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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 18, 2024 11:00am-11:16am CEST

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the, the basic videos live from berlin. donald trump's election running made, takes the stage at the republican national convention. i stand here humble, and i'm overwhelmed with rad. it seems to say, i officially accept your nomination to be vice president of the united states of america. get events in the proud with praise for donald trump and thoughts on joe, but meanwhile, violence campaign for re election hesitates another harvey is headed back home to dell, away off the testing. positive book over 19 and close enough on the lines. moment
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of proof, the leader had made one last speech in strasburg, appealing to, you know, make us to give her a 2nd. the i vintage bandage. you're welcome. donald trump's running mates the us presidential race has taken center stage. on the 3rd day of the republican convention in milwaukee introduced by his wife on state street events, use the story of his stuff, a bringing in a prime time speech to showcase himself to american voters. the 39 year old ohio senator has criticized trump in the past, but heaped rays on the form of presidents as he formerly accepted his vice president combination. yeah, some of our j events have to say to delegates. president trump's vision is so simple and yet so powerful. we're done, ladies and gentlemen,
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catering the wall street we'll commit to the working man we're doing importing for labor. we're going to fight for american citizens and they are good jobs and they're good ways we're done by the energy from countries that hate us. we're going to get it right here from american workers in pennsylvania, in ohio, and across the country. we're done to sacrificing supply chains to unlimited global trade and we're going to step more more products with that beautiful label made in the usa. the the bottom shall stop and was listening to that speech into john be now for more in the studio, michelle, welcome. what was events is main message, and who was it full?
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the main message that i took away from this is that he is trying to portray the republican party as the big 10th party for people who want to make american citizens and america 1st no matter their race gender in their background basically . and that's a change from them, you know, the democratic party used to be the big 10 party, and that's a change from republicans of my parents era which was known as the compassionate republicans. and this is basically his chance to say that i am the many need of donald trump. i have been part of the vast transformation radical transformation of republican party to one of mega. and he was speaking as he named checked in his speech to the auto workers and michigan, the energy workers and pennsylvania and the crossman of wisconsin. important voters because they come from swing states that when for biden and 2020 of trump can put them back. that's 44 electoral boats that would help put the wind in his column. so
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we heard all of that in the speech. what didn't we here? in the speech, we didn't hear about a lot of kitchen table issues that women voters talk about, namely, abortion. we didn't talk a, we didn't hear him talk about project 2025. this is a think tank of paper put out by the heritage foundation, which basically is a blueprint for if trump is elected to steamroll, a very conservative agenda right from the get go. that would do more to roll back abortion rights. it, it talks about doing things like math deportations having deportation camps, but a lot of americans were really worried about. and so definitely we didn't hear about that. he focused on being kind of a family man that would appeal to that when we vote or that trump has trouble with . so that was on the domestic front. but bands also spoke about the foreign policy . let's take a quick listen together. we will make sure our allies share in the burden of securing world peace, no more free rides for nations that betrayed the generosity of the american
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taxpayer. sure. what to do to funding to their he doesn't come out and explicitly say it, but i think he's hinting at nato, one of thompson bugbears and he didn't quite get it. exactly right. we know now that $23.00 member nations out of $32.00 now are expected by 2024 to contribute to percent of their gdp on defense funding, which is a nino guideline he also could be referring to taiwan. just on tuesday, there was an interview released by bloomberg news week where tom said taiwan should pay us for defense. we are like an insurance company to them, so it's very clear that data advance is not a fan of ukraine war. he also thinks china is the biggest enemy of america right now. echoing trunk judy vans also served in iraq. he was a friends of alma marine. does that inform his world view?
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yeah, and let me just clarify that for you. he did not see any fighting. he was in public affairs, but that experience did define his worldview. he thought that it was an unnecessary war so that his really influenced his anti interventionist vent, again, echoing trump, but just we're talking about jimmy van. so we need to talk about it, joe biden as well, because just us before j events uh, took uh to the stage in milwaukee, president biden was forced to pull out of a campaign event, also testing positive for go with 19 the details of his diagnosis was revealed while he was on the campaign trail in las vegas, the white house days. he's only suffering mind symptoms and will self isolated at his home. in delaware. michelle, it's not good for the democrat through the. i mean, breast of, i was a hollywood writer and i had to come up with drama for the dental craddick party. i could not come up with the dumpster fire of issues that they're facing right now from a, you know, binds dismal performance debate now to calls that he should withdraw from the race
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. there been several prominent democrats that have spoken to him privately urging him to consider withdrawing. the democratic representatives of shift came out so that publicly so um, you know, we don't know what's going to happen. the pulling says that 2 thirds of democrats believe that biden should withdraw from the race. however, perhaps, even if he does, that doesn't mean that the democrats are out of the presidential running if you look at pulling as well. um, people who are boating, providing a lot of them are doing it because they don't like trump. and people who are voting for time are voting for him because they like him. so again, it, it still could be anybody's race, even if a bite and pulls out 4 more months ago. thanks so much michelle for coming in and bring that down for us. a quick look. not some of the stories making news around the wilder case. 16 people have died in a fire at a shopping center in china. each one providence, the fire broke out at a high rise,
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a department store in the city of c gone. the center was undergoing construction work at the time with blaise officials say, and they are investigating the poles that lead us from pacific out. and countries have reduced the state from projecting codes. any union, not from the attempts to change the status go by the threats of for use of force on code. they made the comments while attending the summit in japan. it comes as china's influence. the pacific has grown substantially increasing kids. but us ministry series, they've been dismantled about expense to carry aid into the gaza strip, saying it's mission is complete. the b a had already been removed from its lending due to storms at the end of june. it group said the project didn't include the health supplies reach. i'm in speaking cousins despite it's $250000000.00 price tag . your commission president is off on the line,
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has said your ups leaders must address feelings of uncertainty through just ability across the european union funded line made the remarks and the speech to the european bottom and before amy piece vote on whether to give had a 2nd time in office, she said people were deeply concerned about the cost of living environmental issues and the prospect of war on making the next wednesday. and while setting off her program for the next 5 years, we also attacked on getting prime minister victor old on. and his recent trip to moscow. europe cannot control dictator, said demagogues across the world. but it's can choose to protect its own democracy . 2 weeks ago or european union, prime minister went to moscow to this so called peace mission was nothing but the peace meant mission. this was the plane appeasement
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mission. the more from strossberg from the, the blue brussels bureau to alexander, up on knob and alexandra kelly was sent off on the line was refunding 200 in 5 minutes to victor. all bon and his trip to moscow? i yeah. did you think bringing this up with us we had lawmakers to vote for her while at least to some extent for sure. because she knows that the majority of lawmakers into european parliament is very critical. of a victor urban and his government. they have been accusing his government of violating fundamental values of the u, a. p and union for years. and they were also very unhappy to see the fund, the lions decision last year to a gates hungry access to some funds that were frozen over the rule of law concerns . all of that. she knows at the same time,
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it's also true that victor all bonds trips to most co engaging. and the way how he pretended to be speaking on behalf of the european union, angered a lot of people in the european parliament. but also it was about from the lions commission and the commission has already announced that they are going to bike with informal meetings organized by hungary, that is now holding the rotating presidency. what else uh stood out to you in how speech, alexandra. it was the fund a lie and as expected presented herself as a safe pair of hands indicated that during her 1st term. and also she held that you are p and union extend up to that have many challenges that the block was facing. she also, it was very clear in her speech, she also a walk, a type ro, trying not to annoy anyone, for instance, on the topic of the green deal. this mess is package alpha policies to tackle
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climate change. she said that she wants to stay the course and that was what the socialist and the greens wanted to hear. but her own political group is concerned. that's 2 bowls. climate action is going to her to farmers and businesses. so that is probably why it was of hold the line also said that she wants to reconcile crime with protection and prosperity economy, and that she wants to do more to protect farmers. so she was trying to please everyone, i guess. so that was her page, but what happens if she loses this boat? she's the only candidate. if she fails, this is going to plunge the european union into a major crisis. the european leaders will needs to come together again to agree on a new candidate. and this person would then needs to start talks with lawmakers from the different political groups in the european problem. and it's can take
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a while. and the european union will be facing a period of uncertainty. and that's at the time when a war and ukraine is still raging, and donald trump is likely to in the presidential election in the u. s. so there is a lot at stake. rely leave with the for the moment. uh, thanks so much for your reporting. do the most brussels bureau to alexandra phenomena reporting back from strasburg. thanks a lot. i, i think is from your politics to skeletons now and the largest and best preserved stegel source. can it them ever found? has shocked auction is also it sold for 10 times. what they expected and became the most valuable also ever sold at auction. the specimen named apex fetched a record 40800000 euros. when it went under the hammer in new york, the skeleton discovered in the us state of colorado. he's more than 3 meters store,
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8 meters long, and get this around a 160000000 years old. when the auction was meant by objections from paleontologist, they argue that the fossil and others like it should be on public display. rather than being sold to the highest bid up for now, there is still hope that a big school to end up in a museum as the buyers identity hasn't yet been and he has a great remainder of the top stories and following for huge events as formerly accepted is domination as republican vice presidential candidate donald comes running made, gave a speech, praising the former president and attacking the incumbent job. i don't forget you can always get the dr. news on the go. just download our app from google. play all from the app store, but it gives you access to all the latest news from around the world as well as push notifications for any breaking news. you're watching
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the news, you're getting it from on using our website. that's p w dot com. i'm very strategy in blame. thanks so much for watching with back again in the back. 45 minutes from now. we'll see you then. but the thing was like a sticking points, if you know 5 or 2 into that warranty wants to finish your studies. now you have a safety from refrain to can choose to go back or somewhere else. currently, more people than ever on the move in search of a place in life categories. something that is coming very, very soon. and yeah, can we learn more about or know when a story info my grands.


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