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tv   Travel  Deutsche Welle  July 20, 2024 8:15am-8:31am CEST

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the phone in video loud, you gotta, you gotta go through that forecast, say that the heat wave with slowly supp site at the beginning of next week. but people here fear that these are not the last days of this summer. after the break, we have a special program looking at the resistance movement in nazi germany, to stay with the, the, to the special hot spots in germany. dw, travel extremely visit. the
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wind is so many people and perhaps you to travel to balance. it's because the city's history has left behind many traces, especially during that period of nazi rules from 1933 to 1945. this huge field of stealing at the holocaust memorial is impossible to miss. it commemorates the 6000000 murder juice of your, of the, or so less unknown memorial sites that you may not have heard of. did you know there was an attempt to assassinate hitler that could have changed the course of history? well, that opinion on tripping to save the menu,
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choose from deportation. these and also visit the place with thousands of people opposing the nonsense. what executed? we take you to some of these memorial sites of national socialist resistance and violin and the free to enter 2000 bucks. plaza in valencia golf in park is where you'll find the so called ben clipping on complex. this is where the german resistance memorial center is located . in this courtyard call shank golf fun shelf in bag was executed on july the 20th . 1944 full of a man. what executed alongside him to why they and what had they done. you can find down to the gym and resistance. memorial center information is available in 7 languages. fine app and audio guide.
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this is shawn from batch for my study. in 1944, he was 37 years old, a highly respected german army officer. after a serious injury at the front, she became chief of stopped at the general army office, which had its headquarters here in the band club broke. nobody suspected the dolphin bag and his comrades were preparing a cood at top. see guns, nutrition i live in the office creek is moving and i live in the bronx then up to the ultimate solution divided from question 9 to is the feet little see us invented up. it'll cost is also lose all the consume types. he wants slot and so far of a guns we should each to school busted seat of i don't, i'm feeling discretion stats. give you the, i'm few of them that we mention what i said. the conspirators understood this would only be possible if hitler was dead. so when july the 20th night in 44000 the
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travel to the furious headquarters, the so called wolf slat in east prussia. he took punch in a briefing with his let in a barack and placed the bank with an explosive device right next to the floor. when the explosion took place around one p m. shelf. and that was already on his way back to balin, dns is come, rates assume that hitler had died and the bank of the block became to send to the crew to talk to the conspirators called on high ranking military officers to join the crew. then they received the devastating news hitler had miraculously survived shelf and cut to the occupant. touch with you'd like to leave it up. let's see. it isn't human to have. so you didn't mean looking for the i can top victor schultz. that's just on deck one for holmes. yeah, and i, and i'm interested to explain to you at the uprising had found a shopping bag and his co conspirators executed that very night. but the network
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was much larger. over the next few months, 100 people was sentenced to death and executed by the nonsense how much is the invalid meta these days? it's impossible to tell that it was once the headquarters of the gustavo, the secret state police. however you cause miss this steal sculpture dedicated to another would be hitler assassin scale as a trying to kill the field in 1939 by designating a bump during his speech in unix book, a boy keller is attempt goal set of files codes that was culturally interrogated at the can stop at headquarters in bill how much caused it. after 6 years in solitary confinement, he was shot shortly before the end of the hole in 1945. the next stop is
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a holes engine laza, an inconspicuous street opposite the famous tv tower, and st. mary's church. this pillar commemorates a courageous protest that took place in 1943 on february the 28th, around 2000 jewish men, married to non jewish wives, and so called mixed marriages were imprisoned here, soon to be deported to concentration camps. but as the evening, hundreds of the men's wives gathered and protested for that release. amazingly, they succeeded. the men were released a week later, someone knocked pennsic you did off to with the demonstration of the women of health insurance. that is one of the read examples of a successful public protest on the headline. just 5 minutes away, you'll find hackers who found
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a series of interconnected coal chance. rhetoric of old, well, in found in every travel, died. most of these cold talents of being renovated, but if you have retained original jobs here and this courtyard was a branch factory owned by auto vice. today, it's a museum falling on tripping to auto vice ran his brush factory in these rooms. he may be employed blind, visually impaired, and hearing and pad, choose him in his small factory by keeping them employed, he tried to save them from people taishan for as long as possible. that's fine. i mentioned this kind of yeah, one is info is the, are that i'm going to go for this and have them have mine for us to flight the you don't want to intervene on forwarding team. it doesn't gain that's voice and decent mention has in 1941 finds
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a prospect re employed 75 people. but over the next few years, the one for frank cars, employees with a party to concentration camps. still the on tripping a and his friends trying to save as many people as possible by issuing forged passports, providing food, and even legal accommodation. one of the hiding places was in the workshop. the full person on the family slept in the stock room. will stuff come up? fine. uh your service department. have to down to easy. yeah. cuz i they're trying to stay definitely with friends here and it wouldn't then i would have to, i don't intend trying to hang on to via this and guy months. we're going and he's in fence federalism home. things were fine for 6 months until the whole family was outdated and arrested. they were murdered in auschwitz. meanwhile, auto vice called health easy is not getting upset here as dr for not,
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and they've been vax that often enough to get funding for. i'm enough to do as i can definitely go in and spoke to the office on task handling stuff. they said she was, will actually on this auto right. and so was, is team to the but i'm going to stop all the stuff and that's every to existing cut off enough for me to have to be ex sufficient also features, biographies of people who survived things to auto find. and his friends auto vice, died in 1947, john fish in the world color cost remembered center recognized by as writers among the nations. and now the museum commemorates his courageous actions. the next stop is the same as boot of odd winter denlin with a state to opera and headaches, cathedral on one side and 12 volk university on the other. or
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during the nazi dictatorship, many restrictions websites on education and research professors who did not agree with the regime what dismissed students were expelled jets. they was resistance here too. if you walk through the university building, you'll find a simple memorial plaque at the end of the in the courtyard is commemorates members of the red orchestra resistance group to what executed by the nonsense mildred hahn act. what's the good to envy on the back of it? swear among them, this network of roughly 150 members past the soviet union, inflammation cycle until the war effort, distributed templates, and helped persecuted people. deanna back events was called hitler personally rejected happily for clemency. she was mad at 2 days before her 20th best day. the
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office at home bulk universities had fixed cathedral. one of the few churches with the national socialists crimes were openly denounced. priest fan, hot lifting bag, complicate, paid for prisoners in concentration. camps and salt in persecuted jews. he was arrested in 1942 and died while being deported to dial concentration comp. later, at least in back was on it as right just among the nations by yeah, it's a shame i'm beatified by the pope. usually you can find his 2 minute crypto cent head fix cathedral. however, it's currently undergoing extensive renovations in the meantime, to the neighborhood of charlotte to them out here again, amount 2 of them charge. it was built in the 19 sixty's as a memorial for all victims that the nonsense, regardless of face all well, few the,
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the hot linked and backs grave is currently here until it can be returned to sun, headaches, cathedral the, the location. so the memorial change was deliberately chosen just a few kilometers away, is the full mouth pits and say execution side. now, a memorial center it has only 2 rooms, but seeing them is harrowing enough. around 2800 people from 19 countries promoted in this room between 19331945. they met that desk by get a teen, or what the 89 man involved in the attempted crew on july, the 20th 1944,
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but also tells here in pets and say off to being found guilty of high treason. the only a few people had the courage to rebel against hitler and the novices. but they did exist, none the less, less life is the best of us. so yeah, but that enough the and i just didn't mention that in on can want. so in some simpler to huffman, ok, that's how it to of inductor toward mentioned, disease even decent take to, to navigate. and that's the the me i'm sick talking the top of the century ago,
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vw reinvented itself with this cause. now the evergreen has to build a bridge to the future. 50 years of go. we'll the success story, continue. rev. on the details of the building on the moon. sciences or researching the potential of linda. can it be used as a raw material to produce glass? incorrect construction would begin on earth, only natural satellite. and the moon could one day be a normal place to live tomorrow today in 60 minutes on dw, with the
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no, i'm just trying to have a site to make the right decision to dw news um is to follow the vw go. one is the most successful cause in the world. extraordinary ordinary. but what's so special about it? nothing. there is nothing exceptional. everything fits the and i conic gym and call this remains to to itself. 50 is.


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