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tv   Mapped Out  Deutsche Welle  July 18, 2024 11:02pm-11:16pm CEST

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this is where 2 major countries, mates, china, and india. between them the longest disputed land boat and the world's aboard. yet this has even seen violent clashes. we'll track that relationship from the snow. we peaks to the vast indian ocean to unravel where these 2 giants are heading. what that means for the region and book this holiday island paradise has to do with the china and india to power houses in asia, one democracy, the other and those source harry in states. they have the seconds and 5th biggest economies and the wealth. those possess nuclear, us know, combined almost 3000000000 people live in these 2 countries. that's moving to side of the world's entire population. so how these 2 nations perceive each other is pretty impulsive. lately,
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it's more about rivalry than cooperation. i would even say that the and then i'm trying to relationship and the rest and yes is from pets to even worse. you still make times, i mean treat dies remain. but the diplomatic ties of food on, on the ministry died, security dies have become very dense. and vain facts, but that wasn't always the case in the past. they actually, so those ties off to become this government to control in china 1949 and india became independent from british colonial road in 1947. initially, the dies of a strong session saying is an ex spots on indian national security. he's electra to yale university in the us. and the senior fellow at the center of policy research in india for the countries product would work together and would become, you know, this. so a new x is around which a shell put the, you know, pretty much as a,
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as a possible entity in the field. in global relation, but that didn't happen. so what went wrong? one on so it can be found here, high up in the, in the, in mountains. this is a hostile environment. the cold doesn't dominated by broke an ice. let's go to the colon valley. this is where indian and chinese soldiers got a dispute border in 2020 a class right here, a to bend. if the i see, go on rizza the foot and say at least 20 indian. unfortunately, new soldiers died in hand to hand combat many more could have been killed that day had the 2 sides most agreed years ago on a weapon free zone, which remains in place around the border. there's never been a real explanation. so what happened since then, both sides of deployed massive amounts of troops and often more than 20 rounds of
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tools, there's still no real resolution style make continues even for you. it's late to, here's the national spokes person for india as ruling policy at the munich security conference in germany and at least 2020 full. despite all the mysterious activities at the bottom of attempts of intrusion on the border, india to mean strong and india knows how to fully capable to deal with the dragon. and well, the china is top. diplomats didn't mentioned the tensions within the directly. he reinforced china is official line on this kind of issue with the foster territory and diaper doesn't neighboring countries. china faces complex disputes slipped from history on that china has stay committed to managing differences through consultation and resolving disputes through dialogue. the problem, the 2 countries consecrate on where exactly the board runs. there were 3 main disputed areas. the 1st one is part of kashmir, a region contested by china, india,
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and pakistan. this area is called oxide sion. it's controlled by china, but claimed by india. then that's the indian state of arena child per dash, which china claims in its entire c, cooling itself to beds. and in the middle there are other smaller flesh points too . so mapping this area is difficult on sensitive. last year, china published a new standard map showing these territories as it so sparking fury and india. and again touching the conflict up a notch. the nationalistic emotion is become stronger and stronger, and the both government can not afford to just show which nice in terms of the board are just you. what this is. chatelle lee had a feat w's chinese service faced in boston, germany. he is covered, india, china relations for many years, and he says, the board a conflict,
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is that the heart of the rivalry? no comment that we'll say is that okay, wait, let's make a compromise. let's give some land to the other side. left. make peace. it's will not happen and one was less likely i will say. so that's a unsuitable problem. and the only thing is both come and try to keep the stitch as cool. part of the problem can be traced back to the colonial time. precision maps from the 19th and early 20th century show different versions of why the board of runs full nokia border. a tool like this partition map from 1947. the india became independent to best plays a role hit to back then to batch was a buffet separating india from china. it was the fact so independent as shown in many mountains from the 1st of the 20th century. but that changed off to china, took full control of to batch and the 1950s in 1959,
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the to best an uprising sausage. it was quickly crushed by chinese soldiers. and to that spiritual leader, the dalai lama fled to india anger in china. shortly after that skirmishes started to erupt between india and china full if that made the prospect of agreeing on a coming boat and more difficult and since then it's never become a reality. so what is shown on most maps today is in many areas just to loose the location line, the line of actual control o l i c, for schultz. the 2 sides consecrate on where exactly this boundary runs, or how long it is. hot spots along the dispute to go to god is by tens of thousands of troops on each side. that's why the 2 countries have been busy building roads, bridges, and tunnels, along the l. a. c. infrastructure is key to guessing soldiers into the mountains
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quickly. a one recent example here at the seller pos india has just integrated, a major tunnel here. this will enable the indian army to move its troops to the allies, the foster no matter the weather. on the chinese side, sloughed to terrain makes building roads easier. therefore, india is only playing catch up china and didn't get infrastructure even today, remains much less so than that of truck. that's the case on many levels. then there's another reason why india is afraid of chinese dominance war to the rivers originating in the himalayas supply fresh water to around one point. 3000000000 people will discuss the t is already a great concern and south asia and climate change will only make this problem less . the china has built several dams and the region transforming the landscape. the
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potential for hydropower is immense. chinese engineers have even propose building the world's largest hydro power plants at this risk benz sounds like these leave many indians fear in china could end up in control of the flow if it's by so river so this is a context of a land as a result of the incident, let's move from the mountains to another region where this conflict is palpable, the indian ocean. it's a vast area stretching for more than 10000 kilometers from the 10th of africa to australia. economically, militarily, strategically, this is one of the most important regions in the well, it's a crucial trade route for china. the world's number one exposure of goods that'd be fine in the ocean and it should be one time. the 2nd reason into an ocean is important to china because it is wants to project box. china's interest in the
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region goes back well over a decade, and it has substantially increased its investments that china has steaks and over 20 ports in the indian ocean region. some of them even have the potential for naval use, or let's take the quotes of 2 booty, for example. this is what it looks like in may 2015 and off the huge chinese investment. here's how it looks today. china now has no certainly a port situated on one of the busiest shipping lines in the wealth, but also a military base here. and by the way, all that only a couple of miles away from the us space, also located in the country. now if you take this quote into peachy, along with other ports to have a strong chinese presence like these ones in salon, cut me in mountain pakistan, india starts to look around it. this is part of what some on the list is called china, a string of co strategy. and it has india worried. let me 1st say that was look
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benign unless you off the oysters. from an indian point of view. i would say it's very reasonable for us to actually prepare for uh for a project for drug, great, a chinese presents then we have seen before. that's why in recent years, india has started building on because capacities in the indian ocean full size, the country is still fall behind all the big players. india is investing its naval defense budget is increasing every year. india is focusing on some key areas. the malika lum book and some districts in the indian ocean. these are the book to the next connecting the south china sea and the indian ocean. chinese warships like this one have to push through the straits to enter the indian ocean. and india wants to make sure it can, at least most of these passages. for example, here, india has a naval station at the southern end of the nickel bar islands,
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just 450 kilometers. it's from the malik a straight speaking of islands. this is where the most eaves come into play. deficit sion in the middle of the indian ocean makes these small islands quite important strategically. then also to be a dream destination for wealthy tourists. the also a hop for trade and infrastructure and for security. for a long time, the leaders of the multi sympathetic towards india, but more recently, loyalties have shifted in the last is election pro china candidates mohammed freezer, one of to come painting with the slogan, india out this year he's already visited chinese president sheet and paying an old indian troops to leave them all dates and india is up against china, which has the biggest, may be in the wealth. even supposing the us one of india strategies forming
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alliance, it's the powerful part in this india, as a member of the so called quote, a diplomatic security focus partnership with the us, australia and japan. and india is deepening relationship with the us has on good china. but india is also capital to maintain links with china despite tensions. the 2 countries, the members of the same groups aimed at countering west and tillman and the brakes, and the shanghai corporation organization. that strategy trying to keep up very different alliance that are right, but it's a tough balancing act. but for india it's a way of keeping its options open, especially with such a dominant neighbor. recently, chinese economy has slowed down. well, india is growing. it's attracting for investments and gaining confidence. china being china is the reality. but equal reality, india is a rising power. still, india is a long way of catching up with china changes. it's generally accepted in the global
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business communities. the next china is still china. back to a hot spot and on result for the disputes and the specialists. and so it's in the indian ocean. whereas this rifle re heading in the west case, this could escalate. could that even be potential for? well, i don't see this. it will happen because 1st of all, those who country uh, i'm pretty much aware that they both have nuclear weapon, the nuclear power. so the both sides can not afford to, to open a wall ways of some consequences. you cannot calculate. they both know the problem could not be solved and they both meet each other in some other area. it's probably politically. so the stalemate continues neither side wants to risk the bigger escalation and neither come back down.


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