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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 18, 2024 6:00am-6:15am CEST

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the the, this is dw news live from berlin. donald trump's election running made takes the stage at the republican national convention. i stand here humble, and i'm overwhelmed with gratitude. say, i officially accept your nomination. it'd be vice president of america, katie vance, through the crowd with praise for donald trump in the tax on joe bide. plus spine pulls out of the campaign event and head back home to delaware, after testing positive for cobra 19. that's after top democrat, adam shift joins calls for him to pull out of the rates and turmoil
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and bangladesh as the government orders the countries, universities to close. and definitely days of protest. we've 6 people dead and scores more injured students demand in the government's quarter based hiring system . the i'm on the and you said welcome to the show. donald trump's running made for the us presidential race as taking center stage on the 3rd day of the republican convention in milwaukee, introduced by his wife on stage j. the vance. use the story of his tough upbringing in a prime time speech to showcase himself to american voters. 39 year old ohio senator has criticized trump in the past. he praise on the former president as he formerly accepted as vice presidential nomination. never in my wildest
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imagination could, i have believes that i'd be standing here tonight. as i grew up in middletown, ohio, a small town where people spoke their minds with their hands and loved their god, their family, their community in their country with their whole hearts. but it was also a place fitted and cast aside and forgotten by america's ruling class and washington. and just hours before j. d. vance took to the stage and milwaukee, president biden was forced to pull out of the campaign event after testing positive for code. 19. the details of his diagnosis were revealed while he was out on the campaign trail in las vegas. the white house says he's only suffering mild symptoms and will self isolated his home in delaware. it's another blow for the bite and presidential campaign, which came after top democrat, adam shift added his name to those calling for joe biden to drop out of the race ration from the secret service. never the www is benjamin alvarez goober is
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following the republican national convention for us and the walkie benjamin. nice to see you again. what was your take away from j d francis speech? it was his 1st major test as the running made of donald trump. he officially accepted the invitation that were many remarkable at moments during his speech. first of all, as you said, he was introduced to by his wife. it will show who is the daughter of indian immigrants. he described himself as a working class boy, and in most part of his speech, we actually really focus on his history. there was a lot of f cheering and also a standing ovation for his mother, a former drug addict. that's also it. many stories of her written in his book. so there was a lot of copying the are and is that a lot of praise for donald trump who was sitting here also in this arena that is almost empty now in a lot of attacks, of course, on a president
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a joe biden. but it was also remarkable was if it way that he spoke, he made pauses, he really addressed the crowd. there was a lot of off cheering. he really knew how to control the crowd, how to interact with the crowd. so there was a quite remarkable for this, it quite unknown is senator a that is 39 years old and also said the job i that has been in politics longer than he is being. they also spoke to his kids saying they, they should be in bad now. send greetings to them. so he showed himself in not only is it is a good has been, but also is a great dad. and you also mentioned when he joined the us marines, of course, also a lot of copying here. so his 1st major tests, and especially here, the energy in this arena many, it will definitely say that he accomplished it quite well. and let's talk about the optics here. cuz there's quite a contrast and there, there's trumping vance at the convention, then biden is now having to call off campaign of campaign events,
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these isolating at his home. what do you make of that? absolutely. if you compare what republicans that going through and what democrats are going through it with voices within the democratic party, also higher ranking publications within the party, like adam shift, will also send out a press release saying that it's time for president barton to step a saw we know that nancy pelosi and other high ranking democrats also met in the white house. it would be really strange if this some news from the white us, from his campaign before this highly expected speech by president trump on the state for my president. trump. here in milwaukee and says say, but of course if you compare the 2 campaigns and compile. so what we've been seeing here in wisconsin over the last couple of days on the days of to the assassination attempt against a former president trump, that also was mentioned not only it by his pick fight for vice president, but also it by his son earlier today. so if you come period,
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also the situation around to it presidential by and of course with more high ranking democrat saying that it's time for him to step out of the race. has there been any reaction at the convention to biden's cobra diagnosis? many who are here at the convention, it's not just the states as you can see here, behind me, there are also other in place as well that talks with the conferences there is also a big precedent. so with that many conference not really closely following what happened in las vegas, probably would also not be really closely following his speech that was cancelled off to the white house, announced that he had co, but it would go back to delaware. it. but of course many just focus on one important thing. here's the pitfall vice president and a former president trump speech on thursday, the last day of the republic. national convention here, milwaukee dw is benjamin alvarez. goober, thank you so much,
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bye or germany says it is cutting military aid to ukraine by nearly half. berlin says the shore fall will be made up by diverting the prophets from seized russian assets to key. if the announcement comes as chancellor . all of shots is government announced budget plans for 2025. they include a slight increase in defense spending as germany aims to reach its native targets. with a war in europe, germany has pledge to boost spending on its own policies. that means expensive. things like these military exercises, recruiting new personnel and modernizing weapons work come cheap. there's also the new 5000 soldier free gate germany has begun to deploy to lift the way the defense minister bar has been. story has a set cost brand new level, military preparedness, 14th conclusions very economy is working towards another conflict. we mother seemed ready to buy twins on the 29th next tuesday. so, but how does that?
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it's with the type fiscal rules, champions above all by finance minister christy. and let me know if he's committed to the debt break. not living beyond the countries means and he has the backing of john smith schultz. the result is the budget plan for 2025 and beyond. pressed out between the 3 government parties earlier this year will main cuts in some areas and smaller increase has been hooked and others the gym and foreign ministry. once an increase of more than a 1000000000 euros, and it's funding for administer angelina bad bulk points to increasing tensions around the globe spots the budget proposal would give it a 1000000000 euros. lex, some will that will hit the manage, jeremy and support the people in the middle east and ukraine. the international development ministry is also due to receive opinion bureaus less than the for a cost of about 9 percent of the budget could make less german a for the world's poorest. it's no certainly foreign policy under the knife. the
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government's plan would also cost money to suppose the unemployed and pension is in germany. as the german economy has been weakening, spelling says tough choices have to be made. the hope of many is that when the final decisions are made, those choices did not. we can gym and these volts it will defense. and let's take a look now at some of the other stories making news around the world. russian foreign minister sergey live. rob has welcomed republican vice presidential, nominee j events sustan's on ukraine. donald trump's running maid has repeatedly tied, tried to block aid to kill the ohio senator has said that the us should pressure ukraine to strike a peace deal. the us military says it will dismantle the peer and built to carry aid into the gaza strip, saying its mission is complete, appear had already been removed from its landing due to storms. at the end of june, a group say the project did little to help supplies reach family districts and
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thousands despite it's $230000000.00 price tag. at least 16 people have died after a fire broke out at a 14 story shopping center in south western china firefighters have extinguished the blaze in the city of say, cone. the local media said the rescuers were still trying to free people trapped inside the lawyer for a suspected serial killer and kenya told the court that his client was tortured. and to confessing people say, demand admitted to killing 42 women. the court has ordered he be held in jail for 30 days, use the paint after several mutilated bodies were discovered, adding a band and cory in my robe or bangladesh has prime minister shape has seen a has promised an investigation into the depths of at least 6 people were killed, one student protests turn violent on tuesday. students have been demonstrating for weeks over what they say is an unfair quote,
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a system for much of sought after government jobs. english has recently reintroduced rules that reserved about a 3rd of these for the relatives of war veterans. main university in the capital docket has been at the center of the violence authorities have responded by closing all of the countries universities. i mean, the netflix is there, demands house and stuff, and the university students wanting in to what dc. i on fed hiding june for government jobs. the students are due. most of these 50 just jobs should be awarded on medic, north to a quote, the system that fee versus relative of war veterans. the another grandchildren of freedom fighters shouldn't get a quote to the jobs. a generation is already had the chance to benefit from the quote, the system is that however, we're not saying the system should be abolished. i mean, we're talking about, we're fully it. that's all about the as long as the least intensified,
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the government deployed that ability forces to try to quote the protests and violent classes. a good between the book testers and the students supporting the government. we are leading in sudden lead members of the routing parties, students being the taped us back then we headed to what size chance, let's house when we started there, they checked us again from behind the routing oh, i have in the targeted way, how to get some pro government students use the demonstrative of vandalism, hospitalized our faith with hundreds of injured students. some have lost their lives. the students know, protesting is just key in our country, that stuff and defend. but the see, it's the future that isn't think like hundreds of thousands of new
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graduates, we be competing for the small number of government jobs. many see this as unfair. as bangladesh piece is high unemployment inflation and the flailing economy. sense of the reform of the quoted system. i'm a student with a dock, a university. if i don't get any job for 6 years of study that will create suffering for me. my family, what will the government do then? following the protests, the supreme court boss, it's really on the distinctly the stated go down, but the student said they would not stop protesting until death permanently removed . the largest and best preserved preserved status or a skeleton ever found, has shocked auctioneers after it sold for it 10 times what they expected and became the most valuable fossil ever sold at auction. the specimen named apex fetched a record 40800000 euro is when it went under the hammer in new york. scouts is
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covered in the us state of colorado is more than 3 meters tall, 8 meters long and around 160000000 years old. the auction was met by objections from paleontologist, they argue that the fossil and others like it should be on public display rather than being sold to the highest bidder. for now, there still is hope that apex could end up in a museum as the buyers identity has yet to be revealed. and here's a reminder of the top story we're following for you. a. j. d. vance has formerly accepted his nomination as republican vice presidential candidate. donald trump's running made, gave a speech, praising the former president and attacking the incumbent, joe by us president joe biden. this tested positive for coping 19 and pulled out of a campaign event. this comes after senior congressional democrat, adam shift called on by and pull out of the presidential race shift says he doesn't
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believe fighting, can beat donald trump and november you're watching dw news, and he says, stay with the can you see what old car tires have to do with the production here's a hands on the real media watch now on youtube the .


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