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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 17, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm CEST

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the the, this is dw news, live it from berlin, turmoil in bangladesh, as the government orders, universities nationwide to shut their doors indefinitely. things of protest have left 6 people dead in scores more injured as students demand that the government scrap discrimination in higher also coming up a major boost for germany's armed forces in 2025. but the cuts the government's new budget raised questions of whether germany is now turning its attention in words and gaza safe zones under fire. as his rear wraps up, it's fun for the home off. leaders who plan the october 7th terror attack, the
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break off. it's good to have you with this authorities in bangladesh, i've ordered all universities to close. it comes after at least 6 people died when student protests, their turn violence on tuesday. students have been rallying for weeks over what they say are unfair hiring rules for solid after government jobs. think of a dish has recently re introduced a quote, a system with around a 3rd of these jobs reserved for the veterans was the relatives of veterans. the main university and the capital deca was at the center of the vines. i mean, the nicholas is there, demands, house and stuff, and the university students wanting in to what dc. i on fed hiding june for government jobs. the students are, do, most of these 50 just jobs should be rewarded on medic, north to a quote, the system that fee versus relative of war veterans got
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a little bit late due to the grandchildren and freedom fighters shouldn't get a quote for jobs. not that not the was, it wasn't that you know, ration is already benefit from the system that we don't know, we're not seeing the closing system should be abolished. i think we're talking about reforming as these intensified the government deployed that ability forces to try to quote the protests and violent classes. a good between the book testers and the students supporting the government. we are leading in suddenly members of the routing proxy students being attacked us back then we headed to what size of chance? let's house when we started there, they checked us again from behind the routing overheads and the targeted way to get some pro government students accused the demonstrative of vandalism. hospitals are
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filled with hundreds of injured students. some have lost their lives. the students know, protesting. it's just key in our country that stuff and defend. but the see, it's the future that is a big by the hundreds of thousands of new graduates to be competing for the small number of government jobs menu. see this is unfair. as bangladesh faces high unemployment inflation and the flailing economy a sense of the reform of the quoted system. i'm a student with a dock i university. if i don't get any job for 6 years of study that will create suffering for me, my family, what will the government do then? following the protests, the supreme court boss, it's really on the decent bleeding and they did go down. but this to see they would not stop protesting until death, permanently removed with journalist for the whole new year told me more about the
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quote good system that is at the heart of this crisis, you can see that it's expensive, most often shopping by a dish, and this up to be another open put, you know, people, this is twice to do our id and this is so i get to just to a because it seems to be that this is the same. so i'm saying i'm just going against matrices candidates. so now you know, the produce a guess revival of see this type is just for the system has continued for more than 2 weeks at the time of the produced has done dixie. and so if these jobs, if at least 50 percent of these jobs are reserved from the beginning, what does that mean then for new graduates in bangladesh, what are their prospect for finding work? the invalid is the rate and we'll get to it has become a significant issue with nearly $800.00 thousands in diversity graduates are unemployed. as of i think you do to so i mean there is
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a for station because overall, the combination of a highly complex give job market, especially i'm on the golf in job and of a mental job. students are for student because of this unemployment and the recession. and so they are trying to find a solution and they are arguing for a solution because you can see that dispute, the 6 percent of the school does the stand. it is still being a majority of the jobs for a little does ignited groups. yeah, i'm wondering what would a solution look like in your opinion to be what, what's next now? an indefinite closure of the universities. that's certainly not something that is sustainable. you know, is to do so demanding discussion a week. the government, as they do not want bottom is definitely not that bad is now students have divided into it's especially do cruise. and this is really frustrating on all the people in
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buying this, especially that you know, people about this are already about this situation. as our um, the government, obama vista prime, and it says the casino has offered up, would be good to see the students do in the demonstration of the time to do studies . but you know that because of the assignments and the situation now on the see if the cdm the students are producing and the monday. yeah. um do, do minding source solution journalist how many, how many are with the latest on the situation there in bangladesh. we appreciate your reporting. thank you so much. i to 6 people have been found dead in a luxury hotel with the tide capital bank cock police. they are say that they found traces of cyanide in t cups. they believe that the victims had been dead for about 24 hours. investigators suspects that a business deal gone bad may have led one of the 6 who died to poison the other's
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mysterious debts and the luxury bank, or cortez 6 guests were found dead by housekeepers in a single room on the 5th floor of the grand high out at one time, initial investigation has found traces of the deadly poison cyanide at the crime scene that we will have a lot from our analysis. cyanide was found in the liquid inside the t paused in all 6 tea cups. and in the blood samples collected from a deceased man leaning against the wall the victims, 3 men and 3 women have all been identified as being on these 2 of whom have do an american nationality. they had booked rooms under 7 names, but some listing on a different floor. police said about from the 6th to seas. no other visitor to the room was c, n,
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c c t v footage. because we believe that one of the 6 deceased carried out this crime a this high parameters sir, visited the scene himself, feeling that the incident could damage pilot and lucrative 2 of them. industry. the investigators believe it was a private matter rather than a matter of national security. or let's take a look now, some of the other stories that are making headlines around the world. former opponents are, you know, anything about hind, donald trump and the republican national convention in milwaukee is last may rival nikki haley who once called trump unfit for office to urge the porters to set aside their differences with the former president and florida governor rhonda sanchez. he used the stage to attack president joe biden, over by his age. services have taken place in ukraine's russian occupied. don't ask region to mark the 10th anniversary of the downing of malaysia airlines flight. 17
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memorials have also been held in the netherlands and australia, all 298 people on board were killed when the plane was shot down over eastern ukraine. international investigators concluded that russian backed separatists shot the plane down. several cities are under severe heat mornings as a wave of hot air from africa, banks, southern europe and the bulk and temperatures are soaring. above 40 degrees celsius, municipal authorities are taking measures to protect people, such as banning outdoor construction work and making air condition spaces available to the public. germany's armed forces are said for a much needed boost after the cabinet approved the country's annual budget for 2025 . but the rise in defense spending comes at a price with plans to cut costs for foreign service and humanitarian programs. now, after weeks of political wrangling, it remains unclear how the coalition government has been able to close
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a 30000000000 euro budget gap in europe's largest economy. a, with a war in europe, germany has pledged to boost spending on its own policies. that means expensive. things like these military exercises, recruiting new personnel and modernizing weapons won't come cheap. there's also the new $5000.00 soldier free gate. germany has begun to deploy to lift away the defense minister bar has been story as a set cost brand new level, military preparedness, which means kick for the economy is what can i do? i was another conflict. we'd love to seem ready to buy twins on 29th the tuesday, but how does bets it's with a type fiscal rules championed above all by finance minister christy. and let me know if he's committed to the debt break. not living beyond the countries means, and he has the backing of chancellor schultz. the result is the budget plan for 2025 and beyond. pressed out between the 3 government parties earlier this year
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will main cuts in some areas and smaller increase has been hoped and others the gym and foreign ministry. once an increase of more than a 1000000000 euros and its funding for administer and leading a bet, bulk points to increasing tensions around the globe spots the budget proposal would give it a 1000000000 euros less some go on that will fix the managerial support for people in the middle east and ukraine. the international development ministry is also due to receive opinion bureaus less than the for a cost of about 9 percent of the budget could make less german, a for the world's poorest. it's no certainly foreign policy under the knife. the government's plan would also cost money to support the unemployed and pension is in gemini as the gym and economy has been weakening, spelled and says tough choices have to be made. the hope of many is that when the final decisions all made, those choices did not. we can gym and these volts it will defense. a little more.
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i'm joined now by what's more fun holds. he's a member of germany's parliament for the green party. mister funneled, it's good to have you. with this, the chancellor has called this budgets and i'm quoting here, a piece of art. do you agree? well, it is the result of this. the negotiators is not a compromise in which all parties have to find their way. um is this uh the button does talk this doing that just let to let just let you in on the by the government is on the proposed a draft so um yeah, at the beginning of the process, not the end. and now we're going to discussing the bottom and, and have the trusted up to what they have presented to us. and i know that you are a member of the committee on economic cooperation and development, and you're having to take some hefty budget cuts. i think development work is, is being cut by around a 1000000000 humanitarian aid, also by
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a 1000000000 euros. in an interview, you were quoted as saying that money spent on development projects abroad is money spent on germany's security. what exactly do you mean by that? they cannot make this a couple of racing and development like costs are. humanitarian aids are expenditures that we do in the water to have a partner as an aside to keep partners in the side. so if we hit the one to really achieve a glow, the side of the kind of crosses, we have to john to get the countries of the world have to join together germany and also also apartments. so if we are close to partners, i'm to development corporation project of development corporation. this means that we can join hands and in the sense of the s to g's 5 to climate crisis type of
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a t 5 hunger. and let's see that we have clean water for everybody and what that means. we have less crisis, so we have less wars at the end. and this is a into a globe the security situation, which is also caustic security succession for germany. then not agreeing on a budget. uh cuz i know it was a lot of political wrangling with this budget, but not agreeing on the budget would have risk the end of this governing coalition . may i ask you, where would you have made the budget cuts? so that's, that's a very, it's a good question of cost, but um i, the problem is now starting to work on it. so before this was the role of the government and the players and the government, the easiest part is to get them to come to a solution. there are also a lot of positive aspects in the budget that has been presented. it's of costs in
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the future on a few minutes here in a development corporation where we have massive cuts and where we have to talk to. so it's not up to us by the ariens now to make proposals in other political views like social cohesion or whatever, like transportation to present cuts for us. now to talk about how we can rearrange the numbers, the task presented to us to put a lot of commitments or international commitments as good as possible under these circumstances. i know you're aware there's a lot of talk about the possible 2nd, donald trump presidency in the united states. many are stressing the necessity of for a more independent germany independent europe in terms of security. so what did you make of the new defense budget for 2025. it's one of the few areas of the budget that actually will grow. is it growing enough?
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well i think maybe is a bit to i need to speculate on is the budget enough and what's going to happen to the collections and just say, but of course what, what we have to do the if, if tumbled when of course, your pin countries have to get to the mall close together. also it is and security issues. and maybe we've talked differently on the next budget, then the 426. if we have to different suggestions, we use a so we have to wait, what is going on and use a of my phone holds a member of the german problem is different nodes. we appreciate you taking the time to talk with us today. thank you. thank the gauze is how much run helps ministry. he says that more than 80 palestinians have been killed and many more injured over the last day of his really air strikes on parts of central and southern gossip is really missiles and struck. the news arrived
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refugee camp in the center of the gaza strip, destroying a mosque and a un run school, where many people were sheltering. 2 weeks of intensified, bombardment is claimed the lives of hundreds of civilians, as israel says that it is targeting, leading members of from us believes are responsible for the october 7th terror attacks. several areas that is real, had designated safe zones for civilians have been struck in recent days, leaving ever fewer options for displaced palestinians. in the midst of morning, the human cost is undeniable. if the death toll close you by a mazda is accurate, this is one of the single most deadly attacks. since the start of the war carried out in an area designated by israel as a safe thing to target. last minute you come on to my how to do. he's an alleged mazda mind of the october 7th to my stereotypes. he's been on israel's most wanted
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list for years and has survived multiple assassination attempts on my says the escape this attack to isabel has about not to end the war until it has destroyed masses ministry capabilities. and that includes killing its leaders in targeted attacks, who soon come on eliminating the mazda leadership advances. all our goal is to come to the invitation from us. certainly so far hostages, who will talk to each other headquarters aside from cause, i'm them and our goal is on other friends to the people. but it's not true aside from the high civilian deaths to from the attack, how mouse has already lined up a replacement. the days if he is killed. israel has used targeted attacks fees earlier this year. these deputy mo, on isa was assassinated in gaza. these randy been a treat hospital so targeted how much allies has a lot on the run. in april 1 attack singled out the uranium consulate in the syrian
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capital damascus among the dead top domain. in general, mohammed raise us a heavy hit triggered outrage into run the attack on a diplomatic notation tantamount to in the top 20 range. and so we'll, in response, iran fired more than a 100 missiles, hundreds of israel raising fee is of an old out regional rule, but most of the missiles will shut down on the 5th escalation avoided. meanwhile, this latest talking to talk and gaza is lucky to complicate efforts to reach a sci fi on negotiate the release of hostages. all right, i'm gonna pull in now military analysts, marina barone. she is with the war studies department at kings college in london. marina, in our milwaukee, israel's army tried to kill way home off the top official ended up of course,
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causing dozens of civilian casualties. instead. how can things like that happen with an army that is so well equipped? is it due to a lack of accurate intelligence, or is the weapon re simply not precise enough? a good evening brand wells or can be a multitude of reasons because essentially is a battlefield as it is very chaotic. so yes, and as you have already noted, there is a possibility that there was a wrong intelligence that mohammed dave was in this cam. therefore, the israel is targeted it taking into account a high civilian casualties as collateral damage because the importance of the military objective in this case would be quite high. and therefore they decided to go ahead, was this operation. there was a possibility that the intelligence was correct, but that mohammed died also has his intelligence on the ground and perhaps
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got to know that there won't be a strike on the camp and how to escape. so uh and now is there a possibility of course uh, what was the actual target and from what it seems, it was an actual target. why was in the on guided form used um, there are also different perspectives on that. and the list is not exhaustive, of course they are cheaper, but if you're using a precision platform to deliver it, you still can get the accuracy that you're looking for. and of course, it depends on the target. and the, and the fact you are seeking to achieve so from what we know there are still a lot of questions that i think there will be an investigation into this whole matter and what actually happened and why specific questions were you on that specific location? the i b s, it says that about half of the leadership of a mazda is military being about having the leadership now been eliminated. i'm
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wondering, aren't, these are mazda officials, aren't they simply being replaced and being replaced swiftly? so what we're talking about here is the so called approach of targeted killings. and this has been going on, not just now, israel has been doing it for many years, trying to eliminate a key home us leaders and hope to eradicate the come off as know a few wing. however, as a practice has shown how much has been able to regenerate itself which calls into question. it's more like a hide draws us, this whole organization which you know, you the capitated and it grows and you have been stat and this is what seems to be happening here. so to what extent and these targeted killings are a fact of remains questionable here. military analysts remember roland is always
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really we appreciate your time and your valuable analysis. thank you. thank you for having me. with just how dirty is that water with less than 2 weeks to go until the olympic games and paris of the sand river in paris. it is causing concern the head of the olympic games. now that is despite the authorities spinning almost one and a half 1000000000 euros to clean up the river. and to quell those fears, the mirror of paris and the olympic organizing committee chief, well, they did what you would have to do to convince people that the water is clean. they jumped into of the crowds, gabba in the center of paris to watch may. i'm a dog who go for a swim in the sun. the brilliant great she's spearhead of the campaign to clean up the cities famous river
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to get it ready for the summer olympics. but she says the goal is even bigger than that. 6 we did it because we are very connected with the as the challenges of climate change and how we have to do we are, we are a big, big city and we have to work for the plan that's in for the next generation. go in spite of the parisians to also take the plunge to say it's not cold at all. it's quite pleasant. but there are cards, so it makes sense that they should be managed that will organize general again, it's good that quite frankly, it's a standing, it's really quite pleasant. it's delicious. it's brilliant,
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which is good, perfect temperature. so that's just plus, that's the cleaning the water. and maintaining its quality is no main seats. the main challenge, rain water power is, has a combined sewage system that carries rain water and sewage along a single pipe. if this pipe gets overloaded by rain, it can push sewage into the river. testing to sewage is not always easy. standard testing of indicated organization take 24 hours, although there's some faster testing techniques these days. it just brings it down to 18 hours. so it pat, but they're taking samples at 3 in the morning and it's hoping that the, you know, to get going to have a multitude of water quality information. but it,
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when they get the results, it's going to tell them the water quality 18 hours and not at the time to assume or is it going to be in the water power sufficient to say the sense water quality is currently high and they have to keep it this way so that the visiting island pick games will go swimmingly, need more then perfume for that one. all right, just to remind you of the top story, we're following for you. the government of bangladesh has ordered universities nationwide to shut their doors. after 6 people died and suited protest, the demonstrators wanted into a quote, a system that allocates about a 3rd of government jobs to relatives and veterans of the countries board for independents coming up. next, india takes a look at helping me. these are learning to adapt to changing eco systems. i bring the offer owners here in berlin. thanks for the company feel. gail, we'll see you at the top of the hour with more world news. the, the,
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the leasing models which is in the human names almost have to find every day using discount remains of melts, of places to construct. also special will serve as a while also testing innovative watch just saving cultivation method india. next on d, w 3, listen to matching. i love
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telling tales of the device. professor hall also races, not in 45 minutes on d, w, the drawing on integration testing and these are the known. we don't expect much living with them anymore. this is not a good environment, not for me, and not for my children without civil rights and with no prospect. but what can we do? carry on and some last, a nice the nice you get their hosting from there. and babies
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shuttle stops oldest on d, w, the offline, it is changing that for the what the rising global temperatures and more and more extreme weather events are making frequent headlines. hello and welcome. i'm sorry, we've got the body and you are watching as on ecosystem scenes. we not only need to amplify out efforts to save them, but we also need to adapt our lives and our likelihoods to ensure that week and keep up with the change and size.


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