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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 18, 2024 5:00am-5:15am CEST

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the, the, this is dw news life from berlin. us president joe biden cancelled a campaign event after testing positive for cobit comes after the most prominent congressional democrat tells by them to quit his bid for a 2nd term. representative. adam shift says he has serious doubts by them can be trump in november's election. also coming up, germany cuts the military aid for ukraine by nearly a half since the government announced of spending plans for 2025. but the defense spending increases slightly as germany aims to reach its native targets. the
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. i'm on east of welcome to the show. we started in the us where president biden has been forced to pull out of a campaign event after testing positive for cobit details of his diagnosis were revealed while he was out campaigning in nevada, where he'd earlier been filmed meeting and meeting people in the mexican restaurant it's another blow for the front bite in presidential campaign, and it comes just hours. after top democrats, adam shift added his name to those calling for joe biden, dropped out of the race service. never the less of the white house as president by now. plans to isolate at his home in delaware, he told reporters that he was feeling fine as the board board of the air force one in las vegas a little earlier. the
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dw stefan daemons is following developments from washington, and he has more on the latest set back for the biden campaign. it seems like the president can judge of ranking these days uh the worst 3 weeks since the campaign started. that's what the campaign acknowledges that the last 3 weeks since there's that i'm going to send a horrible, horrible performance at the debate on live television, watched by around 35000000 americans. and it's not good times for the president. and there is one thing after another, coming from the perspective of the campaign. now the president is back a, as you said, has canceled this event in las vegas tonight and his way on it is on his way back to delaware, where he will self isolate. and i can tell you um the campaign headquarters for the bottom campaign is in wilmington, delaware, and they are scrambling right now. the white house, different story. uh, you know,
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there there went through just a couple of times. they know what to do without the president in the white house and, and he says also that he's not feeling in any way or form diminished by the cold, with diagnosis. but self isolating now in delaware, doing his presidential duties and not campaigning. and that is a problem because the timeline gets tied very tied, dot donald trump and his new pig, j events have all the pixie dust and everything else in the political world at the moment in milwaukee and dividing it ministration. and joe biden campaign is looking very bleak and in a bad time right now. the new polls suggest that nearly 2 thirds of democrats, 2 and 3 democrats, one president joe biden to drop out how big is the pressure ahead of next month's democratic convention? this is rising despite the fact that the president says he's not going anywhere. and i mean that's loud and clear. communicated friends, very transparent, the many,
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many times by president button and his campaign. nevertheless, he is now in trouble in 14 battleground states. that's the states which are tough of the will they go for vitamin, where they go for trump and things are tied. they're 14 states that wasn't the way last time around in 2000 trying to invite and manage to create a blue wall, basically to oust former president donald trump at this time are from the oval office. now it looks the things have turned dempsey does the so the point is it is all bad times for the presidential campaign of jo bye. and he's looking at a, at a, a whole which is darker and getting bigger, almost part of the day with no adam shift, a really well known representative of the house of representatives. calling for him to step out or step to step aside. and i'm not campaign anymore to give somebody else a chance to win against donald trump. it's not going to stop and it's interesting
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to see what's happening or translates in the next week or so for joe biden invited, did say that he would think about stepping down if he was diagnosed with a medical condition. obviously meant something more than cobra there, but what can you tell us about the i yes. set that before. um that if the doctors tell him that he has a medical condition which prevents them or will prevent them soon to perform just presidential duties to uh, you know, a be be aware and alert and apt to do the job. and this is, that's what everybody says over decades, the heart of self in the world and the most to manage up in the world. then he would consider stepping down. but you know, nothing stops him to go to see a doctor or a few doctors president has 4 at his fingertips to die, diagnose him to, to check him up and then release this data. but he's not going to do that at the moment again to campaign says he is it joe biden will run. let's see how long they
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can keep the fort due to the reporters, the funds, the ones in washington. thanks for joining us. us allies in europe are watching developments in the us presidential election and also preparing for a possible 2nd. donald trump presidency dw, spoke to former head of the munich security conference, who was attending the republican national convention currently underway in milwaukee. let's not forget this. donald trump was the american president who was the 1st to send lisa weapons to train that sometimes forgotten in our own debate. so i'm against demonizing, trump. i just, i think we will have huge difficulties. thanks. will be tough. but then, you know, i'm old enough. i was around as a young diplomat when we, when we had jimmy carter and, and, and, and ronald reagan, 4040 plus years ago. we've always had huge challenges and sometimes known
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as differences in view, real crises, they were all overcome. the nato is today in better shape it's ever been in. we're now 32 members. we got sweden as soon as and as new members, turkey remains a member of the allies. so what are you complaining about? let's be proud of what we have achieved. and let's start a reasonably adult dialogue with whoever is going to be the white house next january. so no penetrates. germany says it is cutting military aid to ukraine by nearly half. berlin says the shortfall will be made up by diverting the profits from seized russian assets to key. if of the announcement comes as chancellor old off sholtes is government announced budget plans for 2025. they include a slight increase in defense spending as germany aims to reach its native targets.
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with a war in europe, germany has pledged based spending on its own policies. that means expensive. things like these military exercises, recruiting new personnel and modernizing weapons work come cheap. there's also the new 5000 soldier brigade, germany has begun to deploy into lithuania. defense minister bar has been story, has a set cost brand new level, military preparedness. 14th conclusions very economy is what can i do? i was another conflict. we'd love to seem ready to buy twins on 29th next tuesday. so, but houses bets, it's with a type fiscal rules championed above all by finance minister christy. and let me know if he's committed to the debt break. not living beyond the countries means, and he has the backing of john smith schultz. the result is the budget plan for 2025 and beyond. pressed out between the 3 government parties earlier this year will main cuts in some areas and smaller increases than hooked in others. the gym and foreign ministry, once an increase of more than
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a 1000000000 euros. and it's funding for administer angelina bad bulk points to increasing tensions around the globe. thought the budget proposal would give it a 1000000000 euros. lex, some will, that will hit manage, cherry and support for people in the middle east and ukraine. the international development ministry is also due to receive opinion bureaus less than before. the cost of about 9 percent of the budget could make less german, a for the world's poorest states. and they'll certainly foreign policy under the knife. the government's plan would also cost money to support the unemployed and pension is in germany. as the german economy has been weakening, spelling says tough choices have to be made. the hope of many is that when the final decisions are made, those choices do not. we can gym and these volts it will defense. so the heat wave has settled over parts of southern and eastern europe, sending temperatures storing to more than 40 degrees celsius. the heat has prompted
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authorities in several countries to introduce protective measures during the hottest hours, including bands on outdoor work such as construction and delivery. driving sciences are warning that such extreme weather events will become more common and more extreme. wild class been out of control in bulgaria. strong winds fanned the flames. as families flew their homes. i'm afraid all our belongings are. they are at our house. i took what i could just documents that i hate. wave is badging many bulk and states triggering multiple forest fires, puts of albania or blaze. north macedonia has declared a state of emergency. it's wildfire as temperatures in most countries
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across the region have halted around 40 degrees this week. in sylvia, this lake has almost completely dried up meteorologist one heat waves like this one being made much worse by climate change. while the. busy water supplies outside the pressure because that there is a heat wave and a drought and people use more walter temperatures. we can already see that in many sort been cities and people are having lots of supply problems for the southern europe is also being hit hard grease, his band outdoor with during peak heat hours this week in a bid to keep people safe easily is also expected to face blistering, hate with temperatures reaching 45 degrees celsius during temperatures have also
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impacted countries like front st. poland and ukraine, bangladesh as prime minister shake, i've seen a, has promised an investigation into the depths of at least 6 people who were killed . one student protests turned violent on tuesday. students have been demonstrating for weeks over what they say is an unfair quote, a system for much sought after government jobs, things that she has recently reintroduced rules that reserve about a 3rd of these for the relatives of war veterans. the main university in the capital doc has been at the center of the violence and authorities have responded by closing all of the countries universities of the very mid cliff in the mines house and just angry university students wanting in to what do you see on fed hiding june for government jobs, the students are do. most of these 50 just jobs should be awarded on medic,
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north to a quote. the system that favors has relative of war, veterans go to the lake, canada grandchildren or freedom fighters shouldn't get a quote for jobs. a generation has already had the chance to benefit from the quote, the system is active. however, we're not saying the system should be abolished. we're talking about reforming and what about the design center about that? as value intensified, the government deployed side ability forces to try to quote the protests and violent classes occurred between the board testers and the students supporting the government. we are leading in suddenly members of the routing proxy students being attacked us back. then we headed to work size, chance less house. when we stopped there, they checked us again from behind the routing overheads in a targeted way, how to get some pro government students accused the
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demonstrative of vandalism. the hospitals are filled with hundreds of injured students. some have lost their lights, the students not protesting, it's just can or can't predict stuff or defend. but the see, it's the future that is a big like a like hundreds of thousands of new graduates. we be competing for the small number of government jobs. many see this unfair as butler, these fees is high unemployment inflation and the flailing economy the sensible reform of the quoted system. i'm a student with a duck, a university. if i don't get any job after 6 years of study that will create suffering for me and my family, what will the government do then? following the protests, the supreme court boss, it's really on the diesel bleeding and they did go down. but this to see they will not stop protesting until death,
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permanently removed. you're watching dw news of next choices looks at one of the and the indians man dream of becoming a valet dancer. and it's and stay with us. the dream of revolution dictates has somoza was full. so that changed my life. the people hoped for a sara society. i imagined we would change the world. tens of thousands of messages from all over the world wanted to help reconstruct the country. this mission became the dream was simply spirit.


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