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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 20, 2024 5:00am-5:15am CEST

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the, the this is dw and use a live, but from the businesses around the world are paralyzed by a tech outage. there's mounts in concern with the wells and digital infrastructure after a problem tries to a cyber security costs as much disruption around the globe pull. so coming on, tel aviv as shaken by a rad drive and attack to see rebels and the young men came responsibility for the strike that killed one person and wounded the several more floss a defiance joe biden vows to return to the campaign trail. even as the faces mounting pressure from the top democrats to leave the u. s. presidential race
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the long cycle. welcome to the program. one of the biggest tech outages in use has cost tiles and confucian across the globe from broad cost us to banks. stock exchange has an ad lines. the outage also effected health care systems with hospitals cancelling on urgent surgeries. it's all begun when a cyber security firm sends out a single floor to software updates the so called blue screen of death. this dreaded error message indicates a complete system crash on the microsoft windows computer. and suddenly it's all over the globe in airports, a supermarket, even at disneyland,
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an update rolled down by cyber security from crowd striking has been linked to the outage. the unintentional disruption has caused the chaos of a hospitals around the world. currently in the middle of this microsoft outage, computers are black. we have the screen of death. we do have wound camera phones that are i phones which were allowed to give medications on. but other than that, we don't have access to patient charts, and this is the 1st thing you have to imagine that in the hospitals have, don't know which a patient is actually lying where, what, what medication he's receiving, coming, what operation his plan to get this information is simply not available in the midst of approval. the cyber outage also disrupted global air travel, massive cues and frustrated passengers, as thousands of flights were cancelled and tens of thousands delayed. i arrived at the airport and saw this long queue. the staff informed us that the system was down and there was nothing they could do. we just had to stand and wait on
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people, but sounds like once they've been worrying is that one company has such an impact on the global economy and the life of the planet that the the, the c, e o of that one company quickly issued an apology. were deeply sorry for the impact that we've caused to customers to travelers to anyone affected by this, including our company. so we know what the issue is, we're resolving and have resolved the issue. now it's recovering systems that are out there. but given the sheer scale of the impact, it is unclear just how long it will take to recover those systems. one software upside is causing so much disruption around the world. i asked i t security expert knives. what that tells us about the weaknesses in the tech infrastructure that they will rely on or yeah, this is a black i moment for crowd try guy to for the cyber security industry page,
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the biggest global i t hours we've ever seen history. and i think there's a lot of questions and it's something where this could change things going forward from there. you have microsoft and some of these bigger tech companies in terms of updates because this is a follow up quarter code red situation across the industry. most people would not have heard of crowd struck just 24 hours ago. what's happening at the headquarters right now? do you think? i mean, i think this is a, if you've ever seen the movie airplane, it's probably that sort of situation with the ted striker. i mean, this is a, it's an epic disaster and i think they're really focused on trying to help their customers and, and trying to navigate. because we've talked to customers that have been trying all day and 5 or the whole weekend trying to get their systems back and on. we see it
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airports around the world. i mean, this is for brand reputation. this is going to be a key days, months. i had for crowd strike that's had when the best reputations across cyber security. what about liability for crowd strive get well, this costs than oh, i mean if you're a lawyer for crowd strike, i don't think you're gonna see the beach any more this summer. so this is going to be significant in terms of what this means, liability wise. and of course, the lawsuits are just gonna, you know, that will be a title wave of losses that they're gonna get. now do, i think longer term crowd charges impacts? i still believe longer term that going to be one of the leaders, but this is a dar chapter for crowd strike a dark chapter for cyber security ins. now this issue only affects the windows uses, but that's as we'll know, as most of the world's companies. how much of this as microsoft's faults?
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but i, i mean i, i'd really say 0 person is microsoft spot. i mean, they rely on 3rd box, 3rd party software vendors on these updates. so microsoft is almost a victim, and obviously everyone else and that's impact your victims. this is crowd stripe from center, and it's on preston and the chroma. this is not a half the actually a bad crude update for something like this to happen. it's almost unthinkable. but crowd shape unfortunately becomes a household name around the world today. but now for a good reason. so what can crowd strikes and of the cyber security companies do to stop this from happening again in the future? yeah, well, there's gonna be studies done in this. i'm sure they'll be in front of congress as well. you're in the near future software company is gonna have to look at the way
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these updates are made. are they're going to be other sort of layers in terms of, of bedding process. christopher microsoft is their costs are based on their reputation and now be the same for names like amazon, google or, or, and others. i just could change things going forward in terms of the nature of updates. you know, after this historic called black on moment for for crowd strike. thank you very much for your analysis that's done. i've says with the web bush securities israel says it's investigating how its defense has failed to prevent the drug and strike and central tel aviv. who's the rebels and you have been claimed responsibility for the attack which killed one person and injured at least 10 of us . they said the strike was in retaliation for israel as well and gaza. the explosion came around 3 am local time,
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blowing out the windows and damaging cause. the bridge loan strike right in the hall to tel aviv writing down slaps no shots of glass, just meters from the us embassy. even for a nation will. this was a startling strike. the rainy and made drone appears to have come from the mediterranean sea. no average alarms, which triggered under devoid due to the iron dime defense system. the lady army said it was investigating and it would take full actions necessary to protect the country. these really air force he is currently examining the incident, including the reason of why no alerts were found. this is not a still c y v. this is there any ronnie? i knew we'd be, it was detected by our systems. we're examining the circumstances of why it wasn't
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intercepted. humans who the rebel forces claimed responsibility declaring tel aviv as a, quote, primary target. i know for the drone force of the many who see armed forces with all those help carried down to military operation. the targeted one of the important targets in the occupied jessa area, known as television by the israelis light, was something that is all in the united nations condemned to the strike and calls to come. the secretary general remains deeply concerned about the risk such a dangerous expos for further escalation in the region. you are just all to exercise maximum restraint and to deescalate, to avoid further inflaming the situation in the region. the israeli army believes the drone was lowered from yemen, raising the question of have it traveled more than 2000 kilometers without being
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intercepted? this was not the 1st time the many rebels have targeted is valid trends. but it is the 1st lease or strike by the who sees on is riley soil. of course, how can i add some other stories making news around the world? united nations top of course, has ruled that israel settlements in the palestinian territories and break international law and must be abandoned. the advisory opinion is non binding, but comes as pressure grows on israel over the war and gone. so as far as the prime minister has condemned the course of ruling as a quote to the decision of lies, susan, of course, and russia has sentenced wall street journal reports to evan gosh, give its to 16 years in prison. across still proceeding found him guilty on charges of working with us intelligence to monitor a russian factory, making tanks for the war. and ukraine is newspaper and the white house deny the charges your credit in president polity. mr. lensky has spoken on the phone and
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with us presidential candidates, donald trump, both spect, positively of the cold savanski condemned the assassination attempts on trump emphasize to bypass the support for ukraine in the us congress. so lensky says that you agreed to discuss the steps toward peace and ukraine in a personal meeting. i think the person would like to stay in the meeting. you as president, dr. barton says he will return to, to the campaign trail next week. by didn't, has been isolating since testing cost. and so what code 19 bus. his doctor says he is guessing best. the more senior democrats during the 81 year old to abandon his re election campaign. worried about the time of donald trump in november. more than one in 10 democrats and congress have enough publicly called on binding to drop out of the rice. our correspondent chef on simon's in washington,
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told me more about biden's insistence that he's returning to the campaign trail as well. uh the president is digging in, it seems he is really digging in uh we all thought just 24 hours ago that the, the growing list of democratic lawmakers who insist or want him to pass on the baton so to speak. wanted to drop out of the race are getting to him, but it looks like uh, the opposite is happening. uh, president biden is digging in, reportedly seizing and fuming about nancy pelosi is the former speaker of the house initiative to birch him or to encourage him to rethink his his campaign and him staying in the campaign. so, so far he's not making, at least as we know we, the media ways are, which is also in a frenzy here in washington dc because there's nothing else people talk about. will
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he create really not really hold on who is still with him who is against him? so it looks like for now. and you decide for how long for no means or is for now, the president says he will remain in the campaign who will remain the candidate of the democratic party for another presidency in november. and he will not give up. so will he won't say that's the big question. so for many democrats, vice president's come to hire as has risen to the top of that list of possible replacements to go through who else is on that list? a while it is ultimately come on the harris space. i think no way that the democratic party can get around kamala harris, but there's 2 more names which are were discussed. and this is michigan governor gretchen whitmore, and pennsylvania governor josh shapiro. now, there is
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a lot of democrats now who say like, well, if biting drops out, camella harris is the top of the ticket, and then she should maybe get a miss whitmeyer from michigan, the governor there, or mr. shapiro on her ticket. and then we have a young, a dual, which can and ties view and ties voters in november to vote for democrats that would also help. and that is actually at the core of this, if you want to attempt by many, many democrats against joe biden. and the white house that would also help them to secure dental and the ticket, their own jobs, because it always is also about this. there is lots of democrats in the house, as well as in the senate, some who don't see any more with jo by them that they will be re elected, come november, and they want to secure that. so terminal harris scratch and whittemore, michigan governor or joshua funeral from pennsylvania. those are the 3 contenders
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in errors here, or just different assignments that are reporting from washington. i would that you're up to date here on the w off of the break. we have a special program looking after assistance moving in nazi germany. more or less like a double you travel over here besides the 3 food. wow. fucking flips up. but also when it comes to sustain dependency information and trends. texted on d. w. travel, you can have it. what about you and what's your opinion feel free to write your thoughts and the comments? i wish i could have some more let's say you just click away find out best of.


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