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tv   Focus on Europe  Deutsche Welle  July 18, 2024 7:30am-8:00am CEST

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i just saw, it was incredibly like, this is very different, providing you with free information, dw made for mind. the hello and uh well welcome to focus on your up. it's great to have you with us today . what do people mean when they speak of being truly french? the outcome of the snap elections and fonts in early july has denied the nationalist, anti immigration, national rally, party, and majority in parliament, but is still around up. it's seed share this story to further concerns among french
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residents with an immigrant background. morgan, where she is a french muslim woman. her family has been living in the country for generations, with racism growing in her hometown shuttles, her son, she and other muslim women are now going on the offensive against the rise of the far right in their region. i signed a slide for french diversity feels different these days and shut on so soon. in a surprise to many, the far right failed to win a majority across france in early july snap the elections. i'm to pursue that. we're quite relieved. even if the results in this region are pretty scary, i have to box the national riley party one big here for generations after morgan does. she's finally arrived from algeria. i just know these french wisdom women saved the move on the us just, it's called 66 to what's most shocking now is that racism has become mainstream. people feel legitimate now in throwing insults or pulling muslim
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women's fails. even if the national ready didn't win over, we can feel there's been a fraction that something has broken and that things will never be the same. but now it's up to us has to change things and prove that we can live together, samuel g, the differentiated shores of the small city. the eastern front is among those that help the far right to gain more than 50 new seats with the party, keen on gaining more grant and future. morgan is trying to get a head start bonding together with other most than women who feel they will be the 1st to lose out. if the far right gets to make a good on it's policy promises. like barring jo citizens from key jobs and binding women from wearing all religious headscarf in public facility altogether, when we hear them, it can feel like we're the problem, like we're not true french citizens when, in fact, frances, also us the hosting. the fonts has one of your, its largest muslim populations,
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and most again says she started feeling less welcome. here years ago in 2015, the local right wing mayor reversed a decades old tradition of offering pork free meals and schools. decatur to religious diets, arguing it broke with francis secular constitution, bought 12, sun minorities fuel voters, switching to the far right are no gambling on their rights at the local market. those who made the bit say they had many reasons to change. allegiance, initials, law, it's linked to everything going on here. everything that's in the national relatives program. rising prices, low a purchasing power. i can see it myself because customers now often order one dish for 2 people because it's really guessing difficult people. after years of not devoting this baker opted for the far right to make his fury felt a little because he don't want to actually move to the ar. cut. the president takes us for idiots and they were only good for working on ping and at some point we have
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just the stop. okay, what, it's not just immigration, but it's true that we're in a system where i don't want to be on my own anymore because we're unsafe. you kind of leave your car, you kind of go to the restaurants on the back home. you look at someone a bit strange, the on the jump on you who are getting good categories, almost, which is almost a dispute. and he's not the only one interested by the far right. so idea to send margaret to the back of the queue for public services page. we need to put the brakes on migration. really hit the brakes up and the experts say the debate here goes further back to france's history. as a former, colonizer seeking labor is to power an economic boom in the 2nd half of the 20th century. and it touches the very core of french society and to migrant rhetoric. file right for ethics is sort of a french specialty. a lot of that for 3 keys, things, these people should then be like us, that shouldn't be french on the should. and that's the same, right? then we do when you're looking at the time it is,
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we sometimes have been there for 3 generations. anyway, it says definitely a fight over defining what is french and that's, that's a fight. no gun still feels cold up and she takes us to a plaque dedicated to her great uncle who was born here and shuttle to an old jerry and father before being killed by nazi occupiers. i don't know if it's the he was shot during world war 2 right on this bridge, and the city decided to honor him here. destination. no, no again says she has her own bottle ahead. she wants to organize local events like picnics and discussion groups to try and change the image of her community and to change people's minds before the next vote rules, right. you'll see the personality telling me to contact me the. there are elections again in 2027, and i think we'll have the same thing. so we have to continue to mobilize in our neighborhoods and with the young people lots of engagement. and if the worst really
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happened, we might have no choice but to leave for a better future elsewhere. that's the best present on any of the yes. for now, she's staying put in her tone, hoping don't delay it for once again. feel more like co are many doctors so not being yeah. all right. us with the health care sector. thousands of professionals have left the country in recent years due to low salaries, but working conditions and poor prospects. this has had a huge impact on the country's medical care system, which currently rang, so the very bottom in europe. that's one of the reasons why young doctor molig were duco, has decided to leave his country. but that's not an option for the i agree. she is determined to stay or is that good? yeah. as long as you 1st question, the young doctors are asking is, when are you leaving? are you thinking about it or where are you going from them?
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yeah, that's something young doctors talk about right from the 1st semester. it'd be that the by they agree is studying medicine, the university of toronto. she is satisfied with their choice of profession or great ambitions to help others. but her prospects here are not great love, i mean the most part of the pay for young doctors isn't good. the, the minimum is about $7.00 to $800.00 euros a month. it isn't adequate from the last. the diagnostic instruments and investment in hospitals is insufficient. so young doctor's face, many challenges with conditions in the hospitals that are down right, scandalous or set down from the law that many young doctors see no other choice but to go abroad. the more doctors leave the fewer are left to practice in albany. oh,
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we see the figures show an average of 5 doctors per $1000.00 residents in the european union and no bane. it's fewer than to the mtv and the lack of investment or any real effort to keep young people in albania has thrown the doors to the rest of europe wide open and not just for doctors to be in by. so it's a huge problem. big stuff. so pena has to realize that it has to keep these young people in their own country and another name. despite all the difficulties they agree intends to practice medicine in her home country. but mel board to cut does not keep plans to leave for germany. he's been preparing for months. those are going to know, is it telling us the best a you know, through the hospital's number among the best in europe? one is still doing, getting the bunyan humming during my studies here in albania. i was confronted with
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an adequate conditions, qualitative instructions and literature and libraries that the uh, uh, comb, frontier, data, obtaining a work permit wasn't easy. the aspiring position still has to pass one more language test. he plans to move in summer and then he'll see if he's up to the demands made on him in germany. but personally, he sees no other way to go. first name, yet a supplement in worship or young doctor and i'll be in here with little professional experience. it's almost impossible to start a career or even receive decent pay and medical training that measures up to your own expectations or post. in the case i tried calling anita met and i met them into the situation is precarious. so in 2023 albanian prime minister eddie rama introduced a bill to effectively force young doctors to remain in albania. they have great joined the protest against the legislation calls for young doctors to be awarded
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their medical degree only after they have worked in obeying after 5 years for their part, medical students insist that improved working conditions not laws will keep young doctors and albania. the draft bill has been temporarily halting. the agree would be free to go abroad, but she intends to stay. for the early fall, young doctors who stay in albania will have to struggle with life with themselves, with other people, with everything conceivable much that you're not having to struggle, but having a chance to work in albania, voluntarily and under fair conditions, that would be my wish nobody leaves albania, voluntarily. nobody goes off to germany or someplace else, just for fun. med this year. for some time now bore duco also felt torn between his own country and promises of a brighter future abroad. my 1st choice was,
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of course, ah pena is that indeed the if the conditions and the opportunities were all equal, i choose to stay in albania. the blue shield life is very good here. uh, i grew up here with people. i belong to this country. but even the, but i've come to a point in my life where i have to make a decision about my future school this year. so he may come back some day. he said shortly before getting on the plane. so it isn't good by forever. but it is farewell for now the. every time you uncork a bottle of wine, the chances are high that you are holding a put a use product in your hands. for to go is the biggest core producer in the world, much of which is harvested. it covers you near the capital of lisben. no machines are involved in this process. all the course troop is use are high and health
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access to people, the course of the trunk. carlos herrera and his family has to be working in the cork, industry for generations. their raw material is in high demands to wide range of industries, and that provides quite a challenge for the cost rivers or at court harvesting in portugal, if takes a practiced hand like carlos, they had us to harvest this valuable bark. every summer he repeats the peeling process just like his father and grandfather before him with the little fellow very exhausting, very hot. the harvest is hard work. we have to be careful because if we injure the tree, it will scar badly, obviously. so i'm trying to take this wound, for example, like let's say here the tree no longer produces its bar for more for the next level . one over the course. farming is a longstanding tradition here, and important for the local economy of portugal is the world's largest court
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producer, the climate friendly and renewable material is in higher demand than ever. for 60 year old antonio shall say, my tears scurrying up the trees as no problem at all. even in a $35.00 degree celsius heat. what i think it is, i'm still, i've been doing this work every summer for 43 years. hope it is near the season last 3 months. i can handle it, but i want to in the mean, it's no trouble for me to be up here for the pacifying the slow growing farkas can only be harvested every 9 years. antonio can salvage this. hannah, from the u. n. a c forestry association says that's why the material is so special . when we look to a court coke, we see as our boss and our future, our stories here for them all the generations that to it has made it possible to be here today in the future because it protects the files to each to it has
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a lot of biodiversity, the harvested court park is sent to factories for further processing. it is heated press and as shown here, cut into small slices for champagne, corks, millions per day. one of particles, quartz regions, and one of only a handful in the world is kusha. at this expedition, the 1st time material is showcased in all its glory. while more change explains, there's a lot more to court, then corks. according to equity, the meant work is cut directly from the bark, way equal squints, mint the totals or silver on this up. and the rest of the court plank is then processed for installation material and then well, elements, or corks made from the granules. all with that mission, but as i said, for this
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a global dot at the university of a viable who you may go, no vice is working on sustainable building materials to rise from court. the material is light and elastic and could be an effective alternative to conventional synthetic materials, which although efficient are bad for the environment. the fuse car can stay as of these materials, which are not renewable and clark is. we are decreasing several orders of magnitude not only the amount of energy that we're required to produce got 20 times lower or more. and also the c o 2 emission associated with the car production. in addition, cork is a good insulator and fire resistant. the trees evolve their unique part to protect themselves against forest fires. court is used everywhere. even in nasa spacecraft . we're sure to have a lot to learn from nature. i think it's the best guidelines for our future because
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we, as humans, tend to use all sorts of different materials to combine them together very efficiently. but then we know, nowadays there is a huge problem connected with the recycled ability of such materials back on the corks plantation. the harvest is now well underway. the colors is worried, as fewer and fewer people are choosing to go into the profession. you have if it's the level i got the fluids, they're going to be it's difficult to find people's these data. somebody worked. so i like working here just like my father before me the middle so i carry on god. it's good for me to just put one the out in the fresh air and a 5 i'm, i'm not at a desk, not a fit out here. we have all the freedom we need to be put on. the bottom i was like, you know, from business is booming. the courts production cannot be stuffed up indefinitely. it takes up to 40 years before the bar cause a young cork ok matures enough for harvest. when it comes to this climate friendly
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materials. good things certainly come to those who wait. slovakia has become increasingly polarized in recent months and attempted assassination of the prime minister death threats against journalist and continued hate speech and the political debates have added to social polarization. something counting a far. sca doesn't want to come to terms with she has co founder, slovak is largest civil movement and wants to bring back more decency and less violence into the countries public discourse. but this comes at a price for safety reasons. we are allowed to film only very little nothings to betray our location. this has not some covert operation, but an interview with low back civil rights active as currently and as far as scott,
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the student is working with an organization which aides investigative journalist it's hazardous work. because the conflict between the slovak in political camp is escalating steadily. the situation is so only worse, and that's why a lot of media also this media officers have security measures to them because there are reasons for that, right? because journalists are receiving press attacks, phonics good leads us to the memorial for young kids. yes. he was murdered 6 years ago in an as yet unsolved case. he barely survive being shot 5 times at close range . we're traveling to pizza in western slovakia. the hometown of the legend would be assassin viewed item to law. he lives planned the in this apartment blocked it's a little while ago. as most of he and his wife were normal pensioners and didn't cause any problems,
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but i don't know what was going on in his head. i know he disagreed with our government's instinctive as you move and was against the cynthia enrollment communities of both the but that's no reason to grab a gun and start shooting those by those 3 of us utilize into the did shoot in the woods a few kilometers away remnants of police tape in a tree riddle with bullet holes mark where he rehearsed the violin seems omnipresent until vakio and thoughts language every day. politics. be a government or opposition to to get to the yes, the hatred is there in every party. do have something this done, robert feed, so as an innocence either colleen as far as kind of shows us a video and which beats so then leader of the opposition insulted president's is on top of the the more someone plays the
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for the worse and she is in the more famous she is a, when the, it's just all a, refer them to this are calling themselves like this. i really tells you something about the state of the country and it's getting worse at the expense of the rule of law and democracy. the government majority of left wing and right wing populace has even decided to dismantle independent public televisions. v, as many critical reporting, which is our job is in danger of disappearing so that we will no longer be able to ask a few questions. critical of the governments onto our national exit, the people we have elected to run our country going for them to watch is all task. i mean, is that gonna, how much do you need as or any one with a different opinion is immediately labeled an extremist and is permitted to know public voice is so the problem we have to change that attitude many political
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scientists. oh god about show the feel. slovakia is on a dangerous course. the knack key rates and the body to the dialogue was no longer about object of political dialogue, novelty the last thing. yak dora, it's little more than insults and hateful opinions and statements with can look at the product. i'm a just to just go ahead and definitely look at the role. social media is playing things a mom. we have a very toxic and dangerous mixture. in slovakia today i call the only numbers but to me books it's key. but catalina 1st refuses to give up a struggle for democracy. you know, maybe even worse cases well will happen in the future. and that doesn't matter that we should like subtracting with the making this country a better place for a year and forever elias because you know, like we don't have any out or that difficult job in a country string further and further from democracy. romania is home to an
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impressive heritage of historic buildings, but quite a number of the century old costs lives in churches are in a poor condition and need urgent attention. that's where an ambulance for monuments comes in. either should community and the countryside has benefited from the project, grieving new life into old cultural size on the brink of ruling. so huge invite um is a race against time to prevent losing his patients. so history is an impressive rescue mission since he and his volunteer started in 2016. a particular building lies close to the hearts of the people in central romania, the old and crumbling fortified church of rush are built by long vanished german settlers. saving the church would have been too expensive for the community. so they called the ambulance for monuments. it's mainly
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a project which gives the 1st 8 to a build heritage to lease the buildings which are in desperate needs to be propped or to be safe. the financing comes from donations and foundations, so the community only has to provide food and lodging. the rescue where is their volunteers, mostly current or former architecture. students like adeline, affect, the lower. she works here as often as you can look it up. it's really lots of fun for me to work proactively, like this for the community and the cultural values of our country. and it's really nice today in rubbish. like on all the ambulances building sites, specialists are on hand to guide the volunteers. they're impressed by the care and precision everyone puts into their work with the materials. don't have specialized companies on heritage just a few. and so that's why the law allows any company which even if they don't have time, people to work on certain parts of the historical buildings, the site had
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a little surprise in store a fresco from the late middle ages. now says you can buy to, they have to uncover it very carefully and apply temporary measures to preserve it . the volunteers are good at that rod, this will take care of the rest. so as to what we do is just the 1st stage that needs to be done and much more and we are guiding them on all the other process where to get funding to completely restore and adaptive views. so far, the ambulance from monuments has rescued about 15 percent. that romania is at risk sites. they say the state should be supporting their work with their own programs. that way, the little fortified church of ron dish would be just one of many success stories. so that wraps it up for this week's edition of focus on your up. thanks for watching. you can look up all our stores in a website, dw, this. com,
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please join. and again, next time buy from the the
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attorney under the bank succeed connecting germany and denmark, pete's europe, the largest construction project. and one of the most innovative thomas section is built on land and then lowered into the seat. 10 over 18 kilometers our engineers up for the challenge made into many in 30 minutes on the w,
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the, the gc to this session, hot spots in germany 0 dw, extremely worth a bit or the,
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the dream of revolution. in 1979, the hates, it dictates as the most uh was forced as having to come up. and that changed my life. the people hoped for sarah is the size of the check. i imagine we would change the wireless. tens of thousands of lester from all over the world wanted to help reconstruct the country. this mission became the dream was simply spirit of optimism, where we encouraged each other, and so many things were suddenly, imaginable isn't the most efficient and nicaragua, a dream of revolution, dots july 20th on dw,
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the, the best thing to do, the news life from berlin. donald trump's election running mates takes the stage of the republican national convention. i stand here and i'm overwhelmed with brad. it seems to say, i officially accept your nomination to be vice president of the united states of america jedi vance. through the crowd with praise for donald trump and the tax on joe biden. invited by the bulls are different campaigned event on heads back home to delaware, also testing positive for over 19. that's off the top democrats,
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adam shift joy.


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