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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 20, 2024 4:00pm-4:16pm CEST

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the, the business, the, the news live from berlin authorities in bangladesh and fulls and nationwide kathy and the ami is patrolling the streets of the capital doc on the move comes up to thousands die violence classes with police doing pull tests demonstrate as well as on overhaul all the way governments jobs distribution and it's a day of celebration of love in taishan, depending on who you talk to cyprus, max, $0.50 the mediterranean island will split in between the
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i am eddie micah junior and you are welcome to the program. bangladesh is under a nationwide calf you after we saw protest tend to violent military forces on na patrolling the streets of the capital duyka in a bid to restore. com more about a 100 people had been killed in cautious with police. the interest stopped it after the government re introduced limits on who has access to highly sought after our government's jobs. the security forces fill the streets of dhaka. they've been sent in to restore order. and after weeks of fund dressed, people are being told they can only go out to shop for groceries and the central government is also disrupting internet and mobile services. for a week, students have been protesting against the reintroduction of a quote of system that allocates more than half of government jobs. the women, minorities, and the families are for. but it doesn't matter is common sense that over 50
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percent of the jobs cannot be given a way to quote a holders a normal state cannot be run like this. this the, the protest started out as peaceful and increasingly violent in recent days. when police responded with tear gas sound grenades and probably getting dozens of injuring 1000 protesters have boned vehicles attacked public buildings and storms. the headquarters of the state broadcast though, crushing the program, running 10 minutes show before of the i'm just international phase bundled, they should police have used quote and mostly force against protest to be you know, go and revise. in particular, the shooting of a boost site. the 1st student who was known to be killed can see the 2 officers were, you know, discharging 12 gauge shot contact him. and we assessed the reduced visual
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intelligence and the distance between them was 50 meters. so we got a forensic and i need us to look at the chest tunes on and it was consistent with the bird shots. now we consider the use of bird shot, which is a hunting weapon to be completely inappropriate in the use of policing protests that are also reports a for student wing from the ruling faulty of army league, inciting, violence, an attacking female protested with directed brutality. who seemed to have really targeted the women and girls. so we had women and girls that told us we thought they would spare us that they wouldn't, you know, attack us. but in fact, they seemed to have attacked them with a particular vengeance. launching, you know, punches and kicks of based on the, on their breasts, bucks and stomachs. anger against such attacks is still room. many say the protests won't stop until the government abandons. it's called our system. they're also demanding. it investigates the student's debt that's getting on this from dw report
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to be in this job and it will be this that's just a lot going on. so much violence more than a 100 people killed sofa. tell us more about what's going on. i think what we know that these protests dr. peacefully or when the court reinstated the court system for students a forced air system based off it for testing. but then there was a hot crack down on the split test uh by the police. uh, bye bye uh, rapids action for a 1000 by border guard for students for fight, a fire fight thing the value thing with all of these forces. then there were also reports of assaults by approved student government budget. check that are lead that you fortunately assorted a student's r taco university and all of this track down that the student see a wasp got it out at the behest of the government, a escalated students re evaluated. and then things got really bad. so back, that'd be see that thousands of students injured students were seen in the were
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been to the hospital and then many, many people died right. and there to make them out as well as we also understand is a complete internet shut down. complete internet shut down a complete mobile service. got down a d. as reporters, it's so difficult to cover the story. i've been trying to contact a active journalist in bangladesh. to speak to the for testers, an all of my messages on my, my, what's of messages, there's only one, pick them, my messages are not going to sleep. and i tried to all of them. it's just impossible to speak to somebody if you're trying to access information on bundle, audition news websites. they are shot. so it seems like it's to get the actual truth on the ground. what's happening? it's really, really hard. mm hm. definitely makes things more intense. why is the government's flu test system so contentious because that's what this is all about. that's the hottest the problem. and we can explain to our viewers the court system with the
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help of this graphic. so basically, up in the court, in the court system, 44 percent drop drops are like something's going to play on med, it cut the price of the jobs i developed for the relatives of freedom fighters, 10 percent of jobs out as though for bad people from back but districts 10 percent for women, 5 percent for minorities and one percent is reserved for people with disabilities to be have to understand that what, why this is so mix students for angry. it's because they believe it's unfair. it's this to ministry that 30 percent of the government's really thought out jobs because it's because the government jobs comes with inductive benefits, student wants these jobs and they believe that a locating party bus and a for the families of a freedom fight. this is now the water for independence of was in 1971. when actually the founding father of bangladesh ship, once you put him on,
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introduce this score down to help and facilitate the of a freedom fighters who head bung let this when the water but over the years. now there is a strong believe that it's unfair that many people have 5th, that they are freedom fighters and that was so there's a perception that the government of she a casino and she doesn't have dr. off. she's going to put him on. and it's the of, on the drilling of me, leak that met the, in the movement of for independence. right. so it's a widely believe that difficult the system naturally favors the supporters of the government of shit because the not, and that's why that is this insistence from the, from the government that, that deep this book, this book or the system remains in place. right? so it's an argument of puts us as thinking it's not a fast system, but also bring into light that it, it's the system is being exploited by people and they are not benefiting from it. but it makes this question to why does bangladesh need such a quote system?
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how challenging is the job market? the job market is challenging and yes, lot, this is his for his economic success. it was once a poor country, but under the government of to you cuz we now finding out this has seen tremendous economic success, but things are not that good anymore from the last couple of years. but going to me is struggling. there's huge unemployment if it can also show a graphic to our audiences. i don't 18000000 the young people in bung lot. these are on employed. they're looking for jobs actively looking for jobs, but they've gone fine. so the, my job market is very competitive. and therefore, there is a desire among many, many young graduates to have a safe, secure, a stable government job, which offers many benefits and offers job security. and also this is very frustrating for many students, because when these jobs, um,
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when the students apply for these jobs and there's a very, very, a very less john's of getting these dropped. and there is a tradition, the inverse disposition, that is on the front and back to me. see right now that students are at the moment that difficult, that system is unfair and they should be given a fair john's on a johnson medic apply for the government jobs. right, dw, we've been covering this for a while. tell us how is this playing out online? i d a because there's complete there's, there's the, almost like censorship on the, on the coverage in the local media. a lot of funding. i do see students and people are using social media on many of the videos that we have done in the last couple of days. we have received over 10000 comments from people, and we can share some of the call, right. let's, let's, let's have a look at the 1st common buy stock for johnson, 406, a youtube user. and he says, i'm concerned about my family's 50 students are protesting for the fundamental
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rights. it is disconcerting to see how the government has back to the whole situation and nothing was there said, there's no internet the whole country. i've gone to contact my family. that is a human rights violation. we're on the international human rights activists. and under that user said, the students are shot at in our country, but on that of the government, i feel ashamed to call this country need to land. and i did. these are just some of the comments, right? many of the users are using hash tag, facebook, and i think she's students, most of the cons of the comments fits faced on the other she students. and there's also a solid data at the, in the online community. many people, many strong people and focused on india and expressing salt or data deep. but these twins, we speak on this where people are pending from which part of the country they are and they are with the bundle of issues students. let's see how things on 4th, as of now what we see,
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both sides seemed at them and be seen in the report garcia's invoice. hopefully, there's some negotiation between the 2 parties. and because i see an end of this pretty strong spill in my pride will keep us updated on what happens on the ground being his job. it. thank you. that's it. got some more stories, median headlines around the world, at least 11 people. i bet. and fancy more, i'm missing after a partial bridge collapse in northwest in china. heavy rains and flashed flat in costs. the disaster in china is sean g. providence rescue operations on the way to recover some 20 missing vehicles on the drug authorities in power. guar, i have burned the largest, the shipment of cocaine ever ceased in the country. about 4000 kilograms of the drag were recovered. hidden in she got fox bound for belgium elliott this month. officials estimate the seas drugs to be worth about $240000000.00 us dollars.
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militia has crowned its new king. hundreds of guests attend to the elaborate ceremony billing asking sell town. abraham is gone that will savvy 5 year term. lease states will s take turns us king, part of the unique rotation system which began when my lease, i gain independence from britain in 1957 or not today's the day of celebration or loving taishan inside for us that depends on who you talk to. 50 years ago, tax history was invaded, admitted to an ireland splitting it into texas separately that's in the notes and then not as you'd see. see today's anniversary celebration from the greed speaking majority. then greek cypriots in the south view. the dates as the catastrophe the let to mazda displacement dates 5 30 am and people in nicosia wake up to the sound of sirens mountain,
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exactly 50 years since the start of the turkish invasion, which divided them into 2 reigning island. some who joined the greek cypriot, president at the end veiling of a monument for soldiers killed in the conflict. so many people in the south. 1974, much the beginning of the catastrophe. you must, the law. we're here today as we are every year doing many times as 42 on our all these young man who gave their life for the freedom of our cyprus. yeah. the city and this get through my it's a different picture in the north of the island. may need to just see periods believe the invasion brought them freedom from the greek speaking, the majority and military parade, what stage they have for the territories leaders, enter it as president read ship, the air, the one uses it we still do when we came to the 1974.
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the in the humane attacks, but targeted the existence of attack is cypriots had reached a peak palm, exactly 50 years ago today, the rubbing to catch me that tree took a historic step to rip out the back of it was trying to stop the independence of the turkish cypriot, although the ones you like 151970 for the military, june to not since stage the crew seeking to united cyprus with greece 5 days later took his soldiers, landed on the northern coast, eventually occupying a 3rd of the island. a ceasefire was reached with un peacekeepers controlling the buffer zone, the drums through the island and its capital. 9 years later, the turkish republic on northern cyprus declared independence. but it's only recognized by turkey. while the republic of cyprus in the south became and you member in 2004, despite numerous attempts to unite the island,
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nicosia remains the world's less divided capital. and the backend powers of greece and turkey are also sleep on the way forward. and you are up to date, stay with us. we have more news coming up. the top of the, the, the untold story for details is going to be funded here repos every weekend on d, w, dw, so on 6 on the inside every day, the room caution. i used to work for free time, like all the world we can take the different w call the world unpack.


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