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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  July 19, 2024 12:02am-12:31am CEST

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almost both possibly want no more campaigning at all by. as the president's relation, chances appear to be dwindling. the opposite seems to be true for donald trump. last night his vice presidential running mate introduced himself to the country. j . d. vance has impact seems to be sort of positive. it could be called the trump bump, or i'm bridge awesome berlin. this is the day. the highest visually extend your domination to be vice president of the united states of america. my reaction to the chose, the choice was shock more than anything. what can i say that hasn't already been said before? after all, the man was already the subject for ron howard, will be your regular man, regular life, regular wife, regular kids, regular mom, regular american also coming up at taylor swift brings
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her arrows world tour to germany. and according to the rule where you find taylors with, you'll also find tens of thousands. busy swift, these have music is incredible. she's like, save those or um, she's given us how she's given us. like are you using to go on her songs? motivates us and she's just an incredible person and i was having the hardware just to see her anywhere was who our viewers watching on tv as in the united states and to all of you around the world. welcome. we begin today with joe biden, under the weather, and donald trump campaign, apparently over the moon. today the white house confirmed the us president biden is tested positive for cove. it is campaign events, at least for today were cancelled. but there may be more cancellations. ahead to titans of the democratic party from the us house speaker,
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nancy pelosi and former us president brock obama, have both reportedly voiced concerns that bite and may not be able to win re election in november against donald trump. their names added to a growing list of doubting democrats. and all of this is happening as the momentum for a trump victory groups. the latest boost came wednesday night at the republican national convention in milwaukee, when trump's vice presidential running mate j. d. vance introduced himself to the country. the president trump represents america's last best hope to restore. what if last may never be found? again, a country where a working class boy, born far from the holes of power, can stand on this stage as the next vice president of the united states of america . once a student, christie could donate trump, send it to g d van smith, new room to doubts his loyalty to the former president. when he accepted the
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nomination to be his running, mate, will kick last boy from the american hotline to drag himself down to pull the t. this is the message that he will take forward in the election campaign to win over blue collar workers and says that protecting the needs of odin we citizens includes taking a tough line on us foreign policy. together we will make sure our allies share in the burden of securing world peace, no more free rides for nations that betray the generosity of the american taxpayer who's, who will mean supposed to be r n. c for the trump fence tickets. meanwhile, president joe biden is built another blow to his campaign and image as he is diagnosed with cove at 19 was on the campaign trail in las vegas.
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as he takes a step back from campaigning and returns home to recover uncertainty about his candidacy continues to build within his own ranks. california and congressman adam shift is one of the latest leading democrats cooling on joe biden, to step down from the presidential race consent over biden's, age and cognitive abilities are the shadow in his campaign a which of course of little make his se increases his risk of losing to donald trump to november would need to use washington bureau g. b. this whole joins me now from the republican national convention in milwaukee. good evening to you, eat us before we talk about the g o. p. i'd like to discuss this growing list of building democrats who publicly or privately don't think the joe biden can win against donald trump in november. the latest addition to this list is former
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president for rock obama. tell me what did you heard today? yeah, and that's of course huge. i mean, uh, joe biden worked under the rock, obama, brock obama and joe biden, that were really close. and what we uh here is the brook obama only talk ones to president biden after his week performance during this debate. but that the pressure from this in the democratic party, really gods higher that the former president obama also spoke of is a bite. and to step down off to advance, to close the talk to him. officer hakim jeffries, talk to him, a representative of the house, and then of course, talk to him, or also kind of raise concerns to buy it and what not only lose the election, but might also be losing states like colorado or, or new jersey,
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which has been a democratic since more than spend 2 years. so the pressure definitely is getting stronger and stronger and is how do you explain how quickly the opposition to bite has grown since that debate debacle. last month to me, do you think that the media, especially the u. s. media, do you think they've reported this story fairly, or are you surprised at the speed with which main stream media have reported by and as the candidates who won't be able to win? that's a very, very good question. brandon, i was wondering myself, when i saw the reporting, you know, getting kind of more intense uh, per hour sometimes of, to the debate. and you know, that was a huge concern that people would not be tuned into this debate because to known old white men running against each other. many people told us when we were traveling this huge country, oh, well, this is the most boring election campaign ever. and that of course,
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is not good for making money for the big networks. so i wonder, is displayed into the fact that they reported so intensely about a job aide and bite. and by to having that said, of course, this performance was horrible. and every single interview he gave off, the words couldn't really turn to tide. i was at the nato summit in washington following his press or he wasn't convincing there either. so joe biden just really seems to get more tired by the day today the, the news and bite and testing positive for co bid. you know, you get the sense that it was reported as another nail in his re election cofton. i'm wondering how would the story be reported if donald trump tested positive for coven tomorrow? as well. you know, as donald trump is in a totally different spot right now, i mean, he's just like on, i don't know on the top level, i've seen him ever like,
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everybody seems to love him at least here, of course, at the republic national convention. and he doesn't appear to be weak ethan, even off to the us as a nation to attend. he seems to be back in the game being strong. i mean, just minutes off. so he nearly got killed. he was raising his fist shouting, or telling his, uh, support those fight fight. so i think if he would be tested, oh wow, it wouldn't have it wouldn't be seen as like such a big thing for president biden as it is for joe biden. yeah, yeah, exactly. i mean, it does seem like the to me that there, there's different treatments there were you're talking at least about a virus this week in milwaukee. all the talk has been about trump, the candidate who dodge the bullets that assassination adapt. how did it impact the convention and trump's campaign? i mean it's only been what uh 56 days ago. yeah, definitely was dominating the 1st day of you arrived here on sunday and everybody
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was talking about it. and, you know, there are many, many very religious people here at the r and c. and you wouldn't believe how many told us when we talked to them, that the lord all night the heads had something to do with the fact that donald trump is still a life. i mean, he got out of this stronger than he was before. we shall see how this really impacted to him when he came here the 1st night when we saw him, he still looked very tired and a kind of really thoughtful for couldn't say that we shall see. you know how this move in this really life best experience might've changed. he wouldn't be the 1st one would say that's true, that is true. i mean, he's not the 1st president to dodge, but one or to be hit by a boat. that's for sure. and then is there is trump spice press dental running, mate j, the vance. now, i mean he's a millennial, he's the youngest person ever nominated to be vice presidential running mate. but
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it trump reportedly decided on vance just hours before it became public 2 days after the shooting. amazing. how do you explain this last minute decision making about, you know, his own running may? well, 1st of all, i think donald trump really enjoys having all the power in his hand. and uh, just to be able to wait until pretty much the very last minutes to announce who is running made. i would be, i honestly think he just uh, enjoyed that. but of course, there were also like a checking out the pulse that definitely be watching very closely the bite and come pay is bite and stepping down or not. what is carmella? harris comes in or not. so these are all factors also coming together. and of course, i mean, as you just said, j events is super young. you delivered a fantastic speak just right behind me a year behind me last night and to use giving
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a lot of energy into come into the campaign. and it was also interesting, a brand new, you know, we talked to many people here before he spoke and they didn't really know them. of course, i've heard of him but weren't really familiar with him. but after the civil, just like so fascinated and all behind him, he's in many eyes just represents the american dream. so this really goes don't wary valve is trout here in milwaukee? yeah, it's interesting. you say that is, you know, the american dream i'm wondering is ged vance. is he the golden boy for donald trump? does he guarantee that trump will win in november? it definitely will help trump um to get the younger oldest. we also talked to many younger republican party members here in the group, milwaukee and t might also law donald trump to be a little bit more presidential to, to be a little bit more thoughtful to whole back,
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to like with his decisive sometimes even toxic language. she could leave beds to is to be peace. but it, so be interesting to watch. if donald trump is really able to keep up with the fact that j. devens is so successful, invite the really bending over the hearts of many a potential republican voters. so that's going to be an interesting dynamic to watch over the next couple of months. yeah, it reminds me what my grandmother used to say. there can only be one star in a relationship. simple see which one tends to be the star in this? do i know and is that you've spoken to german lawmakers who are at the g o. p convention this week are german politicians, despite their public worry, worries about a 2nd trump presidency? are they preparing already the channels of communication between a trump white house and berlin? i would say definitely are you know, this is my 3rd convention i'm covering for dw,
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and i've never seen a so many lawmakers from you attending at these conventions. they don't want to make the same mistake. i stated in 2020, they already went to work kind of on, you know, keeping the channels open to the republican policy. i, for example, talk to you and spawn from the conservative german party. it said it was and he told me that there said there are many uh you know that the say the warranty. and in particular the things that uh, there are many uh, call me alert comments its things to have in common both parties. so this is something that people are watching out for, and they also have the chance to talk to mr. lyn keys, the co ordinator of the transatlantic relationships from the german government. this is the united states and he also was very frank. he said, you know, the united states are our most important trade park. no,
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they are very important for our security in europe, in germany. so yes, of course they, they are going to work or try to work with every government in the white house. and this is what they're doing here. that's a lot of networking going on. all right, and, and the final g questions after all, that has happened in the past week in this presidential race 8 is one. do you think biden's name will be on the ballot in november, and if not, who will be the democratic nominee in november of the, you know, the, if the democratic party is small, they really will come up with a new plan very, very fast. and they may be able to take a little bit of the momentum away from donald trump and j to events, but they have to be click on that feed is finding a solution that's totally open if it will be the vice president coming to harris.
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she would be the natural choice, but it's is she really able to compete successfully against donald trump? inside events. we will see bugs. i think the name will not be job either. all right, our washington bureau chief, easiest poll, approaching the end of what has been quite an eventful week in us politics for both the democrats and the republicans. and it is always good talking with you. thank you. and staying with that theme of concerns on this side of the atlantic, about the return by trump to the white house, there is a sigh of relief to nights here in the european union or so a fund to lie in a secured a 2nd term as president of the european commission. now that's the use talk position. european parliament re elected fund a lion today for another 5 year term with a comfortable majority or election welcomed by many as
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a continuity of leadership. especially as europe struggles to deal with the war in ukraine, climate change, migration, and threats to democracy. we are working all together for a strong europe. we're working on the topics of prosperity and competitiveness in our economy, social fairness because we have a social market economy. we're working on protecting people, so security and defense, but the most important is the over arching topic of strengthening our democracy. our democracy is under attack from inside and from outside. and therefore it is crucial that the democratic forces stand together to defend our democracy. but dw alexander phenomenon, she has more now on ursula for the alliance plans for that 2nd term. this was enough, one to 9 presented to ourselves here in distress, spoke as a safe pair of hands ready and eager to continue leading the blocks with the load.
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she was times in her speech, she made the effort to address issues considered essential to the political parties supporting her like staying the course on the green deal, strengthening europe's competitiveness and the rule of law and moving towards the defense union. her announcement on establishing a commissioner for defense is seen as a crucial 1st step to evolving the you into a security extra. however, on that pulling over the phone, the line is likely to clash with the e. u. member states who consider defense policy, their competency in the short term. her next challenge will be to pick her fellow commissioners based on the donations of national governments. only when her cabinet is complete. she can start working on delivering what she has promised here in the european parliament. in
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brazil tonight, dozens of wild buyers are burning and the world's biggest tropical wet land. the pants and all is a rich ecosystem stretching across the borders of brazil, olivia, and paraguay. so far this year alone, at least 7000 square kilometers, have been burned. that's almost 5 percent of its entire area. and drought has dried out more than half of the wetlands that we use latin american correspondent, the co risk reports tonight. as you can see, the extent of the destruction best from the air. this is the thunder. now. it should be with the drought has dried it out and now fires are consuming its hundreds of thousands of pictures. look like this. $53.00 days have come from all parts of brazil as well as neighboring bolivia towards you. oh,
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today the wind is already turned around $190.00 degrees. you know, so we're fighting soon. the wind will change again and every time it changes, we need a different strategy to stop. there's no cosmic. today's strategy here is to try to push the flames to us the product y river. the light equipment enables them to move fast and to target the little flames that can lead to so much destruction the call the fire fighter because was just put on one of the next ones that are already in the american. that's what lots of little flames. that's developed to one village. well, sort of an over, you know, tons here. this year's bias of breaking records up by more than 2000 percent over last year. volleyball. it is cookie on the growth to try to stop the flies spreading, but much off the ground is pete, meaning fires can continue for days on the fee to hear these fall as
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a loss lease daunted by people burning rubbish, clearing undergrowth. dave and smoking cigarettes is thank you popped up on this. i saw i will. we need to avoid a more regrettable situation and capital at the may. and we're taking action because most of the files here are private property and they start to scratch into the middle of the pond. so now it's a state and federal area, so we have to stop it from scraping it into the protects. there is no way in front of the value of this whole process. that's when you see all this destruction that we saw from the helicopter. how do you feel about bro, cuz you caught us on me is or a feeling that local to share zeal. de santis lives by the river. so hell and was the sped the fires, but the drought is also affecting the water. it's to me to is lower than normal, jeopardizing the fishing business. s of not that difficult. there are very
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few fish. we don't have fish like we used to my, we usually go here to my porch and catch pen, todd or they would good conduct will have just the right size. and nowadays i don't catch them. neither the right nor the wrong size. give me the, the new for, give me the, the, the whole region. ripple and land are in trouble as firefighters. try to limit the damage. the government is investigating potential culprits. taylor swift stairs brought her arrows world towards germany. 60000 fans notice whip these, they were at the 1st of 3 sold out concerts in the western city of gills and kitchen last night. and they were not only from germany. you know, this with these. if they're anything they are international, they know the words,
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and they've made the own sparkly coast teams. they all switch these and goes and kitchen has rolled out the red carpet for them and the idol, the city has changed its name to swift cushion. funds are hanging out in taylor town before the concepts and of course, signing up to buy t shirts and other memorabilia. the, the florida and water you prepared to wait so long and such a big que um, but because it, as it gets used as merchandise here that you can only buy on the 2 days as well. and so that we can get something with which to remember this crazy day. we have really been looking forward today would for a few kilometers away. it develops in serena with a 3 concepts will take place. the funds gathering here on to and the german. some have travel to you from as far away as thailand, canada, or malta, like julia navarro and have friends. they are here long before doors open. they
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proved to bog of her made friendship bracelets like the ones, painless things about which they swore with each other. um, i mean have you is it is in kind of issues like save those or um, she's given us whole. she's given us like, are you using to go on her songs? motivates us and she's just an incredible person and i was having the hardware just to see her anywhere these dedicated switch these, the prepared to pay up to $600.00 euros for a ticket. again heights, what we're going to end on friday today. we're kind of behind the stage and the cost $100.00 heroes to friday. we're in a better spot and we pay $220.00 swifty feed is a boon to the local economy. thomas dick's was a, the run with hotel bookings long before tickets were even on sale. price, commodities, and dropped goods. i've been doing this job for 31 years, and i've never seen such high over at the pharma pacific we have people coming from
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america, israel, south africa. i've never seen anything like it africa. does. the tokyo paris doesn't cushion the gem and sits you will have a special place and these finds halts forever. the place where they have the chance to see that idle taylor swift live on stage and hardly denied as much of southern europe sweats through a blistering heat wave. it's not just affecting people, but animals too in rome, where it's currently 38 degrees celsius. that's a 100 degrees fahrenheit. zoo inhabitants are getting some frozen traits like meat in giant ice cubes for these big pads and dangling frozen fruit cocktail for the parks. lemur monkeys. and you know, the same advice goes for animals as well as humans, as well as swift thies. you have to stay hydrated
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or yeah, makes you want to be leaving or doesn't. alright, the day continues on while here find it's on x, also known as twitter and youtube videos. you can follow me a ring golf tv and remember whatever happens between now and then tomorrow is another day we will see you then everybody the,
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to the points strong opinions, clear position, international perspective, the politics gone, brutal. the shooting against donald trump is just the latest example of rising political violence, while voters in the us and europe are also choosing the extremes on the bowers. on to the point we ask from being sold to murder and you brutality and to the point next on d w who method come fix zone with tim sebastian, few countries of what's the war and ukraine more closely than poland, which was the time. and again, the poor thing would much be on his board as the one listen my guess this week and
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more so just to just to some of this stuff, have them both not hang over to you. what warnings for government have to you? it's the same conflict in 60 minutes on d w, the imagine that you're eating a hamburger and as you're biting into this juicy burner, your dining companion says to you. actually the hamburger is not made from cows. it's made from golden retriever's. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 in meeting cultures around the world, people learn to classify small handful of animals with edible and all the rest of the classify as disgusting. the w series about our complex relationship with
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animals need to be watching. now on youtube dw documentary, the politics gone, brutal. the shooting against donald trump is another highlight of a trends towards political violence in the us and europe. the pictures of the blood stains, donald trump have already become iconic for his supporters. violence is driving radicals to what they consider to the last resort to silence politicians just like here in europe with the attempted assassination of so back us prime minister roberts feet. so how do we get their elections like the ones in france also show a shift towards the extremes to the left and to the right. the center is losing ground onto the point we ask from insults to murder and you, brutality and politics.


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