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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 17, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm CEST

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the, the dw news live in from berlin, turmoil in bangladesh as the government orders, universities nationwide to shut their doors indefinitely. days or protests have left 6 people dead, scores more injured as students demand that the government scrap discrimination in hiring. also coming up. investigators scrambling for answers over 6 people found did in a band concert scale room on top of the results rebuild it. cyanide was in the blood of all 6 victims plus a major bruce for germany's armed forces in 2025. but the cuts in the government's new budget raised questions whether germany is now turning its attention in work and dw nearest means,
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a young ukrainian who was kidnapped by advancing russian forces and then liberated in a secret operation. the i bring golf is good to have you with this. the thirty's in bangladesh have ordered all universities to close. it's after at least 6 people died when student protest turned violent. on tuesday, students have been rallying for weeks over what they say are unfair. hiring rooms for solid after government jobs. things with dish has recently reintroduced a quote assistant with around the 3rd of these jobs reserved for the relatives of veterans. the main university in the capital duncan was at the center of the vines . i mean, the nicholas is there, demands housing, just angry university students wanting and what these things are on fed hiding.
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june for government jobs, the students are do most of disability just jobs should be awarded on medic, north to a quote. the system that favors has relative of war, veterans cause you to the grandchildren and freedom fighters shouldn't get quoted for jobs not to not be with the election ration is already benefit from the system that we did not seem to close. the system should be abolished. i think we're talking about reforming strategies intensified the government, deployed that ability forces to try to quote the protests and violent classes occurred between the board testers and the students supporting the government. we are leading in suddenly members of the routing proxy students being the taped us back then we headed to work 5 chance less house when we stopped there, they checked us again from behind. they were helping overheads in
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a targeted way. how to get this equipment from pro government students accused the demonstrative of vandalism. hospitals are filled with hundreds of injured students. some have lost their lives the students know, protesting. it's just key in our country that stuff and defend. but the see, it's the future that is that big, like hundreds of thousands of new graduates, we be competing for the small number of government jobs. many see this unfair as butler, these fees is high unemployment inflation and the flailing economy. the sensible reform of the quoted system. i'm a student with a duck, a university. if i don't get any job for 6 years of study that will create suffering for me and my family, what will the government do then?
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following the protests, the supreme court last, it's really on the diesel levy and they did go down, but the student said they would not stop protesting until death, permanently removed. well enjoyed now by my new is loved kahn. he's an independent journalist based in the bangladesh and capital dot com. i know it's good to have you with this. um, if i understood this correctly, we have been here before the quoted system was banned back in 2018. 6 weeks ago. it was reinstated. why this new term when it was uh, in 2018, the, uh, uh there was damage protested against the court system. and there was a case by digging into high goals, and it'd be simply in fees to june. hi gord, uh, gave a verdict uh through the state. they put a suspend to keep that goes with us has been running and best away from the 6th of
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june. uh, the students that goes to have to go testing against this verdict and the speed of the move been uh and uh still its going on. c and they've been purchased before this time. these purchase hasn't turned violent. they've turned it deadly. do we know why and are we talking about students against students? violence here? that yes, that's to uh, it went any violent in last 2 days since monday and uh and uh, the student went furious when the prime minister gave a statement in the best confidence. and uh and uh, when she was asked about this, uh, book this and uh, she said this uh, this good. the system will continue because this uh,
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the focus to the students were seeing uh, the preston page of this. uh, these dogs uh, dogs, uh, seats in the universities is now uh 56 percent that goes for from the photo system. and they wanted to revise it. and they did not get any uh sign from the statement that this for the system was bd advised. and from right, from the moment it went very violent. and uh it, it's really when the ruling party students, effective is strong mean to den vince and started. uh, you know, including the agenda and students look forward to speaking and, and from these violent safety, many students would indeed very severely and from defense sources. we know that already the civics,
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young students have died and one died with the data done. so and, and this is julie julie put the, the students into very, uh, you know, uh, 50 states that they, they wanted to stay in the, in the campuses and do the, do mondays. okay. funded. let me just ask for run out of time to where do you see things going from here? we just, uh, the ballast by me is to just had an 8 minute long a messenger speeds for the nations. and so you said that the bottom of this government has already uh, you know, uh 5 and um the uh 50 to send to the, to the higher because uh, the, the vice the decision. and she said that, uh they,
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they would take, uh, managers against those really, uh, we do the students who at the students and who, who's responsible for the monitors. and she also indicated if there is any politically motivated, uh, you know, actions. and she said that she would take the major's development to commit just against it. so we would expecting some more. uh, maybe we have to wait a few days. okay, to see what's the going journalist. my name is, i'm con, reporting the latest from doc a. my know, we appreciate your reporting. thank you. thanks. thanks. what 6 people have been found dead in a luxury hotel in the tie capital bank cock police there say that they found traces of cyanide in their tea cups. they believed that the victims had been dead for
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about 24 hours. investigator suspect that's one of the 6 may have poisoned the others over a financial dispute. mysterious debts and then luxury bank, or cortez. 6 guests were found dead by housekeepers in a single room on the 5th floor of the grand high out at one time, initial investigation has found traces of the deadly poison cyanide at the crime scene. that will have a lab from our analysis. cyanide was found in the liquid inside the t paused in all 6 tea cups and in the blood samples collected from a deceased man leaning against the wall. 6 the victims, 3 men and 3 women have all been identified as bip dummies on 2 of whom have do an american nationality. they had booked rooms under 7 names, but some listing on
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a different floor. police said about from the 6 to sees no other visitor to the room was c, n, c c t. v footage. we believe that one of the 6 deceased carried out this crime the ty, parameters, sir visited the scene himself, feeling that the incident could damage pilot and lucrative 2 of them industry. the investigators believe it was a private matter, rather than a matter of national security. all right, let's take a look now. some of the other stories that are making headlines around the world services are taking place in ukraine to russian occupied don't ask region to mark the 10th anniversary of the downing of malaysia airlines flight. 17 memorials have also been held in the netherlands and australia, all 298 people on board were killed when the plane was shot down. over eastern ukraine. international investigators concluded that russian back the separate test
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shot the plane do. the former opponents are uniting behind donald trump at the republican national convention in milwaukee. his last main arrival and nikki haley who once called trump and fit for office, is now urging supporters to set aside their differences with the former president and florida governor rhonda sanchez. he took to the stage and attacked president joe biden over by whose h several cities are under severe heat mornings as a wave of hot air from africa begs southern europe and the balkans temperatures restoring above 40 degrees celsius. municipal authorities are taking measures to protect people's, which is banning outdoor construction work and making air condition spaces available to the pub. ukrainian officials say that the number of children abducted my rushes since the start of the war. now stands it more. the 19000 few have made it back home. dw is all your uber. he went to ukraine to
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speak to one of those who did steps on a path to recovery every day, 16 year old for a lot of near makes the 20 minute walk from his village home in southern new cream to the sports field. exercising helps him cope. so they gave me official thoughts, gave me confidence that they would never drink. i call a smoke for i live a healthy life style. it gives me self confidence. for example, if someone insults ago, i could stand up for her. when the war broke out, the lot of me here was attending a boarding school nearby. his mother passed away and his father was unable to take care of him. he tells me he, along with his little brother, 13 other students and the school director for reading to be evacuated. but their
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towns soon sell to the russians and it was them who came for the children instead. yeah, and i did because i was not only afraid for my little brother, i was afraid for all the children i was frightened and that suddenly there might be selling at the basement when we were hiding would collapse on us. i was afraid for everyone by us initially, russian forces holding them, kept them in the building. but when they found out the school director was planning to escape with the children, the group was moved 1st to occupied ukrainian territory. and that to a study camp in russia, the belief i'm the some children who were pro russian and didn't want to return to ukraine. i was friends with some who wanted to return to you. great. but i, you know, using that on that or have sent me a lot of me and the other children completely disappeared. his uncle was very sick. right. and it's not that one full when we
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didn't know where they were or what had happened to them them. but then i only heard some rumors that someone had seen the somewhere and beneficial, but there was no accurate information. it's been a lot to develop a year later, roman was contacted by the ukrainian volunteer group saying that his nephews had been rescued along with the other children and had been taken to to be seen georgia . the details of that rescue we're told have to be kept secret, as the group hopes to do it again for some of the other children still in russian captivity. some of them for super so, so they were standing right next to me. i could touch them. so after such a long time, i can finally see them again, doesn't sullivan? it's because i, i can't describe how i felt that it either my soulmate was my soul mates. so when and lazy the music give a side doing it. now they are not as cheerful as they used to be. they become
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a little more withdrawn. they still have the fear from when they were sitting in the basement when they were taken out. if you craned by the russians and the trace of this remains on their souls, they as thoughtfully done to see the forcible deportation of children like vladimir and his brother is a potential war crime that could even qualify as genocide. russian officials claim they are rescuing ukrainian children from orange and come to the international criminal court in the hague. has however, issued an arrest warrant for russian. president putin in connection with the abductions for now, lot of mere wants to put this behind taylor. that helps the future will be better and which is, but next i want to come to a guide and see the world. but that is or something like that. it's gonna say for the 1st time we see it every 2nd. but i'm joined now by the color labour in key if he is the founder and director of the energy or save ukraine,
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save ukraine regularly, organizes rescue emissions to return deported. children from russia back to their homes in you. craig to collab. it's good to have you with us. we understand the delicate nature of these operations. we also understand the realities, the risk here, we're talking about life and death. it could you talk us through the difficulties. how hard is it to bring these children home to thank you so much today. 8, save ukraine, rescue it's 413 children from russia and occupied territories, and 1994 all the children or from the face. numerous obstacles, not only in identifying these children in russia and occupied territories, but especially in communicating with them and returning them to ukraine. it is practically challenging to find or funds or children taken from orphanages and family based care. our team of investigators searches for this children using both
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open and close sources determine in the or where boats and tracking the the movements. it is extremely difficult to find children placed in the rush in orphanages or rushing families and nearly impossible to bring them back today. okay, our goal is to find more kids and return them to the native country, mystical. what do these, the children that you are able to bring back home to ukraine? what did they tell you about their time in abduction about the time that they were kidnapped? of all of them telling a horrible stories because indoctrination of ukrainian children is the central part of roches plans to evaluate the premium national a nation and destroy the future. children in occupied areas in the road for up
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forced to go to russian schools where they ukraine and land, which used to be then they are also forced to senior russian national anthem every day. listen to political propaganda. and in many cases, the keys are militarized to eventually fight against the graeme. and you can you imagine it's more than a 1000000 children who stays on occupied territories or in russia and both with the families or we don't families. and that's why it genocide because they talk to the one erase the identity. yeah, i mean you, you correct it's, it's impossible to imagine what these 2 of them is. go through this forest assimilation of how difficult is it then for the children when they come home to re integrate into their previous slides or uh, we have a special rehabilitation program up to one year after we return charles, replace to our rehabilitation center and provide support was always say
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college use, we have more than 1000 places in our hope and human center or model or how is this program often reunification, children with the relatives. but we have a lot of war funds and we have to provide rehabilitation and find a force their family for this case and provide support, but many of them exhausted prior to end and neglected. and that's why we have to return the life it's they children, the they want to leave normal life and a real help or them to return for this. like i know, i know you wish that there, where we lived in the world where there was no need for the services that you are provide. what needs to be done to prevent these abductions of children in more zone from happening in the 1st place. first of full, we have to stop this injustice war. we need support of all countries and you can
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find a my t shirt and names of german. there is ation who always with us, we all ukrainians and mean you still for, for a new 1st of germany who supported you also is our rehabilitation. it's a great support. we need more to missouri and support and more rehabilitation, mental health support for our children and families. and 1st of all, the most friends in our weiss is to condemn these ads on average international proud platform. because this is injustice what this is genocide and what the rush is doing. it's a crime, it's a war crime, or me call the labor with save ukraine that mr. clement, we appreciate you taking the time to talk with us. i'm sure there are many people around the world who wishing 100 percent success. thank. thank you. of
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germany's armed forces are set for a much needed to boost after the cabinet approve the countries annual budget for 2025. but the rise in defense spending, it comes at a price with plans to cut costs for foreign service and humanitarian programs. after weeks of political wrangling, it remains unclear how the coalition government has been able to close a 30000000000 euro financing gap in europe's largest economy. a, with a war in europe, germany has pledged to boost spending on its own policies. that means expensive. things like these military exercises, recruiting new personnel and modernizing weapons won't come cheap. there's also the new $5000.00 soldier free gate. germany has begun to deploy to lift away the defense minister bar has been story as a set cost brand new level, military preparedness, which means kick for the economy is what can i do? i was another conflict. we most incredible my twins on 29650 so. but how does that
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it with a type fiscal rules championed above all by finance minister christy. and let me know if he's committed to the debt break. not living beyond the countries means and he has the packing of chancellor schultz. the result is the budget plan for 2025 and beyond. pressed out between the 3 government parties earlier this year will main cuts in some areas and smaller increase has been hooked and out of the gym and foreign ministry. once an increase of more than a 1000000000 euros and its funding for administer, angelina bet bulk points to increasing tensions around the globe spots the budget proposal would give it a 1000000000 euros. lex, some will that will hit the amount of charity and support for people in the middle east and ukraine. the international development ministry is also due to receive opinion bureaus less than before. a cost of about 9 percent of the budget could make less german, a for the world's poorest. it's no certainly foreign policy under the knife. the
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government's plan would also cost money to support the unemployed and pensioners in germany. as the german economy has been weakening, spelling says tough choices have to be made. the hope of many is that when the final decisions are made, those choices do not. we can gym and these volts it will defense. as a political correspondence, i mean young joins me now. the simon's so next year's budget, what will remain untouched? which areas will suffer costs well event. in fact, most ministries all going to say motors to increased increases in that budget at least for next year. but there is some slackening off off to that, but the real story here is that the, the, the, the ministers are not going to get the, the size of increases that they had hope for. and the big one there, as you saw in that piece, is defense, the defense ministers asking for 6000000000 euros more to, to fund all the things he's trying to do. but he's going to get our li,
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just over 1000000000. you rise more cost. there is a lot of money going into jim and his military. i've heard a lot about that 100000000 euro funded to modernize things, but most of the experts say that's really just going to redress the on the funding of recent years and a lot more is needed. if the, the gray more is going to continue. so we have seen these cuts in the for an office is budget development, a budget, not everybody is happy. let's listen to one reaction from stefan x. so chrysler, he's the jim of the head of the one that's a, an n g o that's pushing for a pharaoh world. if you look at the, the cuts in the past years, we saw a 1000000000 cut in 2023, a 1000000000 cut them 2024000000000 cut now and proposed for 2025. and behind those numbers they of course, human lives that cannot be saved anymore. and to be honest, they also strategically very dumb decisions because the cuts of today will be the
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crises of tomorrow for we don't invest anymore in crisis prevention in helping people have a perspective where they live, then this will fall back on us on will cost us more then we are saving now. so suddenly we heard, dad is germany, is it turning in words? well, not in the sense that it's not helping. yeah. others around the well, as i mentioned to do a lot for ukraine, in fact uh, annual spending from germany for ukraine is around 20000000000 euros, including a direct support and also the support the gemini gifts, the ukrainians who are now living at hearing jim and jim is also committed again to that goal of spending 2 percent of a cd paid on uh, on defense that you know, i so it, it, it is doing lot billions also going into that development 8 budget not as before.
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but i think in the sense that to the finance minister christian meeting is focused on getting down germany's national debt. he's focused on investment and growth here on find that to a probity in the way that he's a pricing based. that's much more of a focus now and you know, so as a result, and there's a bit less money in the kitty alpha for some of those things that to many people would like to spend tonio or political correspondence. so i mean young with the latest on yeah. the bunch of waited and the controversial 2025 budget for germany. so i mean thank you, or you want your dw do is coming up next made in germany, takes a look at the most durable building materials and how to obtain them more sustainable . i'll be back in the top of the hour with more of old news. i hope to see you then the
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20, under the baltic sea connecting germany and denmark, europe's largest construction project, and one of the most innovative thomas section is built on land and then lower into the seat for b team kilometers. our engineers up for the challenge made into many next on d, w. sausages in the human names almost have to find every day using
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discount remains of melts, of places to construct a sufficient will serve as a while. also testing innovative works just saving cultivation message to india. in 60 minutes on d w, the, this video change to it says us so to is killing civilians in the rock roll off to posting its julian, his sons became a wanted man. 14 years later, the we can make found it is fine and the free general is done during the traces, the stories of a soldier under survivor of the attack, they speak to each other for the 1st time. a captivating story about the struggle
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for forgiveness. i'm sure, guardians of trees, julian his times and the dark secrets of war, starts july 27th on d w. the did you like to dig in the sand as a kid, build castles and houses assembled model airplanes or play with cardboard boxes. then you might really enjoy this week show, except here everything is much bigger and way more exciting. we'll see how it works, progressing on the world's largest underwater rail and road tunnel. a new way of building using urban mining to recycle old houses. a 3 d printer that produces precision metal parts and a pack of stanley.


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