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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 17, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm CEST

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the, the, this is dw news life from the defense tech center stage in germany's budget for 2025 times to increase spending on its fullest. come at the cost cuts in support for you. craig raise questions about whether germany is more worried about its own defense, also on the program to him or in fact, with dash as the government for just the countries universities to closing definitely stay as of protest leaving 6 people, dental schools more injured. students have demands an end to the governments, closure based timing system dw, each one of the ukrainian children, the kid, not 5 russian forces and then deliver i sit in a secret operation of a man of paris takes a summer swim in the site to prove fresh capitals,
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iconic waterway is cleaning up the opening of him and fixed the control gave welcome to the program. germany's armed forces not to receive a much needed financial boost after the cabinets approved the congress annual budget for 2025. but the $1000000000.00 euro increase is much less than the defense minister asked for and comes at a cost. a to ukraine will be slashed as well as funding for foreign service and humanitarian programs. with the war in europe, germany has pledge to boost spending on its own policies. that means expensive. things like these military exercises, recruiting new personnel and modernizing weapons won't come cheap. there's also the new $5000.00 soldier free gate. germany has begun to deploy. it's
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a miscellaneous defense minister bar has been story, has a set cost brand new level, military preparedness 14th capabilities, the economy is working towards another conflict. we must have seemed ready to buy twins on the 29th next tuesday. so, but how does that it with the type fiscal rules, champions above all, by finance minister christy. and let me know if he's committed to the debt break. not living beyond the countries means and he has the backing of chancellor schultz . the result is the budget plan for 2025 and beyond. pressed out between the 3 government parties earlier this year for main cuts in some areas and smaller increase has been hoped and others the gym and foreign ministry. once an increase of more than a 1000000000 euros and its funding for administer and leading a bet, bulk points to increasing tensions around the globe spots the budget proposal would give it a 1000000000 euros. lex, some will that will have to manage cherry and support for people in the middle east
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and ukraine. the international development ministry is also due to receive opinion bureaus less than the for a cost of about 9 percent of the budget could make less german a for the world's poorest. it's no certainly foreign policy under the knife. the government's plan would also cost money to support the unemployed and pension is in gemini as the gym and economy has been weakening, spelled and says tough choices have to be made. the hope of many is that when the final decisions are made, those choices did not. we can jim and these moments it will defend a look at some of those hod, that choices with benjamin toddler says that politics and security analyst with a democratic strategy initiative is all about. he was a senior research from a bunch of and council on foreign relations, a welcome to the w. as we heard in the report, i'm jeremy boosting the. she's spending my spending just over a 1000000000 euros, but hopping financial aids to ukraine. how, why they should keep
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b. e have should be very worried because this is not what your grade needs. it's frankly not what your opinion security needs and it's not what germany needs. this budgets reflects the lack of seriousness with which the current german government is taking, the worsening geo political situation. and it also reflects the inability to actually make those hard choices that your board talked about. a lot of seriousness driven by watts. do you think an unwillingness to face up to the challenges that are actually manifest now that's in terms of the threat for russia. the threat that we would be directly exposed to should we filed defeat russia and ukraine, but also the vulnerability that might be created by us withdrawal from its commitment to europe, or even just the softening a weakening of that commitment. because we currently like the means to adequately defend ourselves to adequately to, to russia. and this level of spending a 1000000000 increased when a 6000000000 increases us. for my, we've seen 20 years of neglect creating something like
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a 600000000000 euro hole in the defense budget overall, is frankly not up to the job. right. so you think that this piece, 1000000000 uh your increased? no, it won't even touch the sides. exactly. well, but that's right, and it's a lot less than a bar as bizarre. yes. was asking for. so christie linda, that german of finance minister explained today that ukraine will get enough funding from the u. n. g 7. clearly, you don't think it's as simple as that. i thought because it revolves around the question of what is enough and enough to keep your credit in the fight in a few credit to keep ukraine's budget taking over maybe, but we should be in it. so when we should be aiming to win, and frankly, we haven't even try it yet. we are currently pursuing a policy that exposes this to all the costs of defeat while giving us none of the benefits of victory in ukraine. this time is to create a geo political gray zone in the heart of europe that will only breed chaos and instability going forward, which will raise the need to actually further raise defense spending in the future
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. and thinking that germany is having difficulty maintaining that level of 2 percent of g d p on defense. now wait until that tries to get to 3 and a half percent or more. let's talk about i'm the so we've got the defense budget increase rate but, but the, the budget for international aid has been hopped. does not matter. it does matter, but i think this is actually one of the better assigns in this budget. and that's, that's a controversial thing to say, but why do i say it? because it does show some semblance of strategic thinking, which the essence of strategic thinking is, prioritization and prioritization doesn't mean getting rid of unimportant things. that means getting rid of important things that are not the most important and it has been recognized that international aid right now is less important than defense . the big problem is that germany's uh, self imposed restriction that that break is limiting. what side of the country can do on all funds? when you say around europe, there's a lot of political willingboro and peoples of knowledge. but if you say there's
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a lack of money, they find it really hard to believe and that's still true despite the worsening um, german economic situation. germany could actually borrow its way out of this mess very easily and do a the right thing for european security as well as for its own defense, but it's currently choosing not to on the altar of that debt break. how does a spending on international i, how does actually benefits germany a well, it binds good reputation for a start. that's one of the key things it does. it shows gemini is concerned about the place of other people around the world. it builds particular good relations with the countries where it goes to, or at least it's supposed to if it's used strategically. and fundamentally, it's the right thing to do because human security, people's life jobs is around the world matter. but again, do they matter as much as the defense of our own societies right now? and the answer is no. because if we don't defend our societies, we will have no possibility to give age in the future. let alone do all the other
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things that we actually need to do. so there was a clear hierarchy of 5 state needs here in the irreducible function of the state is to provide security for it citizens. that's why defense should come 1st, but it's not the only thing to spend on. of course, we need to generate prosperity and to be able to keep actually, our, our society is going to have that money to, to spend on defense as well as the improvements that people, right, the demand. so choices do have to be made and i, i do think this is the right way to go at the moment in order to set the scene in future for having other forms of influence around the world. and actually having a strong defense, a strong society, is one of the ways we can also exercise transformative power, soft power around the world because we become attractive to others. good to do. thank you for explaining that. so clearly security analyst have benjamin tell us. thank you. we'll take a look at some more stories making news around the world. now. at least 6 people have died after 5 bronchitis and 14 story shopping center in south west in china. 5
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finances of extinguish to place in the city of c. cool. but local media site rescue was still trying to free people trapped inside a lawyer for a suspect. the serial killer in kenya has told the code that he's a plant, was tortured into confessing leeside, the amount of method coming 40 to limit court has ordered. he be held in jail for 30 days. he was detained after several mutilated bodies were discovered as an abandoned quantity in 9 wrote. several cities were un under the severe heat warnings as a wave of hoss half from africa. bates, southern europe in the balkans, which is a soaring beyond 40 degrees celsius. municipal authorities have introduced protected measures such as binding outdoor construction. we're making air condition spaces available to the public, stutter, bangladesh, about 5 minutes shaken siena has promised any investigation into the depths of the at least 6 people were killed when student protests to environment. on tuesday,
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students have been demonstrating for a week several, what they say is unfair, quote, a system much source after government jobs and dash has recently be introduced rules and reserve the balance of these for the relatives of war, veterans main university and the capital jacka has been at the center of the violence, those searches have responded by closing all of the countries, universities they have just netflix and their demands. housing and the university students wanting and to what these things are on fed hiding june for government jobs. the students are due, most of disability just jobs should be awarded on medic, north to a quote. the system that favors has relative of war, veterans kind of go to the lake, canada grandchildren or freedom fighters shouldn't get a quote to the jobs. a generation is already had the chance to benefit from the quote, the system. however, we're not saying the system should be abolished. we're talking about reforming and
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what about the design center about that? as value intensified, the government deployed that ability forces to try to quote the projects and violent classes. a good between the book testers and the students supporting the government. i'm the we are leading in suddenly members of the routing parties, students being a taped us back, then we headed to what size chance, let's house when we started there, they checked us again from behind. they were helping overhead and a targeted way to get some pro government students accused the demonstrative of vandalism, hospitalized on faith with hundreds of injured students. some have lost their lights, the student's notebook, this thing is just in our country that stuff and defend. but the see,
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it's the future that is a big like hundreds of thousands of new graduates. we be competing for the small number of government jobs. many see this unfair as butler, this piece is high unemployment inflation and the flailing economy. the sensible reform of the quoted system. i'm a student with a doctor, a university. if i don't get any job after 6 years of study that will create suffering for me and my family, what will the government do then? following the protests, the supreme court last, it's really on the decent leaves and they did go down. but this to see they would not stop protesting until death permanently removed. a gauze of hamas run health ministry says more than 80 palestinians have been killed and many more injured over the last day of his randy as strikes on pots of central and southern gaza. is there any may sile stump being struck?
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be a nurse, a rock refugee camp in the center of the territory, just joined a most continue and bun school. people have been sheltering, 2 weeks of intensified phone problems this time devised hundreds of civilians. as is israel says it's talk to the leading members. if i'm not that it is responsible for the october, 7th and on several areas with israel had designated to save 7 specificity of i've been struck in recent days, leaving april few options. but this place palestinians in the midst of morning, the human cost is undeniable. if the death toll close you by a mazda is accurate, this is one of the single most deadly attacks. since the start of the war coming down to an area designated by israel as a safe stay on the target, my smell, it should come on demand. and he's an alleged most of my and as the october 7th to my stereotypes, he's been on israel's most wanted list for years and have survived
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a multiple assassination attempts. a my says the escape this attack to is well, has about not to end the war until it has destroyed a massive ministry capabilities. and that includes killing its leaders in talking to detox, who soon come on eliminating the mazda dealership at ponce's. all our goal is, comes with the invitation from us, sort of leads all powerful stages, the features headquarters, right, and from cause i'm them and our goal is on other friends to the people. but it's not treated aside from the high civilian deaths. so from the attack, how mass has already lined up a replacement for days if he is killed? israel has used targeted a tax fees earlier this year. these deputy mo, on isa was assassinated in gauze at these range, even a tree high school. so targeted, how much allies has a lot on the run. in april, 1 attack singled out the uranium consulate in the syrian capital damascus among the
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dead top domain. in general, mohammed raises the haiti. it triggered outrage into run the attack on a diplomatic location tend to amount to in the top 20 rainy and soil. in response, iran fired more than a 100 missiles. hundreds of these ram raising fee is of an old out regional rule. but most of the missiles were shut down on the 5th escalation avoided. meanwhile, this latest targeted attack and gaza is lucky to complicate efforts to reach a ceasefire and negotiate the release of hostages. a ministry analyst and the mayor on explained how, supposedly targeted killings kindly to dozens of civilian casualties. well, there can be a multitude of reasons because essentially is a battlefield as it is very k all i think. so yes. and as you have already noted,
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there is a possibility that there was a wrong intelligence that mohammed dave was in this cam. therefore, the israel is targeted it taking into account a high civilian casualties as collateral damage because the importance of the military objective in this case would be quite high. and therefore they decided to go ahead, was this operation. there was a possibility that the intelligence was correct, but that mohammed died also has his intelligence on the ground and perhaps got to know that there won't be a strike on the camp and how to escape. so uh and now is there a possibility of course uh, what was it the actual target and from what it seems, it was an actual target. why was in the on guided form used um there are also different perspectives on that and the list is not exhaustive. of course they are cheaper, but if you're using a precision platform to deliver it,
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you still can get the accuracy that you're looking for. and of course, it depends on the target and the, and the fact you are seeking to achieve. so from what we know, there are still a lot of questions that i've seen there will be an investigation into this whole matter and what actually happened and why specific questions were you on that specific location to wait a minute, we'll take a look at some old stories around the world, starting in the united states, right? donald trump's former opponents have been uniting behind him at vague and republican national convention in a walking. his last primary arrival nikki haley who wants to describe the form of presidents as an fits the office of delegates. those set aside the differences in well, florida governor on desantis repeated the tax on president. i'm over, he's ha, services of taking place in new kinds of russian occupied dynette sc regent mountain . the time finally frustrating the downing malaysia allied slide image 17 models of
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also being held in the netherlands in australia of 298 people on board with q. when the plague will shut down of eastern ukraine international. the investigators concluded that it had been brought down by russia back to san francisco. the government says, awarded a multi 1000000000 your contracts to build a new nuclear power plant to a south korean company, korea, hydro and nuclear power piece of competition from french nuclear, john adf. understanding to be line more on nuclear power as it faces out cold, despite safety concerns, and it's upstream, and jim and neighbors. its officers in ukraine side, the number of children, abducted by russia since the start of the war has reached more 19000 few have made it back. the w special correspondent abraham has been to ukraine to speak with one of those who did the steps on
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a path to recovery. every day, 16 year old vladimir makes the 20 minute walk from his village home in southern new cream to this sports field. exercising helped him cope. so they gave me official thoughts, give me confidence that they would never drink alcohol or smoke. so i live, it has the likes, i know it gives me self confidence. for example, if someone insults ago, probably i could stand up for her when the war broke out, the lot of me here was attending a boarding school nearby. his mother passed away and his father's was unable to take care of him. he tells me he, along with his little brother, 13 other students and the school director for reading to be evacuated. but their town soon fell to the russians, and it was them who came for the children instead. yeah, and i think i was not only afraid for me in his brother, i was afraid for all the children i was frightened and that suddenly there may be
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selling at the basement where we were hiding would collapse on us. i was afraid for everyone by us initially, russian forces holding them, kept them in the building. but when they found out the school director was planning to escape with the children, the group was moved 1st to occupied ukrainian territory. and that too, was study camp in russia, the bullets on the, some children who were pro russian and didn't want to return to ukraine. i was friends with some who wanted to return to you. great, but i, you know, i, as in that on that or have sent me a lot of me and the other children completely disappeared. his uncle was very sick. right. and is all dead one full and we didn't know where they were or what had happened to them with them. but then i only heard some rumors that someone had seen the somewhere beneficial. but there was no
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accurate information. there's been a lot to develop a year later, roman was contacted by a ukrainian volunteer group saying that his nephews had been rescued along with the other children and had been taken to to be seen georgia. the details of that rescue we're told have to be kept secret, as the group hopes to do it again for some of the other children still in russian captivity. some of them for super so, so they were standing right next to me. i could touch them. so after such a long time, i can finally see them again, doesn't sullivan is because i, i can't describe how i felt that it either my soulmate was my soul mates. so when and lazy and music give us started doing it. now they are not as tearful as they used to be, they become a little more withdrawn. they still have the fear from when they were sitting in the basement when they were taken out. if you crane by the russians believe the trace of this remains on their souls,
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they and stuff and they don't to see the forcible deportation of children like of a lot of me here and his brother is the potential were crime. they could even qualify as genocide is. russian officials claim they are rescuing ukrainian children from orange and they come to the international criminal court in the hague . has however, issued an arrest warrant for russian. president putin in connection with the abductions for now, lot of me wants to put this behind taylor. that helps the future will be better and which is but next i want to come to a guide and see the world. but that is or something like that. uh exclusive, but i would like for someone to see it every 2nd and with less than 2 weeks to go until the olympic games i was in paris. the french capital is iconic rivers sense is causing concern us despite and almost one and a half 1000000000 euro clean up the cities, matt and the head of the and then pick organizing companies you have tried to a life. it has delivery on that promise to take
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a day. a of the crowds gather in the centre of paris to watch may. i'm eager to go for a swim in the sun. the brilliant great she's spear headed the campaign to clean up the cities famous river to get it ready for the summer olympics but she says the goal is even bigger than that. 6 we did it because we are very connected with the as the challenges of climate change and how we have to do we are, we are a big, big city and we have to work for the plan that's and for the next generation, you don't go in spite of the parisians to also take the plunge
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to say it's not cold at all. it's quite pleasant. but there are cards, so it makes sense that they should be managed, that will organize general again. that's good, but quite frankly, it's a standing, it's really quite pleasant. it's delicious, it's brilliant, which is good, perfect temperature. so that's your flux that the cleaning, the water and maintaining its quality is no main seats. the main challenge, rain water power is, has a combined sewage system that carries rain water and sewage along a single pipe. if this pipe gets overloaded by rain, it can push sewage into the river. testing to sewage is not always easy.
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standard testing of indicated organization take 24 hours, although there's some faster testing techniques these days. it just brings it down to 18 hours. so it pat, but they're taking samples at 3 in the morning and it's hoping that they cannot do they're going to have a multitude of water quality information. but it, when they get the results, it's going to tell them the water quality of 18 hours ago. not at the time consumers are going to be in the water power sufficient to say the sense water quality is currently high and they have to keep it this way so that the visiting olympic games will go swimmingly. and the largest and best preserved stake, a sort of skeleton of a pound to shop, to auction is after it was sold for 10 times more than expected and became the most valuable fossil episode at auction. the specimen named apex springs to record
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18800000 jurors when it went under the habit in new york. it was discovered in the us state of colorado and is more than 3 meters tall, 8 meters long and around a 160000000 years old. but the auction was met by objections from paleontologist. they all get fossil and others like it should be on public display on it. and then being sold to the i spinning fernando, that is still how the effects could end up in the museums. so binds identity, hasn't yet the repeat but it's just time to remind you about top story based out the german forces such to gain a more than a 1000000000 yours. in funding mastery competition, governments improved a new budget for transportation. fire. the boost comes assets, price with direct aid to ukraine, unlikely to be slashed along with funding for the foreign service. since you might attend an ex something w, a team with research us here in germany. constance out,
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i'll get to make everything from medicine to plastic, substitute so that's next. i'll be back. the,
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the green is hope safe. the world with ality our self contained can waste materials and waste to extract nature with very light. i can also produce oxygen goals. i can find the c o 2 weeks, how you create your oxygen to the same time. on d,
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w. in good shape. the brains of green matter is super important. it please am, need your role and how we developed our memory and blurred to so how do you use the free manner in tip top shape, tip trip and insights to make learning easier in good shape. things. first email is d w the business. but we will tell you we are happy that we are boxing the story. we have a getting a visa is more difficult than finding gold hosted to you and for the future about what's going on in the industry. instead of being discussed
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across the continent, dw, and use africa every friday on the w, the whole has a color and it's green. ones, roman research team is convinced that algae can help solve some of humanities. greatest problems around the globe. biologists are hunting for micro organisms with extraordinary abilities, like limes to creating energy, which might one day generate climate neutral cement. from 10 to 5 percent of blood bladder as far as c o 2, come some construction to the concrete production. yes. now here's a possible concrete substitute, that's the exact opposite. it doesn't produce c o 2 to absorb it absorbs 12 for over a year. we've come.


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