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tv   DW News Africa  Deutsche Welle  July 19, 2024 10:30am-11:01am CEST

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the what can we do? carry on and some last day. a nice the nice you get their hosting for america. and babies shuttle stops august 3rd on d w the, this is dw news africa coming up on the program. voices of a canyon generation in revolt. it's a useless movement against the tax hikes and corruption, that pressure has forced concessions from the canyon government. but these young people tell dw why they're not satisfied. germany's foreign minister visits west africa, one aim is to help contain instability by strengthening ties of democracies in the region. we'll discuss what half of 10 and chief the situation is. we don't have the soul. so it's not clear to be would do anything different,
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which is why doing the pods. so see how we have on best design. scientists in south africa using an unusual method to try to save ryan those from coaches involved radioactivity. take a look at how that works. the kindergarten told me on why the but welcome to the program or it's been more than a month since canyons took to the streets in protest at a new finance bill that proposed sweeping tax increases the pressure i was forced to present with them brutal to withdraw the bill and dismisses cabinets, but that has not a piece the protest as in response to that defiance police have since bound to protest and narrow be city center. so i think that needs to ensure public safety.
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george bully, it is just in time for the action. the 24 year old has attended every anti government purchased in a ruby for the last 5 weeks and is still going for him. this is i was exposed to injustices at the very early age. i am used to seeing, i was used to see dead bodies our way back from my childhood. and even now growing up to become or young are dogs in this country and which missing the amount of force. excessive force being used by the law enforcement officers. it's a part of the commission on human rights says at least 50 people have been cute, seen support to started despite the risk attending the demonstrations poses boy every tense, every week on the tubs and focused, i know it's easy to be abducted or it's easy to go missing, so i just find my group of people. we mobilize also,
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and we continue being with the streets up in t o. a big government listens to our voices. shortly after our interview with targeted by the police. we were not too far from here about 50 meters, with somebody had been injured and police noticing that a crowd was forming lot, at least for kind of says of to i guess i to us all around us. you can see young people who are curious, who might be wanting to participate in the protest, but unable to because of the sheer force that police are using. now young people have gathered here today to say to the government that despite the concessions president, to, to made these do, once more, we need empowerment. we have tense. what's the point to school by that employed? we have seen the governments when the prison was competing. so that you could look for that, you would see, but if not, you see us now. well, one of the seats that you had some other type of work is just been piling frustration for a long time. so we're here today,
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i guess because this particular government has, it's been defined on the camel's back and we're just tired of it. we've gone to go and let loose for how long, how long. so we need the solution to all these boy under protest as out today, see they will keep the pressure on the state until their demands for change or met i spoke to protest or inactive is shakira or full and they put it to her that the issues that i am during the protest of such as corruption and impunity. i'm not new and can you it's, it's not new. and for me i try personal level. i failed to understand why we, as i can't see we've been, i mean, depending on the country for 60 years, we've had the new was due to show since 2010 and we like what's, what's we have to show for this independence in terms of development is very many schools in comparison to what we are capable of as the country and then looking at
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um, stickler rapture and, and utility that goes on within the political class of for me it was a point of being informed, getting that knowledge and saying ok like, oh wow, our time is now beautiful. it gives a new of them he does of tomorrow, but we don't have to morrow even not able to get ahold of our country at this point . so i felt it was important for us to like, wish now when we have this information, we have the capacity a lot of i see with right now are in place. so we have the time in the energy to push towards picking up and to beta, right. and what would it take for, for you to stop the process because the president has made some concessions. so what, what, what are you looking for as um, to be honest, when i, i personally uh, went out to the streets. initially,
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it was purely to reject the financing before this. i was quite a police report. i did not really injured so much, we boards is being on within the political been and i feel like if the government had had a positive, initial response to that protest had they likely seems to us from the get go. i don't think that would lead would have been any further pushed, but anything else? bunch of different. that's our, our approaches which i was interested in any bucked while dealt. we move so much violence and brutality, and people lost their lives and so many what in just people so many what you just as i've been, i adopted it actually was and i opened up the whole menu old last to realize the extent to which they they is unclear actual and in the impunity and the able to
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me tell the people we have in our government. so if before, that's what, that's a negative response initially. i don't think we would have been able to push towards something else or less. no, we're like, i know they're politically class has proven that they are not willing to concede to do anything to better our country and as you watched, pushed when speaking. oh, i've got you better. so if that's me, a guessing dream of the car in 22 clerks that's in, you know, trying to reclaim a country by witching up and he does, who are going to subs that people rather than their own creed. i think that is what you're going to be pissed off. 100. 0, since i'm images of you standing up to to, to police, man, i'm just wondering, are you not scared? i mean, we talked about that. what's happening some, some protest, those are you not scared yourself? uh, to be honest, i am scared. but at this particular instance,
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my rage and frustration towards the government. i see that all they see a that's a hide. and uh i, i sales, i'm a person who, if i have an opinion, it's important for me to add it out. and i felt this police idea and you should be finding a side dealing with their protest of ends protecting us. they came against as so i felt they weren't on their own side. and uh, it was important for me to voice out the frustration that was pushing i so many used to come over to industries to purchase. so yeah, i was, yeah, that's the frustration that i see in regards to the state of the country was i see that it's yeah, that's it. how does that mean? okay. shakira or for low? thank you for speaking to us the,
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the international organization for migration says 10000000 people have been driven from that homes since the war in sedan began in april last year. what's a staggering 20 percent of the population? they've either been displaced within the country. you will have to go across the board as the un children's agency. unicef says some 50000 has led recently from new fighting in the central san ah, state. many who arrived require urgent psychological support in addition to basic needs like food and shelter. so 5 for 100 children have been reduced, said here. oh, which they are receiving several services, including mental, insightful social supports. we also bring a number for conditional action because she couple of the children believe that's all. most of the top was they had the low just as you continue, we have the team that doing sports inside. they will have to do and also bring some drawings and the social worker. you're watching the building, use africa still to come with the olympics around the corner. we meet
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a nigerian athletes preparing to fight for glory. the now with migration and security being key topics of concern here in germany. the country to foreign minister has been in west africa this week. seeking to strengthen by lands, ties with partners that are in a bad box trip to cut to set a goal and co deval. we'll discuss what germany can achieve with its west africa plan shortly. but 1st he has a report from dw, so you'll have furnish who's been traveling with the foreign minister. it's the car center, guys, not bad book, a travel to the country on the edge of the saw the region to will talks with political representatives. she prays to the democratic transition of power of the synagogues turbulent election earlier this year, and pledged future economic cooperation onto like if we also have great interest
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here because there is a lot of economic growth, many opportunities here on the continental, but also in the region 9 green technologies and the expansion of infrastructure. i spoke to all about security top the agenda to, and view of unrest across the wider. so hello region whose an extra mas violence have to stabilize the neighboring countries. lupina fossil molly and media people across the entire so here the region has displaced around 3000000 people. europe is concerned about the potential far reaching effects. is i the new model, the major sahu, it's an o in direct neighborhood. 3 of the problems and challenges of the region. tyrone migration organized crime, poverty effect, those direct, including engine rooms, limited by all in over. at her next stop in ivory, coast babbled visited the international academy for combating terrorism. this year, germany withdrew its troops from neighboring molly and is now closing its last air
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base in the share military regimes in those countries have asked western forces to leave and have instead engaged russian military personnel for security assistance. but there are still other partners in the region while germany is looking to foster these relationships and to not in school, in the region, nations across the saw how are leaning towards the turkey, china, and russia, germany's foreign minister and the bad book therefore made it very clear during her visit the germany is not looking for charity work in the region. but that pulled up a ration with center got an ivory coast in the very heart security interest of germany during the books visit of laurie and president, unless on what, how to advocate is for increased humanitarian age to help those affected by conflict. a look that some of these are the people need it. we also mentioned the risk this poses 5 rico set up well,
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especially at the northern part of the frontier. as you know, we already receiving more than 60000 refugees from booking. and this is a book for the i've already an economy or a center platform liquid. i mean why the at the box mission comes at a challenging time as the influence of the west and the side of the region, wayne's, while other forces gain ground last week. now to increase the day and analyst with a focus on politics, diplomacy, development, and security in west africa, good to have you on the program, chris and the german foreign minister has been to set a goal to the ivory coast. how crucial are these 2 countries in the context of political stability and you cannot make development in west africa as no shows. you know, the uh, economics elite is in the sense that could be why is the largest economy in francophone, which doctor guy do you need to use?
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so that's the economic i'm wanting to re union. and the french speaking with dr. gonzalez, as sending goal is also the security, i think, would only, that's really been paid. it used to be, you know, by the old colonial era. i used to be the copies of friends west for guy, obviously things of the vault since then, but it's doing very crucial to the west in the securing the economic development side. also both countries, how large numbers of migraines, from places like molly keen, uh the i know that's around the country. so i would say that the visit industries, housing for tags and vine to read it to countries a to a lot of the international interest in rejoining security. as is right now, let's talk a now at germany says it wants to step up cooperation with the remaining democracies in west africa as a way of containing instability. is that strategy likely to work?
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or? no, no, it's not. for the same reason that many, all the governments that's of the west germany, i need you again and north american bar department with some of the right ability and they did some ac will be a whole you know, you had been with you've always those of us on the, you know, sort of it, because i'm speaking of generally means to get those in the indications that he's planning to do the same thing next year. when would you buy his up for re election? then you have to go, you have a bridge, they fall, read nothing, b, o, they didn't know that single vision of most of these, you know, god really was to essentially disenfranchise. what does, what? because the bylaws can, you change the rules again is to be able to see more than 2 terms. you hockey spa, and i've been there who has been buried with already. terrier scratch was the show
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and how to deal with these but these goals. so these are the government that, you know, wisdom countries need to possibly be desperate. did you move it off? and this also comes out of time when a lot has changed in west africa and recent years, you know, talking about the, the military coups, the eviction of western military contingents. how difficult is it for western countries like germany to sort out an effective so how low west african strategy in this scenario as i think may of the west be uh 3 by what i. ready you know, what do you need the vision, you know what the space with the executive friends in its mission. but suddenly, the united states, germany, germany knows, and how the defense are from development tools to be able to pull up any kind of what to do to get it aspire to. you know, in a sense,
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the call itself from the french are approaching this region because the french prices begin with a very top c dot. it's why they were asked to leave the 3 countries in the center. so i know, but germany doesn't quite house into them. i think 5, i'll all the friends on the united states as there will be domestic pressures. should you have anyone to come into anything that the german probably can be guided as you know, over strictly terms of financial resources. so i just don't see how, you know, johnny got squared circle because we've looked at these 3 countries. molly, back into fossil news. yeah. these are countries where they're also significant security threats from, from islamic groups. and how can these western countries engage with these countries effectively? if that's a stem, the threats that you had, his threats, but also of course we,
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we know about the concerns about migration as well spread precisely. i see that the, the western framework and you know, specifically, drill can because i do think that in some respects you look in what really needs to be the call from the westwood frames. even though of course, there's a lot relation between the 2 cars. the european footprint is so great to buy that feel like we chose a one dimensional weight in terms of what the do in terms of funding, in terms of training, you know, you know, elements of the stuff, the stuff, the regime 0 above and you have the from this free, what are you again by region on secure it's pretty was which is essentially better once in width. i forgot this point because now the x ray and you know, the gods of you know, yeah. equip in meetings and all the red windows actually goes thing way is this is doing processing center go with and she has all these, you know,
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they have brought out some of that. so you don't see a sense of what the you wouldn't be exact trying to accomplish if you are, but i did. it will fail because it has been tried before funding the was nothing has changed in the fundamental weeks that would necessitate for those mentors to be effective in the sense that if anybody's, the situation is we don't happen so much. what? so it's not clear to me when germany tends to do differently, which is why i don't see the positive slope says highway, but that's fine. okay, um, thank you very much, chris. that's a comprehensive even though there's quite a lot to, to, and get to talk about on this issue, but we'll have to leave it there for an increase of commodity. it's been a pleasure getting your insights, i think is the one in south africa, the number of ryan those killed by punches is again on the rise. last year. traffic has killed nearly $500.00 rhinos and increase of 11 percent compared to the
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previous year. now, scientists devising a radioactive tactic to protect the animals, but the method is not without controversy. decision making rhino is radio active in order to save them. this is a world fist. yes. what does that mean? so that's why we, we use who's a tiny little radioactive chips into the whole. it's a painless process. this join animal has been tranquilized reiner who owns a, mainly used in asia and traditional medicine value, rivals the price paid for gold. so the idea is that the value the ryan ahold of yours, the idea is to make a right and make a lot easier to attract. a guy 3 board is international crossing radiation. seems as it sounds different. his ports and airports can to take the treated horns . scientists have extensively tested the potential impact on the rhino is health as
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a off. the dosage is a fairly low level low enough that it will, will not impact on the animal itself in any negative way. for to you to this strong enough that it can be, can do 2 things. one is to range the horn, toe, t useless, not consumable. by and by human beings, this, this seems to poisonous 1st human consumption for whatever is and leads. people want. use this for the injection will need boosting every 5 years or if it's to start poachers have been going on for decades. bots have mostly failed. we tried to poison the homes that didn't work. a deal, honing doesn't work and nothing works. but this is something you can destroy, you can throw it away and it fits your 5 people,
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you know who the radio active. so we got to run this. what do you want? not everyone in the rhino will supports the idea assigned has faced ethical hurdles, paused by critics of the method. it's not clear what would happen if someone consumes radioactive own. despite all the criticism 20 live rhino is already passed as a project bank, his hope the process can be replicated to save other spaces endangered by poaching, such as penguins and elephants. the 20 to 24 olympic games get underway in a week in paris. more than 10000 athletes will take pause each with a unique story and a dream of glory, w at one niger and take one to 5 to who didn't have much luck 4 years ago at the olympics in tokyo. but i was looking to come back stronger this time in paris,
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nigeria and try quando. stop. elizabeth, i n a chill is in training. i had to be all in pick games in paris. why it was something but everybody couldn't even get a good right? she's been in gemini since 2022 on m i o. c training scholarship. had a starts with walmart stretches and ends in cooling spot and sessions. she hopes to banish the memories of how 1st on los i did took your games 3 years ago. best buy and then think for me a side of the cloud and everything else naturally distorts, right? i'm getting some those randolph, the defense, those i have written the let's have the best way of it left to so many competition . i am not just interested in the sport came from her father who was himself hot on business of the coming to bucks a. she started out in athletics, but hi,
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it's month to out for a future and take one to wear long limbs come be an advantage. she will start in supported by imagining olympic met. at least she got shocked mary j. o, i thought of you all. i also think so i like to a sense from the side. i didn't think i was going to be consistent like this. so, so just something i was waiting for for me and the address. yeah, yeah. not a one godaddy f. come games and gonna, how true now tim says its former olympia and things that she's a natural she had the great developments since she arrived at our training center. and she's a small player. fast learning are also very intelligent about tactics and strategy into sports. so as i said, the development was really fast for her. so we've got
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a really believing and have that you've been reading, you qualify, and the history did so. um and also in our during dix. i think she, she has even neutrons to be on the top, the top ranked to be top rank to their lympics fine away from home to quiet surroundings around lake constance. allow on. yeah. and i chose to concentrate on how well into goals. i really don't want i should. yeah, i really don't go out. most of the time. i mean those. so i don't really have a lot of one activities outside what i'm maybe going to make. and the 2 i just meant what someone nigeria last one. i know lengthy time. quando meadows in 2008. it's elizabeth. i am at your hopes to change that in paris. yeah, we're looking forward to seeing how that goes in the olympics. that's it for now
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though, there's more online ad on our social media your next time the
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each tells nice story to people. you plan's me. i am not too dumb to tell the odyssey the meltdown the a 15 minute. d w. 6 zones with tim, sebastian cube countries of what's the war in ukraine more closely than poland,
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which was the time. and again, the poor thing was much beyond his board is no one listening my guess this week and more so just adjusted some of this stuff out of them, but not to put warnings because the government have to use the same conflict in 90 minutes on d w, the little guy. this is the 77 percent. the platform for advocacy issues, picture id you know, on this channel we are not afraid to pass and then it gets to talk to young people clearly have the solution, the future of the
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77 percent. every weekend on dw, the dream of revolution, it dictates as the most uh, was forced out. that changed my life. the people hoped for a sara society. i imagined we would change the world. tens of thousands of messages from all over the world wanted to help reconstruct the country. this mission became the dream. it was simply a spirit of optimism where we encouraged each other and so many things were suddenly imaginable. there are the most efficient and making a dream of revolution. dots july 20th dw, the
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physical dw is life from berlin. businesses across the globe struck down biotech outage. a problem trace to microsoft software has gone to fly. some of the u. s. u k of germany and as far away as australia, growth cost, those were all ad in several places and financial markets of h. so being disruptive. also coming up. donald trump take center stage of the republican national convention, removing the moments of faith, assassination attempt in a 19 minutes address trump for many acceptance, the republican nomination and laid off his plan for re election.


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