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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 18, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm CEST

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the the, you're watching, do them, your name is coming to live from for let or so left wonder lion wins a 2nd term as a new commission president as the only candidate, she secures a comfortable majority of the european parliament insurance part. also coming up on our show, jo biden's, re election campaign suffers a further set back as the us president tested positive for co, 5th 19. and another senior democrat tells by then he can't beat donald trump. plus our correspondent reports from brazil, where emergency personnel, or tackling enormous places in the world. the biggest tropical wetlands,
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the clare richardson, welcome to the show or so the funder lion has secured a 2nd term as president of the european commission to the use executive administration. the european parliament reelected funder lion for another 5 year term. with a comfortable majority, she gained 401 of the 707 votes, cast. her election ensures that continuity of leadership. it also means there will be no vacuum at the top of the $27.00 nation block as it struggles to deal with the war and ukraine. climate change, migration, and threats to democracy. we are working all together for a strong you're, we're working on the topics of prosperity and competitiveness in our economy, social fairness because we have
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a social market economy. we're working on protecting people. so security and defense, but the most important is the over arching topic of strengthening our democracy. our democracy is under attack from inside and from outside. and therefore it is crucial that the democratic forces stand together to defend our democracy. 2000 years, alexandra phenomena has more on ortho left, on the lines plans for her 2nd term. this. well, the european union that was a lot of fun to 9 has envisioned is a union that is a champion when it comes to fighting against climate change. it is a union that is, it cannot mclee strong and also ready to compete on global markets. it is a union that invest more on defense and that is ready to produce more weapons, is a union that is determined to uphold their values that see refugees and mag
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migrants as a human beings with their rights and, and it's that needs to be need to be protected. uh, but that's a union that is also determined to protect its external voters. so it is a broad division and integrate goals many here in the you up and call them and say, but now we need to see you how the new president of the european commission will follow up on those promises. i've said she's one with a comfortable majority here. can you tell us who voted against her and what their reasons were while it was a secret ballot. so we don't know how every individual lawmaker voted for that. we have some indications for instance, then you fall right group then was formed to buy that home, go in 5 minutes to the to all of on. they said that they voted united against was a lot of fun to lie in because they're against everything that she stands for. then the delegates of the less, in the european parliament, also voted against her,
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saying that they were disappointed that she didn't mention poverty in her political guidelines, even though one in 3 european has to skip meals. and then of course, and that is very interesting. delegates of the german liberal party. they are a member of the group that is actually supporting from the line. they also said they voted against her, and i spoke with one of the lawmakers and she told of me said they were disappointed. steps from the lion said nothing about the house. she's going to prevent the european union from running into more debt and lots of different pressure she's facing. they're looking ahead. what are the biggest hurdles facing her? i mean, i've been covering it up on the line for 4 years now, and i think she's very good at the pitching new ideas and putting forward to new initiatives. but sometimes she ends up with initiative steps to turn out to be
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less meaningful that they were supposed to be. and of course, the problem is also that she needs to work and not only with members of the european parliament, but also with member states and just 2 examples in her speech she announced and you commission the in charge of housing problems in europe. she also said she would like the union to be on track to a real defense union. but both those areas, defense and housing are not competence of the european union. there are competence is off the national governments. so uh, we will see how successful she will be there. and then in the short term, of course, she needs the cabinets and some member states will put forward the candidates, and they needs to go through a lengthy process hearing, see, and that you are p and problem and, and votes eventually. and only when she has
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a cabinet, of course she, it can start working on what she has promised and thank you very much for your reporting. that is dw suppresses bureau chief. i sandra phenomenal in strasbourg, turning out to some other news and a us president joe biden has cancelled events after testing positive for cove and 19 more senior democrats telling him now that he should pull out of the race for the white house. on the other side of the political divide, republicans are heading into the last day of a you 4th party congress. energized by the announcement of donald trump's running mate. j. d. vance. as president trump represents america's last best hope to restore. what if last may never be found again, a country where a working class boy, born far from the halls of power, can stand on the stage as the next vice president of the united states of america. once the students proceed, could tony true, send it to g. d van smith's new room to doubts his loyalty to the former president
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. when he accepted the nomination to be his running mate, will keep close boys from the american hotline to drag himself on to pull the t. this is the message that he will take forward in the election campaign to win over blue collar workers and says that protecting the needs of odin we citizens includes taking a tough 9 on us foreign policy. together we will make sure our allies share in the burden of securing world peace, no more free rides for nations that betrayed the generosity of the american taxpayer who's supposed to be r n. c for the trump fence tickets. meanwhile, president joe biden is built another blow to his campaign and image as he is diagnosed with cove at 19 was on the campaign trail in las vegas.
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as he takes a step back from campaigning and returns home to recover uncertainty about his candidacy continues to build within his own ranks. california and congressman adam shift is one of the latest leading democrats cooling on joe biden, to step down from the presidential race consent over biden's age and cognitive abilities. the shadow in his campaign in which a growing chorus of little make his se increases his risk of losing to donald trump, to november dw correspondents chef and simon, standing by for us in washington. d. c. stuff on how significant is it to have someone like adam shift telling president biden, but it's time to drop out of the race. it's yeah, you wouldn't think it is. uh,
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i mean, congressman from california. he, in the us congress, a representative bob to adam, see if it's not just adam, see if he is a really philly reknown, a figure because he was a, a big dog in the impeachment, trials against donald trump. you may remember, and of course he is regarded as a close confidant of nancy pelosi and here is where it's getting interesting. it seems that nancy pelosi, the former speaker of the house, who retired from this of course, years ago. now, i'm pulling the strings here, reportedly she had now 2 conversations with donald or with, with the presidential by a party and told him that he is thinking of the democratic party that the house is concerned about losing in november and in the election. and that it doesn't sit well with them and that is significant. now,
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it is generally agreed in washington that as long as chuck schumer, senate leader, as well as how came jeffreys the minority leader in the house, do not ask him direct the him. the president joe biden to step out to drop out of the race that he is fairly safe in claiming and saying that he's up for the task that day is no mental disability, which should keep him from performing not only as president bus also as campaigner . and that's future president, so there is a lot of things going on here in washington every day. and the democratic party is absolutely in a time crunch. now the campaign is in a time crunch. time is running out for them to make a decision. will it be joe biden? chances are, or will he step down and then they have a problem? where's the next one? who's replacing him? stefan, talk to me about biden's diagnosis with cobit 19. how big of a set back is this for the campaign?
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so the campaign is significant because they had to cancel all the campaign events he had planned for the next few days. for the president is the 2nd time, have twice told it already. days. now of course the modern vaccines available. he doesn't, he says he doesn't have any significant symptoms. and if you find, but selves isolating in delaware, in his home, as you said, for the white house, that's not a problem. those guys, they know how to deal with this and he can do some work from home. but the, for the campaign, this is a significant set back. because in this, in this a perimeter or in this, in this paradigm onto this paradigm of days, a week president and, and democratic campaign or was not up for the task. now on top of that to toby diagnosis is not what the president has held for. i'm sure that and the campaign for sure not. well, thank you so much for your reporting, this stuff and simon's in washington dc. now francis new
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parliament is holding a vote that is usually a formality, but this time could prove key. and for me, the next government no group one an absolute majority and last month the general elections. and that has left the center as the block under president. am i knew of my crew on the far right under my ring, the pen and a left us. the lions vying for power parliament's vote on its president today could hold clues about the make up of the next administration. let's get across to paris and do you. don't think he's lucy schultz and his covering the story for us. was it walk us through what is that state here in today's vote and parlance csr today. and then you elected members of the national assembly and parents have met to load for their president. and right now, as we are speaking, the 1st round of boating is underway. and the way that this road goes is fed em all
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those family members, they elect one of the candidates and for this 1st round to win, if you would need an absolute majority. so if that doesn't take place, if that is not met, then that will be a 2nd round where you would also need an absolute majority. and absolute majority is $289.00 votes m. and in the 3rd round, they still haven't found an absolute majority that would just the most votes win. so the candidate which would have the most roads would get the seat of the parliament president. it is an important seat that is meant to the person that is the president organizes in chairs, the meetings of the national assembly. and what comes next then, is there a clear way out of this political deadlock yet? so what is important to you to see is fed sense the snap elections of the, of the french people. there has been no new government been put in place and there is a minor, this is the amount of them across the president of francis road to nominate. and
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then you've got them in foot for that he has said that he would watch how the new parliament will you know, fall into place and, and it is also sure to say that you've watched today's roads because whatever comes out here, we have will become the next president might give you an indication which group is able to to have a majority behind them. so this will be closely watched. it is overall and expected that this situation of not having a government is supposed to take them to be over the summer or to, to be in place over the summer. and during the off develop games which are also taking place here in paris. it should be resolved, at least this is what people are observing at a say. they're watching the space for more clues. thank you for your reporting. that is lucy. i shall send in paris as we have time for a quick look at some other world news stories. 45 heads of government has gathered
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for a summit in the oxford sure. in the u. k. the leaders will discuss migration energy security, and the threat from russia concerns are also mounting about a possible 2nd trump presidency. and whether the us would remain a reliable ally. at least 2 people were killed when a passenger frank d rails in northern india. anymore were injured in the incidents in which our per dash state rescue teams are on site officials investigating why the train came off the tracks. israel's problem is past the resolution rejecting the establishment of a palestinian state. it says state hood would constitute an x, a central threat to israel. there were 68 votes in favor, and 9 against the fine and ukrainians have lined the streets to welcome home. nearly $100.00 soldiers returned under a prison are swamped. many had been held by russia for more than 2 years. the exchange also saw a russian soldiers released and returned to moscow to
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brazil. now where dozens of wildfires are burning and the world's biggest tropical wetlands, the fontanello is a rich ecosystem stretching across the borders of brazil, bolivia, and paraguay. so far this year alone, at least 7000 square kilometers, haven't been burned. that's almost 5 percent of its area, and drought has dried out more than half the wetlands. do you have these lot in america? correspondents, nicole reese reports. so you can see the extent of the destruction best from the air. this is the fund to know it should be with. the drought has dried it out and now fires are consuming its hundreds of thousands of pictures. look like this. $53.00 days have come from all parts of brazil as well as neighboring bolivia towards you. oh, today the wind has already turned around $190.00 degrees. you know, so a fighting,
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going to respond to the wind will change again and every time it changes, we need a different strategy. all that stuff. there's no cosmic. today's strategy here is to try to push the flames to was the product. why river, the light equipment enables them to move fast and to target the little flames that can lead to so much destruction the fire fire that's because was put on one bias. the next one is already in the making. a lot of little flame that's develops 10 to wells fargo and over you know, if tony was here this year as far as breaking records up by more than 2000 percent over last year, 5 for it is cut the on the growth to try to stop the flies spreading, but much off the ground is pete, meaning fires can continue for days on the fee to hear these fall as a loss lease daunted by people burning rubbish, clearing undergrowth. dave and smoking cigarettes is thank you popped up on
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this. i saw i will, we need to avoid a more regrettable situation and put them in with taking action because most of the files here are a private property and they start to spread into the middle of the pots, a lot of it to state and federal area so we have to stop it from spreading it into the protected areas. knowing final value of this whole process. that's when you see all this destruction that we saw from the helicopter. how do you feel about bro, cuz you caught us home is or a feeling that local to share zeal. de santis lives by the river. so hell. and was the sped the fires, but the drought is also affecting the water. it's to me to is lower than normal jeopardizing fishing business. s of not that difficult. there are very few fish. we don't have fish like we used to. my, we usually go here to my porch and catch printed or so they were good conducted not
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just the right size, and nowadays i don't catch them. neither the right nor the wrong size. give me the, the new for give me the, the, the whole region. ripple and land are in trouble as firefighters try to limit the damage. the government is investigating potential culprits to that with me in the syria with database corresponding to nicole reese who filed that report. she's just back from those affected wetlands. nicole, welcome, can you tell us a little bit more about what you experienced there? i pretty much much felt like the firefighter i felt hot, broken and devastated because you're fly open area. that should be green flush. that should be swans. that's still a little part of that, but most of it is barren. it's chart and you ask yourself, is this how it's going to be? is this ever going to be reversed again? and this is like, you know, it's a wetlands 60 percent off the surface of the wet surface of this wetland have
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disappeared for out the last year because of extreme drought. this is the home to jack was on a zillow's showing the show is boonville birds and it's got like, you know, a fish nursery is. that's why the women report basically it's not gonna going to get any good catch anymore because there's no nurseries for them anymore. at the moment, so it's really hot breaking devastating and you walk through an area where there should be water. you shouldn't be able to walk that, but you can't. and everything under your feet is crackling. like really dr. agitation and she just don't stop to wonder how we got to you really devastating for the bio diversity and for the people living there. what are the local authorities doing to try to tackle these places, but we just saw it in the report. obviously all hands on deck and we have uh, firefighters from all over presented with a huge amount of experience in other countries and wildfires as well. from bolivia as well. um the local authorities now have moved bass cans to tackle these bias. this is something that has improved on the, the government of lula under both an
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r a. that wasn't quite the case. they told me on the ground. there's also more planes that fly over to kind of, you know, drop more to, etc. so they, they feel better prepared, they have more resources, but obviously the files are very hostile, so it's quite a challenge. and then you have to prevention work, which is really important. so that coughing these fire breaks, and they also need to raise awareness about what happens when in a drought. you, for example, make a file open again a waste and the environment administer pointed out that opened 90 percent of these wide fonts originate on private property. so they're probably men made and they really need to investigate this. they really need to kind of show people what consequences exist if you play with fire. and i think that needs to be tough of punishment as well. so people realize what it means when there's a severe drought. yeah, more public education, more consequences for us. and this isn't just a story about brazil though, is it, this is going to have a fax that reach far beyond its borders and beyond the continental itself, right?
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absolutely like if it's happening in brazil or in another country, it really doesn't matter because it's big. it's not only one tree burning and this affects us all. we see it in these past years. how the climate is kind of turning on us with severe droughts, with slow things, with most which one for us because some of the originate from dry from the storms, but also exists by the way i never for, i would get to know something like that. so things can ignite these clients and that's the times we're living in. and with every inch of green space that mean basically north, we get one inch closer of losing kind of this fight against these climate changes. and this is also our planet business. also our ecosystem, so it puts us in direct threat really. so if whitland disappears, like we see on this backdrop here, it looks like this. things are not good, not good for via diversity, not good for the climate because these areas are huge allies in reducing c o 2, we need every inch of them. and so that's the real threat. it's also a frightful space is basically
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a call. thank you. so much for your important reporting on this issue that is our correspondent nicole reese. we very much appreciate that's you have some breaking news coming in just now from bangladesh, where protesters have reportedly set fire to the headquarters of the countries of main state broadcaster. according to bangladesh, television, many people are still trapped inside its officers in the capital dhaka. and gosh, has been rocked by student protests since of june, but at least 16 people killed this week, following violence classes with police. will be bringing updates on that story as they come in for now. though, some other news, taylor swift has brought her error as world tour to germany. 60000 fans known as swift. these have packed off the 1st of 3 concerts in the western city of goes in cash and, and they were not only from germany, but also from many other countries, bringing a welcome boost for local businesses. they
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know the was and they made the own sparkly coast teams. they all switch these and goes and kitchen has rolled out the red carpet for them and the idol, the city has changed its name to swift cushion, finds a hanging out in taylor town before the concepts. and of course, signing up to buy t shirts and other memorabilia. the, the florida and water you prepared to wait so long and such a big q. um, but yeah, because this exclusive merchandise here to can only buy on the 2 days off. and so that we can get something with which to remember this crazy day. we have really been looking forward today would for a few kilometers away. it develops in serena with a 3 concepts will take place. the funds gathering here on to and the gentleman some have travel to from as far away as thailand, canada, or malta, like julia navarro and have friends. they are here long before doors open. they
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proved to bog of her made friendship bracelets like the ones, painless things about which they swore with each other. um, i mean have you is it is inside of issues like save those or um, she's giving us ho, he's given us like are you using to go on her songs? motivates us and she's just an incredible person and i was having the hardware just to see her anywhere these dedicated switch these, the prepared to pay up to $600.00 euros for a ticket. again heights, what we're going to the end on friday today. we're kind of behind the stage and the cost $100.00 heroes on friday, we're in a better spot and we pay $220.00 swifty feed is a boon to the local economy. thomas dick's was a, the run with hotel bookings long before tickets, even on sale, price, commodities, and drug goods. i've been doing this job for 31 years and i've never seen such high
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over a former pacific. we have people coming from america, israel, south africa. i've never seen anything like it. some of the car does hobbies know? tokyo, paris doesn't cushion the gem and city will have a special place and these funds halts forever. the place where they have the chance to see that idle taylor swift live on stage. and just before we go, we can bring you a reminder of our top stories at this hour or the funder lion has secured a 2nd term as president of the european commission. she was backed by a majority in the european parliament in strasburg and d. west president joe biden has tested positive for cove at 19. he has pulled out of a campaign event, and just heading home to delaware. you're watching due to the news coming up next.
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after a short break. we have focus on europe with a look at how an ancient material cork is making a comeback agent for that, or check out our website at www dot com. i'm clear, richardson, thank you so much for watching the
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look at us. we have to offer in so long since sun, most and speaking else against intolerant hostility towards foreign. this has become mainstream. here. when we hear them, it can feel like we're the problem, like we're not true french citizens when, in fact, prince is also us. the focus on next. on the d. w. conflict with tim sebastian, few countries of what's the war in ukraine more closely than poland,
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which was the time. and again the poor thing would much be on his board is no one listening my guess this week and more so just adjusted. some of this stuff had them, but not to put warnings for government for you're the same conflict in 60 minutes on dw, the drawing on innovation. there's a tell us doing an exhibit known. we don't expect much living with them anymore. this is not a good environment, not for me. not for my children. without civil rights and with no prospect.
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but what can we do? carry on and some last, a nice the nice you get there hoping for america. and david shudders, task oldest stood on d. w. the say hello and uh well welcome to focus on your up. it's great to have you with us today. what do people mean when they speak of being truly french? the outcome of the snap elections and fonts in early july has denied the nationalist, anti immigration national rally, party, and majority in parliament, but is still around up. it's seed share this story to further concerns among french
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residents with an immigrant background. morgan, where she is a.


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