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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 19, 2024 11:00am-11:16am CEST

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the, the physical dw is life from berlin. businesses across the globe struck down biotech outage. a problem trace to microsoft software has gone to fly some of the u. s. u. k of germany and as far away as australia broadcast, as we're all ad in several places and financial markets of h. so being disruptive, also coming up. donald trump take center stage of the republican national convention, reliving the moments of faith assassination attempt in a 19 minutes address. trump formerly accepted the republican nomination and laid off his plan for re election. the
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i'm going to expand a do welcome. a global tech outage is disrupting companies around the world, from airlines to broadcasters and banks. the us is issuing a ground stop on all its flights worldwide as delays hit berlin and amsterdam cheerful airport. among many others in the u. k, the london stock exchange was temporarily effected along with the sky news channel, which was unable to broad costs for several laws to hospitals in germany have also canceled non emergency operations. and the gentleman understood your escaped ferguson from dataflow business with small kate, what do we know so far? well, we know this is happening around the world across different sectors. as you mentioned, from aviation to media, to banking, millions of people are affected flights across the world have been console seems at
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airports becoming increasingly k also as you would expect. but broadcasting, for example, also done, in fact, a colleague of mine was due to go on a b, c, a started this morning for a live cross that could not take place because their systems were down. healthcare, also effective as he mentioned hospitals in germany counseling elective surgeries in the u. k. the national health service, their doctors cannot access booking systems at the moment. trains there aren't running either and as you said, the london stock exchange went offline for some time to so we know this is a multi pronged event. it's very serious. and do we know what's behind this? we have to be very careful at this point. very cautious, it's too early to draw any conclusions, but we do know that authorities in australia have linked to this is to a company called crowd strike. it's a global security from microsoft also says it is investigating an instant what exactly the connection there is. we don't know yet, authorities seem to suggest this is not a cyber attack, but whether or not there is malicious attempt here at the fact that this can happen
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at all is very wearing indeed relieve at the uh for the moment. okay, thanks so much for coming into the studio for that. let's take you now to correspondent that shonda yada who joins us now from denny shadow. what is the situation in india with this tech outage? a but there's just in the last one i will. india has become the latest country to have joined, you know, the number of countries that are unfolding now have to haven't been impacted by this massive i t outage. we've heard from the denny efforts that they distributed just half an hour ago saying that some of their services have been temporarily affected. they're not saying that there's been a complete outage of cost as being up, you know, massive delays and some cancellations, as well. of the sites in by, as well as in bundle, but it's a, it's an unfolding situation, as you can imagine, varies as it is around the voice of we also hearing from different airlines just
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reaching out to the bessengers, i'll say, asking them to come to the airport earlier than much, much earlier than the expected time of departure because they're having to until people manually in their records and they are issuing a 100 and voting bosses. so the chaos is unfolding as we are speaking abilities are we also showing of, you know, a lot of disappointment, of course, on to be, to have been some, been scanning some reactions of people. but there's also, uh, some long to freeze uh saying that, you know, sort of these of the effort was quick enough to, uh, switch to the manual mode. and this started issuing the 100 and voting boxes. and the services are continuing isle beach not, you know, with the same us smooth piece that passengers are used to. so some people are also questioning the amount of trust and power that's vested in us. big tech companies. and people are asking whether we need to be looking at or tentative, and you know, to learn some lessons from this. a former item minister,
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roger you've has just spoken to the media. he says, he says that i hope microsoft fixes it soon. but he also pointed out that we need to have conversations about the residents of such be platforms, finish reading that there for the moment. but thanks for being of that update. challenging other from denny and we will of course, keep an eye out on this uh, breaking news story and bring you developments as of when we have them. but for now, let's have a quick look at some of the stories making news around the world. is realism, industry, and emergency services upside? and a part of the joint attack on israel is tel aviv has getting one and wounded others . humans eat on back to hopefully examples of released the statement, claiming responsibility for the attack. i think they would continue to target israel in sort of data to with palestinians in the cause of war. and as health industry says that traces of the phone dividers have been found in seward samples and gaza. the ministry is wanting of a health catastrophe with palestinians taking shelter in crowded and unsanitary
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areas, but not a breeding ground for the disease. spanish and german police have what i said for suspects. 3 in spain and one in germany over allegedly supplying drone fox, the netherlands has but allow me to share spanish. i thought a piece of the suspects for vault of a network that provided components for hundreds of drones using a tax on each ram. a republican presidential candidate donald trump has formerly accepted his nomination, calling for unity. in his 1st speech, since he survived and assassination attempt, trump fed his post on account of the shooting, saying he was caught saved by the grace of god. in that key note speech on the final life of the republican national convention. he also talked about his campaign goals, but did not give any details on how he would achieve from celebrating donald trump of to officially accepting the nomination as the republican presidential candidate
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. he tried to sell a message of unity. i'm here to night to lay out a vision for the whole nation. to every citizen, whether you are a young or old man or woman, democrat, republican or independent black or white, asian or hispanic. i extend to you a hand of loyalty and of friendship. together we will lead america to new heights of great dislike. the world has never seen before. a message that went down well with his followers. he wants to unite all americans. not just for republicans, but democrats, republicans, independents, like you said, all of america. he's looking out for his people. and that's different for me. it's ministration that we're having now. it gives us a lot of hope, and i can't wait to make america great again. i think is change the tire temperature and he's trying to create unity within our country about as of a unifying message. i think that it covered all of the platform and the party, but also what he wants to accomplish in the next 4 years as well as kind of carry
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over from his last 4 years. the convention was also the 1st major test for trumps peak for vice president j. d. thence the attendees are confident that the trump vance ticket will win in november. video p now has its candidates in portrays itself is a unified potty, is a republican national convention in milwaukee comes to a close attention is no shifting back to washington or president vitamins facing the increased pressure from within party runs to step aside in the race for the white house, and this was crumbs fast speed since the field assassination attempt on him. i asked the reporter, michelle stop and brother, he'd deliver that unifying message. he promised for us, tom started out sounding like an angel talking about an assassination attempts that really seemed to have been a religious experience for him, that he was able to dodge it. and he also gave a unifying message that americans should overcome the political divide and that he
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was running for president for the whole country, not just half the country, but his speech quickly worked into that at the tone of a vengeful american. demi god, i would say, who is really against injustice who is looking to settle scores and is talking about ultimatums to achieve that rather than really starting on his policy or diplomacy that could meet those ends. however, i would say that as a whole, the republican convention with success in terms of resetting the republican party, away from this image of chaos that surrounded his campaign in 2020. it was a smooth operation when it looks ready to kind of take office and lead if he's elected and a speech was also successful in terms of construct, contrasting his image. i guess that if i didn't, he came across as a really good lawyer. he's still vigorous and ready to lead. uh, where is uh,
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biting this, having definitely some mishaps with this public image. trump is alternating off his plans for a 2nd the president. so you did, we showed anything new in those plans as we heard. not really anything new, more of the greatest hits. he talked about how he's going to crack down on illegal immigration, which will reduce in his words, crime, and also make more jobs available to americans. he strangely brought up a hannibal lecter, the fictional serial killer, making the case that is america is unsafe because a serial killers are coming over is illegal immigrants, very strange, great. instead of his, he also talked about how he wants to drill. they drill increased uh, energy production in america to reduce gas prices that might not necessarily work because there's a lot of factors that affect gas prices. um and then he also inform policy wise, talked about how he will end the war in ukraine. he talked about how he will end the war and gaza, and he also talked about american hostages. i assume, in gaza,
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held by a mazda at her mazda. if they don't release them, by the time he gets an office, that they will pay a big price. a lot has been said michelle about from spending false and misleading information. how factual was this speech? let's just touch on a few things that stuck out to me. i made a little list here. some of the big wipers, he said were 1st that legal immigrants. there's an invasion of the legal immigrants that are coming across and killing a 100 more than 800000 americans a year. not sure where he's getting those numbers. you said cove, it was the way that the bed fraud was committed in the 2020 election. although there's been overwhelming evidence that the selection was not marked by fraud. and the other thing that stuck out to me was, he said that under his administration, the unemployment rate had been the lowest in history. that's not true. unemployment was actually lower for
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a couple months under biden's ministration and was comp was in the limelight in milwaukee. what was president joe biden doing? i'm going to warn you here for us. i'm going to get a little poetic, so don't get scared. go on this uh, you know, when i look at the bottom of when i look at the biden campaign right now, i'm reminded of some verses from dylan thomas do not go gentle into that good night . rage rage against the time of the likes. joe biden has been sidelined by coded and is waiting a huge decision whether you should give up his credit when he said withdraw from the race for president. and this is a huge decision for him. this is the man who is used to overcoming the arts, who is a come back kid himself. this will really define his place in history if he withdraws from the race. and he has said, only a god could convince him to withdraw from the race. then he changed out a little bit a few days later and you said if the doctor says that he's not medically fit,
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then perhaps you withdraw from the race and all this came after you had kind of a disastrous debate performance against trump. a few weeks ago, however, the voice that may convince him may come from nancy pelosi. there are reports that she has had conversations with him, showing him pulling from keith swing states that he needs to win and trump of reading. and it may be that he may not be able to overcome that lead. and democrats are looking to switch horses in the middle of the range. so he's under an immense amount of pressure. this is a man who kept on running because he's convinced that he can be trump. hubbard will have to see what decision he makes. it's a, it's anybody's guess at this moment. live with them for the moment. thanks so much for joining us today. did the both of michelle stockman quits working on some other stories making news or on the road. a french police officer has been seriously wounded in a knife attacking patters yesterday and has been shot dead by police. authorities
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do not suspect at harvest motive, but the incident has raised security concerns in the french capital, a head of the olympic games in mexico city has introduced new laws with strict punishments for the matter of transgender people. the crime now carries a prison sentence of up to 70. yes. the reforms come off with a string of getting spots protests from the l g b t q, community and yeah this yeah. kind of those ministry as welcome to new chief of staff. the 1st one to hold the job, general jenny kendrick then officially took them on to the countries armed forces instead of money and the capital auto from minutes to justin to though call this historic day. and he has a quick reminder of the top starting. they are following for you and this all businesses across the bill of aust trucks down by a tech outage trace to microsoft software. flights of being branded in the us, u. k, spain, germany and australia. broad costs chosen financial markets have also be disruptive
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. that's it for the moment. it's coming up. next off the break. i'll document retakes and look at the secrets of know to don in that as and don't forget our website, d, w dot com. i'm british manager and bring it to you back in about 45 minutes. you them the can you see is what old cars tires have to do with the production? here's a hands on the real media watch now on youtube, the,
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on that day you really thought i would disappear.


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