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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 18, 2024 6:00pm-6:16pm CEST

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the, the digital, the news live and from berlin tonight and rest in bangladesh escalating his protest through storm. the state broadcaster dozens or dead inviolate clashing and students angry about a quote of system for government jobs and say that they'll impose a complete shot deal or shut down. also coming up tonight, jo biden's test positive for coven 19. and it comes as another senior democrat tells the us president that he can not beat donald trump. and ursula found a lion wins. a 2nd term is e u commission president is the only candidate she's secured uncomfortable. majority of the european parliament today in strossberg, the
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library golf is good to have you with us. we begin with escalating violence in bangladesh. protesters have stormed and set fire to the headquarters of the main state broadcast or bangladesh. television says that many people are trapped inside its offices in the capital docket. student protests over the last month have seen dozens of people killed in violin clashes activists oppose. a quoted system which reserves a 3rd of government jobs for families of veterans who fault in the 1971 more of independence. students are now threatening to impose a nation wide shut down to my colleague a reporter. biggest job is he joys be here. now in the studio with the big table with the latest. so these bring us up to speed. what do we know right now about the
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fire at the state broadcaster paint? we still do not have a lot of details, but what the noise, but news agency f b has reported that there were clashes between protective and the police and the protest of a better key, fucked back and over went the police, who according to f, b was fighting proper bullets at the protest of the, the crowd than chased the police, which flips to bind. let this page be the headquarters building in tucker, and then there are reports that the crowd been for a please. a part of the building and the state broadcast of facebook page says that they were people dropped, but of, but there are also a and this is not the only incident that happened today. there are also reports off of a please, and of a while and clashes between the brick testers and the police in other parts of talk to another box if they're going to be back to this video that we're seeing. i mean, this looks like things are escalating, who is behind this volume. so and this,
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the international face that they have analyzed an authenticated witnesses with your testimonies and also a picture evidence that conforms that up on the discipline of police in bangladesh and law for the used force against the protest. this and this, the international says that the, the testimony is also prove that the police fee is in protecting the protest to they were also clashes between not only with the police, but also with an organization for bung. let this chart that are lead, that's the student body supported by the government. so as a students have also clashed with this or a bit, the members of this organization, and according to him, this, the international i with this is half door them that are members with getting a draughts sticks. perhaps even some of them would wording that whatever's de started attacking the students and not discriminating between female students and
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mused, all right, so shooting just indiscriminately, the students are protesting the quota system in the country. so to tell me more about this would be, what is it and why is it so controversial? bent court system was inter give in bangladesh and 1972 by the founding father of bundle. at this, she went to put him on his father of the gun in 5 minutes to cher christina. and at that time, this was to basically support the families and support the freedom fight. this would help finding that this fight the independence liabilities the returning soldiers and this was the relative of the veterans yet. okay. yeah, for the one the war they had had bung with dish when the water for independence and the government wanted to work them. and pet them and over years this school system, so a lot of changes. and then it's got informed if the school system is implemented, it means that 56 percent of the government jobs are resolved. and graduating
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students cannot apply for all of these jobs. and these bid on separate categories, the bulk of which of course is for the families and relative of the freedom fighters. but also for women. also people from independence communities also from people from disadvantage of areas of the country. but what is interesting is that the protestors which also have many female students are also speaking against the court that you went through the coordinator for them. and because they're fee, because they, they see it as an unfair. and that busy, that's qualified students should be good for, shouldn't be, have options of applying for more jobs without good. you can understand the, you know, the beef of the students because they, it seems like they're asking, you know, what, what happened to us having a meritocracy. in hiring, being just going to have here at the big table. thank you for your reporting right now to the united states. us press the drug bite and has cancelled events in this campaign after testing positive for coping 19 and more senior democrats or calling
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. now for bite and to pull out the race for the white house for a 2nd term. on the other side of the political divide, republicans are heading into the last day of a you for it party congress. energized by the announcement of donald trump's running mate. j, the vance, the president trump represents america's last best hope to restore. what if last may never be found? again, a country where a working class boy, born far from the holes of power, can stand on this stage as the next vice president of the united states of america . once a student, christie took donald trump, send it to g. d van smith's new room to doubts his loyalty to the former president . when he accepted the nomination to be his running mate. a working class boy from the american hotline to drag himself down to pull the t. this is the message that he will take forward in the election campaign to win over blue collar workers and
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says that protecting the needs of order new citizens includes taking a tough 9 on us foreign policy. together we will make sure our allies share in the burden of securing world peace, no more free rides for nations that betray the generosity of the american taxpayer who's supposed to be r n. c for the trump fence tickets. meanwhile, president joe biden is dealt another blow to his campaign and image as he is diagnosed with cove at 19 was on the campaign trail in las vegas. as he takes a step back from campaigning and returns home to recover uncertainty about his candidacy continues to build within his own ranks.
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california and congressman adam shift is one of the latest leading democrats cooling on joe biden, to step down from the presidential race consent. david biden's, age and cognitive abilities, the shadowing his campaign in which a growing chorus of little make his se increases his risk of losing to donald trump in november or the one across. now is it to the republican convention in milwaukee and that is, we're our washington bureau chief in this poll. she is. she's been the really reporter for us this week. and it's good to see you. i'd like to talk about bite me just a moment, but 1st tell me about the republicans where you are white now. are they between j the vance euphoria and donald trump anticipation. that's a good way to put it brand new. yeah, the mode is extraordinary. here people are so happy they're so confident that they will win the presidential election. this has really changed the rise here in sunday
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. and then of course, they moved still was kind of overshadowed by the summation to attend on donald trump. but know, especially after this brilliant speech of j. d. a. when's last night here? the republicans in milwaukee are super happy. they come pay and we just attended a briefing this morning. they couldn't be a more complex confidence, more please, how everything goes in there direction. and what do we know? it is about the speech that donald trump is said to make later today. i mean, you know, we've talked many times about the, the, i would say the polemics of, of donald trump will be to night here, a kinder, gentler truck. now that's a very good point and we are all really kind of excited to see that i talked to some insiders and lawmakers, german law makers, but also us lawmakers were pretty close to the bar to the drum uh campaign. and
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they said that she is going to be a really tries to be really humbled to nights. he apparently has all that's at least what the companions says rewritten his speech and is still working on it. and he wants to appear very personal. of course he be able to refer to the nation to attend, may be talking about how this has changed his attitude and he, that's what we hear from his campaign this morning. we'll be talking about americans and give them a reason for hope and optimism. so he probably wants to really use this very crucial moment to be a, to appear presidential and reliable, and not s k otic. as many people see him here in the united states. yeah, we'll see if, if the, if there's been enough, tiffany. and how long that last i'm now let's talk about president biden. of course, as the president, the trump,
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i'd like to replace. i understand that the president i'm tested positive for co been 19. what more can you tell us? yeah, it's really when it rains it pours, everything is really going against him. angry. we saw pictures of him entering his you to play last night, walking very slowly, obviously, or apparently, a tested positive cobit entering the airplane, leaving an event where he wanted to convince latino voters. it's really important for the body to vote for him, but he couldn't do this campaign event because he was tested a positive as this coby. but not only that, brenda is to be just turned into a little piece more and more. really influential. a democratic leaders are speaking out against him, where he or that chuck schumer or senator chuck schumer was one of the top democrats, but also representative for keen. jeffreys apparently met with him directly
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personally, and they are trying to convince him to not run again for president. this of course, is a huge challenge for the democratic party because their national convention is only a couple of weeks away as well. let's say it's very good point. you just told there in milwaukee in this we will be talking with you at length when we see you again later in the day until then. thank you. back here in europe 1st live in july and has secured a 2nd term as president of the european commission. that is, the european union is executive administration. the highest offers you can say in the european parliament, re elected fund a lion for another 5 year term with a comfortable majority. today she gained 400 in one of the 707 votes, cast her election insurance continuity of leadership. and it means there will be no vacuum at the top of the $27.00 member european union as it struggles to deal with
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the board and ukraine. climate change, migration, and threats to democracy. we are working all together for a strong you're. we're working on the topics of prosperity and competitiveness in our economy. social fairness because we have a social marketing economy. we're working on protecting people. so security and defense, but the most important is the over arching topic of strengthening our democracy. our democracy is under attack from inside and from outside. and therefore it is crucial that the democratic forces spent together to defend our democracy, dw alexander phenomena. she has more now on earth to live under lions plans for the next 5 years as well. the european union that was a lot of fun to 9 has envisioned is a union. that is a champion when it comes to fighting against climate change. it is a union that is it canal mclee strong and also ready to compete on global markets.
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it is a union that invest more on defense and that is ready to produce more weapons, is a union that is determined to uphold the values that see refugees. and meg migrants as a human beings with their rights and, and it's that needs to be, need to be protected. uh, but that's a union that is also determined to protect its external voters. so it is a broad division and in great goals many here and do you up and call them and say, but now we need to see you how the new president of the european commission will follow up on those promises. alexander phenomena reporting there. here is a reminder now the top story that we're following for you, this our student protesters of storm the offices of bangladesh of state broadcast or many people are trapped inside violent clashes have seen thousands of deaths in
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recent weeks. active as opposed a quote, assistive for government jobs. you're watching the w news up next, our cloud catchers the answer to a global shortage of drinking water. you find out before and after the break, the not just another day. so much is happening all at once. we take time to understand this is the day i'm in the current use events analyzed by experts and critical thinking is this is with the weekdays on d, w, the evening falls at the edge of the sahara.


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