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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 18, 2024 1:00am-1:15am CEST

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the, the, this is the daily news, live from berlin, us president joe biden cancel the campaign event after testing positive for cov, it comes after the most prominent congressional democrats tells by them to quit his bid for a 2nd term representative. adam shift says he has serious doubts 5 and can be donald trump in november's election. also coming up, germany cuts military aid for ukraine by nearly a half as the government announces spending plans for 2025. but the defense spending increases slightly as germany aims to reach its native targets and former and german chancellor academical turn 70 celebrating fire from the public
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gaze. we'll look at the legacy of for 16 years and power the i'm in ease of walk into the show. we start in the us where president biden has tested positive for cove it and pulled out of a meeting with the latino civil rights organization. details of his diagnosis were revealed while he was out campaigning in nevada, where he'd earlier been filmed meeting voters in the mexican restaurant to another blow for the bite and presidential campaign and comes just hours after top democrat, adam shift added his name to those calling for joe biden, to pull out of the race cooperation from the secret service, will get more on that in a moment. but 1st, let's hear how details of the president's positive cobra tests were revealed a little earlier at an event in las vegas. regrettably, as i was just on the phone with president biden,
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and he shared his deep disappointment at not being able to join us this afternoon. the present has been at many events as we all know. and he just tested positive for cove it and let's cross over to washington dc to talk to the other reporter stuff on the moon's stuff. sounds good, see you again. so this has really been a roller coaster for by this campaign. over the last few weeks, we had the disastrous debate pausing the campaign after the attempted assassination on trump. and now he's tested positive for koby. and so what has his campaign set about this latest set back? it's that seems like the president can catch a break in these days. uh, the worst 3 weeks since the campaign started. that's what the campaign acknowledges . that the last 3 weeks since this, the ominous and horrible,
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horrible performance at the debate on life television watched by around 35000000 americans. and it's not good times for the president. and there is one thing after another coming from the perspective of the campaign. now the president is back a, as you said, has canceled this event in las vegas tonight and his way on it is on his way back to delaware, where he will self isolate. and i can tell you um the campaign headquarters for the bottom campaign is in wilmington, delaware, and they are scrambling right now. the white house, different story. uh, you know, there, there went through it as a couple of times they know what to do without the president in the white house. um, and he says also that he's not feeling in any way or form diminished by the cold with diagnosis of but self isolating non delaware doing his presidential duties and not campaigning. and that is a problem because the timeline gets tied very tied, dot donald trump and his new pig,
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j events have all the pixie dust and everything else in the political world at the moment in milwaukee and dividing it ministration. and joe biden campaign is looking very bleak and in a bad time right now. the new polls suggest that nearly 2 thirds of democrats, 2 and 3 democrats, one president joe biden to drop out how big is the pressure ahead of next month's democratic convention? this is rising despite the fact that the president says he's not going anywhere. and i mean that's loud and clear. communicative friends very transparent the many, many times by prison and by and his campaign. nevertheless, he is now in trouble in 14 battleground states. that's the states which are tough of the will they go for by know where they go for trump and things are tied. they're 14 states that wasn't the way last time around and 2014 went by and managed to create a blue wall, basically, to oust former president donald trump at this time from the oval office. now it
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looks a cesar of church, does he? does he so the point is it is all bad times for the presidential campaign of jo bye and he's looking at a, at a, a whole which is darker and getting bigger almost by the day with no adam shift, a really well known representative in the house of representatives, calling for him to step out or step aside, and i'm not campaign anymore to give somebody else a chance to win against donald trump. it's not going to stop. and it's interesting to see what's happened or translates in the next week or so forth. joe biden invited did say that he would think about stepping down if he was diagnosed with the medical condition. i obviously meant something more than cobra there. but what can you tell us about the i yes. set that before. um that if the doctors tell him that he has a medical condition which prevents him or will prevent him soon to perform just
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presidential duties to uh, you know, a be aware and alert an apt to do the job. and this is, that's what everybody says over decades, the hardest job in the world and the most to manage up in the world. then he would consider stepping down. but you know, nothing stops him to go to see a doctor or a few doctors president has 4 at his fingertips to die, diagnose him to, to check him up, and then release this data. but he's not going to do that at the moment again to campaign says he is it joe biden will run. let's see how long they can keep the fort. do you have the reporters, the funds, the ones in washington? thanks for joining us. let's take a look now as of the other stories making headlines around the world, the us military says it will dismantled, appear at bill to carry aid into the gaza strip, saying its mission is complete, appear had already been removed from its landing due to storms at the end of june,
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a group say the project did a little to help supplies reach fan and strict and thousands, despite its $230000000.00 price, the russian foreign minister say love rob has welcomed republican vice presidential nominee j defensive stance on ukraine. donald trump's running mate has repeatedly tried to block a key if the support its defense against russia, ohio center said that us should pressure your brain to strike a piece deal to germany now, where the armed forces have been promised the much needed financial boost after the cabinet proved the country's annual budget for 2025, but the 1000000 euro increase is much less than the defense minister asked for. and it comes out of cost. aid to ukraine will be slashed, as well as funding for foreign service and humanitarian programs. or with the war in europe, germany has pledged to boost spending on its own policies. that means expensive. things like these military exercises,
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recruiting new personnel and modernizing weapons won't come cheap. there's also the new $5000.00 soldier free gate. germany has begun to deploy to lift away the defense minister bar has been story as a set cost brand new level of military preparedness which means kicks in the teams . very economy is what can i do? i was another conflict. we mother seemed ready. oh, my twins on 29650 so but how does that it with a type fiscal rules championed above all by finance minister christy. and let me know if he's committed to the debt break. not living beyond the countries means and he has the backing of chancellor schultz. the result is the budget plan for 2025 and beyond. pressed out between the 3 government parties earlier this year will main cuts in some areas and smaller increase has been hooked and out of the gym and foreign ministry. once an increase of more than a 1000000000 euros and its funding for administer and the leading a bet, bulk points to increasing tensions around the globe spots the budget proposal would
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give it a 1000000000 euros. lex, some will, that will fit the amount of charity and support for people in the middle east and ukraine. the international development ministry is also due to receive opinion bureaus less than before. a cost of about 9 percent of the budget could make less german, a for the world's poorest. it's no certainly foreign policy under the knife. the government's plan would also cost money to support the unemployed and pension is in germany. as the german economy has been weakening, spelled and says tough choices have to be made. the hope of many is that when the final decisions all made, those choices did not. we can gym and these volts it will defense is also here in germany for an a former chancellor. i'm going to michel has celebrated her 70th birthday that was on wednesday, praise ford in from across the political spectrum for the woman who stood at the helm of europe's largest economy for 16 years. here sir,
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a successor and political rival, chancellor offshore its congratulating her on the platform, x of the man who can look back on an impressive political career. he wrote, it began spectacularly with the victory of democracy in east germany and german unification, which still moves me greatly today. she has worked tirelessly for the country, happy birthday. nothing was seen or heard of the former chancellor herself on her birthday. according to our spokesperson, she celebrated in true miracle fashion, out of the spotlight in private with her nearest and dearest go. nichols, christian democrats party is planning a former so formal celebration later this year. and jeff ruskie is president of the american german institute in washington, dc. i asked him what was behind her popularity at home and abroad as we should separate miracles, popularity and success at home from her popularity abroad. because these sometimes
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had different uh, different groups uh at home uh, miracle was a chancellor who embodied stability, predictability and uh, and also a certain blend of competence and reason and to the end balance. and i think that is one of the reasons that she, her political parsonage resonated so so well with german voters. she was also someone who was never driven by ideology, but instead sought to achieve kind of a synthesis of, of, of approaches to variety of issues. some issues often accused by the set or left of stealing some of their issues and even some people in her own party got frustrated at what they saw as a governing style. that was a little bit too aligned with the,
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with some of their opponents on the sat or left spectrum. so i think it's this sense of balance and bread and of incorporating multiple interests that she pulled off in a really remarkable way. keeping her in our for 16 years, and i think it's also the case that she was here. she was blessed with a prospering economy, and that of course makes any politicians job a lot easier. internationally when we look at her leadership, i think there she is. remembered a more for her accomplishments, especially when it comes to the migration crisis in the mid 20 tends uh, and the role that, that she played as unwillingly sometimes as a focal point of a of objection or antipathy toward donald trump's presidency.
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so that was not a role that miracle sought out for herself, but her internet national image differs a significantly, i think, from her domestic image. and now that she has left off is a lot of those policies that were maybe popular at one point. they're coming under scrutiny now. she is seen as a divisive figure for some people in this country. i'm looking at her decision to allow in a 1000000 refugees between 20152016 also promoting germany's reliance on russian gas. do you feel like she regrets some of those decisions though? well, i don't know how she feels, but i do know that in a few cases when she's spoken public police since leaving office and since the russian a full scale invasion of ukraine, she has uh, basically held her ground and said that the decisions that she made as chancellor
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and that the german government may were the best decisions that could be made at the time. so i think, you know, we do, we can look forward to reading a bit more detail about this in the coming months. but, but thus far, she has really attempted to, you know, explain and defend her record, rather than to try to reassess it. okay, thank you so much, jeff raska, president of the german american institute. thanks for joining us. my pleasure. thank you. and here's a reminder of the top story we're following for you. a us president joe biden has tested positive for cobit and pulls out of a campaign event. this comes after the senior congressional democrat out of shift called on by them to pull out of the presidential race ship, says he doesn't believe fighting, can be donald trump in november. you're watching the news. you can always get
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more on our website. that's d w dot com, i'm on me and he says, stay with us. the each tells my story of the people who planned me build dedicated van lines to me. i am not too dumb to tell the rest of my may. in the centuries they billed me, they created something and had to watch as i work destroyed, i have month to my cities days for centuries and to come.


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