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tv   Close up  Deutsche Welle  July 17, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm CEST

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tens of thousands, hundreds had to help with reconstruction. but the end of the garage. a dream of revolution, july 20th on dw, that's a great war, was one of the bloodiest conflicts and recent history. facebook has been accused time and time again, of stoking ethnic tensions and ethiopia. so i've had media had a lot of thoughts. like why miss calling for about us? that's why it was one of the that was yes. west we have seen in the last few, the kids, the on slot of violence claims, the lives of half a 1000000 people,
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master for them, killed without mercy. you must murder them, ruthlessly. does facebook look profit and market power above the lives of human beings? countless hate posts are still online section someone or maybe let's go in buttons to this easiest places like the tempest or most boys are pointing out someone's house like someone is like hiding here. they've coined keon or kean. how could the social network that promised people in the open and interconnected worlds become a weapon used by warmongers and perpetrators? so showing me, does one of the hips bridges think your answers? because people use it wrong without us. you won't even like to go on facebook for one second. heat treatment is one of the most important factors to win a war. we must have,
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it will still need to delete the news. you do need to delete the delete, delete the date with the date. delete, delete, delete the after 2 years of devastation, there's a festive spirit back on the streets of the tick ryan capital mcnaly. send an event celebrating women and girls as being held for the 1st time since before the war. but amid the singing and dancing and traditional garments, the scores of war are everywhere. the
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less than as a head nurse. she has heard countless reports of the sexual violence perpetrated during the conflict. she runs the one stop center for rape victims at night or hospital one of the few clinics in mckayla and that was not destroyed. this 40 year old woman reported being raped repeatedly by 15 soldiers in a remote village. before losing consciousness, she remembers that one of them took out his phone and started filming as soon as possible. i mean, it was round 9 in the morning. i blocked out after they attacked me. i must have been lying there all day. nobody helped me. when i came to in the evening, everything was gone. everything i had with me
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a good social media was used as a weapon in the tech ry war. the footage of rape and the mass shootings was used to traumatize and dish humanize. the other side of the mess spends explanation for this year. brutality of the conflict is that the propaganda spread online by all parties was posted and re posted by the whole packet. hospital there was this constant preaching of hate on both social media and mainstream media, especially in on her i media calling i since again and hope that the government tried to gloss over it by using terms like permission for law and order. but people were being told to kill innocent civilians to review and children and women for me to cry head and read the teenagers. i was the victims had to run for their lives
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with nothing to eat and resent and moved from one refugee camp to the next. the sort of stuff i think is the war began when the easy obedient army sent troops entity dry, the northern most part of the country, a violent civil war ensued. many observers felt for all the martyrs of genocide, one such observer and what's to say attack leading from amnesty international. the weight was fault with external products within less than a week. to make out about my 2nd house up and about 200 people with little bit of bites in small farming village and wisdom took a day. and after that, i must not cut off that in my 2nd. facebook played a pivotal role in the conflict with atrocities directly linked to hate speech posted on the platform. incendiary posts were not just tolerated. they were
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actively disseminated by government. officials and media outlets. fuel to the fire and an already deeply polarized and divided society. they should be known as the last, if they are kind, nothing like states and was created after satan's fault. why is that? what is the thought that that, of course, that moved on is that good on testing? so that's, that also reflects on this or trying to media and the government was kind of the leading contacts at z. we had a cleaning tab switch, we had kind of accepted by the director position for this. does he and tom, chief among the agitators was the e. d. o be in prime minister of the alphabet. the 2019 nobel peace prize laureate team nighted the countries various ethnic groups and hatred against take ryan's. he repeatedly referred to them as the cancer of the d o. b, as leads that needed to be removed and as a whole into online coast. spite of the med and his advisors made no secret of
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their goals. genocide, even these people are the, the enemy of all ethiopian people, the enemy of the aroma people, the sr, the gun, bella, and the somali. we will not rest until the enemy is buried. the 4, the women in the makayla clinic for fear of returning to her village and the stigmatization she faces is too great. the head nurse lulu messman offers her a place in a women's shelter for the time being. but the incendiary videos are still online for anyone to see what explains the inaction on the part of facebook and other social media platforms. news one and so it can be found in the canyon capital nairobi, the calendar mild we use on her way to her night shift for
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a job that involves deleting hate posts online when she moved here from west africa some 3 years ago. she was looking forward to a career and the booming taxi that at least was what was promised in the job offer as content moderator. all we signed up and did in fact find herself working for facebook all be indirectly. her immediate employer was a low profile, sub contractor called summer source called clinton. what draco is, is quite a very dangerous walk, but at the same time, it's also a very no board work to do because we are like the internet or the social media. so jazz or firefight has and all of that. so with that to protect people from
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watching the most toxic and unacceptable things that human is supposed to watch. so instead of the want to see it, we are the ones behind the scenes watching was towards the contents at summer, it wasn't just the content that was toxic. the working conditions were the polling to always job description, referred to tagging images and writing brief texts. there was no mention of violence, the content on her very 1st shift. she had to watch footage of a person being beaten to death. but to delete, delete the name. it was her introduction to a job that meant being presented with a new harrowing video every 55 seconds for 8 hours a day. delete, delete, delete. without us, he won't even like to go on facebook for one second. if those things we see,
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i've been released everyone to see fisma would have been long gone by now. no one would want logan. ready ready ready well, facebook spends millions and employees thousands of moderators to review content in europe and to us, the budget for africa is minimal. ready ready the hourly wage there is $2.20 with just $200.00 moderators for the entire continent. when the dry war began, there were just 5 covering ethiopia. ringback ready ready ready then why is that crisis that protocol, if we start receiving more ad traffic, the kids hate speech and is asking about the fight. exempted to put in my chair, their opinion about that. i the tribes that the item, the groups maybe to begin to be changed out of a particular place to be bind to the deluxe to be at least that
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fussy, go, get bracky done. narrowly escapes the war. she fled to nairobi where she was grateful to find work as a content moderator at thomas source. but soon enough, the war caught up with her and her new job. the thing is, when i talk about them, i will have flashbacks. and i don't want to have flashbacks cuz it will make me motional are you so i just to try it out. so you know, imagine what i saw. but basically it's just the worst thing that you. ready imagine content is pre screened by a computer algorithm, but a human being ultimately decides what gets deleted. critics have repeatedly called
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for the improvement of moderators working conditions. one such critic is kenyan lawyer murphy will tell me who says facebook clearly failed and its duties. ready ready content with racial most taking place in ken for the content that was being shed any fuel cap, the content, i'm wondering, it does. that's why i've been given his job. why not even from, from the communities in whose language that's kind of clinton has been posted, for example, in this case degree. now there was no degree now content for data. so when you tell someone who doesn't understand the language, to address that post, what's going to happen again if you only have a handful of moderate as to get the for the 2 pen market and the millions of course that are being set on the database to set up a little bit of a system could mean defendants. the efficacy is going to be super, super disappointing. the lawyer has been representing the moderators and
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a legal dispute with meta, the parent company of facebook. they are demanding better and working conditions and psychological counseling. time he believes facebook is driven by greet and kenya, a country with low wages and blacks working conditions has become a hub for content moderation from meta and take talk to open a i all the major online platforms, employees, so called click workers, what's considered to be cheap, indispensable labor. they've capitalized on this culture of instilling fee. yeah. in the moderators. so you're supposed to fee a, pull that to you, come from, because they use that most likely. we can, we time you back to a point i t. as a matter of fact, this is the 1st instance i'm, i'm seeing a case where in the recruitment advertisements specifically wanted people who came from poor backgrounds and the specific
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a us that questioning interviews like do you come from a flip background, which in august and that has integration, so does that concentrate that you're going to lose your job, but then the same time, there's a constant trip that we could destroy your life. you just don't know how we could do it, but we could destroy your life. and we're just like, hidden behind those compute as behind the phase where people feel it's safe. a, now we are so totally damaged at the end of the day we're damaged, we're destroyed, of ritual is normal because of the kind of joy we engage ourselves to do, which we never thought it was that dangerous. we're just like, forced to do we like it through the deceptive way. data content on the
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someone who was experienced, the deadly real life consequences of online hate is this young woman. she's gripped by fear when she walks down the city streets a not long ago to growing and like her were subjected to arbitrary detention with tens of thousands disappearing in camps. she herself lost her father and brother the the woman who grew up in the village in the eastern ethiopia, which at ryan's constitute a minority. her father was a well off farmer and respected business man. but when the war broke out, he and 8 other residents were targeted in
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a hate campaign. a post on facebook claims, they were spies and called for a tax on them. her father was at the top of the list of targets. the post went viral and was shared hundreds of times in the region for one local militia. it was proof enough. they rated the village, looking for the legend, spies, plundering homes belonging to ethnic ryan's. the young woman was living in addis ababa at the time. her mother told her what happened when the militiamen entered the family's house. at 1st they forced my father, my brother, and my mother to get on their knees. they then have to crawl out of the house. my mother pleaded with them saying they were regular people just caring for their
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children. she asked why, but the men didn't respond. they said my family were spies fighting against the government. the kept repeating the accusations being spent on facebook. that was the last time my mother saw my father and my brother. her father and brother were shot dead and their own yard. when the attackers moved onto rate other homes, her mother took the opportunity to escape. she says the 22 people were murdered. that day. a massacre that she blames on facebook. i'm sure of it. nothing would have happened to my family. had it not been for the misinformation on facebook. people are too reliant on facebook. they believe every thing that's posted there in my village, they don't question if what they're reading on social media is true or false. they just accepted. i know that my father and brother would still be alive if that
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post hadn't appeared on facebook. the killing of her father and brother was not an isolated incident. that's a great war, sauce, thousands of docs in post online attacks revealing the name, address, and photo of targets. as the world's biggest social networking side, facebook is a natural avenue for the dissemination of such post. plus it's algorithm ensures that insightful in inflammatory posts are viewed by an especially large number of people. what has become the key is that hate selves and hum, 4 posts trend more then post such as your new email, send the m s a metric to the outgoing, encourages the posts that are likely to go viral, to go even more by all right, so if you loved that and during the habit of posting is lametre contented is going
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to keep making it that much worse and much more in from entry, facebook earns it's money through advertising and the mass gathering of user data. viable posts and user interaction in the form of likes, shares and comments are especially valuable. so valuable in fact, that despite security concerns raised by facebook employees, risk mitigating measures were never incorporated into the algorithm. and the case would be the opium. this lead to more polarization, more hate and more misinformation. the slightest part is just how we had to produce all this evidence with you appear of pulls that have gone and fired will. and was to on the facebook platform, is to gauge environments, side, and all of those postpone meet the fit for community standards, but what not to pull down the
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road the, the individuals extensively employed to make facebook safer or fired or after kona molig. we finally could get bracky done, and 182 other content moderators, sued meta and their direct employer summit source. they were immediately dismissed . not just content review was left in the lurch. the moderators were left without pay for months, unsure how to cover their rent, and other basic expenses. the, the 2 women meet on the roof of melodies. apartment building painting is helping them to process their traumatic experiences. mowgli has been struggling with severe depression ever since. she took the job as content moderator.
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i just wish i'm just out of this world of heidi now. we heard that speak part enough. i grew up with the dad and i thought i would have family members that would support me and all that. but obviously knowing i'm going to a lot even if of 18 of not, no one cares even if i'm dead or that life sometimes just feel like an ended on but at the same time when i got to my mom, i didn't go into the heart. so i just have to pretend like everything is okay.
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kona mogley says the image is during her time, it's on the source, are burned in her memory, and the stress still looms. there's been a suicide among her former colleagues. a young man who hangs himself and his apartment. the former moderators hope that their legal action will help to create better working conditions to do this difficult job. and ideally, changes will be made to facebook's algorithm that prevent harmful content from being amplified and going viral. fasick a bracky don often had the impression that her work was in vain. not only insults and there was a word that people would come of it for the contents of also there were so many videos that was collected by us, but never get deleted. so who is especially
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classic videos we were tired of slugging them because zillow ones through seats, and then you can get traumatized overtime. use it. so that's why we always thought them to be just it said, but they never got deleted. the young woman whose father and brother were killed as on her way to the recording studio of a local youtube or an audio of about she's the only member of her family who will talk frankly about what happened. she's determined to ensure that the killing of her loved ones will have consequences. the posts that lead to their deaths is still online. fake news on social media kills innocent people. i hope i'm able to show that to the big facebook pages with lots
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of followers. as well as to ordinary users and that they understand how their post can destroy lives. we need to raise awareness, but people also need to be punished. i know that's not easy. it's a real challenge, but we need justice. and i hope we'll make some progress that we can create an awareness in society about the harmful impact of fake news on facebook and other sites. that's why i'm here sharing my story. the lawyer mercy mood. tammy has already seen some progress. according can your rule that the sama source dismissals weren't on lawful and the
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moderators needed to be reinstated and paid? how, how interested could you to be sure, both the company and meadow we'll have to answer to the courts and can you because we can, the opiate case is pivotal. and having seen that, there are so many one meetings about what's happening in the group. and there's one of the few up here and how many parts to put had made or what's happening on the platform. just the even action itself led to the platform being weaponized in a very vulnerable situation. so there is a lot of responsibility around that. you might not have picked the gun, but you knew what was happening and it has to do nothing about it. people spoke about it to people even followed your intended for seems that which is a duplicate push to pull them down to one or pull down. so that in action lead to
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way more violence and we more lots of lives. not to just keep the and makayla mess and that is as busy as ever. dozens of new victims come to see the nurse every day. as the growling war brought ethiopia to the brink of collapse, the warring parties agree to cease fighting and november 2022. with the withdrawal of soldiers. more women are seeking help. mess then can't say for certain how many victims there are. but she fears there are hundreds of thousands a and i get i, the majority of victims don't talk about what happened to them due to the trauma and discrimination. many women stay silent, many have died alone and let them know medical care over the head. and to guide
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there's not a single family where woman was a great and murdered us to get a this in his head to the peace deal mark the dramatic breakthrough. the to grind forces agreed to hand over their weapons and return the government and addis ababa agreed to establish an interim regional administration. whether the traumatic events of the war will ever be adequately addressed is impossible to say . what we know is just that people say it's back down to the level of atrocities that happened in this conflict. he's not the failure. he documented it. and that, that published also what the reading to kind of let him from he to a page that the deuce eh, companies out of the airport of it. and that as far as the that pro feet side of them, they don't can about the human cost. they have to be some kind of governance,
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both domestic and international governments on them. on model compression. meadow does not seem to have taken any major action in response to the took right case. when confronted by amnesty international with evidence of having neglected content, moderation, the company rejected all the findings encountered by insisting that l. p. a is a high priority country for meta and but it has taken significant measures to delete violating content. the tunnel under the baltic sea connecting germany and denmark feats europe's largest
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construction project. and one of the most innovative thomas section is built on land and then lowered into the seat over 18 kilometers. our engineers up for the challenge made into many in 30 minutes on d w, the, the, the,
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this is dw news live in from berlin, shut down and definitely bangladesh closes. all universities after deadly protest. 6 people have died in scores more of an injured in recent days as students demand the government scrap it's preferential hiring rules for procedures, civil service jobs. also coming up, the scramble for answers over 6 people found dead and a band cock switched over the police. now say the traces of cyanide were found at the c plus dw do is meets a young ukrainian who was kidnapped by advancing russian forces and then liberated in a secret opera.


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