties. race and scenes from guides, us moves and hospitals suggest otherwise you
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planning and authorities say the number of children abducted by a run. so since the start of the full scale invasion in 2022, now sensible than 19000, few have successfully made it back home. the w's special corresponded to abraham, went to ukraine, to speak to one of those who did steps on a path to recovery. every day, 16 year old vladimir makes the 20 minute walk from his village home in southern new cream to this sports field. exercising helps him cope. so they gave me official boats gave me confidence that they would never drink. i call a smoke for. i live a healthy lifestyle. it gives me self confidence. for example, someone insults ago. i could stand up for her. when the war broke out, vladimir was attending a boarding school nearby. his mother passed away and his father's was unable to
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take care of him. he tells me he, along with his little brother, 13 other students and the school director for reading to be evacuated. but their town soon fell to the russians and it was them who came for the children instead. yeah, and i think i was not only afraid for my little brother, i was afraid for all the children i was frightened and that suddenly there might be selling at the basement where we were hiding would collapse on us. i was afraid for everyone by us initially, russian forces holding them, kept them in the building. but when they found out the school director was planning to escape with the children, the group was moved 1st to occupied ukrainian territory. and that too, was study camp in russia, the bullets on the rest, some children who were pro russian and didn't want to return to ukraine. i was friends with some who wanted to return to you. great, but i, you know, i,
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as in that on that or have sent me a lot of me and the other children completely disappeared. his uncle was very sick. right. and it's not that one full and we didn't know where they were or what had happened to them who's them. but then i only heard some rumors that someone had seen the somewhere and beneficial, but there was no accurate information. there's been a lot to develop a year later, roman was contacted by a ukrainian volunteer group saying that his nephews had been rescued along with the other children and had been taken to be seen georgia. the details of that rescue we're told have to be kept secret, as the group hopes to do it again for some of the other children still in russian captivity. some of them for super so, so they were standing right next to me. i could touch them. so after such a long time, i can finally see them again, doesn't sullivan is because i, i can't describe how i felt that it either my soulmate was my soul mates. so when
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i'm lazy it means that give us started doing it. now they are not as tearful as they used to be, they've become a little more withdrawn. they still have the fear from when they were sitting in the basement when they were taken out. if you craned by the russians and the trace of this remains on their souls, they have stuff for me, then to see the forcible deportation of children like vladimir and his brother is the potential were crime. they could even qualify as genocide. russian officials claim they are rescuing ukrainian children from orange county. what the international criminal court in the hague has however, issued an arrest warrant for russian. president putin in connection with the abductions for now, lot of me wants to put this behind taylor. that helps the future will be better and which is but next i want to become a to guide and see the world. but that is or something like that,
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that exclusive part of what they for someone see if i asked the w as they connolly and keith to tell me more about what's behind the abductions look as you heard in that report, the original thoughts he's claimed to be protecting to be saving these kids. this mainly happened right in the beginning of the war when you had russian troops basically able to take a huge amount of to treat in a very short space of time in the south and east of ukraine. families unable to get out in time and you had different scenarios like we saw in there for the children's homes or boarding schools. often then in the weeks that followed people who ended up in hospital families being separates and children and the parents. and then those kids that were receiving treatment, being taken to rest and controlled territorial with the russian profile. you even then late to had stories where dri, intense fighting families, real still seriously, to send their children to summer camps in road safety and crimea, for instance. and they just never returned. they were meant to go for a couple of weeks and ended up being sent to russia. we have stories of these
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children's names being changed then being told by the rest of the 30, that parents didn't want them anymore. that the parents had died at phones being taken off them to prevent them contacting their family back and you brain controlled surgery. so this is a mess of deal is the way that really wise people's attention hearing you crying and all about attempts to raise ukrainian identity and culture. i believe that what more is being done to get these kids back there. so it's very, very tough. there was obviously no direct contact in that sense between russia and ukraine. worship you pretend this is not an issue that this has not happened to the kids instead of ended up in russia have done so voluntarily with the consent of the guardians. they were any and we have lots of different reports of different volunteer organizations trying to do this. organizations are trying to keep this pretty quiet success scared that if they go to public, it will be impossible in the future to carry on these exchanges with these. and you were to repeat traces of these kids. you also have stories of family members,
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especially mothers and grandmothers traveling through europe into russia to try and find the parental role that children themselves. so, so you called trouble in to rush it from ukraine right now. and in some cases being successful in bringing these kids back, but in terms of numbers, we don't really have a sense of the, of the true, accurate card numbers. but it seems like the vast majority of these kids are still in russia. and obviously, with every passing month, every passing year, it's gonna be hard. it's bringing back the link, especially very small children, to ukraine. the families here more precarious read stories of a top person. politicians even adopting basically babies from children's homes in occupied ukraine, changing the names change of that possible. so this is something that really is incredibly acute and that is getting more difficult as, as every month process they connelly in keys something that's also a traveling and difficult considering all of this is happening in the middle of a war. of course, thank you for bringing us the latest. from key thousands will canyons of joined
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a new wave of nationwide protest. they began a month ago of proposed tax prizes. president boynton protel has since scratched the legislation in 5 most of his cabinets. but the unrest is intensive. i thousands of people have been killed in confrontations with security forces to it's a fight for the future of kenya. their demand unequivocal. what begin is peaceful protest against unpopular tax. so i have to send it into definitely calls for president william bluetooth to resign. what his attempts to refuse detention have failed from provoking the tax bill to dismissing almost his entire capital we dealing a deeper discontent with corruption in port governance. this is for our country, this is the city for kind of reading all this out of the out of that level for our country to visit or whatnot. we are dying. yeah. we get,
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you started with the idea. we gave him that power is by the by what do we are telling you that anger fuel, further, by a crack down that according to a government watched off his costs, at least $50.00 lives and left thousands injured. the volume and seemingly indiscriminate like here in the streets of nairobi, police appearing to fire tear gas canisters directly if members of the media even bloody are seen south of never hoping kitchen get police fire in life. bullets mere meters away from protesters. the results painfully predictable. another casualty of a stubborn conflict leading out in the streets of kin. the anger and frustration reverberating throughout the country, including here in the coastal town of mombasa,
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is the 4th week protesting with the seats method for present. because we took the easily use of this from the 1st week. who does the send of his people from the plastic? we have step down from the 1st week, but here go to this long. oh, this will have that all is left loose. and still you cannot see. the good influx is catching on the country. as the battle becomes more entrenched, kenya's future growth more and more in search. 6 people have been found dated a luxury hotel in the tie capital bank cock police. they say they found traces of sign i did the tea cups. officials believe the victims have been dead for around 24 hours. basic 8 is believe one of the 6 dead could be responsible there also trying to trace a 7th post info to be part of the hotel. booking, who was on accounted for these mysterious death shocks the country from seeing the ty, prime minister to visit the seed himself as investigates as tried to work out what
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happens here. as we see is the, is the codes it's highlands lucrative. toby, some industry with both stuck on the other side from looking at the crime scene. there was no sign of a struggle all damaged property because the people waiting for an autopsy to confirm it. but the working hypothesis is that the injustice, something that killed them either late hope by default police say the victims were found in a single room on the 5th floor with the grand hyatt to everyone hotel on tuesday. but it booked rooms at the 7 names when they arrive day with the weekends, with some staying on a different floor. and it was made to may decrease of discovery when the residents of the room failed to leave on time. and have them check when the 5th floor room was supposed to check out today to the 7th floor room was supposed to check out
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yesterday and the land got to put the hotel was able to contact them. um huh. when they tried to contact the groups guide so they could get payment for the room. instead. according to look on the 7th person, we must find something we have to find out if the 7th person exists. and if they don't, then why? how many, many more like the victims? 3 men and 3 women have all been identified as bit denise. 2 of whom have jo american nationality. the us state department says it's a way of the reported debts and is monitoring the case. philip show, well is the agent corresponding to the british newspaper the sunday times? i asked him if there's any more clarity yes, the police on a very confident that they have some kind of put this a book pulled the pieces together head. so to look at what happened, um they do believe that's one of the parts of the 6 i'm. it puts
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places sign, i'd like substance into cups of tea and coffee, which they then sub to the, the rest of the group. and then the person who did this uh then also took the same um to the same poison. so they do believe that this is a uh, a murder suicide. um the the other 5 members of the group where um, we're on oh yeah. on wiggly. so lloyd's, they sent me a meeting in this very luxurious sweets in this very prestigious hotel, in the central fine cock. and uh that they were um, given the given points enviro by drinks. but does that give us a motive? yes, so they police have spoken to relatives of um, at least one of them possibly to avoid that. and uh they do have a motive. they believe that the um, that there was a debt about investments that going badly wrong unless heavy depths of about between the $219000.00 us dollars. which the um,
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the person who committed the um oh to other members of the policy. um they, it's literally one of the women, it seems to have so had no way out of this uh, the spot that situation. i have dealt with it in this most tragic an overlay by killing the all those and then killing themselves. so what else can we expect from the investigation in the coming dates as well? the police have identified the on the 7th person who would be in the hotel check in details about present or not. so we already left bangkok. uh they were a relative of one of the dead. they are not believed to be directly involved in that the killing, although they may well have information about this investment is going so badly wrong. um, at the moment the police are waiting so forensic tests to assumption exactly what sorts of boys in was use on our way to play conclusions. they all talk to us to base at the moment but not looking for anybody else. they do believe that they have um, they have gone on to here. and um is one of the talent tours of all sorts. he will
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probably also be rather leaves about as it does seem to imply it was a one of awful incident within the group rather than some sort of robbery or crying from outside the window horribly wrong. i left shotwell with the details there in bangkok, intriguing stuff. thank you. it's a reminder now of the top story by following for you. donald trump's diploma republican opponents have endorsed his re election that the republican party has been pushing a message of unity behind the trump fence. tickets on the day to orthodontic events, police are investigating the death of 6 people at a luxury hotel in thailand's capital bank, called se traces of cyanide were found in antique guns. the victims were by scene of life when it was delivered to the everett monday evening initial thoughts, the results of expected light that is coming out between the looks at efforts to
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adapt to climate change around the subcontinent. i'm paid for his will and i'll be back next. i'll with mobile news headlines, beer on the don't by the,
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the, the leasing goals such as in the human names almost have to find every day using discount remains of melts, of places to construct. also special will serve as a while also testing innovative voices saving cultivation method
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india. next on d w 3 list. that matching. i love telling tales of divorce. professor hall all submit. the grace's not in 45 minutes on d w. the drawing on intervention. there's a palestinian who's ever known, we're trying to expect much living with a bare minimum. this is not a good environment. not for me,
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not to my children without civil rights and with no prospect. but what can we do in david shadow, scott's oldest good. on the w, the of the granite is changing such for the rising globally temperatures and more, more extreme weather events are making frequent headlines. hello and welcome. i'm sorry, got the body and you're watching the point. as i ecosystem scenes, we not only need to amplify out efforts to save them, but we also need to adapt our lives and our likelihoods to ensure that we can keep up with the change and size.


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