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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 18, 2024 3:00pm-3:16pm CEST

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the, the, you're watching dw, new who's coming to live from berlin or so left funder lion wins a low to be re elected as e u commission president. the only candidate on july when a 2nd 5 year term with a comfortable majority of the more than $700.00 boats half at the european parliament in strasbourg. also coming up on our show today, jo biden's campaign faces further setbacks after the u. s. president tested positive for coven, and top congressional democrats. adam shift tells the president the captain beat donald trump and should quit his bed for re election. plus taylor swift touches
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down in germany and new city and new country for the arrows tour. the same over whelming effect on fans the clear richardson welcome. we begin to show with some breaking news. coming in european commission of president ortho left under lions has secured a 2nd term in office. they are in parliament re elected from the line for another 5 year term. with a comfortable majority, she gained 401 of the 707 votes cast. she needed 361 to win, and the move in sures leadership, continuity and heads off a possible leadership vacuum in the 27 nation block, 184. that's bringing data these brussels bureau chief alexandra phenomena. to break this down for us, you joins us now from the european parliament in strasbourg,
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alexander what is going to lyons, a plan for the you going forward as well. the european union that was a lot of fun to 9 has envisioned is a union. that is a champion when it comes to fighting against climate change. it is a union that is it canal mclee strong and also ready to compete on global markets. it is a union that invest more on defense and that is ready to produce more weapons, is a union that is determined to uphold the values that c refugees. and meg migrants as a human beings with their rights and, and it's that needs to be need to be protected. uh, but that's a union that is also determined to protect its external voters. so it is a broad division and in great goals many here in the you up and call them and say, but now we need to see you how the new president of the european commission will
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follow up on those promises. we've said she's one with a comfortable majority here. can you tell us who voted against her and what their reasons were? of the well, it was a secret ballot. so we don't know how every individual lawmaker voted for that. we have some indications for instance, then you fall right group that was formed to by that home go in 5 minutes to speak to all of on. they said that they voted united against was a lot of fun to lie in because they are against everything that she stands for. then the delegates of the less, in the european parliament, also voted against her, saying that they were disappointed that she didn't mention poverty in her political guidelines, even though one in 3 european has to skip meals. and then of course, and that is very interesting. delegates of the german liberal party. they are a member of the group that is actually supporting from the line. they also said
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they voted against her. and i spoke with one of the lawmakers and she told me that they were disappointed that from the lions said nothing about how she's going to prevent the european union from running into more depth. lots and lots of different pressure she's facing. they're looking ahead. what are the biggest hurdles facing her? i mean, i've been covering, was that up on the line for 4 years now, and i think she's very good at to pitching new ideas and putting forward to new initiatives that sometimes she ends up with initiative steps to turn out to be less meaningful that they were supposed to be and of course, the problem is also that she needs to work and not only with members of the european parliament, but also with member states and just 2 examples in her speech. and now it's in you commissioner in charge of housing problems in europe. she also said she would like
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your opinion to be on tracks to a real defense union. but both those areas, defense and housing are not competence of the european union. there are competence as of the national governments, so uh, we will see how successful she will be there. and then in the short term, of course, she needs the cabinets and some member states will put forward the candidates. they needs to go through a lengthy process hearing, seeing that you are p and problem and, and votes eventually. and only when she has a cabinet, of course, she can start working on what she has promised. thank you very much for your reporting. that is the w brussels bureau chief. i sandra phenomenal in strasbourg, returned to the united states now were president joe biden has canceled events after he was diagnosed with cove at 19, and more senior democrats are calling for him to pull out the race ahead of
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november's election. meanwhile, the republicans are heading into the final day of a you for it party congress energized by the announcements of donald trump's running mate. j. d. fence. president trump represent america's last best hope to restore. what if last may never be found? again, a country were working, class boy, born far from the halls of power can stand on this stage as the next vice president of the united states of america. once a student chrissy took donald trump. will you send it to g d van smith, new room to doubt his loyalty to the former president when he accepted the nomination to be his running mate? well, keep close boys from the american hotline to drag himself out to pull the t. this is the message that he will take forward in the election campaign to win over blue collar workers and says that protecting the needs of odin we citizens
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includes taking a tough 9 on us foreign policy. together we will make sure our allies share in the burden of securing world peace, no more free rides for nations that betray the generosity of the american taxpayer who's supposed to be are in c. so the trunk fence tickets. meanwhile, president joe biden is dealt another blow to his campaign and image as he is diagnosed with coven 19 was on the campaign trail in las vegas. as he takes a step back from campaigning and returns home to recover uncertainty about his candidacy continues to build within his own ranks. california and congressman adam shift is one of the latest leading democrats
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cooling on joe biden, to step down from the presidential race consent. david biden's, age and cognitive abilities are the shadow in his campaign, which a growing chorus of little make his se increases his risk of losing to donald trump . in november i spoke earlier toward his form on the director of politics at bard college, berlin. i asked him if it is possible for biden to continue under this kind of pressure. i think we are very much approaching, but typically part, i mean we have the public figures like george clooney calling for buy them to step down. we have important top democrats that are making similar singers, insinuations, or you from the point blank argue that he should be reconsidering his bid. so i think we really are approaching the moment where he definitely has to take a decision. of course, it would be a huge gamble, really, from the democrats at this stage to replace bite and with somebody else. do you
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think the way that they are increasingly looking at it is that it is more of a gamble to continue with abiding no thing. so, i mean, we're in on charter territory really and nobody knows what's going to happen is by them does step down to another candidate. that's a big question. you know how to find another candidate that would be a messy authoration anyway. so the democratic national convention would be an interesting thing to, to look at to say the least, but that's not the, i think the, um, their way in their chances. and i think of course, there's a big risk involved. but on the other hand, bring someone new young fresh in might also very much create a new type of that. to me it's just a paradigm most of the election or is it possible to take a guess at who that replacement might be? could it become a le harris as vice president? yeah, i mean, sure, there's a little debate that's been going off for a couple of weeks now. coming to harris has always been mentioned as somebody could
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be that person. and to one way to, to maybe to avoid some of the mess and as of the process would be to try and, and i figured that i would hold the vice president could step in. but we've also seen a couple of other figures that have been mentioned time to do and again, uh, gretchen with merge driven newsome also people the judge has mentioned quite some as a potential candidate. and they're all relatively young politicians that the quicker place of biking on the ticket. that was the worst foreman director of politics at bard college. berlin, speaking to me earlier, we can bring you up to speed now with some other world news headlines. israel's parliament has overwhelmingly passed a resolution projecting the establishment of a policy in state motion says that the creation of a palestinian state would constitute an x. a central threat to israel was passed with 68 votes in favor, and 9 against at least 16 people have died in a fire at
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a shopping center in china, such a one province. the fire broke out of a high rise department store that was undergoing construction work at the time of the place ukrainians of wines the streets to welcome home 95 soldiers has been returned as part of a prisoner so many of the service men had been held by russia for more than 2 years, the exchange also saw $95.00 russian soldiers being released and returned to moscow . and taylor swift has brought her arrows world tour here to germany. $60000.00 fans known as swift ease at turned off to be 1st of 3 concerts in the western city of goes in cash and wednesday. and they were not only from germany, but from all over the world's to and that boost and tourism is good news for local businesses. they know the words, and they've made the own sparkly coast teams. they all switch these and goes and
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kitchen has rolled out the red carpet for them and the idol, the city has changed its name to swift cushion, finds a hanging out in taylor town before the concepts. and of course, lining up to buy t shirts and other memorabilia, the, the florida and water you prepared to wait so long and such a big q. but because of this exclusive merchandise here that you can only buy on the 2 days off. and so that we can get something with which to remember this crazy day. we have really been looking forward to day ford for a few kilometers away at the belt. and serena, with a 3 concepts will take place the funds gathering here on to and the german some have travel to you from as far away as thailand, canada, or malta, like julia navarro, and have friends. they are here long before doors open. they proved to bag of her made friendship bracelets like the ones,
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painless things about which they swore with each other. um, i mean have you is it is incredible issues like save those or um, she's giving us whole she's giving us like are you using to go on her songs? motivates us and she's just an incredible person and i was having the hardware just to see her anywhere these dedicated switch these, the prepared to pay up to $600.00 euros for a ticket again, hard to and we're going to the end on friday today. we're kind of behind the stage and the cost $100.00 heroes to friday, we're in a better spot and we pay $220.00 swifty feed is a boon to the local economy. thomas dix was a, the run with hotel bookings long before tickets, even on sale. price commodities and dropped goods. i've been doing this jump for 31 years. and i've never seen such hype over a former pacific. we have people coming from america, israel, south africa. i've never seen anything like it. africa. does. the
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tokyo paris doesn't cushion the german city. you will have a special place and these funds halts forever. the place where they have the chance to see that idle taylor swift live on stage, you're watching the w news. before we go, a quick reminder of our top story or sort of underlying, has secured a 2nd term as president of the european commission. she was backed by a majority in the european parliament. and don't forget, you can always get the the news on the go, just need to download our app from google site or from the app store. it'll give you access to all the latest news from around the world plus push notifications. when ever we have a breaking news for you. that is our update at this hour mapped out is coming up next asking what is behind the rivalry between india
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and china? stay tuned for that or find more on our website, dw, dot com or on social media at dw news. i'm claire richardson. thank you so much for watching the . the untold story details is designed to point to the find it here repos every weekend on d w. hi, out in the himalayan mountain. this is where 2 major countries meet. china
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and india between them the longest disputed land boat.


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