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tv   Mapped Out  Deutsche Welle  July 19, 2024 5:15am-5:31am CEST

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are now enduring, will be fixed and it will be fixed very, very quickly. so tonight, whether you've supported me in the past or not, i hope you will support me in the future because i will bring back the american dream. that's what we're going to do. you don't even hear about the americans with great humility. i am asking you to be excited about the future of our country beach side of the by the way, the news reports look at all of those big networks and i got them, they're all here. but every one of them has said this could be the most organized best run and most enthusiastic the convention of either party that they have ever seen.
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the movie news, great, lovely news. so i did a pretty strong otherwise, we'll blow it. and we can't let that happen. now this is great, all of the great people that spoke and everybody hit a home run. i mean, there's not one that i can think of where i said o g, that was in great. every single person. i refused to be the only one. don't do that . to me. they're already getting ready. see i gave him an idea. now we had a, this was a great conventional. this is why i think we're actually going to go home and visit, you know, usually where they can. first of all, look at these crowds. you never have this that a convention, i get this, the
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love, it's about love this week. the entire republican party is formally adopted an agenda for americans renewal and you saw that agenda. that is very short compared to the long, boring, meaningless genders of the past, including the democrats. they write these things at hundreds of pages long, and they never read them after they're done. in their case, fortunately, they don't read them because they're pretty bad. it's a series of bull promises that we will swiftly implement when you give us a republican house. and mister speaker, thank you very much. we have a great speaker of the house with us tonight. thank you very much. i see the republican senate, we have many senators here and send me back to our beautiful white house just
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a few short months from now. we're talking about just months. it kids come fast enough. we have to get it done. first, we must get it. can i make relief to our citizens starting on day one, we will drive down prices and make america affordable. again, we have to make it a set of 4 people can't live like under this administration, our current administration, groceries are up, 57 percent. gasoline is up. 60 and 70 percent mortgage rates have quadrupled. and the fact is, it doesn't matter what they are, because you can't get the money anyway. can't buy houses. young people can't get any financing to buy a house. the total household costs have increased an average of $28000.00 per family under this administration. republicans have a plan to bring down prices and bring them down very, very rapidly by slashing energy costs. we will in turn reduce the cost of
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transportation, manufacturing and all household goods. so much starts with energy. and remember, we have more liquid gold under our feet than any other country by far we are a nation that has the opportunity to make an absolute for to with its energy. we have it and china does, under the trump administration, just 3 and a half years ago. we were energy independent. but soon we will actually be better than that. we will be in g dominant den supply not only are so that we will supply the rest of the world with numbers that nobody has ever seen. and we will reduce our debt. $36.00 trillion dollars. we will start reducing that and we will also reduce your taxes still further next. and by the way,
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they want to raise your taxes for times, think of it and all my life. i grew up watching politicians. i always loved politics. i guess i was on the other side. i'd watch paula and they were always talking about. we will give you a text. we will give you a text with my whole life. i was watching. i will give you a text. good rest of congressman. that's all they talked about. this is the only administration that said, we're going to raise your taxes by 4 times what you're paying now and people are supposed to vote for the i've never heard of. you're paying too much, we're going to reduce your taxes. still further we gave you the biggest one, as i said, we're going to give you more and it's going to lead to tremendous growth. we want growth in our country. that's what's going to pay off our debt. this we will in the ridiculous and actually incredible waste of taxpayer dollars that is purely the inflation groceries. they spent trillions of dollars on things
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having to do with the green new scam scam. and that's caused tremendous inflationary pressures in addition to the cost of energy and all of the trillions of dollars that are sitting there not yet spent. we will re direct that money for important projects like roads, bridges, dams, and we will not allow it to be spent on meaningless read new scam ideas. the, the electric vehicle mandate on day one, the nearby saving the us auto industry for complete obliteration, which is happening right now in saving you as customers thousands and thousands of dollars per car. and right now, as we speak,
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large factories just started are being built across the border and mexico. so with all the other things happening, our border ended being built by china to make cars and to sell them into our country, no tax, no. and they say, the united auto workers ought to be ashamed for allowing this to happen. and the leader of the united auto workers should be fired immediately at every single auto worker union and not who should be voting for donald trump. because we're going to bring back car manufacturing or we're going to bring it back for us. the ability, some of them are used auto plants anywhere in the world. think of it in the world, are we going to bring it back? we're going to make them we don't mind the, we don't mind that happening, but those plans are going to be built in the united states and our people are going to man those black of the.
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and if they don't agree with this, we'll put a tariff of approximately 100 to 200 percent on each car. and they will be on sell up all in the united states. we're moving taking advantage of by other countries. and think of it often times, these other countries are considered so called allies. they've taken advantage of us for years. we lose jobs, we lose revenue, and they gain everything and wipe out our businesses. wipe out our people. i stopped it for 4 years. i stopped it and were really ready to make changes like nobody had seen before. and remember us m. c a. i got rid of nafta, the worst re deal ever made and replace it with us. m. c a which is they say the best deal ever been actually probably the best re deal was the deal i made with china where they buy $50000000000.00 worth of a product. they were buying not like they buy $50000000000.00 worth they had to.
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but i don't even talk about it because of go, but i don't even mention it frankly because of what happened was the china virus, the, we will not live countries come in, take our jobs of plunder, our nation, they come and they plunder our nation the way they will sell their product in america is to build it in america, a very simple build it in america as hardly in the it is very simple for viewing. congress has to go along with us and they will,
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this very simple formula will create massive numbers of jobs. we will take over the auto industry again and many, many, hundreds of thousands of jobs. we lost so many jobs over the years. if you go back 2025 years, they've sold, going to china and mexico about 68 percent of our auto industry manufacturing jobs . we're going to get them all back. we're going to get them all back. every one of them has their center of our plan for economic really or massive tax cuts for workers that include something else that stood out to be very popular actually here it's very popular, this building and all those hotels that i saw that are so nice. i'm saying and, and that's what it's called, no tax on tips. no, no, actually the,
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i got that by having dinner recently in nevada, where we're leading by about 14 point hello. i'll see you there very soon. everybody know we're having dinner at a beautiful restaurant in the jump building on the strip and it's a great building and a waitress comes over. how's everything going? really nice person has everything. all sarasota, the government's after me all the time on tips, tips, tips. i said, well, they give you cash, would they be able to find them? she said, actually i didn't know that she said very little. cash has given us all put right on the check and they come in and they take so much of our money is just ridiculous and they don't believe anything we say. and they've just hired, as you know, 88000 agents to go after him. even more
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and i said, this shows the level of my, you know, most people where they hire consultants. they pay millions of dollars. but i said to her, let me just ask you a question. would you be happy if you had no tax and tips? she said, what a great idea. i get my information from a very smart waitress that's better than spending and everybody, everybody loves wages, who's in totty drivers, and everybody's a large, large group of people that are be really hurt badly. they make money, let them keep their money. i'm going to protect social security and medicare democrats are going to destroy social security and medicare because all of these people by the millions are coming in, they're going to be on social security and medicare and other things. and you're not able to afford it, they are just drawing your social security and your medicare under my plan,
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it comes, will skyrocket, inflation will vanish completely, jobs will come right back. and the middle class will prosper like never, ever before. and we're going to do it very rapidly. the dream we have for america can succeed unless we stop the illegal immigrant invasion, the worst that's ever been seen anywhere in the world. there's never been an invasion like this anywhere. 3rd world countries would fight with sticks and stones not to let this happen. the invasion at our southern border, we will stop it and we will stop it quickly. you heard tom home and yesterday. tom homan put him in charge and just sit back and watch. brandon, just the border patrol is incredible. these guys the, you know they, they really, the job is a lot easier if they don't have to do anything but they want do their pictures. brendan judge border patrol ice. ice goes out,
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you have to see what i says with m s 13, you have these, these are probably the worst gang and ice goes in there. and i know a lot of people and these rows here, and they're very tough people. but they don't want to do this job. they'll go into a pack of m. s, 13 killers, that the worst, probably the worst gags in the world. we have thousands of them. i move thousands and thousands out and by for years we moved them out and it was a pleasure. but ice, we go right into a pack of these killers and you see fish fly, you see everything, fly, and then they take them, they put them in a paddy wagon, they take them back and they get them out of our country. and the other countries weren't accepting them back and i called up and i said, tell them that we're not giving them economic 8 anymore. and the next day i got calls from all of these countries that were terminated billions of dollars we spent, or they can obligate to countries that does us, frankly no good a. and the next day i was call by everybody. i couldn't take all the girl. sure.
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sir, what's the problem i showed you won't take your killers back, that you said in caravans into america, you won't take them back. well sir, uh if you would like us to, we would give very serious consideration to do that. and within 24 hours, they were being taken back for years and years. when i 1st came in, they said president obama tried to get them to go back and they wouldn't accept them. they put planes on the runway said couldn't lead the plane that close the road. she couldn't take the buses at all. have to turn back. as soon as i said, no more economic aid of any kind to any country that does that. they called back and they said sure it would be a great honor to take m s searches. we loved them very much we loved them. 2 much sir will take us at the heart of the republican platform, is our pledge to end this border nightmare and fully restored the sacred and sovereign borders of the united states of america. and we're going to do that on
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day one.


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