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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 20, 2024 12:00pm-12:16pm CEST

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is dw news line from berlin, the head of a global cyber security firm, issues in apology after flawed software update disrupts i to services world wide the out a chance cause chaos at airports, banks and hospitals in several countries. in spain and health authorities were wanting people to stay in doors. as the country is here, like a severe, cheap way the
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and a warm welcome to you, our viewers around the world. i'm michael ok. global computer systems are slowly coming back online after a massive tech outage cause chaos and confusion around the world from broadcast for years to banks, stock exchanges, and airlines. the outage also affected health care systems with many hospitals, forced to cancel surgeries, the head of the cyber security firm, which costs the crisis says he's deeply sorry for the disruptions, which were traced back to a flawed software update. the so called blue screen of death. this dreaded error message indicates a complete system crash on a microsoft windows computer. and suddenly it's all over the globe. in airports. supermarkets, even at disneyland, as an update rolled down by cyber security fin,
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crowd striking has been linked to the outage. the unintentional disruption has caused the chaos of a hospitals around the world. currently in the middle of this microsoft outage, computers are black. we have the screen of death. we do have one camera phones that are i phones which were allowed to give medications on. but other than that, we don't have access to patient charts, and this is the 1st thing you have to imagine that in the hospitals have, don't know which a patient is actually line where, what, what medication he's receiving, coming, what operation his plan to get this information is simply not available in the midst of approval. the cyber outage also disrupted global ad travel, massive cues and frustrated passengers, as thousands of flights were cancelled and tens of thousands delayed. i arrived at the airport and saw this long queue. the staff informed us that the system was down and there was nothing they could do. we just had to stand and wait on people,
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but sounds like once they've been worrying is that one company has such an impact on the global economy and the life of the planet. but the, the, the ceo of that one company quickly issued an apology, were deeply sorry for the impact that we've caused to customers to travelers to anyone affected by this, including our company. so we know what the issue is, we're resolving and have resolved the issue. now it's recovering systems that are out there. but given the sheer scale of the impact, it is unclear just how long it will take to recover those systems. spend her period is the lead for cyber security policy and resilience at interface. a european thing, tax, specializing in information technology. i asked him how long it might take to get global i to services back up and running. so i think that can take quite some time this. some of the systems that can automatically be updated that will revert back
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to functional mode problems. things need to be done manually. and some of the pages where it's difficult to access them where it will take maybe days more weeks. and then on top of that, of course you asked the operational delays, excuse me, just work and but you have to work on all the backups that you have. so we're going to see like days and weeks of subverting back to normal. i would say in the simplest terms possible, how could a routine software update go so wrong? well, the update was not the arrow free and it won't tested before it was pushed all the computers worldwide. something that's a pretty stomach process that shouldn't be done here. and that's why in the end of the day, they pushed all of the company pushed all the updates that was able to bring all the computers. and what you have to know about the security software is they are deeply rooted in the computer science model privileges, and that's why they can cost of travel. so let's be really clear about this. what you're saying is essentially they didn't follow the normal procedures. well,
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as it looks right now, this should have never passed the quantity test, so you can assume that they didn't do the quality test or they didn't do it correctly. and there was a reference to this in our report, but the question bears repeating, how can it be that one company essentially has enough power to bring down so many of the world's computers? it's the stuff of hollywood movies. well, i wouldn't let it like that. i would look at it like we didn't realize everything in our lives and everything runs of software. and most of the software to standardize, to use microsoft running like as of running a lot of different software that deep access, especially i to security software and windows companies on the so many computers when something goes wrong with that software, it was costing arrow worldwide. but does not depend on this one software of the good done any other i to security software. which likely to happen with this
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company is a very good question. um, they're, they're facing, liability depends on the initial loss of the where they have to pay fines and everything. i think as of now, it really stands to reason that that this company was alive it, but what the damages will be with it within the days and weeks to unfold. uh, definitely a huge blow to their reputation. and the trust that governments and companies happens, the company spend one more question for you. how do we ensure that this doesn't ever happen again? i don't think, i don't think you can do that. i mean, we know that quality assurance is a huge part. so for updating, if they haven't done it, there's nothing more you can do is they don't for those dollars, you can find that we've been regulated by the end of the day. it kind of happened again, and we was lucky. so you'd have to get an all that stuff that is us friend, happy cybersecurity expert from berlin. we thank you very much for your time and
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most especially your perspective. thank you. what is your sensor? it's investigating how its defenses fail to prevent a drone strike in central tel aviv the iran batch. we seem to alicia in yen and it has claimed responsibility for the attack, which killed one person and injured at least 10 others who was driving strike right in the hall to tel aviv writing down flat. no shots of glass just meters from the us embassy. even for a nation will. this was a startling strike. the rainy inmate drone appears to have come from the mediterranean sea. no average alarms, which triggered under devoid did the iron dime defend system. the lady army said it was investigating and it would take full actions necessary to protect the country.
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these really air force he's currently examining the incident, including the reason of why no alerts were found. this is not a still c y v. this is there any ronnie and you easy. it was detected by our systems. we're examining the circumstances of why it wasn't intercepted. humans who the rebel forces claimed responsibility declaring tel aviv as a quote primary target. no, for the was the drone force of the many who see armed forces with all those help carry down to military operation. the targeted one of the important targets in the occupied jeff uh, area known as television by the israelis light. it was a nice little alien. i mean, the united nations condemned to strike and cause cause the secretary general remains deeply concerned about the risk such
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a dangerous expos for further escalation in the region. you are just all to exercise maximum restraint, deescalate, to avoid further inflaming the situation in the region. the israeli army believes the drone was lowered from yemen, raising the question of have it traveled more than 2000 kilometers without being intercepted. this was not the 1st time the many rebels have targeted is valid trends, but it is the 1st lease or strike by they receive on is riley soil. you tonight? a brief look now at some of the other stories making news around the world celebrations and limitations as cyprus marks 50 years since the turkish troops invaded the mediterranean island splitting it into turkish cypriots in the north sea. today's anniversary as a liberation from the greek speaking majority, greek cypriots in the south of you, the date as a catastrophe that led to mass displacement, bangladesh, as government has imposed a nationwide curfew in deployed the army. after days of student protests that have
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left us instead, authorities in the capital doc, i have also banned all public gatherings. the demonstrators are demanding the government overall the way coveted civil service jobs or distributed. according russia has sentence. wall street journal reporter evan gosh cubic to 16 years in prison. the court found him guilty on charges of working with us intelligence to monitor a russian factory, making tanks for the war in ukraine. his newspaper and the white house denied a charge of is malaysia, has crowned is new. king hundreds of guest attended the elaborate ceremony. billionaire, king sultan abraham, is cons are we'll serve a 5 year term malay state rulers take turns as king part of the unique rotating system which began when malaysia gained independence from britain in 1957 as well. here in germany, transel, olaf schultz has walsh's s. p
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d. parties campaign for regional elections in the eastern state was actually the far right alternative for germany party is a heading, the polls there. schultz is hoping to narrow that lead ahead of the election in september the german trans that is not a popular man. these days, especially in this part of eastern germany, but he came to support his party's campaign ahead of reaching his elections in september. the message she brought to the city of rest and continued support for your train. dots, fine, good board is must not be changed by force, personal status or policy. it has guaranteed peace and security, then you are okay, got it all i got on the trans. those words do not said well with many protesters. some even accused him of feuding the will by sending alms to ukraine. so it's also a demonstration against the government,
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showing that we do not agree with this woman green schedule. it's about finding ways to make peace or no matter how sex. and he is one of 3 eastern german states heading to the ballot books and just a few weeks pulled showed the far right alternative for germany. the a f d leading here. ahead of the conservative christian democrats and you populous potty b. s. w. that mixes leftist and conservative policies is currently in 3rd. both the a if d and b s. w, a known for the kremlin friendly stance. the chancellor social democrats that projected to when just 7 percent of the vote. this is a cause for concern for many who attended the event. what do we most that you've inspection needs to stay with the government without the participation of the d and b s w absolutely frightens me for the sake of democracy and it scares me that i don't know what things are heading and supporters of schultz, the social democrats very,
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there's not enough time to catch up with the competition. the protestors in spain or calling on the government to do more to fight climate change as the countries health services issue. a nationwide he'd waive warning forecasters expect temperatures to hit upwards of 44 degrees celsius in the south this weekend. that's a 111 degrees fahrenheit. the playing outside has become impossible. and many adults also prefer not to always on the streets at the moment. or they hope for some cooling watch out from above, spain this experiencing is sylvia. a huge wave with temperatures of more than 40 degrees, and many people here fear that the worst is get to come on. now that's happening now with this. temperatures can easily be to $48.00 degrees. that's just crazy. we can't live like that. maybe we've been dealing with noise that i could, i'm trying to escape from the city to the beach or even out of the country. but the heat is not only exhausting. it's also a huge code for risk, especially for elderly people. spain has reports,
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it's more than 20000 feet related. that's in the past 8 years. hot summers have always been part of the live here in southern spain. but extreme temperatures are undoubtedly becoming more frequent. and they show that climate change is not just something that will happen sometime in the future, but it's something happening here and no, many low cuz even fee of that's reveal it may no longer be habitable at some point . and that calling on the local government to take more green spaces. entries show not only provide shades but also cool. the city will not want to come over here. that is like an air conditioner. when hawk hits a, treat, the temperature naturally drops. this is important anywhere in the world, but specially in february, when we have more and more hot div retirement change, mid life and the city a morning, more difficult for him to eat or live, you gotta,
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you gotta go through that forecast and say that the heat wave with slowly subs site at the beginning of next week. but people here fear that these are not the last days of this of next shift asked if apple is helping russia have limited access to information. that's after the break. i'm like looking for me and the rest of the news team here in berlin. thanks for watching and bye for now, the, this video changed the world. it shows us soldiers killing civilians in the rock more often posting. it's julia songs became a wanted man. 14 years nature the we can expound it is fine in the street. the gentlest john doomed traces the stories of a soldier under the volunteer of the attack. they speak to each other for the 1st time in your heart to forgive me. but the follies don't think that i carry any resentment or a grudge in my heart towards


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