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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 19, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm CEST

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is dw news live at from berlin tonight the you ins, top court rules that israel's occupation, the palestinian territories is illegal. the judges said, is rarely settlement policies violate international law and should be abandoned. but the ruling is advisory and not mine. also coming out, the biggest i t crash years causes world wide chaos. thousands of flights have been grounded financial markets, airlines and hospitals facing wide spread disruption and
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a russian cord. so this is a us journal as to 16 years in prison on spying charges, the white house condemning the close door trial of wall street journal reporter evan hurst, garbage calling it a shame the i burned golf. it's good to have you with this today, the united nations top court ruled that israel settlements in the palestinian territories violated international law and must be abandon. the court found that israel's occupation amounted to annexation, and the palestinians were systematically discriminated against in the occupied territory. the advisory opinion is non binding, but it comes as pressure is growing on israel over the war. in gauze, are you in general? assembly asked the international court of justice back in 2022, to assess israel's occupation, settlement and annexation the palestinian. open lance on
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a d. w. use the t or schultz and has more now on the i. c. j, rosalie, the international court of justice and the hate said that east trades continued presence in the occupied palestinian territories unlawful. and that it has to bring an end to it as rapidly as possible. use red shut, also sees immediately new settlement activities and evacuate all settlers. the court also said that all other states and international organizations are under no obligation to not treat that situation as legal states. also, shouldn't brenda age to maintain it. finally, of calls from the united nations to consider modalities to bring an end to what the court qualified as an unlawfully presence of the state is, try it in the occupied palestinian territories. this decision is not binding, but has moto socrates and great legal rate according to the court. it was legit you
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schultz and reporting from the hague. as we said, the you ins, requests to the court to assess israel's presence in the palestinian territories that request. thanks back to 2020 to the board and gaza. it has brought added attention to the proceedings more than 50 countries submitted arguments. in this case, the optimal 7 is really rate in the west bank. earlier this month. such rates have become an almost daily occurrence in what israel says is an operation to retail minutes in um with bold is, is they destroy palestinian homes. the westbank is considered occupied on the international know others have their homes destroyed because they were built with them to these randy permit dw tote to a family in east jerusalem last month who had received an evacuation notice that home slighted for destruction. it was one of 13 demolition orders issued by the way,
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the authorities just that day. a as in 1967 during the 6th day. will israel seize control of the west bank along with other territories and onyx east jerusalem in 2022. the un general assembly off the world called to look at as well as occupation of these 2 areas. the illegal building of is riley settlements, was one fact to raise one, many of the governments, the deliberate arguments. in the case. even the united states admitted that the sacraments are inconsistent with international sacraments. so strewn across the west bank. housing, over half a 1000000 is ready, settled as an additional 220000 settlers live in east jerusalem, which has changed the demographics of the area. israel views the whole of tourism as it's capital, but on the international low,
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israel's takeover of east jerusalem with its holy sites is illegal. it's especially contentious as the palestinians view east jerusalem as the capital of the future state. as for the west bank, it's partly controlled by the palestinian authority, but israel maintains overall control including the territories. boat is different zones are separated by rules and checkpoints, limiting movement for palestinians. the palestinian psalm is, have complained that this hutch which concerns creates unfair access to results is like water. meanwhile, jewish settlers are accused of attacking crops, prophecy and people. most of the 52 governments that delivered arguments in the case. it's the judges to declare it as well as occupation illegal. here's the militants say they were behind the drone strike on tel aviv today. the attack in an apartment building in the city center,
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killing one man and we're doing several other israel's military. he says the strike used and a rainy and made drone launched from yemen. several 1000 kilometers away. the who these are in a rainy and backed rebel groups that control several provinces in yemen. and they're aligned with him off and has full. this is the 1st, the deadly to the strikes on is really territory. i'm joined now by security analysts. marina barone. she is with kings college london read. it's good to see you israel's army. it believes that this drone was launched from yemen. how did that drone reach is real and detect a good evening brand? well, the investigation is still ongoing in terms of what happened and how is that right and manage to evade air defenses. but if we look at the, for the, for instance, the drain was coming from the mediterranean. so looking at the map,
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it wasn't expected to come from that direction. that's number one. the other possibility of course, combined was that is the fact that these drugs are manufactured in such a way as to wait here, this kansas and it seems to be and you iteration also some odd sweet right in that to who these have been used. so there is a possibility is up to in the air defenses were not in the off and east row has been struggling with training specifically because it's air defense is designed for missiles. so what do we know about the drone that was used in this strike? well, so far as are of conflicting reports, when know that some reports refer to as strong as a drone, which is an upgraded version of s, a mazda 3 driving. now some of the 3 drone was developed in 2018 and it is designed by iran. however, these have been able to use um,
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domestic and foreign components in order to, to manufacture his east buttons. so apparently that's a driving that is claimed to have a range of one and a half solven's kilometers that has been used yet. the only thing you say that they will keep targeting is real. we're very lucky that the drone was able to reach telling me this time or could dispose a serious new threat to israel's air defenses as well in terms of air defenses. um the, obviously israel is now dealing also was hospitalized in the north. so it would create a problem for israel and when it comes to intercepting these drains and who the spokesman said that that is just the beginning of the escalation. however, if we look at the geography, i don't think that it would be very efficient for them to use to try and attack is riley carrots. busy worry,
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they are much more successful attacking the ships and the red sea. i'm putting a lot of pressure. so it remains to be seen what happens. but i think that the east road will have to also rely on the allied help in order to intercept drugs. the quote is, as a claim designed to use these, um, what is mortified, some ads re against east ro. we've seen the drones being used extensively. and the war between russia and ukraine are militant groups like thirty's. are they employing tactics? learn from that conflict to oh, i would say it's actually the other way around because um, drones offer sites groups in a symmetric advantage because they, they are much cheaper to manufacturer. and as far as who these are concerned and this specific example, they have started using drive as, as early as late 2016 also. and they have been developing their own drones and using them against saudi arabia,
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against all the forces as well as targets on saudi territory. so i think if anything they might have inspired the use of drones. and of course we have seen the use of a buyer. i've tried to be twos in my going on car box. so this is an evolution. what we're seeing here was a who these is that they are trying to perfect their craft and upgrades of drones by using for and components and domestic components. for instance, to increase the payload. busy or in the, in the air defenses or increasing durance of their trends. before we run out of time marina, we know the who these are backed by you're wrong. is it likely that the wrong play the director role in destroy? well, iran has been supporting who it is, but it doesn't means that the wrong or the nice every single strikes that in the affiliated groups conduct. so it's difficult to say, but i, i might, might be,
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but they still have their own goal. so each of these groups um, in the access have their own political ambitions, but they share is a common enemy. so there is a likelihood that the wrong could have been involved, but of perhaps it's just the same security analysts moreno wrong, really is always thank you. thank you for having me. as one of the biggest id crashes in years has had businesses around the world from broadcasters to bank stock exchanges at airlines. medical records were effective. hospitals here in germany, canceled non emergency operations. the united states grounded all of its flights globally with airports here in europe. also hit blue at or screens drums with plans . malfunctioning apps, a global i t altitude airlines, banks and media outlets worldwide on friday morning, causing chaos at berlin. airport, massive device staff,
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switch to any emergency checking system obviously has gone 4 to 12. no, it's $10.00 to $5.00. where are you going to london? well, i, well it's pretty cool. it's quite clear you take like you looks like not normally. well, we don't know if we're wrong, but right now we're looking for our flags. so we're not sure. okay, is that building apple tubes crowds and long cubes and the check encounters? flight operations have been suspended this morning. the reason for this is set to be an update to security software which paralyzed windows computers and long for many as the vacation season. just started in the us to airlines such as american and delta airlines. the price delays and drums steps the case national health service and some german hospitals. also phase disruption in australia. banking ups were hit cyber security frame crowd strike appears to be behind the outage. it claims to protect companies as cloud services from cyber threats. but following the
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news, it's talk stopped for rapidly and friday, trading a in a statement crowd strike said, crowd strike is actively working with customers impacted by a defect found in a single content update for windows hosts. the issue has been identified as related and the fix has been deployed. our team is fully mobile, lies to ensure the security and stability of cloud strife, customers. despite the fix, many companies could still struggled to get things back on track. a lot of companies are currently dealing with that, so fixing this buck and rolling back to the state of technology they have before this malicious software has been instilled. but i'm quite sure that there will still be some data losses. so even if everything is back online, we're not talking about a step use that has been if before that regarding availability of these cloud services. it's the nightmare scenario for an increasingly networked. well, perhaps the biggest i t outage in history,
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highlighting depot and their ability of global digital infrastructure. but i'm joined now by dentist kenji kemp here. you just saw him in that report. he is a professor of i teach security law at bremond university of applied sciences. it's good to have you with this. how is crowned strike connected to all of these global outages? yes, so generally speaking, the black out has been caused by faulty software update. also, paul comes security software which is manufactured by crowds, drugs, but that's also been some server problems at microsoft cloud been reported by some of these companies that has been effective today at the moment. in my opinion, the incident appears to be primarily based on this a faulty cloud strikes. software updates, bundle cannot be ruled out completely. that for the phonics will emerge in the future here. yeah, growth starting says that the problem is not caused by
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a cyber attack or some other form of sabotage. so it begs the question, how could something on this level happen? yeah, for the fork and software that is not only offered for microsoft, of course, but here the combination that between the use of microsoft products. and of course also with that microsoft cloud products. and this i'm faulty fault and software has looked at this data super disaster. and the problem is different that we also rely on the statements and products of certain monopolist. and instead of creating a redundant resources and all this, lots of this data, i'm super um, now let's just think that we have today here. so we have such as ation issues and both of us trust and software companies. and it crowds like it says that it has implemented a fix. so can we say that the problem has been solved? yeah, generally speaking at the moment, technically if the problem has been sold,
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but in the future we need to see how we become less dependent on the post i q services for example. and there are a lot of companies that have set up a pass that are to you from the socket. it's a mentor of the future so that you do not have any control of your i p systems. and today we have seen that we need even more control of ours or our, our t systems. then we had in the past, what kind of legal consequences do you think could come from a huge outage like this? or that will definitely be legal consequences. so you can be quite sure that that will be, or any kind of torque or claims against the companies. um microsoft and, and crowd strikes, but also toward law claims against airport operators, for example, against the financial and banking sector. so at the moment it can not before seen how big the financial and economic damage of this whole day will be. but there will be definitely a legal problem that will be arising out of this whole issue that we have seen today. yeah,
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not to mention the data that may have been lost is you were mentioning earlier professor invited security logged in as kenji k per professor. we appreciate your analysis tonight. thank you. thank you for invitation or it is a quick look now, some of the other stories that are making headlines around the world. vietnam is telling me this party chief has died at the age of 80. he held the most powerful position for 13 years, spearheaded an anti corruption drive that's all thousands arrested in jail and including high ranking. communist officials to oil tankers are on fire after they collided near single pore rescuers evacuated crew members. although some remain on board to find the blaze, one of the vessels was known to have recently been carrying and raining in crude oil. the environmental risk posed by the incident in one of the world's busiest shipping lines are not yet clear. ukrainian president oldham is zalinski, has met britain's new problem in district here. storm are on
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a visit to the u. k. he attended the cabinet meeting and urged britton's new government to show leadership and to lift restrictions to allow ukraine to strike inside. rush up, he did assure the prime minister that it must be done within the parameters of international law. it was the german foreign ministry says that it is in contact with a german citizen, sentenced to death in bella. ruth's local human rights group. the us now says a german red cross worker was found guilty of terrorism and other offences at a closed door trial with mintz last month, according to the group rico krieger has been in custody since november of 2023. germany's foreign ministry says that it's communicating with the routine of forties on his behalf. according to russia has sentenced a wall street journal reported to 16 years in prison after 3 days
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a close door hearings. the court found evan hurst could that guilty of spite. he was accused of following the orders of the us central intelligence agency to gather information about the russian factory producing takes the war and you create the most street journal in the white house have denied the charge was miss anton and toya no scheme is the moscow bureau chief for the new york times, he's also a friend of evan goose could, which you told us how he feels about this prison sentence. well, look, those for starters, those uh charges you described. we've heard from the russian authorities are, are just absolutely absurd. so it's clear that evan was doing nothing but his job in the pottery in burke last year. a really important job really is one of the only american journalists working in restaurant at that time. what went through my mind today, you know, it was um,
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it was both expected and just average us at the same time. uh, you know, we know that the russian court system is not independent. we know that when cases like this come before court in russia, there's pretty much always a conviction. there's pretty much all the ways a half the prism term. so um i both knew that this was going to happen, but then you stop and think about the fact that someone can get 16 years in prison just for doing their job is a tremendous listed it bottles to mind is, is there a reason tonight to fear to worry for his safety and his health as well . there has been from the very beginning from, from the moment he was arrested on march 29th uh, 2023. um, you know, i do. i've been in touch with him. you can write letters to him, a lot of people have been actually writing letters to him,
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which i know he's appreciated very much. and in the responses i've gotten, it's been clear that his spirits have, have remained high as far as that can be imagined when you're in a russian prison. you know, he has this incredible strength of spirit. and i obviously the, the physical conditions he faces, the isolation that you know is, is pretty much unimaginable. i think, for those of us who have never been in that kind of situation. but at the same time, i still am confident that he can get through this and isn't there also reason to think that the russians will not allow anything to happen to epidemic. there's been talk expectations that he could be swap for a russian citizen being held in a western prison. how likely do you think that it's as well as such a prisoner swap,
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the key it is the most realistic way that he can be released. i mean, i want to say again, he needs to be released. he shouldn't be released right now because he was just doing his job and, and, and, and these charges are absurd. but uh, the, the russian government has said including circ, a lever of the for administered this week that the us and russian authorities are in touch about a possible exchange. the us government has also said repeatedly throughout evans arrest that they are working on getting him out. so that's the kind of thing you know, we're waiting for. but at the same time, to the extent that any negotiations are happening, they're happening very much behind closed doors. and you wouldn't even have an you have a lot in common of a journalist, you've covered the same ground, similar life experiences, russian born americans. do you sometimes? you know, think about what has happened to him and think wow, you know,
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that could have been that could have easily been me. yeah, i mean the, so we have it and i our, our, our friends and we became close. uh, when we were both based in moscow and in, in prior years as, as reporters. so he was born in the west. i was born in restaurant, we both grew up as, as americans in, in, in russian speaking household. so yes, that is one thing. we have in common me and look, you know, this, this kind of a rest obviously, that it's, it's something that has had been happening to russian journalists for many years. and uh, so it was always, i think, somewhere in the back of your mind when you're working russian as it was that you, you know, you face risks when you're doing it and, and uh, so yeah, so,
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so i think that that has gone through probably pretty much everyone's mind if you're in some way to further discussion before i let you go. i mean, this sentencing the, do you think it is a deliberate and message to all for in general is from russia. you know, this is a dangerous place. don't come here. so it's, it's definitely evans arrest uh, i think part of the, the, the a message there and throughout has been uh to um, to, to, to, to just to create this chilling effect for journalism and russia in general. also for foreign correspondents. but at the same time, you know, i think people will continue to do what they can to report there. um and, and just because it's such an important thing to do and so on until you talk to the moscow bureau chief for the new york times, anton,
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we appreciate you sharing your thoughts with us tonight. thank you. in the united states, donald trump has formerly accepted his nomination, has republican presidential candidate, and called for unity. in his 1st speech, then surviving an assassination attempt. the former president told the republican national convention that he had been saved by the grace of god. he also talked about his campaign goals, but he gave a few details about how he would achieve a celebrating donald trump off to officially accepting the nomination as the republican presidential candidate. he tried to sell a message of unity. i'm here to night to lay out a vision for the whole nation to every citizen, whether you are a young or old man or woman, democrat, republican or independent black or white, asian, or hispanic. i extend to you
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a hand of loyalty and of friendship. together we will lead america to new heights of great. it is like the world has never seen before. a message that went down well with as follows. he wants to unite all americans. not just for republicans, but democrats, republicans, independents, like you said, all of america is looking out for his people. and that's different for me, it's ministrations that we're having now. it gives us a lot of hope and i can't wait to make america great again. i think is change the tire temperature and he's trying to create unity within our country. and that is a very unifying message. i think that it covered all of the platform and the party, but also what he wanted to accomplish in the next 4 years. well, it's kind of carry over from his last 4 years. the convention was also the 1st major test for trumps peak for vice president j d events. the attendees are confident that the trump vance ticket will win in november with the republican national convention coming to a close,
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the attention shift back to the white house and renewed calls for president white to drop out in the race. so the white house you want you to be news up next, the conflicts on tim sebastian interviews, the polish justice minister. i'll be back in 90 minutes with more of old news, followed by the day to see you this the
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the conflict with tim sebastian, few countries of what's the war and ukraine more closely than poland, which was the time and again the poor thing was much beyond his board is no one, listen my guess this week and more so there's no justice minnesota had them, but now i got over to you. what warnings the government up to you are the same conflict next on d,
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w e. look at us. we have to offer in so long since some muslim women speaking out against intolerance, hostility towards foreign. this has become mainstream. here. when we hear them, it can feel like we're the problem. like we're not true french citizens when in fact, frances, also us the focus on human in 30 minutes on the w. the daniels in june. you're going to the 77 percent comes will i don't good. i'm 65 full was last those top 5 years, 31115. we are here to help you make up your mind. we are here
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on please find your mind. so all the topics i'm much up to you from trouble fixed a new culture, and in 15 minutes, let's say together, parts of our community life on the research is now on the last year, poland the trends in europe and ousted the fall rights law and justice policy, so they've been in profit 8 years. but just how divided does the country remain? and how worried is the government that the far right party emerged in the european elections as the most popular among young people? my guess this week and more so is the justice minister, adam. but now my opinion on that we are maybe a little bit let me think this kind of a vision of how to talk about liberal values, how to talk about you're up to 2 young to young voters,
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few countries of what's the war and ukraine more closely than poland which was the


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