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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  July 18, 2024 12:02am-12:31am CEST

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on the tickets, i've even full arrivals for the presidential nomination, like nikki haley and run the scientists giving their full throated backing for donald trump. things appear to be looking better and better. are they republicans? meanwhile, the democrats are still arguing about whether joe biden should be on the ticket. i'm feel game the invalid, and this is the day. the donald trump has my wrong endorsement. harring. she did exactly what she needed to do. would you tell the country it's one voice, one candidate with one mission statement, and donald trump, back to the white house. it is time. it is time to put our country and our people 1st again, i'm a, i'm
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a traditional republican support our allies when they're in need full. so on the day, the man of paris takes us some a swim in the sun to prove that the french capital's eye clinic was white, is clean enough for the opening of the olympics next week. because of the challenges of climate change and how we have to do we are we are a big, big city and we have to work for the plan that's and for the next generation welcome to the day donald trump's vice presidential pick j. d. vance makes his vice presidential pitch to the american public tonight as the address as the public, a national convention. besides the 9 year old ohio senator who was out of meet your
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drives as follows, other republicans who once criticize the former president, is not lining up the price on that canvas. so far, the republican convention has mostly pain about personalities, at least outwardly behind the scenes delegates a hammering outback positions on various issues. i had with the gathering any birds that some conservatives have been revising a master plan for a power grab. if that counts it, donald trump, is elected to a 2nd to the blueprint is called project 2025 democrats sites, a road map to a more or 4th. terry, an american project 2025. a nearly 1000 page wish list compiled by the conservative heritage foundation. think tank a blueprint of what they want to see happen if republicans went back control of the white house in january 2025. heritage foundation president kevin roberts says the plan will be nothing short of a 2nd american revolution. so what exactly does project 2025 called for is
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divided into 4 main pillars. giving the president more power and installing loyal backers, defending america's borders and sovereignty. declaring the family as the focal point of american life and more firmly rooting christian ideology in your society. under the plan, parents would be given greater control over schools and their children's education and diversity programs for minorities, including blacks and the l. g. b, t q community would be rolled back publicly donald trump has distanced himself from project 2025 trumpet posted on social media. i have no idea who is behind it. i disagree with some of the things they're saying and some of the things they're saying are absolutely ridiculous and abysmal. but passages of project 2025 were written by trump allies and are similar to drums own positions like on border security. felix, the democrats, are sounding alarm. whereas vale x, extreme mag,
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of republican agenda is to jam trumps project 2025 down the throats of the american people. it's dangerous, and it's dastardly. and it's diabolical in milwaukee. republicans will be discussing their party policy proposals, where it will become clear just how much of project 2025 flows into their official campaign platform. let's take you straight to milwaukee, then we can join our correspondents at benjamin alavasara's group of welcome ben. so what i'll be issue is generalizing the most interest of income the convention go is that the many issues that are being discussed here in milwaukee. we have a lot of speakers talking. some of them it'd be really pro is real. many of them saying that this is the ticket that will get them to the winehouse, but just to show you to come back to where we just sort of
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a project at 2025. because even though the former president and donald trump has said that he has no idea what this project is about, the many who were part of his 1st document is tracing behind it. it's quite common that you have several think times in washington dc preparing this, but was really interesting about this project 2025 by the heritage foundation. and this is really a detailed ideas how these new administration would look like. something that has been criticized by many democrats, including by president a bite and who said that project 2025 would indeed be really dangerous for the united states. but coming back to the topics here, one thing that's also very interesting is gun control because as a a r 50, that the same you automatic drive, there was a scene and discover that the scene of the assassination attempt is even an a, or 15 gibbet wait here a close to the convention center. they were republicans from all over the country, a meeting say that they still don't want any regulations even after this as
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a nation attempt on the candidate that is being expected to your on thursday for a big speech earlier today. he was already here a checking out the sound, checking out the equipment, and of course, that's what many are looking forward to and the last day of the national convention . now the big topic is of course ukraine military, a specially looking at jumps epic, j. d vine suits is a these critique of additional military a to for your credit. and on project at 25 i have you met to people that because it's out there now is a, it's a very much out in the yes. have you read people that who agree with its objectives? we've met with several of the attendees. also some of the delegates and some, some of course say that not everything it can be really used like this in a possible is 2nd to trump term. but many, many say that's a really the move it with the party also has to go. i mean, we've had over the last couple of days. also some of the few is critics of donald
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trump who came here on stage a price to one of them. it nikki haley was the last one of the republican candidates running against donald trump presets and your staff suits you are on stage saying that you induces a donald trump and donald trump was also here. you have made several appearances without speaking yet, but many of those who feel to criticize and there was only one person here on stage one. the union presidents criticize so and trumpet a part of that. this has been mostly a days of praise for donald trump, that is, as it had expected on the last day of the republican national convention here in new york. okay, so the republicans have got the acts together while the democrats are still arguing about jo biden's age has mental acuity and even he suitability as a candidates that's right. well the republicans are really in a festive mood. you, we have more significant voices. one of them representative adam shape who is the
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high i, the, it rang to a democrat, they also met with the warrants, as with nancy polosa. so that might also, it'd be a new development. we do not expect anything new to come out of the white house before the speech by a donald trump because of course, it could immediately react to that. but after that, it remains to be seen as more and more a democrats are of cause. it's throwing the question it to say, is it really the candidate that we need? and let's remember that we still need to come to the democratic national convention in chicago. a they were and joe biden might be nominated as the official, a candidate for the democratic party, but they're more mobile. it's just saying that the suit is step aside. for example, for a come out of hire is a device presence with more and more voices, but adam shift might be a game changer because he said it openly in a statement earlier today about ben dw corresponded benjamin alvarado screw of the republican national convention in the book
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so as you've been hearing republicans and making social issues including parents, rides, part of that plot, campaign platform on tuesday, the billing that business been a masking times that he was moving 2 of his companies, x and space x from california to texas in protest with a new lawyer in california that he disagrees with. the states has become the 1st in the us to band schools from informing parents if that child changes the agenda. identity supports the say, the low protects transgender children living and hostile family situations. among the critics that eli moscow's describe, the new role as an attack on families and said he would take his business to conservative texas, which also happens to have lower taxes. let's pick up some of those points with john list. a sole gonzales is hosting a california report to joins us from los angeles. welcome,
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sol. do you think email me marketing is serious about moving his businesses out of california or over this issue? yeah, absolutely. because he's already kind of moved out of california already. he's relocated tessa, is the electric vehicle company from california least the headquarters from california to texas. and he's kind of really relocated himself to texas. i believe now his primary residence is now in that state and not here in this state. and it's not about cultural differences or is that about tax? well, take your pick. it's probably a mix of both. although the way you on musk has been posting on who's on on acts and been talking about it. it's primarily a culture class. she does not like the direction california is going ideologically, you know, obviously it is arguably the blue as the blue states in this country. and along with most, at least risk recent years has chosen another path. and it's becoming more libertarian, more conservative. and he would say,
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i find like minded people and then in environment and the idea logical landscape. i like more in texas that in california to tell us more than about the law that democratic government, gavin use some signed on monday. who does the bound from doing lots or it bans local school officials and teachers from reporting to parents? if children identify with agenda or other than the agenda or the other than their gender on official paperwork. so a teacher cannot find this out, or a school principal cannot find out that a, you know, a particular child wants to go buy another gender of the liaison and then report that to the parents. the idea behind the law is that it helps protect students. that's not all of them are, are in environments that would necessarily be safe if parents found this out. so
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again, it's supporters cast. this is kind of a student security and looking after their well being. right. i'm just california have a particular problem with this. this is the 1st state to do this. i'm just wondering why be slow in this state now? well, like with so many issues with, with trans, with somebody transgender issues involving miners right there. there's often a lot more smoke there than fire. how many people, you know, in broad numbers will this affect? i mean, who knows? but what i can tell you fail is that it is because it's been long, controversial in the state. this has become a flash point in many school systems across california, particularly markets in more conservative communities in rural areas who don't like this at all because they argue this infringes on the rights of parents. and that's what the law must has been arguing in his argument as to why he what one reason as to why he's going to be leaving california or taking, taking morbus companies out of california. how is the california school boards seem
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to be so probably in the thick of america's current culture was as well that has long been the case whether it's over, you know, prayer in classrooms or, you know, a pledging allegiance to the flag or 1st amendment issues and what, what's in school libraries here in this country and cool in, including california school systems have a lot of power. and they're often, you know, vs vs at the state level or the federal level. and this is where often the most painful and the most contentious culture more issues play out, which is in school systems, classrooms and the school board meetings. and if you go to school board meetings in this state on any given night, they're usually held in the evenings. you will hear an earful from concerned often more conservative parents about culture more issue x, y, or z. and i assume when schools go back in the session after the summer break, this is going to be a very,
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very hot topic in school districts across the golden state across california. thanks very much for walk us through that journalist, a sole gonzales from the california result. i thank you. the gauze is how master ron health minister says more than 18 palestine existing killed and many more injured over the last day off as rainy strikes. i'm positive, central and southern gaza is right me, me file struck day and those are out to refugee camp in the center of the town of truth destroying the mosque under un been schools. and many people have been sheltering. 2 weeks of intense bombardments have claimed the lives of hundreds of civilians. as israel says it's targeting, leading members of hamas that it believes to be responsible for. the october 7th attacks of several areas of israel had designated safe zones for civilians have been struck in recent days. even even fewer options for this place, palestinians in the midst of morning,
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the human cost is undeniable. if the death toll close you by a mazda is accurate, this is one of the single most deadly attacks. since the start of the war, coming down to an area designated by israel as a safe sale, the target last minute you come on demanded. he's an alleged mazda mind of the october 7th to mass turbo tax. he's been on israel's most wanted list for years and has survived a multiple assassination attempts. a my says the escape this attack to is one has about not to end the war until it has destroyed masses, minute tree capabilities. and that includes coming its leaders in talking to the tax, who soon come on eliminating the mazda dealership at ponce's. all our goal is, comes with the invitation from us. certainly so far hostages got it and we'll talk each other headquarters aside from cause i'm them and i goes on other friends to the people,
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but it's not treated aside from the high civilian debt. so from the attack, how mass has already lined up a replacement the days if he is killed? israel has used targeted attacks fees earlier this year. these deputy mo, on isa was assassinated in gauze it. these main even to treat high school. so targeted, how much allies has a lot on the run. in april, 1 attack singled out the radian consulate in the syrian capital damascus among the dead top domain. in general, mohammed raise us a heavy hit triggered outrage into run the attack on a diplomatic location tantamount to in the top 20 rainy and soil. in response, iran fired more than a 100 missiles, hundreds of israel raising fees of an old out regional rule. but most of the missiles will shut down on the 5th escalation avoided. meanwhile,
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the slightest talking to the attack and gaza is lucky to complicate efforts to reach a sci fi, negotiate the release of hostages. that's big, deeper into this with the military analyst and michael clock from king's college london. welcome back to d w. that starts in the, i'm the, was a why is rials, and we tried to kill a how much top command, but ended up causing dozens of civilian casualties instead. how the things like that happened with an army that is so well equipped because he's not the only reason he's doing it, it seems really f falls and the it can happen because as well these where i'm using chat and if they are going after people like how many days they, they sold this, he was that they had him, but they knew exactly where he was and they still think that they probably got him, but they con, confirm it. and if you look at the way these ways approach these operations,
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when it comes to the top command is like having the, like you said, who you mentioned in your, in the report like a giant single who is the, the amount above the, when it comes to people like that they will take, they will accept any number, any number of palestinian casualties if they can get those particular talk to mom. so they said 5 miss styles onto the area where they thought they had good information to do. it was maybe they got a maybe they did from the point of view when they go for really talk to them under the number of civilian casualties. they simply irrelevant when they go for people who are not talked about this, they do consider how many debts are regarded as reasonable to you. and i would still say that's a very high number of the number that they can say. the reason that it's unlimited, going out to somebody like did, right? israel has said repeatedly varies and gave me is to eradicate how my so i'm that it won't end the war until it's achieve that. i'm sure it's not possible to eliminate
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how much completely the notes and the things that they did. they don't now say that you want to eliminate how much you calculate what he said. he began by saying we have to eliminate almost full stop, take them off the map altogether. then he said, we have to eliminate from us as an organization is not quite the same as eliminating how much. and then he said, now he says we must eliminate how much as a minutes. we switch to israel document different again. so these ladies already 3 steps down from the place. they stop to that and they're not going to achieve even that. because although they talk about the number of how much terrace that killed based, that they sold over 25000 their beginning of this operations, they think that they have killed at least 15000. but nobody can give you a figure as to how many more terrace they have created. for every 22 year old, how much terrace they kill. you can guarantee is a 15 year old brother and 3 or 12 year old cousins who was
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a swarm vengeance against israel for the rest of their lives. so the idea is that these ways can eliminate. so as a ministry organization is possible, but they talk to them and they did as a military threat, as long as they are creating at least as many terrorists as they to, that's the problem they've got. and at the moment, they only have about 2 brigades in the hold of the guns, a strip that withdrawal. most of the troops that hold russia, they hold the philadelphia cargo at the south that runs along the southern go to egypt. and they held the nets. are in cordele and in the knolls and the extra dry attempts that's the so there's only 3 areas. and the rest of that they actually control the rest of the place is now open for how much to come back, which is what they do. on a brief, what about those moderated items that you you've told us through? is that a reflection of the difficulty of baseball, or is that just what they should have been saying, right,
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that the stuff and the best based on the, you know, i mean high flown items because that's what you do at this thoughtful yes, i mean the government didn't think through with any credibility or clarity what they were really trying to achieve. and they gave the idea, these are the defense forces, the quite impossible job to do. i mean what to specify what they were supposed to do as him, when they cleared from us people out to the north and then center. and then i'll just say to the con eunice. and so the audience would be making this up as they go along. right. so it's a strategic phase year from start to finish and it leaves the idea basically chasing each tail inside cause while the situation doesn't get get worse, but it doesn't get any better for as well. but it gets consistent because all the people that's very clear. thank you for talking us through that. so i'm going to try and listen king's college monday michael clock
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and the real sign in paris is causing concern. i had a vista, some of the games and friends, fastest bind to authorities spending on list one of the hall 1000000000 euros to clean the tub. the quote was for you as a matter of patterson, the olympic organizing committee chief, came through on a pledge to take a dip of the crowds gather in the centre of paris to watch me. i'm eager to go for a swim in the sun. the brilliant great she's spear headed the campaign to clean up the cities famous river to get it ready for the summer olympics but she says the goal is even because in that. 6 we did it because we are very connected with the as the
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challenges of climate change and how we have to do we are, we are a big, big city and we have to work for the plan that's and for the next generation, you don't go in spite of the parisians to also take the plunge to say it's not cold at all. it's quite pleasant. but there are cards, so it makes sense that they should be managed and will organize general again. it's good, but quite frankly, it's a standing, it's really quite pleasant. it's delicious, it's brilliant, which is good. perfect temperature sets the cleaning the water and maintaining its quality is no main seats. the main challenge, rain water power is, has a combined sewage system that carries rain water and sewage along
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a single pipe. if this pipe gets overloaded by rain, it can push sewage into the river. testing to sewage is not always easy. standard testing of indicate organization take 24 hours, although there's some faster testing techniques these days. it just brings it down to 18 hours. so it pat, but they're taking samples at 3 in the morning and it's hoping that they cannot do they're going to have a multitude of water quality information. but it, when they get the results, it's going to tell them the water quality 18 hours ago. not at the time consumers are going to be in the water power sufficient to say this ends with the quality is currently high, and they have to keep it this way so that the visiting olympic games will go
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swimmingly. finally, germany's most famous politician of recent times is mocking a milestone. today i'm going to macro who is that the country for 16 years is celebrating a 70th birthday. think true makeover fashion. and she's passing in private with those close to a tribute. so have come in from across the political script spectrum, including from her successor, social democrat, chancellor, olaf sholtes priced miracles times what a cd policy is planning a birthday, a policy for her later this year. and that's the day. have a good the the
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tunnel under the baltic sea connecting germany and denmark feats europe's largest construction project. and one of the most innovative thomas section is built on land and then lowered into the seat over 18 kilometers. our engineers up for the challenge. made into many next on d, w. look at us. we have to offer in
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so long since some muslim women speaking out against intolerance, hostility towards foreign, this has become mainstream here. when we hear them, it can feel like we're the problem. like we're not true french citizens when in fact, prince is also us the focus on here. in 60 minutes on d w, the, this video change to it says us. so to is killing civilians in the rock roll off to posting. it's really into songs, became a wanted man. and 14 years later the we can expound it is fine and the free june is done doing the traces, the stories of a soldier under the volunteer of the attack. they speak to each other for the 1st
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time, a captivating story about the struggle for forgiveness. i'm sure. guardians of trees, julian, his terms on the dark secrets of war, starts july 27th on d. w. the did you like to dig in the sand as a kid, build castles and houses assembled, model airplanes or play with cardboard boxes. then you might really enjoy this week. so except here, everything is much bigger and way more exciting. we'll see how it works, progressing on the world's largest underwater rail and road tunnel. a new way of building using urban mining to recycle old houses. a 3 d printer that produces precision metal parts and a pack of stanny entrepreneur who makes cardboard
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