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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 20, 2024 3:00am-3:15am CEST

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the, the, this is the w and use a live from the businesses around the world, a paralyzed biotech outage problem, trans, trace to a cyber security firm has ground of slides around the world, including in the us, the u. k. germany and australia. financial markets have been disrupted, and broad costs has taken offset. also coming out, a ton of eve is shaken by a red drive and attack. here's the rebels and you have many claim responsibility for the strike that kills one person and wounded several times. jim and john, so that will f sholtes kicks off his policies campaign, and saxony hoping to boost his struggling social democrats in one of germany's far
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right strongholds the outlaws. like a welcome to the program. one of the biggest i t crashes in yes, has hit businesses around the world from broad concepts to banks. stock exchange has spent adeline's health care systems, but also affected leading hospitals in germany to cancel non urgent surgeries, flights and. and also if the us were grounded an apple, it's hair, and you're a paralyzed including invalid blue it or screens drummed with plans. malfunctioning apps, a global i, t altitude airlines, banks and media outlets worldwide on friday morning, causing chaos at berlin. airport, massive device as staff, switch to any emergency checking system obviously is going well. now it's $10.00 to $5.00. where are you going to london?
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well, i, well it's pretty cool. it's quite clear you are so you can like it looks like not normally is it? well, we don't know if we're wrong, but right now we're looking for our flags. so we're not sure. okay, is that building apple? it's huge crowds and long cubes and the check encounters. flight operations have been suspended this morning. the reason for this is set to be an update to security software which paralyzed windows computers and only for many as the vacation season . just started in the us to airlines such as american and delta airlines. the price delays and drums steps the case national health service and some german hospitals also face disruption in australia. banking ups were hit, the cyber security frame crowd strike appears to be behind the outage. it claims to protect companies as cloud services from cyber threats. but following the news, it's talk stopped for rapidly and friday, trading in
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a statement crowd strike said, crowd strikes is actively working with customers impacted by a defect found in a single content update for windows hosts. the issue has been identified as related and the fix has been deployed. our team is fully mobile, lies to ensure the security and stability of cloud strife, customers. despite the fix, many companies could still struggle to get things back on track. it's the nightmare scenario for an increasingly networked. well, perhaps the biggest i t outage in history, highlighting depot, and their ability of global digital infrastructure done ives as managing director and senior equity research analyst at bush securities. welcome to d. w. one software upside it's costing. so much disruption around the well, what does that tell us about the weaknesses in this tech infrastructure? we'll rely on this is a black i moment for crowd try guy to for the cyber security industry page. the
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biggest global i t hours we've ever seen history, and i think there's a lot of questions there and it's something where this could change things going forward from there. you have microsoft and some of these big or tech companies in terms of updates because this is a quarter code red situation across the industry. most people would not have heard of crowd struck just 24 hours ago. what's happening at the headquarters right now? do you think, i mean, i think this is a, if you've ever seen the movie airplane it's, it's probably that sort of situation with the ted striker. i mean, this is a, it's an epic disaster and i think they're really focused on trying to help their customers and, and trying to navigate. because we've talked to customers that have been trying all day and probably was
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a whole weekend trying to get their systems back on the line. we see it airports around the world. i mean, this is for brand reputation. this is going to be a key days, months ahead for crowd strike. that's had one of the best reputations across cyber security. what about liability for crowds try get well this custom. oh, i mean if you're a lawyer for crowd strike, i don't think you're gonna see a beach anymore this summer. so this is going to be significant in terms of what this means, liability wise. and of course, the lawsuits are just gonna, you know, that will be a tidal wave of losses. they're gonna get now do, i think longer term crowd charges impacts. i still believe longer term that going to be one of the leaders. but this is a dar chapter for crowd strike a dark chapter for cyber security image. now this issue only affected windows
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uses, but that's as we'll know, as most of the world's companies. how much of this as microsoft faults? i forgot, i mean i, i'd really say 0 percent is microsoft for, i mean they rely on 3rd box 3rd party software vendors on these updates. so microsoft is almost a victim and obviously everyone else and that's impact your victims. this is crowd stripe from center. and it's on preston and the chroma. this is not a half. gotcha. bad clued up the for something like this to happen. it too much on thinkable but crowd shape unfortunately becomes a household name around the world today. but now for a good reason. so what can crowd strike and the cyber security companies do to stop this from happening again in the future? yeah, well, there's gonna be studies done in this. i'm sure they'll be in front of congress as well. you're in the near future software company's gonna have to look at the way
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these updates are made. are they're going to be other sort of layers in terms of a vending process. christopher microsoft is their customer base, their reputation, and now be the same for names like amazon, google, or phone and others. i just could change things going forward in terms of the nature of updates. you're after this historic called black on moment for for crowd strike. thank you very much for your analysis that's done. i've seen with the web bush securities now to them, at least with israel, says it's investigating how it's defenses fail to prevent a drug and strike in central tel aviv who the rebels and you have met and claimed responsibility for the attack which killed one person an injured at least 10 others . they said the strike was in retaliation for as well as the war. and also the
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explosion came around 3 am local time, blowing out the windows and damaging cause. its loading strike right in the heart of tel aviv writing down slapped snow and shots of glass just meters from the us embassy. even for a nation will. this was a startling strike. devaney and made drone appears to have come from the mediterranean sea. no average alarms, which triggered under devoid did the iron dime defend system. the lady army said it was investigating and it would take full actions necessary to protect the country. these really air force he's currently examining the incident, including the reason of why no alerts were found. this is not a still c y v. this is there any ronnie?
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i knew we'd be, it was detected by our systems. we're examining the circumstances of why it wasn't intercepted. humans who's the rebel forces claimed responsibility declaring tel aviv as a, quote, primary target. you know, for the drone force of the many who see armed forces with all those help carried down to military operation. the targeted one of the important targets in the occupied just the area known as television by the israelis light was something that is all in the united nations condemned to the strike and calls to come. the secretary general remains deeply concerned about the risk such a dangerous expos for further escalation in the region. you are just all to exercise maximum restraint and to deescalate, to avoid further inflaming the situation in the region. the israeli army believes the drone was lowered from yemen,
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raising the question of have it traveled more than 2000 kilometers without being intercepted? this was not the 1st time the many rebels have targeted is valid trends. but it is the 1st lease or strike by the who sees on is riley soil. the united nations top court has ruled that as well, settlements in the palestinian territories violates international law and must be abundant. the court founded as far as occupation advantage next station, and that of a standing is best systematically discriminated against in the occupied territories . the advisory opinion is non binding but comes as pressure grows and estrella over the war against in 2022. the un general assembly of the international court of justice to assess as far as occupation sacraments and next ation of palestinian loans to deliver it. do you have any, is this the shows and has more on the i c, j rolling or the international court of justice. and the hague said that each res
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continued presence in the occupied palestinian territories unlawful. and that it has to bring an end to it as rapidly as possible. use red shut, also sees immediately new settlement activities and evacuate all settlers. the court also said that all other states and international organizations run down with the gauge and to not treat that situation as legal states also shouldn't during the age to maintain it. find a lead causing the united nations to consider modalities to bring an end to what the court qualified as an unlawfully presence of the state destroyer in the occupied palestinian territories. this decision is not binding but has more. oh, sorry, and great legal rate according to the court this, it shows that reporting from the hey, you know, let's take a quick look at some of the stories making news around the world. of course, in russia has sentence wall street journal reports the evident guessing of its 216
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years in prison. the close still proceedings found him guilty on charges of working with you in the us intelligence to monitor a russian factory, making tanks for the war and ukraine. as newspaper and the white house denied the charges, bangladesh as governments has imposed a nationwide costs you and deployed the army off the days of student protests that have left us instead. northeast in the capsule deck of the, at the center of the violence have also banned all public gatherings purchased as have been marching for weeks to demand changes to quote assistance for government jobs. as the german farm industry says, it is in contact with a german citizen, incentives to dest and bella roofs local human rights group b. s no, said red cross worker rico key go was found guilty of terrorism and other offences at the trial. last month. ellers is the only european country to carry out executions and have in germany council. it would have shows have launched his
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social democrats campaigned for regional elections in the eastern states of saxony . the far right alternative for germany potty is ahead in the polls there, but that lead is narrow it of the drum and try and so that is not a popular man these days, especially in this part of eastern germany. but he came to support his party's campaign ahead of reaching his elections in september. the message he brought to the city of rest and continued support for ukraine. dots, fine, good for it is must not be changed by force. perfect. that is our policy. it has guaranteed peace and security and you are not in all bogged down on the transit as well. it's not said well with many protests does. some even accused him of feuding the will by sending alms to ukraine. so it's also a demonstration against the government showing that we do not agree with this woman
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green schedule. no, it's about finding ways to make peace, no matter how sex. and he is one of 3 east and german states heading to the ballot box and just a few weeks pulled showed the far right alternative for germany. the a if the leading here ahead of the conservative christian democrats and you populous potty b. s w, that mixes leftist and conservative policies is currently in 3rd. both the a if d and b s. w, a known for the kremlin frenzy stands, the trans flush social democrats that projected to wind just 7 percent of the vote . this is a cause for concern for many who attended the event. what's the most that you've been stuck? so means this table, government, without the participation of the it's b and b, s w absolutely frightens me for the sake of democracy and it scares me that i don't know what things are heading and supporters of schultz, the social democrats, very, there's not enough time to catch up with the competition. are you watching?
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do you have any news? uh, stay with us here on the channel off the break. ah series plan. it's a looks at why it's so hard to recycle electric car batteries. there's always one use on the website. buy from the c w. this is ebony also is available to them and it has never been since the germans imagine that you're eating a hamburger and as you're biting into this juicy burner, your dining companion says to you, actually the hamburger is not made from cows. it's made from golden retrievers. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 meeting cultures around the world, people learn to talk.


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