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tv   Focus on Europe  Deutsche Welle  July 19, 2024 4:30am-5:01am CEST

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they speak to each other for the 1st time, finding a captivating story about the struggle for forgiveness. i'm sure the guardians of trees. julian, his terms on the dark secrets of war, starts july 27th on d, w. the hello and uh well welcome to focus on your up. it's great to have you with us today . what do people mean when they speak of being truly french? the outcome of the snap elections and fonts in early july has denied the nationalist, anti immigration, national rally, party, and majority in parliament, but is still around up. it's seed share this story to further concerns among french
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residents with an event background. morgan, where she is a french muslim woman. her family has been living in the country for generations, with racism growing in her hometown shuttles, her son, she and other muslim women are now going on the offensive against the rise of the far right in their region to sign the flag for french diversity feels different these days and shut on so sudden in a surprise to many, the far right failed to win a majority across france in early july snap the elections. i'm to pursue that. we're quite relieved even if the results in this region are pretty scary. i bought the national riley party one beach here for generations after morgan does. she's family arrived from algeria. i just know these french wisdom women say the mood shifted to for so call 66271. what's most shocking now is that racism has become mainstream. people feel legitimate now in throwing insults or pulling muslim
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women's fails. even if the national ready did, when overall we can feel these been a fraction that something has broken and that things will never be the same. just because now it's up to us has to change things and prove that we can live together . samuels either differentiated shows as a curriculum for the small city in eastern front, is among those that help the far right to gain more than 50 new seats with the party, keen on gaining more granted future. my gun is trying to get a head start bonding together. with other, most them women who feel they will be the 1st to lose out. if the far right gets to make a good on it's policy promise, it's like borrowing jewel citizens from key jobs and binding women from wearing all religious headscarf in public facility altogether. when we hear them, it can feel like we're the problem, like we're not true french citizens when, in fact, france is also us. the hosting fronts has one of your,
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its largest muslim populations. and most again says that she started feeling less welcome here years ago. in 2015, the local right wing mayor reversed a decades old tradition of offering pork free meals and schools to cater to religious stuff. or you're watching your dw special coverage of donald trump's address to the republican national convention. let's take you live now to milwaukee. citizens, i stand before you this evening with a message of confidence, strength, and hope for 4 months from now we will have an incredible victory. and when we will be the greatest in the history of our country. together we will launch a new era of safety, prosperity and freedom for citizens of every race, religion,
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color and create such a score and division in our society must be hills. we must tell it quickly as americans. we are bound together by a single fate and their share destiny. we rise together or we fall apart, says, i am running to be president for all of america, not half of americans, because there is no victory in for half of them. so tonight with faith and devotion, i proudly accept your nomination for, for the
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thank you very much, the thank you very much and we will do it right. let me begin this evening by expressing my gratitude to the american people for your outpouring of love and support following the assassination attempt at my rally on saturday. the. as you already know, the assassin's bullet came within a quarter of an image of taking my life. so many people have asked me what happened . tell us what happened please. and therefore i will tell you exactly what happened
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. and you'll never hear it from me a 2nd time because it's actually too painful to tell. as it was a warm, beautiful day in the early evening in butler township, and the great commonwealth of pennsylvania music was loudly plain in the campaign was doing really well. i went to the stage and the crowd was cheering wildly. everybody was happy. i began speaking very strongly, powerfully and happily because i was discussing the great job by administration date on immigration at the southern border. we were very proud of it. the behind me
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and to the right was a large screen that was displaying a chart of border crossings. under my leadership, the numbers were absolutely amazing. in order to see the chart, i started to like this, turn to my right and was ready to begin a little bit further term, which i'm very lucky i didn't do. when i heard a loud whizzing sound and felt something hit me really, really hard. on my right ear. i said to myself, wow, what was that? it can only be a bullet and moved my right hand to my ear,
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brought it down. my hand was covered with blood, just absolutely blood all over the place. i immediately knew it was very serious that we were under attack and did one move and proceeded to drop off as to the ground below. as for continuing to fly, as very brave secret service agents rushed to the stage and they really did. they rush, the great people at great risk, i will tell you, i pounced on top of me so that i would be protected. there was blood pouring everywhere and yet in a certain way i felt very safe because i had god on my side.
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the amazing thing is that prior to the shot, if i had not moved my head at that very last interested, the assassin's bullet would have perfectly headed spock. and i would not be here tonight. we would not be together. the most incredible aspect of what took place on that terrible evening in the fading sun was actually seen later in almost all cases, as you probably know. and when even a single bullet is fire just a single bullet us. and we had many bullets that were being fired. crowds run for the exits or stampede. but not in this case is very unusual.
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this massive crowd of tens of thousands of people stood by and didn't move an inch . in fact, many of them bravely but automatically stood up looking for where the sniper would be. they knew immediately, it was a sniper and then began pointing at him. you can see that if you look at the group behind me, that was just a small group compared to what was in front. nobody ran and by not stampeding, many lives were saved. but that isn't the reason that they didn't move. the reason is that they knew i was in very serious trouble. they saw they show me go down, they saw the blood. and so i actually most did that. i was
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dead. they knew it was a shot to the head. they saw the blood or. and there's an interesting statistic, the years or the ability as part of something happens with the years they bleed more than any other part of the body. for whatever reason, the doctors told me that, like i said, why is there so much blood? he said, it's the years they bleed more. so we learn something, but they just they just as beautiful ground. they didn't want to leave me. they knew i was in trouble. they didn't want to leave me and you can see that love were all over their face. the credible people, incredible people. bullets were flying over us. yet i felt serene. but now the secret service agents were putting themselves in peril. they were very dangerous territory. bullets were flying right over him, missing them by
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a very small amount of inches. and then it all stopped. our secret service sniper from a much greater distance and with only one bullet used, took the assassins life. the i'm not supposed to be here tonight, not supposed to be the thank you, but i'm not. and i'll tell you, as i stand before you in this arena ali, by the grace of all mighty god,
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the warranty reports over the last few days. many people say it was a providence real moment probably was when i rose surrounded by secret service. the crowd was confused because they thought i was dead. and there was great, great sorrow. i could see that on their faces as i looked at they didn't know i was looking now. they thought it was over. when i could see it, i wanted to do something to let him know i was okay. i raised my right arm, looked at the thousands and thousands of people that were restlessly waiting and started shouting, site site site. the
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once my blood fist went up and it was high into the air. you've all seen that. the crowd realized i was okay. and roared with pride for our country like no proud i have ever heard before the for the rest of my life, i will be grateful for the love shown by the giant audience of patriots that stood bravely on that fateful evening in pennsylvania. tragically, the shooter claimed the life of one of our fellow americans glory compared to as an believable person. everybody tells me
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and seriously wounded to other great warriors spoke to them today david dutch and james copeland haver to great people. i also spoke to all 3 families of these tremendous people. our love and prayers are with them and always will be. we're never gonna forget them. it came for a great rally. they were serious dumpsters. i want to tell you they were serious pastors and still are but glory. unfortunately, we have to use the past tense. it was incredible. yeah. it was a highly respected farmer. fire chief, respected by everybody. was accompanied by his wife, helen, credible woman. i spoke to her today, devastated and too precious daughters. he lost his life selflessly acting as
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a human shield to protect them from flying bullets. he went right over the top of them and was hit what a fine man. he was the . i want to thank the fire department and the family for sending his
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helmet, his outfit, and it was something that they're going to do something very special when they get it. but we did something which cannot match what happened, not even to us, but i am very proud to say that over the past few days, we've raised $6300000.00. the for the families of david james and corey, including from a friend of mine, just called up, you sent me a check right here. i just got it $1000000.00 from daniel and thank you. do that again? when speaking to the family, i told them i said, well, be sending you a lot of money, but it can compensate. they all set the same thing. you're right sir. we appreciate
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so much what you're doing, but nothing can take the place in the case of glory and the other 2 by the way. they were very, very seriously injured, but now they're doing very well. they're going to be on the warriors. so now i ask that we observe a moment of silence. in honor of our friend, cory, there is no greater love than to lay down one's life for others. this is the spirit that forged america in her darkest hours. and this is the love that will lead
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america back to the summit of human achievement and greatness. this is what we need as despite such a heinous attack will unite this evening more determined than ever i am more determined than ever. and so are you. so is that the the resolve is unbroken in our purposes unchanged, to deliver a government that serves the american people better than ever before. nothing will stop me in this mission because our vision is righteous and our cards is pure. no
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matter what obstacle comes our way, we will not break, we will not bend. we will not back down, and i will never stop fighting for you, your family and our magnificent countries. the everything i have to give with all of the energy and fight in my heart. so i pledge to our nation tonight. thank you very much. i pledged that to our nation and to turn our nation around and we're going to do it very quickly. thank you. the, the, the selection should be about the issues facing our country and how to make america a successful, safe, free, and great again, the age
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when our politics too often divide us now is the time to remember that we are all fellow citizens. we are one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all the and we must not criminalize the sent to demonize political disagreement, which is what's been happening in our country likely at a level that nobody has ever seen before. and that's fair at the democratic party should immediately stop weaponized during the justice system and labeling their political are far as the enemy of democracy. especially since that is not true. in fact, i am the one saving democracy for the people of our car.
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the . i'd very big news is you probably just read on monday, a major ruling was handed down from a highly respected federal judge in florida. i lean cannon finding that the prosecutor and the fake documents case against me. they were totally unconstitutional and the entire chase was thrown out of who the democrats want to unify our country. they should drop these orders in which ones which i have been going through for approximately 8 years. and they should do that without delay and allow an election to proceed. that is worthy of our people. we're
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going to win it any way but worthy of this journey. i am deeply honored to be joined by my amazing wives, milan in the milady a thank you very much. you also did something really beautiful, a letter to america calling for national unity. and it really just to republican party by surprise. i will tell you it was beautiful, the facts and very serious people said that we should take that letter and put it as
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part of the republican platform. that would be a non her working right. is the congressman but it captivated so many so i also want to thank my entire family for being here, don. kimberly, yvonne and jared, eric and lera. tiffany and michael. baron logan are barry the and of course my 10 wonderful grandchildren use a few of them up there on my lap before the and how good was data was staying a good you know, he was on a probably the only vacation is adding about maybe ever 3 weeks but about 10
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years with his wife very far away. i won't tell you where, but very, very far away. beautiful place and my people called and he said she, i won't be able to do it. this is many, many years. i promise my wife, i can't do it. and they came and they said dana won't be able to do it because it was my 1st 2nd and 3rd choice. i said, well, you know that's too bad, but i understand he's away and that's good. it's good for him. and that was it. about 30 minutes later she came back in. sure. then it just because he's going to do it. and his wife, she said you can't turn him down. you just can't do it. you have to go. that's a good wife. the so we got the lady got here a little while ago now he's going to get on the plane
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a little while and he's going to go back home to his wife. but they're great and i just wanna thank her and him and their whole family because that's not easy. and kid rock same thing called the reason i want to be a part of this. i want to be a part because you know, kid does is great. so i'm big, big monster. so i have no idea and i became a friend of mine over the last 10 years. and he's amazing. everyone loves him. i didn't even know how big he was. you know, he has rallies 3540000 people. he gets, every time he goes out and i think he's making so much money, he doesn't know what the hell to do with that you want. and then we have my other friend that i've known him so long and we took that song and it was a big success. but we made that as a chart of great songs to america. that was number one on the chart recently, number one. so let's lee greenwood very special, beautiful person is
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a beautiful man, but they all wanted to be, are they called and how about the hoaxed or how good was he's the, you know, they may call it. they may call that entertainment. i know about it detailed meant, but when he used to lift a 350 pound man over his shoulders and then fetched, press him to rows into the audience. i say maybe at the time, but he is one strong sort of a gun. i would say i watched it, but i thought there are a lot of entertainers that could do that. right. you are fantastic. thank you very much. followed by eric. what was that all about?
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boy, that was good. i didn't want to really come up here. but he was so great and it's such a good young man. he went through a lot of trouble and don last night was incredible. they went through so much trouble. they got subpoenaed more than any people, probably of the history of the united states. every week they got another subpoena from the democrats crazy. nancy pelosi, the whole thing. just boom, boom boom. the, they've got a step that because they're destroying our country. we have to work on make in america. great again. not on beating peoples. we want, we beat them at all. we beat them on the page events. we beat them on indictments, we beat them. but the time that you have to spend the time that you have to spend, if they would devote the genius to helping our country, we'd have a much stronger and better cause the
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jason, the biggest star in country music. jason, thank you for being here. jason. thank you very much, jason. all day and he's good. i like is i like his wife even better by the way. she's here. thank you, jason. but i'm thrilled to have a new friend and partner fighting by my side. the next vice president of the united se sick, our senator from ohio j. d. bad. so it is incredible wise, lucia. the going to be a great a. the vice president is going to be great with this country. and with this
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movement, greatest movement in the history of our country make america great again. when they criticize it there. so we're gonna try and stop mag. i said mag is make america great again, what are you going to stop? there's nothing to stop. and they say, oh, that's right, it's very tough to fi that you know, all of the people that did dry invited have failed. but he's going to be with us for a long time. and it was an honor to select him. great, great student at yale, his wife was a great student video. they met at the these are 2 smart people. so j d, you're going to be doing this for a long time. enjoy the ride. the a very special. thank you to the extraordinary people of milwaukee and the great say.


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