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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 17, 2024 11:00am-11:16am CEST

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the, the, this is the w news life from bell in the us presidential hopefuls last prime revival falls into line. donald trump has my strong endorsement harry full of republican challenges nikki haley says you don't always have to agree with him. the trump fence tickets says it's not until november, also coming up the desperate search for safety. the civilians in guns, as israel searches for the almost mazda minds behind the october 7th terror attack . and the scramble for answers are the 6 people founded in
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a bank called hotel room. police say traces of cyanide were found at the see the welcome on paying for the will. and donald trump's fuller republicans arrivals have lined up to heap praise on the us presidential, hopeful at the 2nd day of their convention in milwaukee. among them, form it south carolina governor nikki haley who used her speech to endorse a white house, come back even calling on americans who disagree with them on certain issues to vote from as the another night of jubilation in milwaukee supporters cheer. as donald trump appears with his running mate, j. d then, but they're not the only stars of the evening. trump form arrivals are also in the
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spotlight. just months ago, they were attacking him on the campaign trail. but tonight they're here in a show of support. donald trump has my strong endorsement harry humor us impass it or to the u. n. n. south carolina governor nikki haley was the last candidate to pull out of the race. she had called trump on electable and unfit for office, but changed her tune in may, saying she would vote for him. if we have 4 more years, advice, or a single day of here. our country will be badly worse. for the sake of our nation, we have to go with donald trump. here to governor rhonda santas was seen as one of trumps of the strongest challengers before he
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dropped out of the race. often attacking the former president. he also offered his full support in his basement and less than donald trump. back to the white house has to be rooted endorsements continue to flow. the conventions, 2nd day, was intended to show the republican parties, unity behind donald trump, and draw a contrast with the democratic party, racked by doubts about its choice, was the pol when i asked political commentator ethan bannon, how much republican unity there really is as well. i think for those who still continue to be part of the republican party, they are part of the trump party now, and they have definitely pulled together under donald trump. he has made sure that anybody that who speaks against him gets cast out from the party. and that's why
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there are many formal republicans who are busy fighting against his re election, including his own vice president, my parents who is announced that he will not vote for donald trump totally of service at the convention. describe trouble is different than usual. what are they getting at the vic and i think that there is definitely a push to try and rehabilitate donald trump before the election. he has of course not follow through with the few words of unity that he talked about after the attempt on his life. but the rhetoric that has come out of the convention has been one that is highly diverse, is congressional leaders and senators have made her risk comments about democrats and said that there really is no unity outside of the republican party.
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at a time that american unity is so important. where do you think the trump campaign will go from here? well, i think that they'll continue to pound on the handful of messages that they are all in full agreement. john, they're going to attack about the border of which of course, donald trump sent the message out, not to support the what was a bi partisan border reform bill that present by and passed through an executive order, but they're gonna focus on the border. they're going to focus on the idea of oil as being the primary energy source through the 21st century. and the idea that immigration is bad for america is what they proclaim. and we'll see how badly that affects inflation. should they be success? and what are you hearing from republicans and democrats? about j. d. vance is trumps. chosen for a running night. well that's actually interesting. that was the one area where
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there was an unity really heading into this convention. there were a lot of people that wanted to see marco rubio, the governor of north dakota were top choices as well for his v p pack. there were people, specifically, there are reports of, of a billionaire donor class types who asked the genie vance, not the is the pick, but now that he's his pick. everybody is going to circle around that. the democrats are quite excited about janie vance because he has been highly vocal in the past. and i can't even, i believe on dw, use the words that j. d. vance use previously to describe donald trump when he was an anti trump or. and furthermore, he has is very much against things like do worse, should a woman or a man choose to leave the phantom wages? not in support of that. yeah, he's running made him a person who's on his 3rd marriage. so the democrats see a lot of opportunity to attack ged vance,
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but it's going to be very interesting. the country is very much divided and we'll see because truly topics like europe, nato and ukraine are the subjects, the ged vance is a classic 19 thirties, isolationist. that harkens back to that era that i think didn't turn out very well for europe or the united states or the rest of the world. no. not at all. very interesting stuff. ethan ban and thank you very much for timing. thanks. then. let's take a look at some of the other stories making use you as president joe biden has called for a band on the type of gun used in the attempted assassination of his political cycle. the investigation is continuing into the attack on donald trump. had a campaign valley in pennsylvania, speaking in las vegas bite and also renewed his appeal to cool down the tone of american politics. it was already in banquet asia, urging old universities to close up to 6 people, died in student protests. the demonstrations born an end to a quote,
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a system that advocates about a 3rd of government jobs to relatives of veterans who for him the countries 1971 war of independence. critics say the system is discriminatory and appointments for the narrow space is limited. state has claimed responsibility for shooting if she like most in our minds capital must got in which 9 people died. within $24.00 wounded, the 3 gunmen were also killed. at least $21.00 people are being killed in a bus crash and per rogue. the vehicle bid off at $200.00 meet at cliff while heading from lima. the on the region of i am quick to continue. the passengers have been taken to hospital and rescue teams of woodson to recover how much find helpful so hard. he says is by the strikes of killed thousands of people in central guns over the past 24 hours for the strikes over the weekend, the guns and also where he say killed nearly a 100 palestinians sheltering in
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a make shift camp behind us. as well as the latest attacks targeted the leadership of palm us which carried out the october 7th, 10 were attacks. a warning you may find the following images disturbing more than 9 months into the will this new laptop and israel's plumbing campaign in gauze on business. the optimal for, for striking news, a rock which hosts one of the territories most crowded refugee camps. yeah, the brother of brother, but don't me. and my other sister was saying the amount of that prayers, when suddenly bombs fell on us. there was nothing happening. they told me your brother's children died in hospital. oh abdullah, my brother. yes. well, it's really mandatory said that over the previous 24 hours. it's a full struck quotes. approximately 40 tara targets in gaza,
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including sniping coast. how may i ask the military structures and buildings wrecked with explosives? is that legal sites? the victims here where civilians? i remember a whole whole family died, the mother, the father and the 2 children, and also a marketing who worked in the civil administration. and it was can, you can speak to them and then it's not the 1st strike in news i write on sunday is rarely will planes hit to you when run school that that was used to show to displace palestinians. it was the 5th out of 6 schools to be filmed in 9 days. the can so display people have also come under is riley fire. at the weekend, the palestinian health ministry said to move in 90, people were killed and hundreds more injured in guns us to clips safe thing out of my y z. as israel try to eliminate,
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to top him ask amount is it was one of the deadliest dramatic since the beginning of the war. in the us, the state department had this to say about it. they do have the right to target militants of they justify, i'm talking goes to really know that. so i'll just say we, we do that. uh but no, of course it does not justify any attacks on civilians. we don't want to see any attacks on civilians. we don't want to see any civilian deaths so that civilian deaths, they with doctors at the nearby nessa hospital, said they were over whelmed, with bodies and injured people. after the striking i y z and accounts backed by the u. n. agency for palestine, refugee, we saw toddlers who were double amputees, children, paralyzed and unable to receive treatment. one mother i talked to told me that, um, she was told me drop a because it would be safe there. and then she was told to move to milwaukee because of the state there. and unfortunately for her,
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for and her family that was not true. israel maintains but tell her wrist. so hiding and civilian instruct is an areas and that it takes steps to minimize civilian casualties, rates and scenes from god's us moves and hospitals suggest otherwise. 6 people have been founded in a luxury hotel in a tiny capital bank comp, police. they say they found traces of cyanide in the tea cups investigated suspect one of the 6 that was responsible. these mysterious death shocks the country from seeing the type prime minister to visit the seed himself. as investigate as tried to work out what happens here. with b is the incident could hit thailand's lucrative tourism industry. little thought stuck on the other side from looking at the crime scene. there was no sign of a struggle. all damaged property. was the people waiting for an autopsy to confirm
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it so. but the working hypothesis is that the ingest is something that killed them . by default police say the victims were found in a single room on the 5th floor with the grand hyatt to everyone hotel on tuesday. but it booked rooms at the 7 names when they arrive day with the weekends, with some staying on a different floor. and it was made to may decrease some discovery when the residence of the room failed to leave on time. and have them check when the 5th floor room was supposed to check out today to the 7th floor room was supposed to check out yesterday and the land got to go to the hotel, was able to contact them when they tried to contact the groups guide. so they could get payment for the room, you know, according to look on the 7th person, we must find a copy. we have to find out if the 7th person exists. and if they don't want it and
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why. how many, many more like the victims, 3 men and 3 women have all been identified as bait and these 2 of whom have jo american nationality. the us state department says it's a way of the report, the debts and as monitoring the case. the river sitting in paris is causing concern ahead of the summons. live games and friends. spinal authorities spending almost one of the half 1000000000 euros to clean it up. to close the is the mirror as on is the goal and the length of organizing community the sound gay, came through on a pledge to take it there in the famous passport, a way to show that it's clean enough to swim in the swimming league of the triathlon for beheld him to set river has repeatedly sailed for the 4th tex. so you have a feeling and a few days from now coming out,
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found documentary series don't feel textbook at the mystery of lobby. i've been for the will and i'll see you next out here on the w with laurens. national you stay with the ukraine was like a stepping points, you know, 5 or 2 into that warranty wants to be finished. your studies. now you have a significant from the train to can choose to go back to somewhere else. currently more people than ever on the world wide in search of a place in life categories. something that is coming very very soon. and yeah, can we learn more about, oh no one nice story info, migraines, love vines this to get the present to it's a beautiful feeling and.


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