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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 17, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm CEST

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the, the, this is dw use life from bell in the us presidential hopefuls last prime revival pulls into line. donald trump has my strong endorsement. harry trump's full, the republican challenge of nikki haley says you don't always have to agree with him. the trump fence tickets sets aside so november the scramble frances or the 6 people found said in a bank called hotel room, only say traces of sign lights were found at the sea and dw news base, the young ukrainian who was attempted by advancing russian forces and then
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liberated in a secret operation the i've been visible and welcome. donald trump's full of republican rivals, have lined up to heap praise on the us presidential, hopeful of the 2nd day of the convention in milwaukee. among them for the south carolina governor nikki haley is used to speech to endorse a white house, come back even calling on americans who disagree with him on certain issues to vote . trump or another night of jubilation. milwaukee supporters cheer. as donald trump appears with his running mate, j. d then, but they're not the only stars of the evening. trump form arrivals are also in the spot, like just months ago. they were attacking him on the campaign trail. but tonight,
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they're here in a show of support. donald trump has my strong endorsement harry humor us impasse that are to be when in south carolina governor nikki haley was the last candidate to pull out of the race. she had called trump on electable and unfit for office, but changed her tune in may, saying she would vote for him. if we have 4 more years of vide, or a single day of hair, our country will be badly worse. for the sake of our nation, we have to go with donald trump. here to governor rhonda santas was seen as one of the drums of the strongest challengers before he dropped out of the race lost and attacking the former president. he also offered
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his full support in fact to his basement and less than donald trump. back to the white house has to be rooted endorsements continue to flow. the conventions, 2nd day, was intended to show the republican parties, unity behind donald trump, and draw a contrast with the democratic party, racked by doubts about its choice, was the paul still, as political commentator is in band and how much republican unity it really is? well i think for those who still continued to be part of the republican party, they are part of the trump party now. and they have definitely pulled together under donald trump. he has made sure that anybody that who speaks against him gets cast out from the party. and that's why there are many formal republicans who are
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busy fighting against his re election, including his own vice president, my parents who is announced that he will not vote for donald trump totally of service at the convention. describe job is different than usual. what are they getting out? the vic and i think that there is definitely a push to try and rehabilitate donald trump before the election. he has of course not follow through with the few words of unity that he talked about after the attempt on his life. but the rhetoric that has come out of the convention has been one that is highly dismissive, congressional leaders and senators have made her risk comments about democrats and said that there really is no unity outside of the republican party. at a time that american unity is so important. where do you think the trump campaign
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will go from here? while i think that they'll continue to pound on the handful of messages that they are all in full agreement. john, they're going to attack about the border of which of course, donald trump sent the message out, not to support the what was a bi partisan border reform bill that present by and passed through an executive order, but they're gonna focus on the border. they're going to focus on the idea of oil as being the primary energy source through the 21st century. and the idea that immigration is bad for america is what they proclaim. and we'll see how badly that affects inflation. should they be successful? and what are you hearing from republicans and democrats about jamie vance? is trump's chosen for a running mate? well, that's actually interesting. that was the one area where there was an unity really
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heading into this convention. there were a lot of people that wanted to see marco rubio, the governor of north dakota. we're top choices as well for his v p pack. there were people, specifically, there are reports of, of a billionaire donor class types who asked the genie vance not to be is the pick. but now that he's his pick, everybody is going to circle around that. the democrats are quite excited about janie vance because he has been highly vocal in the past. and i can't even, i believe on dw, use the words that j. d. vance used previously to describe donald trump when he was an anti trump or. and furthermore, he has is very much against things like do worse, should have a woman or a man choose to leave the fan wages, not in support of that. yeah, he's the running made of a person who's on his 3rd marriage. so the democrats see a lot of opportunity to attack the vance, but it's going to be very interesting. the country is very much divided and we'll
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see because truly topics like europe, nato and ukraine are the subjects, the ged vance is a classic 19 thirties, isolationist. that harkens back to that era that i think didn't turn out very well for europe or the united states or the rest of the world. i don't know. very interesting stuff, ethan bam, and thank you very much for timing. thanks man. as i look now at some of the other stories making news around the world, us president or buys and has called for a band on the type of guns used in the attempted assassination of his political bible. the investigation is continuing in the of tackle donald trump, that a campaign valley in pennsylvania. speaking in las vegas, 5 know so renewed his appeal to cool down the tone of american politics. authorities in bangladesh, arranging all universities to close out the 6 people, died in student post test. the demonstrate is one of the end to a quote, a system that advocates about
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a 3rd of government jobs to relatives of veterans through 4th in the 1971 war of independence. critics say the system is discriminatory and appointments should be made made on their merits is like states has claimed responsibility for shooting and if she liked most, getting a month capital mascot in which 9 people died within 24 wounded. this free gunman were also killed. several cities are honest to be heap warnings as a wave of one hand from africa. bates, southern europe and the balkans temperature has a soaring above 40 degrees celsius in the civil authorities and taking measures to protect people such as banning outdoor construction walk and making air conditioning spaces available to the public. 6 people have been found dead in a luxury hotel in the tank capital bank called the police. they say they found traces of sign night in the tea cups. they believed the victims had been dead for around 24 hours. investigated suspect, one of the 6 that was responsible,
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mysterious dense, and then luxury bank, or cortez. 6 guests were found dead by housekeepers in a single room on the 5th floor of the grand high out at one a, signed an initial investigation has found traces of the deadly poison cyanide at the crime scene. that we have a lot from our analysis. cyanide was found in the liquid inside the t post. in all 6 tea cups. and in the blood samples collected from a deceased man leaning against the wall. the victims, 3 men and 3 women, have all been identified as vietnam. these 2 of whom have do an american nationality. they had booked rooms under 7 names, but some listing on a different floor. police said apart from the 6 disease,
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no other visitor to the room was seen in cctv footage. we believe that one of the 6 deceased carried out this crime the ty, parameters, sir visited the scene himself, feeling that the incident could damage pilot and lucrative 2 of them industry. the investigators believe it was a private matter rather than national security. ukrainian, those are these say the number of children, abducted by russia since the start of the war stands it pull the 19000 few have made it back on the double use. abraham went to ukraine to speak to one of those who did of the steps on a path to recovery. every day, 16 year old vladimir makes the 20 minute walk from his village home in southern new cream to this sports field. exercising helped him cope.
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so they gave me official thoughts, give me confidence that they would never drink. i call a smoke for i live, it has the life style. it gives me self confidence. for example, someone and thoughts a good product could stand up for her. when the war broke out, the lot of me here was attending a boarding school nearby. his mother passed away and his father was unable to take care of him. he tells me he, along with his little brother, 13 other students and the school director for reading to be evacuated. but their town soon fell to the russians, and it was them who came for the children instead. and i did because i was not only afraid from his brother, i was afraid for all the children i was tried and instead of it suddenly there might be selling at the basement when we were hiding would collapse on us. i was afraid for everyone by us initially, russian forces holding them,
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kept them in the building. but when they found out the school director was planning to escape with the children, the group was moved 1st to occupied ukrainian territory. and that to a study camp in russia or the bullet on the rest, some children who were pro russian and didn't want to return to ukraine. i was friends with some who wanted to return to your grand. but i, in my, as an in with on that or have sent me a lot of me and the other children completely disappeared. his uncle was very sick. right. and is the dead one full and we didn't know where they were or what had happened to them them. but then i only heard some rumors that someone had seen the somewhere in the city as well. but there was no accurate information. there's been a lot to know there was a year later, roman was contacted by the ukrainian volunteer group saying that his nephews had been rescued along with the other children and had been taken to to be seen georgia
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. the details of that rescue we're told have to be kept secret, as the group hopes to do it again for some of the other children still in russian captivity. some of them for super so, so they were standing right next to me. i could touch them. so after such a long time, i can finally see them again, doesn't sullivan this because i, i can't describe how i felt that it either my soulmate was my soul mates. so when in lazy it means that give us the leaving and now they are not as a cheerful as they used to be. they've become a little more withdrawn. they still have the fear from when they were sitting in the basement when they were taken out. if you crane by the russians believe the trace of this remains on their souls, they have stuff for me, then to see the forcible deportation of children like vladimir and his brother is a potential war crime they could even qualify. as genocide, the russian officials claimed the are rescuing ukrainian. children from orange come
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to the international criminal court in the hague. has however, issued an arrest warrant for russian president putin in connection with the abductions for now vladimir wants to put this behind taylor, and hope the future will be better and which is but next i wanted to come to a guide and see the world. but that is or something like that. it's good to see if i don't. why they for 7. see if i ask you double use an economy and keep to tell me more about what's behind the abductions the look. as you heard in that report, the rest of authorities claimed to be protecting to be saving these kids. this mainly happened right in the beginning of the war when you had russian troops basically able to take a huge amount of surgery in a very short space of time in the south and the east of ukraine. families unable to get out in time. and you had different scenarios like we saw in there for the children's homes or boarding schools. often then in the weeks that followed people
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who ended up in hospital families being separate and children and the parents. and then those kids that were receiving treatment, being taken to russian control territory over to russia proper. you even then later had stories where dri, intense fighting families, real field seriously, to send their children to summer camps in road safety in front me, for instance. and they just never returned. they were meant to go for a couple of weeks and ended up being sent to russia. we have stories of these children's names being changed them being told by the rest of the 30. the parents didn't want them anymore that the parents and died at the phones being taken of them to prevent them contacting the family back in your brain and controlled surgery. so this is a mess of deal to the story that really occupies people's attention here in ukraine and all about attempts to a res, ukrainian identity and culture. i believe that what more is being done to get these kids back so it's very, very tough. there was actually no direct contact in that sense between russia and ukraine. worship you pretends that this is not an issue that this has not happened
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to the kids that have ended up in russia. i have done so voluntarily with the consent of the guardians, that were any and we have lots of different reports of different volunteer organizations trying to do this. organizations are trying to keep us pretty quiet because they're scared that if they go to public, it will be impossible in the future to carry on these exchanges with these and you were to repub traces of these kids. you also have stories of family members, especially mothers and grandmothers traveling through europe into russia to try and find that parental role. that children don't selves to see you called travel into russia from ukraine right now. and in some cases being successful and bring these kids back, but in terms of numbers, we don't really have a sense of the, the true, accurate card numbers. but it seems like the vast majority of these kids are still in russia. and obviously, with every passing month, every passing year, it's gonna be hard. it's bringing back the link, especially very small children, to ukraine. the families here more precarious read stories of a top person. politicians even adopting basically babies from children's homes in
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multiple ukraine, changing the names, changed their passports. so this is something that really is incredibly acute and that is getting more difficult as, as every month pulses economy in key, something that's also a troubling and difficult considering all of this is happening in the middle of a war. first. thank you for bringing us. the latest from keith. germany's cabinets has just approve the country's annual budget for 2025. what's already clear is that they'll be less money to go around. what remains unclear of to weeks of wrangling is how the coalition government has been able to close a financing gap of stuff. he 1000000000 euros in europe largest economy, a with a war in europe, germany has pledged to boost spending on its own policies. that means expensive things like these military exercises, recruiting new personnel and modernizing weapons won't come cheap. there's also the new $5000.00 soldier free gate germany has begun to deploy to miscellaneous.
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defense minister bar has been story as a set cost brand new level, military preparedness, which means kicks in. the teams will respond to me is what can i do? i was another conflict. we mother seemed ready. oh, my twins on 29650. so, but how does that so it with a type fiscal rules championed above all by finance minister christy. and let me know if he's committed to the debt break. not living beyond the countries means and he has the backing of chancellor schultz. the result is the budget plan for 2025 and beyond. pressed out between the 3 government parties earlier this year will main cuts in some areas and smaller increase has been hoped in others the gym and foreign ministry. once an increase of more than a 1000000000 euros and its funding for administer, angelina bet bulk points to increasing tensions around the globe spots the budget proposal would give it a 1000000000 euros. lex, some will, that will have the amount of charity and support for people in the middle east and
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ukraine. the international development ministry is also due to receive opinion bureaus less than before. a cost of about 9 percent of the budget could make less german, a for the world's poorest. it's no certainly foreign policy under the knife. the government's plan would also cost money to support the unemployed and pension is in gemini. as the german economy has been weakening, spelling says tough choices have to be made. the hope of many is that when the final decisions are made, those choices did not. we can jim and his voice. it will defend cease political correspondent, nina has a, has the latest. what will be the biggest cuts in next year's budget as well? i do think that overall, this draft budget that where being presented today does not represent a budget that consists of big costs given the grand scheme of things. so overall,
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i have to stress that they have manage to keep the financial situation of most ministries and institutions stable. and that is quite remarkable in itself spots. yes, that will be costs. and yes, they will mainly target the foreign affairs and the development 8 ministries. they will get less money than they did this year, and the defense ministry will not get nearly as much as the defense minister bars disorders had asked for. he's from the same party as the german chance level of choice by the way. so this is not something where that web any favors given to a fellow policy member so, so far as the story is, wanted some 6000000000 more for defense, but he's only guessing of a 1000000000 ball. so he is guessing the promise that germany will stick to the 2 percent of g d p for defense goals. so the next is to come. but overall, the message here is that germany's not investing much more into the pillows of deputies international activities. having said that, for international views,
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i believe it's important to know that it looks as though they've managed to avoid costs in any area that concern support of ukraine. and that is a big sum overall. if you take everything into account, direct financial and military support for ukraine, but also the money that goes into supporting ukrainian refugees. here. we're talking about more than $20000000000.00 euros per year. the germany invest in that . but they say that because they want to continue supporting the trade, they also couldn't make any cuts big cuts and welfare for example, because that simply wouldn't have gone done well with german vote as a tool. definitely some pride. suppose that the budget, then the negotiations, the voice brought the co relation to pricing point at times how strong is transferred shots of leadership as well. we've noticed several situations since they 1st presented us. there are days for these budgets since they 1st struck that compromise, that the sense of relief here by cabinet members of the government did not that the government essentially is still together,
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that they did not collapse that is just visible on the faces when you see them it wasn't clear until the very last minute whether they find a compromise or not. they negotiated all through the last night to the we morning i was on the very last day before parliament, summer break. so it is quite astonishing that they've managed to keep the call listen together, considering that these 3 parties involved have such different priorities. and that one positive business friendly of the party insisted the gemini stick to the circle that break that is given itself. so that the government shows fiscal discipline doesn't spend much more than it gets back in taxes. the other 2 other parties would have welcomed an exception to that, that break. and that debate is not over. what about getting the budget for pilots? well yes, that is the tricky question. how? because the ministers in the cabinet and also german chancellor shows they may think that they found a good working functional compromise for next is budget. but this is just the draft
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that we're seeing today. and here in germany, you have to remember that the political parties have a very strong say on like, you know, the countries. ultimately it is the political parties in the bonus tag in the gym and parliament that have to say, yea or nay to the budget. so the german government is no such as the woods. yes, i would say, and the date for the parliament to approve the budget is november the 29th this year. and we'll know that a lot can happen between now and then. it is going to be quite a difficult time for the german child slot and his government still dw is nina, has an audi is negotiating with unions. and the belgian government, after announcing plans to come up to $1500.00 jobs, that it's production site in brussels. it comes as of a restructuring of the german comic and which is facing out one of the models made in the belgian capital d, w. 's direct packed, met some of the people set to lose that jumps out
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a lot of the doors of its brussels plant immediately after 9 seeing 1500 jump costs . in order to prevent the unions from occupying the site. the work is demonstrating outside of your yes. coffee on see it's incompressible is equal decisions. the management controls directly strict and brutal. what all should call you defeat whole cycle. i've worked here for 36 years. my wife has worked this upcoming. my son work much new, somebody in my daughters to works here. around 3000 workers have been employed at the brussels pont union say they now understand that production will drop from 51 size and cause last year to below 25000 this year. and potentially only 6000 next year, making this site on viable. meaning it will likely close by the end of 2025. we move up sort of the ones that they investigate other possibilities. we were health
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calm during months and everyone was telling us to be patient, be patient, something's coming for the moment. there isn't anything to mind that the brussels made audi. q 8 eat from, has been in free food since i have the loans disliked these small the, but technically more advanced q 6. each one of these plans are to manufacture new and models in mexico. in a statement id cited long standing structural challenges at the brussels site, saying the plum layouts is difficult to change and blamed highly just sticks costs . the belgium prime minister has been holding meetings without these management. and so it stays close to the tools have told dw, that the government is displeased. the call make a public be a nice the job loss is without fully informing it to the p. m. also held separate meetings with unions to the was equal to the goal above all is to listen to you and to see what this government on the next government can do together for you. the
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work is out in brussels, say that hoops the plant would stay open, have now almost completely faded. the said river in paris is causing concern. i hated this summer's olympic games in france. that's spirals. already spending almost one and a half 1000000000 euros to clean it up, quelled those fees, the mayor of paris and a go and olympic organizing committee, g e, as tom gay came through on a pledge to take it. they've been the famous passport away, shows that it is clean enough to swimming. swimming like of the tri, asked on, will be held to the same river has repeatedly failed for the front of the test. is a reminder of the top story by following for you this now donald trump's full of republican opponents have endorsed his re election bit. the republican party has been pushing the message. if you is the find the trump feds tickets. when they took off the pond, convention updates close up,
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examines the influence of social media. in a few of us take bible, i've been as will, and frank off will have. you'll use next. that will stay with us. the, [000:00:00;00]
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the over half a 1000000 dead in the g gray warranty, c o, p s, fueled and intensified by social media. what role to facebook's algorithms play in the spiral of violence? does the company put prostate over human lives? facebook africa probably close out the next on
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d. w. a tunnel under the baltic sea connecting germany and denmark. it's europe's largest construction project. and one of the most innovative thomas section is built on land and then lowered into the seat over 18 kilometers. our engineers up for the challenge made in germany in 60 minutes on dw, the dream of resolution. in 1979, the hated dictators somoza was forced out of the people hoped for sarah's society
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and received international solidarity. i imagined we would change the world and for 1000, from instead to help with reconstruction. but the end the garage, a dream of revolution. july 20th on d, w. that's a gray war was one of the bloodiest conflicts and recent history. facebook has been accused the time and time again, of stoking ethnic tensions and ethiopia, social media had a lot of us like why miss calling for about us? that's why it was one of the that was yes. west. we have seen it in the last


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