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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 19, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm CEST

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the the, this is the, the news line from the us, john list a jail for 16 years in russia on spying charges. the wife has condemns the closed door trial of wall street journal before the evan guesstimate as a shop full. so on programs check outage link to a cyber security from grounds flights across the world. financial markets are also disrupted, and broad costs has taken effect. the little trump sales republicans about the moment we escaped. death formerly accepts the republican presidential nomination and lays out these plans for the election view and the top portion rules with israel's occupational palestinian territories. is illegal companies more likely to
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affect world opinion then these riley pumps the feel good. you're welcome to the program. the beginning, russia, where of course, a sentence to wall street journal john list, evan guest, give it to 16 years in prison. after 3 days of close door hearings, the course in the city of your calculating book, found mister gust image of guilty spying was accused of acting on orders for us the central intelligence agency to gather information back from session factory producing tanks, the water new crate wall street journal on the white house didn't either charges so it was a 16 year sentence expected. i asked that correspondence, so you'll have a shifted to yes, initially the prosecutor even wanted
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a team here. so now 16 years punishment kaloni with particularly hot conditions, if it's cold, is very hot, but not surprising for the spanish. and when you guys could, which is accused of a gasket, which denies this allegations, you said it's a feel as a reminder, she was detained in the xerox and the heroes and proceed to you could have been working march 2023 off to a meeting with a local politicians, wasn't that a search there? since then she was healthy as a pre trial detention center in moscow. it's remarkable how quickly the trial to play suddenly only 3 days it is. it took, the trial was close to the press. we know know the, those are the only know is that to the local petition with whom guys can be tremendously considering bought before each was arrested. that politician was called as a witness yesterday to the court and the hobby next presentations that mr. goes can, which could be swapped for a russian citizen being held in a western prison. how likely is that, as well as the russians have made it clear,
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have several times previously that they would like to exchange evan gasket, which for the russian citizen invested in prison. as the day before, yesterday, russian to foreign minister levels confirmed that the issue was being discussed at the level of the intelligence services that may be a good sign for, haven't guessed, coverage. of course, no names officially mentioned to box. it's as you to that, to one of the potential prisoner as far as what could be found geographic auth. uh presumably most co would like to get you out of the present in belize. brussels is this a quote so called t a got the other in august 2019 short. another option to see if there's an in the middle of the day and billing still got the park. presumably on behalf of the adoption secret service. she was sentenced to life imprisonment in germany, and a few months ago, even russian, president fulton was oscar and they didn't tell you about the possibility of swapping jessica beach for somebody else. borden said that you didn't who out guess
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good for touring home and indicated that it to vote and could be crossteck of in germany who would be swamped for gasket. the type of these exchange is problematic because of usa has nothing to do with the case. and the gentleman who go for it is don't want to be put on the pressure. nice about that options, nobody's americans buy. so there's something to save as a message here for other foreign journalists working in russia. have dangers, is it for them to stay as well? all journalists live in venture investor for g as and especially independent trash . and don't know, this will still report from russia, but yes, you're right. the latest seems to the rest of you on guns coming to the nose into the threats to freedom is very real for western journalists to, especially since we want to create um, according to report us. because all the board as field more than $100.00 journalists have been declared alleged for and the agents critical media have had to close independent media, have had the clothes and some websites often band without cold or that we at dodge
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sevalla also considered to be so cold for an agents in russia and double just to do moscow. you said it had to close shortly before the war began. but despite the disclosure we've been there reporting on russia now hear from the gun. ok, thanks back to you already dw, the re got bureau chief, you need to push that. so thank you so much i. it's a global technical out such as disrupted companies across the world. the us initially grounded all of its flights worldwide as its as that device could add ports including bell and i'm saddam's ship all in the u. k, the london stock exchange was temporarily effective and several hospitals forced to hold surgery. the problems being named to the cyber security for a crowd strike and the microsoft windows operating system blew it are screen ronda plains. malfunctioning apps, a global i t altitude airlines bags and media outlets worldwide on friday morning, causing chaos at berlin. airport, massive delays as stuff switch to any emergency check in system. i'll just keep
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going with the 12. no, it's $10.00 to $5.00. where are you going to london? well, i, well it's pretty cool. it's quite clear you take like it looks like not normally is it? well, we don't know if we're wrong, but right now we're looking for our flags. so we're not sure in the us to airlines such as american and delta airlines price days and drunk stops. the u. k. national had service and some german hospitals also phase disruptions. early reports connected the outage to an update by cyber security firm clock strike. it's talk plumber took in early friday, trading microsoft near the site and good chart potty update is affecting it's a windows operating system. the it's the nightmare scenario for an increasingly networked world, highlighting the vulnerability of global digital infrastructure. let's get more
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from kate ferguson from d w. business. welcome, kate. what more do me to? well, we know that this, i just happened around the world that had happened across different sectors, from aviation to media and banking. we know that millions of people were affected by those flights were done broad costs or is like sky news. in the u. k. abc, australia, they went offline for some time. as he mentioned health care affected to here in germany. some hospitals canceled elective surgery in the u. k. doctors are unable to book appointments right now, trays not running their either the london stock exchange offline for some time as well. now you mentioned that this has all been caused by a firm called pride strike. it is a global, secure, but a cyber security company. and what appears to have happened here is not a full t default from pride strike triggered major disruption it to microsoft 365 services which as we can see, no major infrastructure around the world depends on the chrysler. it has been very fast to say that this is not a cyber attack. so on one level,
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that of course is quite reassuring, but the fact this could happen at all is of course the, if the worrying, there's one uh cyber, a consultant toy hunt posting on x earlier calling this the largest i t. i should in the world, i k to folks and from the w business. thank you so much for that. let's give us much to think about the us. what donald trump has formerly accepted his nomination as republican presidential candidates, and called for unity. in his 1st speech since surviving assassination attempt to form the president told the republican national convention he had been saved by the grace of god. they also told a box whose campaign goals, but gave a few details about how he would achieve them. celebrating donald trump off to officially accepting the nomination as the republican presidential can the data. you try to sell a message of unity. i'm here to night to lay out a vision for the whole nation to every citizen, whether you're
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a young or old man or woman, democrat, republican, or independent black or white, asian, or hispanic. i extend to you a hand of loyalty and of friendship. together we will lead america to new heights of great. it is like the world has never seen before. a message that went down well with us, follow us. he wants to unite all americans. not just for republicans, but democrats, republicans, independents, like you said, all of america. he's looking out for his people. and that's different than it's ministrations that we're having now. it gives us a lot of hope, and i can't wait to make america great again. i think is change the tire temperature and he's trying to create unity within our country. and that is a very unifying message. i think that it covered all of the platform and the party, but also what he wanted to accomplish in the next 4 years as well. as kind of carry over from his last 4 years. the convention was also the 1st major test for trump
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peak for vice president j. d. thence the attendees are confident that the trump vance ticket will win in november. the what the republican national convention coming to a close the attention shift back to the white house and renewed calls for president white to drop out in the race. so the white house, well, let's take a closer look at how a trump presidency might affecting your refund. why did geo politics, young push out as the europe director of the you razor group and by then on an express, on the efforts to strengthen european defense is a welcome to the w. so donald trump has promised the republican convention that he would end what he called every single international crisis that he said the current administration had created. so let's start with ukraine. how would you anticipate the 2nd trump administration all during the course of that war? it was quite clear that ukraine, in its effort to defend itself, must rely on the united states. it would not be able to sustain its efforts without
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u. s. aid both in terms of the hardware, military equipment, but also the, the information you know, the, the intelligence that the american flushing sharing with the ukrainians, all of this enables the ukrainians to punch in most of weight. and this was so that followed by the wayside as from past kind of problem solving, you know, to put the premiums on the spot in the pressure to accept the compromise. then this would indeed be very, very bad news from the ukranian. that's why this already feverish diplomacy also be a hospice events. get an association key of to reach out to the trump cab so that that was the case doesn't come to pass. you bring needs the united states. and that gives trump because a lot of leverage to trump has put himself under pressure also on the plane come because he's made peace, massively big and vicious announcements. the world of course, will know, looking my guess is that he will act very quickly on the ukraine file to, to come to office again in january. and we've been hearing loss in recent weeks
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about nato in the, in you trying to trump proof various policies and initiatives, including aids to cry. i could just talk this through a couple of examples and explain to us how to improve. you think they all, as you come, make them slowly from prove because as i said, you know, much of that consorts of less than effort relies on an american backbone. the europeans are delivering quite a bit. it's not a negligible, you know, contribution of your opinions on making, but ultimately the american backbone needs to be in place. so comp proofing it altogether as not be possible. what we have seen at the nature of somebody that happened, you know, a, just a few days ago really was an attempt to bring some of the coordination functions of the united states head, you know, and coordinating this international aid effort for ukraine to take that away from us and put it into a multilateral nature context that wasn't the time to come, prove it to make it more temperate. those if you will. but ultimately, you know,
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these are basically procedural issues on substance. much depends on whether you west or the american heart and software can still slow. and so you know, the trunk proofing the whole enterprise in the ukraine context is not possible the faucet visual end and the you are trying also to prompt come from themselves, not just for your pain, but also for themselves. you know, um on, on trade and on defense which are the most important to portfolios here. all of this is going on. but you know, if it's, and you trump administration is hell bent on, on making these, you know, relationships difficult. undermine the you from the end and so on. and so for, you know, them, you know, comfortable things will not help you, but okay, you still diplomacy to about to us. i, i know what that about how you anticipate washington's relationship with moscow involving under a trump presidency. my sense is that actually this probably depends a little more on, on the midst of putting
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a then it really depends on the drum. um truck obviously is open has a certain amount of admiration for a football team. um and uh, it really depends on, on whether 14 this is ready. um you know, basically to most from that's a substantive stands. i mean, united states, you remember that teen has declared himself at war with the west. that includes the americans and russia is engaged in all kinds of alliances that are intended to help us. we'd be willing to stop this time so that the relationship with drunk can be more constructive, is one, i think, crucial part of all of this. uh and then you know, some of it will also depend on whether, you know, trump will completely personalize this issue. you know, and make it really dependent on just him and, and from team, or whether it's on, realizes at some point. that for example, on the china file, which he thinks it's the most important file for the americans at this point that russia is a close alliance of china and hubs, china, of course,
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causing painfully united states as well. so lots of trained collection and this relationship a going long even before and really stuffs fascinating analysis and we thank you for it to you on to how from the you raise you? good, thank you. so thanks for having me. just bring some breaking news, reaching us here at dw, the you ends top quote. a said that to israel settlement policies in the palestinian territories, break international law. this advisory opinion is non binding, but comes as pressure grows on these ro, of it's war in gaza, of the un general assembly as the international court of justice in 2022, to assess israel's occupation settlement an extension of palestinian lots because me to be so that's the cost to the i. c j in the hague, where rock correspondent lucio shilton is standing by welcome. let's see it. so bring this up to date. yeah,
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so the quote is still reading out it's advisory opinion, so it's still early days. but the quote also just said that each rails continued presence in the occupied palestinian territories is unlawful and is now moving onto the legal consequences. what is really important to say here is said this as an advisory opinion, so that means it does not find use right or any other states directly with its order. um, what i thought really stood out of was interesting is that the court is not taking into consideration consideration events that happened after october 7th. he said that this that he's not looking into that, but he's looking into the longer spending conflict. so to say between the, the, in the middle east. so the, as i said, it's still ongoing. so we would have to see what he says to legal consequences would be. and also what is still open is the question whether the occupation there
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is an option, whether there is an occupation by use or you off the occupied palestinian territories. and whether this is legal or not, this was the 2nd question that the general assembly ask. and this one has not been answered yet. okay. so given that this opinion is non binding, why the fact that will cause it have so yeah, so the quote itself says that it has molar or sorry, t and legal experts say that whatever the outcome will be here, it is clear that all the states cannot even all of this and therefore example of states and jeremy that says that it's fully concise with international property law . and therefore they will not be able to even know the outcome of this. so that means this might have consequences, for example, in the area of trade agreements or terrace agreements, this israel as an expo told me. so it might be that this is not binding, but it just still nevertheless half an impact. and of course,
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it could also put pressure on each trail and some other lawyer have said that it could isolate them, at least in a, in an either way, so to say, so to speak. thank you. i dw correspondent lucio shows an in, by what do you have in terms of all our shelves assigned that is you cooperation agreement with the government of serbia on the list. you excavation, the minerals used to make factors for electric cars, agreements as running to resistance in so as i lift your mind would destroy agriculture and it went to the country. a use came to shift its reliance on china from natural resources towards your w has been speaking with environmental activists. inside be about the project. this quiet region in western serbia hold the largest known lithium reserves in europe. for years, the dark valley has been a focal point of controversy. environmental this fear,
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lithium lining will ruin the natural landscape and contaminate the ground water with heavy metals, causing a risk to the residents drinking water. back in 2021. huge protests, force the serbian government to back down on plans to excavate the lithium. thousands filled the streets of downgrade. protesters blocked major roads and bridges. and one their case. british australian mining giant reopened to had its license to excavate the lithium revoked. now that decision has been reversed and reopened to can begin operations. the company says the mine will create thousands of jobs and produce enough lithium for $1100000.00 electric vehicles each year of the you want your electric cars powered by you or pm lithium, as it works to cut emissions and reduce dependence on china. and that has produced
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the change of heart in belgrade. serbia's new deal with the european union includes a commitment from all sides to uphold strict environmental and sustainability standards. but not everyone is convinced. protesters have been back on the streets in recent days. the w spoke to one of the protest, peters, who is a member of the opposition solvable minor love. each accuses the government of ignoring the will of the people. and he has a clear message for german chancellor will laugh. schultz. majority of serbia are against this. this project because there is very clear evidence that this will be a logical disaster. what people really here want. they want a demo because our message ease of leave hourly dom and democracy on the streets of belgrade. most people we talked to were also skeptical about the
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project. talk with them mostly. so maybe this agreement will be good, but i don't believe in it can be hard on theory and union might provide guarantees for the project, the way destroying nature. probably too old on here because everything's cheaper here. it won't be done in germany. protest organizers say they're not giving up their fight and have pledge to once again make their voices heard a lot. correspondent, mullen. i my how i gave a space updates bluff shows the johnson law of the federal republic of germany who was also attending the ceremony today. he really wanted to underline that all the stuff that's when it comes up for a to this environmental issues. but also when comes up to the rule of law will be significantly supported. and that is something like the underlined for this project . but still a lot of people here in serbia and also scientist, for example, from the university of serbia saying that it's a project which really like harms the nature. so there's quite like also a lot of discussions um now going on and the opposition called for example,
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you and serbia that they want to also again demonstrate the going to against this contract, which was signed today to bank. the desk for the best toll continues to rise as police and secure with the officials clashed with student processes on the streets of the capital. draco, dozens of people have been killed in the buttons. the residents on the morning commute paused the scorched remnants of the recent dudley caches. this government building was torched by student protesters as they faced off against police. so the, the biggest problem is we cannot move any way public transport has been closed. if we kind of moved around freight, the, how can we get to work? there is in the title in to let them know about the same blackouts across the country as a storage who's trying to contain the violence. the internet shut down means the people used to contact us doesn't look we are also angry because the
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protests mean we comp travel to certain areas. state media is also compromised up to protest to store the headquarters of the state old costa, closing the news to crush off a. a student pray test is one to a the time what they say is a rigged employment system. the government allocates a 3rd of public sector to, to family, members of veterans who fall within the 1971 move to independence from practiced on tough economic conditions, high unemployment and creeping inflation. adding fuel to the fire of public discontent. clashes with police have become violent. government supporters have also taken to the streets to take on the students joined by members of the student wing. the chop, throw leak. unless i know is why are they targeting of students with rubber?
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boot is to gas and even balance. now the police are instigating the child so lead to attack of students. why would the police beat students the role of the police? was it to protect us? why they against us? we won't probate justice. i should still be that the students say they will continue to protest until the quotes the system is overturned. well d, w is out of fossil islam, explain how the student protests about jobs of escalated so dramatically. the bottom of this has been experiencing a new to the internet back out since last night. that wouldn't go altered when you don't need blogs. adopt this follows previous efforts to lead me to social media and mobile data services, which of course you have to park on because when i'm on godaddy from voters to organize yours, i tried to talk dw is tucker correspondence this morning, using the wheeler phone lines. after selecting one of the correspondents show me to
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point b, it will be there to the apple distance or not backing down and flashes between police and different groups. so a premiere schedule just to day i put from some places higher porters type continued, dies didn't talk, are mostly empty. of course, when it also told me that opposition political part is to put those 2 students to protest against the government. they are supporting the quote of you phone portez international uses. and since you put a dose of debts over the past few days in the harlot classes between the ruling party activist, police and protesters, most of the deceased young people and was, besides sending the army onto the streets. what does the government been saying about these riots to our target for our splendid associated to tear to anything from the government to day? as you already know, the protecting your students are on opal's insights, offer a high quote, all the students that go to us for government jobs that came last month. and the
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course of the system had been our list in 28th inputting message. the student is student quote is under the courthouse who is there more than hop off? look pretty cheap and secure savings. so good job said is use of quote, a specific groups. that's what this does. think about hotel system is discriminatory and should be fun, too crowded. does it matter based system? while they're doing is just one was allowed to peaceful at the beginning it down to portland earlier this week when the quarter start. so i have confronted by the ruling party activists and law enforcement agencies, routing party activist team. they'll also do some practice, have been taking advantage of this content over the job full time issue and using your students the more soon as it we've been as a political the we've been bought obviously pay mr. sir, close, you know, deliver, the daily post address wouldn't stay evening, decrying the did the violence due to the boldest thank you for that. i reference
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will uh alpha to is line. thank you so much. i i set you up today. it's more of the top of the,
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the 2nd make a difference. visionaries with a project get involved to create a future day. experience that eco india. next on down to the point. strong opinions, clear positions, international perspective, the politics gone,
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brutal. the shooting against donald trump is just the latest example of rising political violence, while voters in the us and europe are also choosing the extremes on the ballot. onto the point we ask from insults to murder and you brutality infected. to the point. in 16 minutes on d w, the, you'll see about the video that goes enabled other data media and legal law give a lot of the time. but again, i will stop into that and i'll give you a go on. would you be able to order that? i'm jo, media, doctor coverage, the more people than ever on the news world wide in such a fashion life to just be able to use man and they can t mess with the guns already. already a few megs of appears in the general does all of pierson men is useful or the most moved that he gets expose? go to lecture and find out about all the story info, migraines,
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reliable news for language, wherever they may be, the cause that god, vicki. i'm presented. we are living in a world where these woods are being hard more and more frequently. how do i go mine? so i'll just have the body annual watching equal in down. so positives are often being used to describe the fact of human in deal was climate change in the cities and in the countryside. new challenges need new strategies. and technology is a big one on this, used on today is episode. let's take a look at how technology is ordered ready impacting the.


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