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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 18, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm CEST

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the, the, this is dw dues live it from berlin tonight, another set back for us president joe bivens re election campaign media reports say that former president, milwaukee obama, is the latest senior democrat, to express. worries about biden's ability to win the election against donald trump . will be aligned to the republican national convention in milwaukee. also coming up of protesters and bangladesh at storm the state broadcaster of dozens of died inviolate clashes over government hiring quoted. it activists are threatening to impose a nation wide shut down. and here in the european union, ursula for the lion wins. a 2nd term is e u commission,
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president cheese valley to defend democracy in europe, from its estimates inside and outside the regard. it's good to have you with this and we begin with us president joe biden, a president sick, and under c, h. u. s. media reports claim that the former president, brock obama has joined the senior democrats. were concerned about buying this decision to run for re election senior democratic leader, chuck schumer and former us house and speaker nancy pelosi have also expressed doubts about whether buying can be donald trump. on the other side of the political divide, republicans are heading into the last day of an upbeat party convention with donald trump expected to formerly ex, after parties. presidential nomination,
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president trump represent america's last best hope to restore. what if last may never be found. again, a country were working, class boy, born far from the halls of power, can stand on this stage as the next vice president of the united states of america . once a student, doing a true hire, send it to g. d van smith, new room to doubts his loyalty to the former president. when he accepted the nomination to be his running mate. a working class boy from the american hotline to drag himself down to pull the t. this is the message that he will take forward in the election campaign to win over blue collar workers and says that protecting the needs of odin we citizens includes taking a tough 9 on us foreign policy. together we will make sure our allies share in the burden of securing world peace,
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no more free rides for nations that betrayed the generosity of the american taxpayer who's supposed to be are in c. so the trunk fence tickets. meanwhile, president joe biden is dealt another blow to his campaign and image as he is diagnosed with coven 19 was on the campaign trail in las vegas. as he takes a step back from campaigning and returns home to recover uncertainty about his candidacy continues to build within his own ranks. for the washington post is reporting that brock obama has been telling allies that president biden needs to reconsider his re election bid dw, use washington bureau chief anus paul has more. everybody starts talking about it from the i'm a product perspective, this was really a voice. many,
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many were hoping for because of a big names, didn't really obviously convince joe biden to consider it to not run again. so he'd needed his former boss if needed. brock obama to speak out. and what we hear. the rug obama has not talked to only talked to joe biden once, directly off to the the page. and once he says why, he's no asking joe biden to buy it and not to run again. it's really a to protect his legacy. and do you know, brenda, that's what many people talk about here in the united states that it's, it's got so sad in a way that a job i didn't obviously, is not understanding that his time seems to be over and of, as you said earlier, when it rains it pours this coming onto the same day that the white house told us that president biden has been diagnosed with cov yeah, not only that, so he had to cancel that a very important to come pay and he wanted to convince
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a very important latino voters uh, back in california over in california, toward for him and not for president trump, but again that's so the only thing president's all for the uh, the uh, presidential candidate, i shall say from the republican party. donald trump is speaking here tonight. and he, of course, a kind of shows himself with a very strong man in come on. and this is, these are the opposite images of, of what we have seen of terabyte. and so a major breaking usa today and reach out, see if donald trump refers to the record bama tonight. yeah. will be listening to that and also listening to see if it's even i would say earlier, that will be a kinder gentler donald trump on the stage to see in here tonight. we know that you will be covering that for us. it is full in milwaukee. it is. thank you. or were us vice president nominee j. the vance. a steered clear of any mention last night. a
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project 2025. now that's a radical master plan for a 2nd truck presidency pinned by dozens of right wing organizations. democrats say it's a roadmap. to a more authoritarian american project 2025 a nearly 1000 page wish list compiled by the conservative heritage foundation. think tank a blueprint of what they want to see happen if republicans went back control of the white house in january 2025. heritage foundation president kevin roberts says the plan will be nothing short of a 2nd american revolution. so what exactly does project 2025 call for. it's divided into 4 main pillars. giving the president more power and installing loyal backers, defending america's borders and sovereignty. declaring the family as the focal point of american life, and more firmly rooting christian ideology and
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u. s. society under the plan, parents will be given greater control over schools and their children's education and diversity programs for minorities, including blacks, and the l. g. b t q. community would be rolled back publicly. donald trump has distance himself from project 20. 25. trump posted on social media, i have no idea who is behind it. i disagree with some of the things they're saying, and some of the things they're saying are absolutely ridiculous individual. but passages of project 2025 were written by trump allies and are similar to drums own positions like on border security. felix, the democrats, are sounding alarm. whereas felix, extreme mag, a republican agenda. this is to jam trump's project. 2025 down the throats of the american people. it's dangerous. it's
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desperately. and it's diabolical in milwaukee. republicans will be discussing their party policy proposals, where it will become clear just how much of project 2025 flows into their official campaign platform. for what would a victory for donald trump and judy vance mean for america's allies? both gong asian girl is a former german ambassador to the united states. and he was until recently the chairman of the munich security conference. he's in milwaukee for the republican national convention. where he also spoke to the diabetes in his poll. okay. using our, i mean donald trump is also 78 years old. one never knows you could become the president and would, would that mean uh for the ukraine aid and everything else? i mean, you have been the head of the many munich security conference for so many years. what does said or what could that mean? i shall say. well, it means probably that we as an alliance and we as members of the lions lead for
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the last 75 years by the united states, that we need to grow out of the key top out of kindergarten. we need to deal with our own responsibilities that our security issues, our threats, speaking of russia and other threats, we need to deal with them responsibly on our own. it's great if we can maintain the american protective nuclear umbrella and the very, very low stress related partnership. but this kind of relationship where we now for decades, apparently thought they, we can out source for ever the care and at the costs to a certain extent of our security to, to the america can people, that's just not a good idea. and this is why may be this vice presidential nomination will also help jeff to be a kind of a wake up call for those in our own country,
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in germany and elsewhere in europe. who believe that things have been so good for the last 50. so why don't we just continue? they will not continue. america has decided bands or no vans, that the next challenge is china. and they will do everything to reduce their burden in europe. and in other words, it's up to us and we should be confident enough. and proud enough to handle our own security needs. in other words, let's grow up, but we are not there yet, right? and if donald trump gets elected in the pulse, at least make it very likely in the moment, everything can change. and what would that mean for, for germany and europe regarding russia right now and the moment i'm not talking about the future, but let's say in uh, january and the next president is inaugurated. well, i am told, but all my, it the lucky at those here in, in the walkie from the republic and team from the campaign insiders. that in fact,
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the message is donald trump would elected president make if series attempt to come to, to initiate negotiations. discussions with a name to end this war as quickly as possible. so the question is not whether and if the question is how. and i do not believe that donald trump and his advisors would want to end up with a kind of a you know, repetition of afghanistan, where the rest of the world will say, wow, after, after who has studied 2021. now in 2025 america is leaving a friend and ally alone again that you know alone for the wolf's to start feeding on it. i don't think that is going to happen. let's not forget this.
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donald trump was the american president who was the 1st to send lisa weapons to train that sometimes forgotten in our own debate. so i'm against demonizing, trump. i just, i think we will have huge difficulties. things will be tough. but then, you know, i'm old enough. i was around as a young diplomat when we, when we had jimmy carter and, and, and, and ronald reagan, 4040 plus years ago. we've always had huge challenges and sometimes known as differences in the real crises they were all overcome. the nato is today in better shape is ever been in. we're now 32 members. we got sweden as soon and as new members, turkey remains a member of the allies. so what are you complaining about? let's be proud of what we have achieved. and let's start a reasonably adult dialogue with whoever is going to be the white house next
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january. so no penetrates to. that was the former head of the munich security conference. wolfgang isn't here speaking with us earlier. we're now to the escalating violence in bangladesh. protesters have set fire to the headquarters of bangladesh and state broadcaster student protests over the last month. i've seen dozens of people killed in recent days. active as opposed a quote, a system which reserves a 3rd of government jobs for families of veterans who fault in the 1971 more of independence. widespread internet outages are being reported and students are threatening to impose a nation wide shut down on my colleague and our reporter being is java joins be here at the big table in the studio. so okay, there's a lot to cover here. venus brings up to speed on what do we know about the fire at the state broadcaster bank. what we know is that there were clashes between the protest this i'm the vice police and of the protest of ford fact were bent though.
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right? please. and then just the opposite and later think police have to uh to the funding of the stevie headquarters, the police report at least check that and then the reports and to cut out a strict fire to parts of the building. but that's not the only incident happened to have been also incidents of violence and flashes in other parts of talk about another parts of frontier and the video. you can see there that this is a situation that, you know, it could at any moment if it seems get out of hand is behind the by. i think the situation just shows and these are these, these pictures just show the intensity of, of the, of the wireless that we see now in talk up. so if i put in this day internationally, i'm listening to national saves that they have a authenticated and analyzed we do evidence witnessed eye witnesses testimony on
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statements, picture pictures, evidence that conforms that bundle of dish police unlawfully used force on the protest as they also victims is also said that the police faith to protect the protest this and then it's not only the police force of which rich disturbing protest professors have flashed. there's a board to a student body of pages with a government. all that's been let this check that i leave, and i with this is half the doors and this the international that the members of this uh, this, this uh, student body were armed and they attacked both male and female students in the, in the, in the conference so this is also have students, again, students here of what we're seeing as well. so the students protesting or angry about the quote, the system that they see discriminates tell me more about this, um, or does system and bunger at the start at and 1972 by a founding fathers shaking, went to put him on his father, off block among the disconnect, diamond associate, christina,
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basically to support the effect of faith and fight. this will help bung that dish when the water for independence and 1971 over us. the court system saw a lot, lot of changes, but now and it's got an form. if, if the school system is implemented, it results 56 percent of the government jobs. and it has it covers categories and bicycle for discovered for the families and relative of the says 2 generations after the yes. so i, we're talking about 1971 and now it's, it's $40.00 to $84.00. yeah. for the bulk of it covers the families and then it is a freedom fighters, but also women of a members the friendly to the community. and what is interesting is that the women for testers and also for the testing this the fiscal desk system. thank you, talking about the country, a 170000000 people with say to 1000000 young people are out of jobs. bangladesh door is here for it's economic success. but in the last couple of years that it, this country has also been hit by phenomena prices like many of the box of july and
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it going to be struggling. and young students basically are asking for medic yes, that they are asking for fair enough. and they believe that the, the, uh, the quote uh and its got informed is discriminatory. yeah, i mean it's a, it's a good point. you know where they've studied and they're asking what happened to the meritocracy that we thought we were studying and being just gonna have you at the table. thank you for your reported because a quick look now and some of the other stories that are making headlines around the world canyon police have dried the band protests in the capital by robi, only to be blocked in court, pending a legal challenge. authorities acclaimed criminal games for planning to infiltrate . demonstration, dozens of people have died since kenya's youth lead protests began over planned tech sites that were later a band. israel's parliament has passed a resolution rejecting the establishment of a palestinian state. it says, statehood would constitute, and existential threat is real. there were 68 votes in favor and 9 again.
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spanish and german police have arrested for suspects. 3 in spain, one in germany, over allegedly supplying jerome parts to lebanon's hezbollah militia, spanish authorities. it said that the suspects were part of a network that provided components for hundreds of drones used in attacks on israel, as well. here in europe are as little underlying as security 2nd term as president of the european commission. that's the european union's top position. european parliament re elected fund to lie in for another 5 year term with a comfortable majority or election welcomed by many who see it as a continuity of leadership. especially as europe struggles to deal with the board and ukraine, climate change, migration, and threats to democracy. we are working altogether for a strong europe. we're working on the topics of prosperity and competitiveness in
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our economy. social fairness because we have a social marketing economy. we're working on protecting people. so security and defense, but the most important is the over arching topic of strengthening our democracy. our democracy is under attack from inside and from outside. and therefore it is crucial that the democratic forces stand together to defend our democracy. dw alexander phenomena has more now on the ursula fund the lions plans for her 2nd term. suppose that us on the 9th presented to ourselves here in stress smoke as a safe pair of hands ready and eager to continue leading the blocks with a low chose times. in her speech, she made the efforts to address issues considered essential to the political parties supporting her like staying the course on the green deal, strengthening europe's competitiveness and the role of law and moving towards the
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defense union. her announcement on establishing a commissioner for defense is seen as a crucial 1st step to evolving the you into a security extra. however, on that pulling over the phone, the line is likely to clash with e u. member states who consider defense policy. they are competency in a short term. her next challenge will be to pick her fellow commissioners based on the domain nations of national governments. only when her cabinet is complete, she can stopped working on delivering what she has promised. here in the european parliament was alexander phenomena reporting their britons do prime minister cure stormers says that he wants to work more closely with european partners and areas including illegal immigration and the board and ukraine strummers folk today at the close of a european summit in england. 45 government heads, including the leaders of germany and france, joining talks on the challenges facing europe. stormy stress that his government
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will remain steadfast and its support for ukraine. never would need to be clear. ukraine is fighting, not just for the trading of people though of course it is. but for the european people, for freedom, democracy of the rule of law, all secure to federal, stops in ukraine. so we pledge to present zalinski once again that we will stand with your train for as long as it takes our dear good boss has more now from the summit. so that's really one of his big, big games brand. we've just had q. so am i speaking a press conference and he seemed quite happy and relaxed and pleased with themselves that he was able to such a new tone with europe. remember he'd actually forward for the side to remain during the rec, so campaign. so he's really in a good position. he's able to talk to your team leaders just 2 weeks after he's
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been elect. so then what a great setting winston church shows best place. he's meeting over here. if you need us. he's having dinner with the for french president, emmanuel and my call. so really a fantastic opportunity for him to reset these relations with europe. or the, tell him is all good. let's talk about what many maybe would consider the negatives here. do you have the impression that these leaders are preparing year before the 2nd, donald trump president that was not formerly on the agenda, and leaders have stressed that this is about europe. so this is not what happens in the us. it's what happens here in europe. but in a way i, i think maybe a president, potential president from might be the elephant in the room. so i think behind closed doors for sure, leaders would be talking about that prospect. and also they're making sure that they create some unity um, some, some european defense cooperation. and it's just an opportunity really also these
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informal meetings is what they have stressed to, to, to discuss the issues that, that are in everyone's mind. but they don't have to come to, to a former conclusion, but it's sort of common understanding and these informal informing meetings on the sidelines that also really important as well. and this of course brings us to the word in ukraine, ukrainian president zalinski. he was also at this conference. do we know what does he take home with him? or he can take home is signal at least of, of strong support. it's what was the 1st sentence of, of, of kids style, most press conference that security in europe starts in ukraine. so you see that's really the most important item on, on the agenda. is this a support for, for ukraine? and from what we're hearing here behind the schools, the presidents that lensky was kind of the star gas than people really took
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a great cad to be able to, to speak to him and to, to communicate to him that there was a continued commitment in europe to ukraine or very young, big mazda, edwin, and palace, with the latest on this conference. very good. thank you. taylor swift status brought her arrows world tour right here to germany. 60000 fans known as swift. these were at the 1st of 3 sold out concerts in the western city of gilson kitchen . and they were not only from germany, if you know the swift is, you know, that they are international they know the was and they made the own sparkly coast teams. they all switch these and goes and kitchen has rolled out the red carpet for them and the idol, the city has changed its name to swift cushion, finds a hanging out in taylor town before the concepts. and of course, lining up to buy
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t shirts and other memorabilia. the, the florida and water you prepared to wait so long and such a big q. um, but yeah, because it, as it gets used as much and does he have to can only by on the 2 days off and so that we can get something with which to remember this crazy day. we have really been looking forward to day ford for a few kilometers away at the belt. and serena with a 3 concepts will take place. the funds gathering here on to and the german some have travel to from as far away as thailand, canada, or malta. like julia navarro and have friends, they are here long before doors open. they proved to bag of homemade friendship bracelets like the ones painless things about which they swore with each other. um, i mean have you is it is inside of issues like save those or um, she's given us whole. she's giving us like, are you using to go on her songs? motivates us and she's just an incredible person and i was having the hardware just
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to see her anywhere these dedicated switch these, the prepared to pay up to $600.00 euros for a ticket again. hard. so what we're going to the end on friday today, we're kind of behind the stage and the cost hundreds heroes to friday, we're in a better spot and we pay $220.00 swifty feed is a boon to the local economy. thomas dix was a, the run with hotel bookings long before tickets, even on sale, price, commodities, and drug goods. i've been doing this job for 31 years, and i've never seen such high over a former pacific. we have people coming from america, israel, south africa. i've never seen anything like it. some of the car does. the tokyo paris doesn't cushion the german city will have a special place and these funds hold forever. the place where they have the chance to see that idol taylor swift live on stage. right,
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the in time euro your what you need to be there is in 90 minutes. i will be back with more world news followed by the day i'll have to see you then global us is up now. the
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persecuted, betrayed and forgotten by the world. roof hinge of women include s for years they have to impressed living in abject poverty. in the largest refugee camp on the planet. to us.
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on d, w. 20 under the bank succeed connecting germany and denmark, europe's largest construction project. and one of the most innovative thomas section is built on land and then lowered into the seat over 18 kilometers. our engineers up for the challenge made into many in 30 minutes on the w, the conflict. try see around everything is connected, mapped out shows the geo political reality. the on the board is what makes things
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the way they are. all the solutions mapped out, navigating a changing world. now on youtube, the precious spines pull in t is in the us. revive coats done titles. the 2nd life a new role for discarded plastic sandals. uganda the 10s. no escape. ro hinge refugees. trumpets in bangladesh. news
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. ukraine suit on israel me on my.


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